Nov 8, 2020

🙏 ~ 💝 (11:11 Celebrate your freedom) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [✨Message from the Angels: Vote with your Vibration ~ Ann Albers✨] ... |


My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Celebrate your freedom. You don't "vote" every couple of years. Rather, in each and every moment of your existence, you vote with your vibration. You vote for peace or you vote for war. You vote for unity or you vote for divisiveness. You vote for equality, superiority, or inferiority. You vote for health or you vote for disease. You vote for chaos or you vote for order. You vote for love, judgment, or even hatred.

Your words don't cast your cosmic "votes." Your beliefs don't cast your cosmic "votes." Instead it is the energetic vibration that you are emitting that casts your vote in the sea of mass consciousness, and the vote that will ultimately be reflected back to you in your personal experience. You can support a cause with love, or you can fight against something with hate. Your energy, not your action, is what calls a different reality to you.[READ MORE] ... | 

👀 ~ 💗 (Call for Meditation of Strength) Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast: 7th November Election Update 2020 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉The next 4 days is vital. If mass arrest has not happened, something really bad has gone wrong ~ Simon in his last minute speech of this videocast👈] ... SP calls out all CC members and all other people, to support the collective human consciousness in a meditation this evening of Sunday 8th of 2020. According to the CC member letter I received from SP at (SoTW); (excerpts:) "this is a world wide meditation for strength for human consciousness. We are counteracting negative forces who are trying to destabilise and disconnect humanity from its belief systems - founded on the principle that Truth is right and lies are wrong. Your meditation should only be a few minutes long and may be undertaken at any time on what would be Sunday British time. Please be ready to support your coordinators with this valuable action. If in your country you do not have a coordinator, then you may either work individually or as an informal group.. (..).. Thank you for supporting humanity at this time. Lots of Love, Lots of Light, Lots of Strength Simon ❤"... |

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams... 

🤪🐰😷 ~ (You Wouldn't Believe) PEDO-JOE & THE PUSH FOR CIVIL UNREST (TheCrowhouse) ~ | Blogger: As Max Egan calls it out: Kamala (string-a-neger) Harris will run the show - not Creepy Joe - First (male) female and BLM vice president of the US Inc... SoTW - Biden is a pedophile, a deep criminal, suffers from Alzheimer's dementia and has covered up his criminal son, Hunter Biden's laptop, where it appears that Biden senior is totally in the pocket of the Chinese and is involved in pay-for-play schemes and where junior Hunter is seen raping small Chinese children and his niece (Natalie Biden)... Sorry but these are some of the facts... |

🗣️😷✋ ~ (Endtime Madness) Europe Back In Lockdown Mode (Zero Hedge) ~ | Blogger: [👉How will this affect our Children, next generation and HU-manity as a whole?👈 ] ... Flights from Denmark to England are now banned – along with ships sailing direct between the two... Denmark to cull 17 million Mink after Coronavirus Mutation Cluster 5 found in september, now completely gone, and total elimination of 1.000 Minkfarms, 6.000 jobs and families and suppliers based on a "hunch"... Massive protests underway in #Leipzig (Germany) opposing the new #COVID19 lockdown... ‘Looks like the pandemic is over’? Democrats accused of coronavirus duplicity as huge crowds celebrate Biden’s declared victory... Swiss police intervene as anti-Covid protesters disrupt medics march... French Police violently arresting people with no mask in the Metro and Police use pepper spray in scuffles with anti-lockdown protesters in Liverpool... |

As with the first set of lockdowns in the spring, the restrictions meant to curb the renewed spread of Covid-19 in Europe are happening fast and all at once.

Spain and France, where a second wave of infections spread from mid-July, led the way by imposing local lockdowns from early and mid-October, respectively. While France announced a national lockdown to start Friday, Spain’s local solution now includes several major provinces.

Germany is following these cues to lock down the country starting Nov. 2 (opting for the national route), and as Statista's Katharina Buchholz notes, several other European countries followed suit this week - among them Poland, which explicitly does not call its new measures a lockdown while still applying all the hallmark restrictions from restaurant and school closures to cancelling cultural and other events, limiting the number of groups that can meet to five, restricting hotel access and urging people not to travel around the country.

You will find more infographics at Statista

🦹⛓️🏴‍☠️~ (Dødbringende viden og bedraget) Den narcissistiske politiske karrusel: WHO's regionale chef i Europa samstemmer selvfølgelig med den danske stat, som heller ikke, kunne sige, hvorvidt cluster 5-virus fortsat er i Danmark. Forsøget på at »civilisere« masserne har frembragt et samfund, der er domineret af det ydre skin - et showsamfund (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Nu STOPPER det altså, Mette F. og Mogens Jensen! Slagtning af 1,9 mio. ud af 17 mio. usmittede mink og stort set INGEN smittede! Det påvirker hverken nogen ny vaccine og beviseligt, at Cluster 5 findes mere, er dødbringende for danskere eller en ny mutation skabes fra naturen, med mindre I fremstiller én til lejligheden på øen DTU Lindholm👈] ... Som tidligere Projektleder kender jeg alt til Evidensbaseret risikostyring af it-området... Ville mit projekt fortsætte, eller lukke, også ud fra et forsigtighedsprincip, når jeg vidste, at den muterede virus – cluster 5 – var uddød i Danmark, men fortsat havde en risiko for nye varianter?.. Projektet "Corona Corporation of Dirty Tricks" ville få grønt lys til at fortsætte... Hvis risikoen var så lav, men jeg selv stoppede projektet, grundet moral eller etik, ville jeg ikke blot blive lynchet af mit Steering Committee, Stakeholders og Product Owner, men også blive taget af projektet, af min manager... Men ikke hos vores myndigheder - fordi de har en Agenda og jeg vil sige det sådanne - hvis jeg var blandt Minkavlere og andre landmænd, ville jeg gå til Menneskerettighedsdomstolen i Haag, Det Internationale Krigsforbrydertribunal og anmode om, at få "dem" bragt foran en dommer, og hvis skyldig, sendt over til Guantánamo Bay. Ja, undskyld mig, men det her, er ikke længere Corona hysteri, det er ved at være rigtig, rigtig rigtig kriminel... Connie Ringgard har lige bevist, at dansk Institut for menneskerettigheder, arbejder for og er betalt, af Staten og har ikke sagt en lyd endnu om Coronakrisen eller Epidemiloven - så dem kan vi ikke regne med... Nedslagtningen af 17 millioner mink og omkring 5.500 job i fare, som er direkte eller indirekte afhængige af pelsdyrbranchen, og alle de familier, som bliver berørt, sammenlignet med regeringens "Dødbringende viden", at det hele er et hoax, en politisk rævekage, er i min optik, landsforræderi eller landsskadelig virksomhed,... Hertil kommer, at alle af de 589,755 menneskeskæbner, under Region Nordjylland, der består af 11 kommuner og dækker et areal på 7.886 kvadratkilometer, i mere eller mindre omfang, bliver berørt... Fik lige at vide af min mor, som ved mere om "store virusepidemier", end hele Sundhedsstyrelsen, tilsammen, at Nordjyske minkavlere tilbydes krisehjælp, da selvmord, er helt bestemt en bekymring og en mand, var tæt på at gøre det, men blev stoppet af sin familie. Desuden, kan Sygeplejersker fortælle i dag i Politiken, at de oplever, at der bliver drevet rovdrift på dem og regeringen indkalder til endnu et "AflivningsMøde" for Midt- og Vestjylland... Nu må det død-og-pine være nok...Men så længe vi har gigant-virksomheder indenfor den medicinske mafia, W.H.O., som Søren Brostrøm, er blevet en del af, en mørk stat magtelite, samt Crooked Mette-mus og CorruptGeneralFraGræsted eller andre danske Demokrat-venner som SKAMROSER, Creepy Uncle Joe Biden, for ikke at forglemme frimureriet, så kan Hr. og Fru Jensen, intet gøre... TID TIL STATSKUP OG MASSEOPRØR!... |[gallery6872]/0/

Minkformands håb slukket efter pressemøde: 'Der er ikke længere mulighed for at redde erhvervet'


Overblik fra dagens pressemøde

Ritzau har samlet et udpluk af hovedpointer, vi lærte af dagens pressemøde, hvor blandt andre WHO deltog.

De er som følgende:
  • Myndighederne har sat et mål om, at alle mink i Danmark skal slås ned inden mandag den 16. november.
  • Der bliver skruet op for testkapaciteten i Nordjylland, så der kan testes op mod 18.000 om dagen.
  • Fødevareminister Mogens Jensen (S) og erhvervsminister Simon Kollerup (S) skal mødes med de øvrige partier om kompensation til minkavlere mandag.
  • Den muterede virus – cluster 5 – kan være uddød i Danmark, men der vil  men der vil fortsat være risiko for nye varianter.
  • Myndighederne advarer mod falske opkald fra personer, der udgiver sig for at være fra smitteopsporingen. I fupopkaldene vil personerne ud i danskernes hjem og beder i den forbindelse om NemID-oplysninger.
  • Der er også set mutationer i andre lande, herunder Holland, Spanien og Italien. Derfor er internationalt samarbejde og videndeling vigtigt, mener WHO.

😟🕊️💔 ~ (Spiritual Warfare & Burnout) STATEMENT FROM PRESIDENT TRUMP - “We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner.." (Trump) ~ | Blogger: [👉“Do not look at the darkness covering the Light, instead, see the Light coming through the darkness.” ― Aunidan Christi👈] ... The Optical Illusion or 3-D Matrix of Simulation reality, has given SoTW great sadness, feeling the negative energy from Earth's collective consciousness, but at the same time, strong and courageous, to continue fighting for QFS voting and the Sting Operation... Trump has quietly fired three agency heads amid presidential vote count and this is just the beginning... Energies are really molding reality, all illusion is coming to the surface of Light and Truth... The shock and disbelief in regard to the election outcome amongst all spiritual awaken people has been quite profound... Trump once called it a ‘Massive Landslide’ Electoral College victory, that now favourite Joe Biden, Cognitive Distortions that are now, Hijacking our brains... The importance of unity amongst God’s (Divine Source) people is easy to comprehend. However, as much as we appreciate this and strive to unite in faith and service to the Lord, building on the foundation of Unconditional Love, Joy, Peace and Enlightenment, Satan, (mirror of our own darkness) often seeks to weaken this foundation of love, sowing discord to destroy the unity among us... There's no such thing called Blue or Red winnings... We do however need to support the collective human consciousness in order to heal and achieve absolute justice... We also need to meditate and protect the Supreme Court Woman Judge SCOTUS Amy... Do not be discouraged or dismayed by all (Dark Alliance) European leaders, and others, who congratulate Joe Biden - the rise of power by dead people's votes... This "playout" has not reached its conclusion, it is only, at the very beginning... NCSWIC (Nothing Can Stop What is Coming) is not just a catch phrase but required... We need Cobra and the resistance to release Operation Delta Option, Mass Meditation, and Planetary Liberation... Stand Firm and Hold Fast folks!... ~ SoTW... |

“We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don’t want the truth to be exposed. The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process. Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media.

“Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. The American People are entitled to an honest election: that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election. It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principle and wants ballots counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the count room – and then fight in court to block their access.

“So what is Biden hiding? I will not rest until the American People have the honest vote count they deserve and that Democracy demands.”

- President Donald J. Trump


🌎🕳️🐇 ~ (Flat-Earth Hoax) The real conspiracy: Flat earth is a Psyop like the US election (SoTW Archive) ~ | Blogger: 💭OMG! What the🤯Flat earth theory exploding in popularity... 🔎According to Google Trends, google searches for Flat Earth have skyrocketed in 2016, possibly due to a somewhat popular rapper named B.O.B. (aka Bobby Ray Simmons Jr) who tweeted about the issue in 2016... 🙉Other believers are; Danish Ole Lochmann, Psychotherapist, NBA star Shaquille O'Neal. Mark Sargent, expense conferences, seminar, Facebook hangouts etc. etc. - oh my... 💭While I (verdensalt) remain open minded about all things, in my research of Flat Earth I concluded that there was no convincing evidence to support a 2D model... 💪All superpowers who have access to the universe make extensive use of computer-generated imagery (CGI) and other simulators. However, it is used to 'blur' the MIC-SSP Solar Warden Armada, their 2 massive space stations in (LEO), the entrance to The Hollow Earth, The Black Knight satellites, space stations on the dark side of the Moon, the Sun's real appearance (Portal) and of course the extraterrestrial beings spaceships, etc... 🤪My theory is as crazy as Danish Ole Lochmann for most and i do respect that... 🤓At CIA, it is called 'divide and conquer algorithm'. More and more belief systems are emerging, so the CIA creates a lot of stories, one of them is that the Earth is Flat, so the focus moves away from what's important (distraction)... 🦹TheDeepState or Cabal or the Dark Alliance, does not want you and I to wake up. All of this involves focusing on the wrong things in life and extending the awakening process! Have you thought about it?... 🚸Just remember one thing that many people forget, our children know more than we do. Listen to our crystal and indigo children. They know... 🤔If you are still in doubt, check the 'real science', not conventional Pseudoscience, which is sponsored and paid for by the Big Tech for 'controllers' delight: 🌱1. Electrical dipole field -- It requires a round sphere. 🌱2. Toroid Energy Flow - The Torus - Dynamic Flow Process: The Code to the Universe -- A torus which is a space geometric shape resembling of a car tire or a donut form. 🌱3. The Coriolis effect -- The Coriolis effect emerges from Earth's rotation 🌱4. Both NASA and the Russian federal space agency "Roscosmos" have broadcast several 360-degree videos to the public. That the Earth and other planets should be 'flat' - That's a NO GO!!. 🌱5. THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? Verdensalt's point of reference is the movie "Thrive 2011" which really is inspiring in many ways, believe it's the best eye-opener that is made to date... If you're amongst the increasingly population of CIA Psyops 'flaterthers', you'd be stunned ... You be the judge ... |


Mark Twain — 'It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.'

🗣️👩‍⚕️🦠 ~ (True-True) Dr. Elke De Klerk: We do not have a medical pandemic ~ |

🙏😶‍🌫️ ~ (Handlinger siger mere end ord) Dialog med Universet - EP006 - Rettidig omhu (Gaia TV) ~ | Blogger: ... Jeg har selv snakket med trancemedium Dennis Søndergaard på én Krop-Sind-Ånd Helsemesse og været til et enkelt fysisk session med Mesteren, Niham... Har også forsøgt, at få min 50 års erfarne alternativbehandler holistisk naturlæge, Louis, på Gaia TV DK, uden held. Faktisk svarede Dennis Søndergaard overhoved ikke på min forespørgsel... På denne blog,, har jeg den opfattelse, den viden man får, skabes bedst, ved at opleve og aktivere ens, fem sanser.. Man kan ikke sidde og spinne historier eller konspirationer eller hvad ens energi fokusere på, ud af den blå luft... Derfor, bestræber jeg altid, at have mit højere selv med mig eller kommunikere med andre, som har mere viden, end mig selv... Tror jeg på Dennis Søndergaards følgesvend, Niham, eller er det bare svindel, et show, hentet fra Dennis Søndergaards egen underbevidsthed - jeg ved det ikke. Men, mange ting som kommer fra Niham, resonere med min egen erfaring og højere selv og mine guider... |

❌😵‍💫 ~ (Reptilian Overlord) ”Godfather” & ”capo di tutti capi”: Your time is up! This is Kennedy's Last Stand and Nostradamus, predictions for 2020 USA elections suggesting a win for Donald Trump (SoTW Archive Nov 4th 2020) ~ | Blogger: Was "Amtrak Joe" already pre-identified as a future President even if "The Donald" himself was destined to sit 4 more years as U.S. President? Could Trump's brand new United States Space Force (USSF) destroy?... In 1980, at the start of the CIA (Secret Space Program) called 'Mars Jump Room' project, (Project Pegasus - 1969-72) Basiago, claims that from 1980 to 1984, he was recruited into a second CIA-led project that involved the use of teleportation technology for travel to Mars. These “Jump Rooms” led to him and others traveling to the Red Planet on multiple occasions witnessing indigenous life on Mars, as well as secret bases there. So, Barack Obama was not only aware of his Presidency when we were being trained in 1980, when he was 19 years old – and just turned 19 in August of ’80 – but when we were rooming together briefly, a couple of days – at the College of the Siskiyous. He was reading briefing documents that they were giving him to groom him for the Presidency. Basiago is not alone in claiming that Obama was groomed by the CIA to become a future President. Investigative reporter Wayne Madsen was the first to make such a claim in August 2010 in a three part series of articles. He followed this up in a 2012 book titled, Manufacturing a President: The CIA’s Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White House... |

"Each time a person stands up for an idea, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, s/he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." — Robert F. Kennedy.

🌬️🛸👾~ (UFO SSP Cover-Up) Video – Kennedy’s Last Stand: JFK Assassination Uncensored (Dr. Michael Salla ~ | Blogger: Btw, today is November 8th, 2020...Kennedy narrowly defeats Nixon, Nov. 8, 1960 and Hitler, survives assassination attempt, during November 8, 1939, on the 16th anniversary of Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch, a bomb explodes just after Hitler has finished giving a speech...PS: Yes Dr. Salla you are partly right -- the National Archives released its last batch of more than 19,000 records in 2017. But an undisclosed amount of material remains under wraps because Trump said the potential harm to U.S. national security, law enforcement or foreign affairs is "of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in immediate disclosure. He ordered the CIA and other agencies to take yet another look at each blacked-out section of their documents during the next three years to see what more can be released."... |


After winning the 1960 Presidential election, Kennedy learned a shocking truth from President Eisenhower. The control group set up to run highly classified projects involving captured Nazi flying saucers and extraterrestrial technologies, the Majestic-12 Group, had become a rogue government agency. Eisenhower warned Kennedy that MJ-12 had to be reined in. It posed a direct threat to American liberties and democratic processes. MJ-12 opposed Kennedy’s efforts at every turn. When Kennedy was on the verge of succeeding, by forcing the CIA to share classified UFO information with other government agencies due to an agreement with the Soviet Union on joint lunar missions reached on November 12, 1963, he was assassinated ten days later. [READ MORE]