Free Guy: Charlie Ward is back on 'Insider Club 10th of June.' After positive statement from Wolverine, which SoTW want to see with my own eyes before I believe it, Charlie goes on saying; there's many distractions going on like, Boris Johnson resigns as MP and leaving politics. Trump has been indicted (again) for the 112 time. Fires and smoke in New York. Train derailments. Fires at food factories. You can't make this stuff up, he says. If something looks like shit and smells like shit it's properly shit. We will start to see the arrests in the public domain that happened in the last 2-3 years ago. Expect, they will turn the heat on Mel Gibson, making 4-Part docuseries exposing global child sex trafficking market. I can't report more because I cant's undertand what Charlie says. He's voice is very bad like dysarthria (slurred speech)... |
Jun 10, 2023
🌌💫✨ ('24 hours of increased amount of incoming Cosmic Radiation.') Alicia: Energy Update June 10, 2023 ~ |
By Alicia (Carta Astral 222)
I chose this image because while I was sleeping I saw a tree on a mountain top and heard a voice saying to me, “Like the tree that stands firm, without being bent by what happens around it, it keeps growing to the heights letting everything be put in order.” Then I watched Light begin to descend through the tree and it would light up all the way to the roots.
You may be feeling a lot of activity in the Crown Chakra and different sensations in the brain (tingling, pressure, burning, pain, I personally feel it as “fire” because it’s not exactly burning), a stronger heart beat that is not like the reaction caused by Geomagnetic Storms (palpitations, accelerated heartbeat, double heart beat), is just a stronger heartbeat or with more resonance.
Partial chills, or “goosebumps” on the thighs and arms are also a very common sensation, as is physical fatigue as if you’d had worked out a lot.
👼 ~ 💗 ('Powerful solar events of Summer 2023: Solstice, 777 Gateway, 88 Lionsgate.') Meg Benedicte : Solstice - 777 Gateway Magic ~ June 10, 2023 ~ |
Now that June has arrived, we are moving into the annual Solstice alignment with the massive vortex located at 27° Sagittarius at the galactic center. The June Solstice in the northern hemisphere is the longest day of Light – the day of the year that fully illuminates ‘Heaven on Earth’. During our monthly Gateway Activations, we are forging a direct pathway to Source Force energy!
Gemini represents the two sides of dualism. Instead of engaging in the opposing forces of duality in the Hierarchy, we are shifting into the New Earth field of harmony. In a couple weeks the Solstice aligns in exact zero point position with the galactic center, launching the powerful solar events of Summer 2023 – Solstice, 777 Gateway, 88 Lionsgate.
When you expand and blend in harmony with the field of order at zero point, the atoms in your body begin to rearrange themselves into more coherent order. You are transmuting the atomic structure of 3D codes of separation into crystalline Soul codes of divine expression.
👁️⃤𓂀🙇👿 (Gud fordømme den satanistiske tro som er blevet mere socialt tolereret end nogen anden religion) Indrømmer gerne. Jeg er, eller mere, var, en gamer, men lider ikke af spilleafhængighed eller bliver hjernevasket. Forsøgte mig engang med Diablo, da det udkom for første gang i 1997, uden at vide, hvad jeg har, tilbedt. Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, er endnu et spil med dæmoniske undertoner, som, så mange andre. Jo mere gys og satanisme, jo bedre, for alle disse, spiludgivere. Jeg skal passe meget på hvad jeg siger nu, fordi, Dannevang, er blevet undfanget og infiltreret af falske jøder, som, 'zionister i forklædning', for over 300 år siden, der gav os, frimureriet. Men rent faktisk, stammer frimureriets ritualer og symbolik, fra Egyptens mysterieskoler og tempelceremonier ~ 10. Juni 2023 ~ |
Erdoğans danskerliste | Weekendavisen
Kvinders Livsstil -magasinabonnementer ( Artikel Fire hurtige om kultur - SØNDAG ( |
En dronning skal dannes – men hvordan? | Kristeligt Dagblad ( The ‘Committee of 300’: Complete List of Members - Stillness in the Storm CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 Dr. John Coleman
Satanic Ritual Performed by Red Cloaked People During G7 Summit in Cornwall? ( |
The Vigilant Citizen - Symbols Rule the World |