Nov 16, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Very, Very rare - The newly elected US president Donald Trump talks Wednesday (european time) with The Prime Minister of Denmark Lars Løkke Rasmussen who is the head of government in the Kingdom of Denmark.. The Royal Danish 'Ministry' has - in common with all other parties in parliament - made it a 'no secret' that they preferred Hillary Clinton as Barack Obama's successor. But there is also broad consensus that Denmark should continue to cooperate closely with the United States... All we know is that Denmark is owned by US Investment Companies within the subgroup members of Danish Management Society (VL-grupperne), Danish growth capital (foreign investment banks), Rothschild Banking Cartel (Goldman Sachs), EU elite frontrunners, Petro-dollar Energy Consortium and the Military & Medical-industrial complex? Trump are owned by gnostic Illuminati Rockefeller elite faction. Will Mr. Trump tell Mr. Ramussen to stand fast!, keep the wheels turning in the rigged money laundering Danish mortgage system and sent more beautiful blonde MILF overseas and we in return, gets the deportation of 3 million illegal immigrants? - OR - Will Mr Trump just explan Mr. Ramussen that your game is up! STOP supporting UNITED STATES INC. STOP the danish airstrikes of civilian syrians and be prepare to implement NESARA?... May The 'Trump' Power Be With You... Former President of the UN General Assembly and danish politican, Mogens Lykketoft, told PM Lars Løkke Rasmussen he was »a little hustler«... That name suits you just fine Mr. Rasmussen.. )

Donald Trump ringer til Lars Løkke Rasmussen. Foto: JIM WATSON / Scanpix Denmark

ECETI Australia makes the news in the U.K. - video link with UFO sighting (Blogger: Did some sky watching myself at Mt. Shasta 2015 conference with James Gilliard and lots of other people... Amazing.. We observe over 25 UFO's in 2 hours time..)


BIZARRE VIDEO: UFO filmed after being summoned by group who claim to 'contact aliens'

SHOCKING claims that people can summon aliens in UFOs have been claimed after a group filmed a strange object in the sky just moments after trying to make contact with aliens.
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Published on Oct 29, 2016 
UFOs over Melbourne ECETI Aus Sky Watch October 29th 2016 For more go to

PUTIN ISSUES INTERNATIONAL ARREST WARRANT FOR GEORGE SOROS … DEAD OR ALIVE ("..Putin banned Soros from Russia last year due to the fact that Soros helped to nearly destroy the Russian economy in the early 1990’s... Matt Taibbi of the Rolling Stone said of Goldman Sachs six years ago: “The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it’s everywhere. The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money. “In fact, the history of the recent financial crisis, which doubles as a history of the rapid decline and fall of the suddenly swindled dry American empire, reads like a Who’s Who of Goldman Sachs graduates.” Obviously Soros wants to be like Goldman Sachs. Phil Butler puts it well when he says: “George Soros has a finger in every political pie there is. If there is a crisis on our world, it’s a safe bet he’s had a hand in it.”..")

Russia has officially declared that Billionaire George Soros is a wanted man in their country, citing him and his organizations as a “threat to Russian national security”.

Putin banned Soros from Russia last year due to the fact that Soros helped to nearly destroy the Russian economy in the early 1990’s.

Matt Taibbi of the Rolling Stone said of Goldman Sachs six years ago:

“The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it’s everywhere. The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.

“In fact, the history of the recent financial crisis, which doubles as a history of the rapid decline and fall of the suddenly swindled dry American empire, reads like a Who’s Who of Goldman Sachs graduates.”

Obviously Soros wants to be like Goldman Sachs. Phil Butler puts it well when he says: “George Soros has a finger in every political pie there is. If there is a crisis on our world, it’s a safe bet he’s had a hand in it.”

One can say that Soros and Goldman Sachs are ideologically part of the same brotherhood. Their strategy is a little different, but the end result is the destruction of lives via the economic system (be it capitalism or socialism) and political manipulation.

That’s why Soros seems to think that he is invincible. He thinks he can move the political and economic planet in a few blinks of an eye and no one can tell him to stop. In fact, he writes books such as The Alchemy of Finance. Soros thinks he can kill political stability throughout Europe and indeed in America with no challenge.

Soros is certainly old, but he doesn’t want to be obsolete. His organization has recently been caught conducting covert operations designed to destabilize Russia. Here is an interesting quote from the leaked files of Soros’ Open Society Foundation:

“Our inclination is to engage in activities and with actors that will understand and counter Russian support to movements defending traditional values…Naming and shaming from us is problematic: we are also in the business of channeling money into other countries for political purposes.”

VIGTIGT TROLDE NYT - Danmarkskanon

Kære Troldehær,

 TIl alle jer, der ikke har fået stemt til Bertel Bims’ Danmarkskanon; Intet er så skidt at det ikke er godt for noget. Jeg kan gøre jer rige. Det viser sig nu, at min via bettingsiden NordicBet kan spille på hvilke værdier der kommer med i Danmarkskanonen. Derfor foreslår jeg, at vi alle bliver rige ved, at alle trolde først går ind og sætter hvad de lyster på værdien "Danmark i Verden" på og dernæst stemmer på den på Husk hvis du allerede har stemt på et device, kan du bare stemme på et andet. 

Så skal dødsstødets sættes ind på Bertel Bims’ håbløse danskhedskanon, hvor han i ramme alvor vil lave en liste over særligt danske værdier og begreber. Jeg har i samarbejde med Oberst Viking lavet en liste over ti af de mest håbløse emner på listen, som vi gerne ser stemt ind. Efter denne aktion burde Danmarkskanonens dødsrallen indtræffe og snarligt efter rigor mortis. God kamp.

Så kom den gamle nisse (risengrød, husker du nok) frem igen med sin danmarkskanon. Efter sigende har et ekspertudvalg samlet de mange besvarelser i de nu 20 punkter, man kan vælge inde på hjemmesiden, men hvor meget har de så luget ud i det… Sagen er den, at vi har magten General Birgit! Vi har nu én gang pulveriseret den kanon og nu skal lansen begraves dybt i brystet på Bertel Haarder og den stupide kanon, der i bund og grund bare er et forkrampet forsøg på at fortælle befolkningen, at det jo bare kan slappe af selvom det hele er ved at ramle sammen omkring ørerne på os.

Nå men jeg lovede at være kortfattet, så som vi snakkede om i telefonen skal vi stemme på følgende ”samfundsværdier” – Og man kan afkrydse dem alle, så troldene skal bare vælge alle 10:

Afstemningen foregår her: og man klikker bare på det lille hjerte ud for den samfundsværdi, man gerne vil stemme på.

·         Håndværk – Ja, dansk håndværk er særligt dansk, surprise, surprise….
·         Medmenneskelighed – Vi bryster os af medmenneskelighed med den ene hånd og bomber med den anden. Se det er særligt dansk.
·         Frisind – Fordomsfri og tolerante, tja. Alle mennesker skal have ret til at bestemme over eget liv… Men er det nu også der, vi er på vej hen?
·         Plads til forskellighed – Har vi fået mere plads til forskellighed? Tja måske når det kommer til de rige direktører, der er forskellige fra folket. Han skal jo have sine penge og gyldne håndtryk.
·         Frihed – HA! Sauron Pind har da vist snart fået dette afviklet totalt.
·         Danmark i verden – Danmark har da i hvert fald fået fortalt, at vi gerne deltager aktivt i krigene for at mase ned over andre, at de skal leve som os.
·         Andelstanken – Med det vedvarende udsalg af folkets andele i vores infrastruktur, er det vist kun drømmen om andelstanken, der er tilbage.
·         Hygge – Kig på ovenstående punkter og så gå hjem foran flimmerkassen til en omgang bagedyst og X-faktor, ja det er sandelig hyggeligt.
·         Det danske sprog – Det udvandede danske sprog, som er forsimplet i en sådan grad, at vi konstant må låne fra det engelske for at kunne udtrykke os præcist. Det skal vi da have med i en kanon.
·         Lighed for loven – Dette behøver vi vist ikke engang at kommentere. Det er jo bare en stor joke!

Det var ordene. Lad troldene rase!

Din altid kampklare oberst Viking!

 Så er julen reddet!

 Din General.

Must-see: Australian 60 Minutes exposed the Worldwide Satanic Pedophile Network | Veterans Today (VIDEO)

By Preston James, Ph.D on November 13, 2016
[ Note: This article is based on police investigatory reports… personal documented testimony of enraged policemen and women. The story itself has major credibility; and the facts presented here have been corroborated by hundreds of investigators, LE and private in the USA, UK and other nations. PJ]
Australian 60 Minutes published a story that 60 Minutes (America) would never dare touch. In America and the UK, the Pedophile Network controls high ranking Pedophile politicians, the Major Mass Media, FBI, the CIA and top Law Enforcement.

Case in point, Tony Blair with his good friend, serial 
child molester Jimmy Savile
Case in point, Tony Blair with his good friend, serial child molester Jimmy Savile
This has made it almost impossible to get the truth out to the populace about the presence and penetration of this worldwide Satanic Pedophile Network.

Those editors of the major mass media and elected or appointed officials that are not part of it or compromised by it realize that to try and expose it results in an immediate loss of their job, their retirement, and they will be blacklisted and perhaps even have their lives threatened.

Notwithstanding all these strong suppression forces in the past, not only was the CIA’s Franklin Credit Union pedophile scandal exposed by the Washington Times, but the finders scandal was exposed by US News and World Report.

And, despite those highly public exposures, the Major Mass Media failed to promote those important stories; and the stories died out, with no corrective actions by federal LE, which we now know is dirty to the core, because its own leaders are fully compromised by this Pedophile Network.

Chris Hedges: Defying the Politics of Fear | Philadelphia Jill Stein Rally

 Published on Nov 8, 2016
Video credit: Bert Schultz and Cominsane Press
Chris Hedges gave this talk on Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016, at a rally in Philadelphia for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and her running mate, Ajamu Baraka.


Defying the Politics of Fear  

Posted on Nov 6, 2016

Chris Hedges gave this talk Saturday evening at a rally in Philadelphia for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and her running mate, Ajamu Baraka. Watch Hedges’ full speech on our YouTube channel.
No social or revolutionary movement succeeds without a core of people who will not betray their vision and their principles. They are the building blocks of social change. They are our only hope for a viable socialism. They are willing to spend their lives as political outcasts. They are willing to endure repression. They will not sell out the oppressed and the poor. They know that you stand with all of the oppressed—people of color in our prisons and marginal communities, the poor, unemployed workers, our LGBT community, undocumented workers, the mentally ill and the Palestinians, Iraqis and Afghans whom we terrorize and murder—or you stand with none of the oppressed. They know when you fight for the oppressed you get treated like the oppressed. They know this is the cost of the moral life, a life that is not abandoned even if means you are destined to spend generations wandering in the wilderness, even if you are destined to fail.

I was in East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Romania in 1989 during the revolutions, or in the case of Romania an interparty putsch. These revolutions were spontaneous outbursts by an enraged population that had had enough of communist repression, mismanagement and corruption. No one, from the dissidents themselves to the ruling communist parties, anticipated these revolts. They erupted, as all revolutions do, from tinder that had been waiting years for a spark.

These revolutions were led by a handful of dissidents who until the fall of 1989 were marginal and dismissed by the state as inconsequential until it was too late. The state periodically sent state security to harass them. It often ignored them. I am not even sure you could call these dissidents an opposition. They were profoundly isolated within their own societies. The state media denied them a voice. They had no legal status and were locked out of the political system. They were blacklisted. They struggled to make a living. But when the breaking point in Eastern Europe came, when the ruling communist ideology lost all credibility, there was no question in the minds of the public about whom they could trust. The demonstrators that poured into the streets of East Berlin and Prague were aware of who would sell them out and who would not. They trusted those, such as Václav Havel, who had dedicated their lives to fighting for open society, those who had been willing to be condemned as nonpersons and go to jail for their defiance.

Our only chance to overthrow corporate power comes from those who will not surrender to it, who will hold fast to the causes of the oppressed no matter what the price, who are willing to be dismissed and reviled by a bankrupt liberal establishment, who have found within themselves the courage to say no, to refuse to cooperate. The most important issue in this election does not revolve around the personal traits of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. It revolves around the destructive dynamic of unfettered and unregulated global capitalism, the crimes of imperialism and the security and surveillance apparatus. These forces are where real power lies. Trump and Clinton will do nothing to restrict them.

Health Ranger introduces lab-verified 100 percent authentic hemp extract with CBD (Blogger: Mike Adams fra Health Ranger har nogen fantastiske produkter. Told/skat tager ikke længere stikprøver, 99 procent af pakker fra USA via Nethandel bliver taget. Enten skal man vente i umenneskelig langt tid for at Told henvender sig til den danske køber og så er told og importgebyr (fortoldningsgebyr) af varen total latterlig høj. Bestilling af hamp ekstrakt med CBD kræver sikkert fængselsstraf i Danmark. Ifølge den danske lov er hash eller cannabis omfattet af reglerne om narkotika og er derfor ulovligt at købe, sælge eller have på sig. Det er kun lovligt at have på sig, hvis der er tale om medicin med cannabis ordineret via recept af din læge.. Især hvis politiet kan bevise at olien indeholder det narkotiske stof THC...)
Mike AdamsHealth Ranger introduces lab-verified 100 percent authentic hemp extract with CBD
Natural News Insider ( ) - please forward
Hemp Extract

After eight months of laboratory method development and product testing, today I'm announcing the first 100 percent authentic, full spectrum cannabinoid hemp extract that meets my strict requirements for scientific analysis and molecular authentication.

Native Hemp Solutions is a new brand, jointly developed with EnerHealth and CWC Labs (my science lab), and its analysis is based on a breakthrough new mass spec analysis method that I pioneered over the last eight months.

Because there's a lot of counterfeit CBD in the industry today -- and wildly inaccurate label claims all over the place -- the importance of establishing a trusted, scientifically valid brand simply can't be overstated. Now you have a hemp extract with natural cannabinoids that you can trust to be honest and accurate.

The new method, based on LC-MS-TOF analysis, took me over eight months to develop with my team at CWC Labs. It is now, by far, the most advance hemp analysis method in the scientific community, capable of orders of magnitude greater sensitivity, accuracy and reproducibility compared to traditional analysis methods used by other labs.

It simultaneously measures the concentration of individual cannabinoids (CBD, CBD-A, CBG, CGN, etc.) while also confirming the molecular authenticity of each one. This "molecular identity" confirmation is achieved through advanced mass spec analysis methods that include accurate mass, ion fragmentation and isotopic spread analysis, none of which are achievable via traditional HPLC analysis used by most hemp industry labs.

Must-see: DR DOX - Dokumania: Bag om den internationale våbenhandel (Blogger: Denne film handler ikke kun om den internationale våbenhandel men især omkring hvordan magteliten opererer. Bush der bliver Blairs der bliver Foghs eftermæle og den næste i rækken af korrupte politikere... RT (Russia Today) har i flere artikler vist at kapitalistklassens profit og magt udøves via supermagtens militær-industrielle kompleks som prioriteres over yemenitiske liv. Selv efter adskellige stærke protester fra det engelske parlamentariske udvalg samt menneskerettighedsgrupper til at indstille sine multimilliard-dollar militære eksport, NÆGTER den britiske regering at stoppe våbensalg til Saudi-Arabien i anno 2016... )
Dansk/amerikansk dokumentar fra 2016
Ny dansk dokumentarfilm afslører virkeligheden bag den globale våbenhandel - en branche, som tæller sin profit i milliarder og sine tab i menneskeliv. Gennem interviews med whistleblowers, efterforskere, anklagere samt insidere fra både militæret og militærindustrien, viser filmen hvordan våbenhandlen, med vores politiske ledere som villige mellemmænd, er drivkraften bag krig.

Varighed:1 time 20 minutter
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Produktion:AMERIKA, 2016
Folk samles på stedet af en Saudi-ledet luftangreb i det Røde Hav havnebyen Hodeidah, Yemen 22. september 2016. © Abduljabbar Zeyad / Reuters

Altinget: Etisk Råd siger god for GMO. Et splittet Etisk Råd siger nu god for anvendelsen af genmodificering i fødevareproduktionen, men flere medlemmer blandt andre Signild Vallgårda, understreger, at hun dog ikke mener, at alt GMO er godt!!!! (Blogger: Dette fænomen kaldes 'kognitiv dissonans'.... Et total forvirret desillusioneret stadie. På den ene side, skal det Etiske Råd's ageren partner og i samspil med fødevareindustriens krav om at tillade GMO i fødevarer samt det store geopolitiske spil om et amerikansk pres for at få EU til at droppe strenge GMO-regler. På den anden side, foregår der en indre kamp, social benægtelse og isolation der udkæmpes på hvad der er godt for os mennesker. Det Etiske Råd er udpeget og beskikket af 'systemet'. ALLE medlemmer er et 'politisk arrangeret ægteskab' af journalister, professorer, konsulenter, læger, sognepræster udpeget af hele det politiske system. Samtlige medlemmer er udpeget af enten Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet, Sundheds- og Ældreministeriet (Den medicinalindustrielt kompleks) samt Erhvervs- og Vækstministeriet...)

Et flertal i Etisk Råd siger god for GMO. Alligevel anbefaler rådet, at fødevarer fra svin eller andre dyr, der har fået GMO-foder, fremover mærkes. (Foto: Niels Ahlmann Olesen/Scanpix)
Af |

Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki - 16. November 2016 ("..Go within. Envision a wide river of energy streaming down from the Heavens, encompassing everything and filling all with a vibrant, heavenly glow. Watch as these energies alter everything. Let the world take these energies and intensify them. Let these magnificent energies begin to swiftly crumble the old, planting in all a new system of heavenly beliefs. See how life energies morph into a beautiful purple that soon increases Gaia’s base vibrations and turns them into the most breath-taking shade of deep purple. Out of this glow, the world accepts the ways that all hatred is to transform quickly into Love, Unity and Prosperity! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!..")

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.
Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer

We wish to thank you for your positive visions. You have allowed this surface realm to enter a period of adjustment that is required before the republic is formally declared. This coming time is one when many of you can continue to process the changes that shortly are to manifest across this globe.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 
Symbol For The Sirian Star System

8 Muluc, 12 Xul, 13 Caban
Dratzo! We come with good news about the oddities and wonders of this past week. The American elections were merely the last gasp of the old but still functioning USA, Inc. The results were an indication of just how ready America is for a new reality, the NESARA Republic. Financial institutions are gradually to be jumpstarted with the introduction of new, colorful US Treasury notes. These are to be gold-backed and to signify the formal collapse of the illegal Federal Reserve. This new governance is being established to end an old system that months ago began its final plunge into obscurity. The new Republic is to bring you an international jubilee that is to remove all debt and give you the freedom and control to start anew. In this new reality, you are to flourish and be empowered to use your prosperity to achieve your passion. This reality shift is to provide the necessary oversight to ensure that those who controlled you are to be truly isolated from you. These approaching times are to be a period when you reconnect with your spiritual and space families. The old fears and doubts within you are to swiftly fade away!

It is vital that you come to realize the abilities that you now possess. An endless flow of monies is to permit you to end global poverty and, with it, bring to an end to economic problems that have led to hatred and divisions exploited for millennia by the Anunnaki’s minions. In this new realm, you are destined to flourish. The old perceptions that you long harbored are to vanish. You are to have a global forum that is to banish your unnecessary fears and permit peace and cooperation to become your new international norms. This time is also to free the Ascended Masters to teach you many things about your old reality, which is to be transformed into the prequel to your final transformation into Galactic Humans. As we have mentioned before, this complex operation requires, first, the arrival of our mentors and second, your travel to Agartha. It is here that your individualized Crystal Light Chambers are kept. At that time, we intend to welcome you into the realms of all Galactic Humans. Then, in the wondrous ways of divine service, you are to learn how Heaven uses us to make any reality so much better for all involved.

Journey Into the Resistance Movement (Blogger: Great news from our positive benevolent resistance movement. First time i've heard sought a detail level of info from COBRA and light forces. Going to the dark forces, if you're up to speed on the unimaginable secret underground bases and facilities (Area 51, Nevada Dulce base, Salt Lake City, Denver etc.) and technological innovation appearing a hundred yards ahead of time controlled by USAF, SSP, DoD, you know it's true. Even China, Russia and India have a similar setup. We can also confirm from Daily Sheeple that The elite are building a massive underground city being referred to as a “luxury community” outside Dallas, Texas called “Trident Lakes”...)


by Colaborama

The main body of the Resistance Movement came to Earth from Planet X with the aid of teleportation chambers in December 1999. They have settled down in underground bases that were emptied before in severe battles between the Dark Forces and the remnants of Agartha Kingdom and the so called Organization. The Organization was a forerunner for the Resistance Movement and was a leading resisting force against the dark ones throughout the human history. Between 1975 and 1999 they had their main command center about one thousand feet below the underground railway system of New York. When the weakened forces of the Organization were refreshed with members of the Resistance Movement they renewed together many underground dwellings and moved their main command center to a new location.

Now the Resistance Movement has most of its locations under bigger surface cities between 100 feet and 8.6 miles underground. Most locations are between 150 and 1500 feet underground. All their locations are sealed hermetically and isolated from surface influences, such as viruses, dust, polluted air, micro/nanochips… The dwellings are constructed in a specific way to avoid undeground structures which were built by the surface civillization for its needs, such as electric installations, water supply systems, underground railway, mining tunnels, military installations, drinking water reservoirs, oil pipelines and drillings, scientific laboratories, installations and drillings…Some most important Resistance Movement centres are located under following cities: New York, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, London, Munich and Ljubljana (in Slovenia). Locations that are close to the surface are sometimes lit by sunlight which is directed there with a special mirroring system. Locations that are in greater depths are lit with a soft dispersed light being emitted from free energy light chambers. Those dwellings are thermally insulated since surrounding rock has a pretty high temperature when more than few miles underground.

The Resistance Movement consists of three concentric circles. The inner circle has few dozen members which are leaders of the Resistance Movement. Only those with extraordinary skills and talents and those that are willing to accept great responsibilities can qualify for those positions. The middle circle consists of hundreds thousands of members with special gifts for planning, organization, technology research and development, psychology, medicine, healing, spirituality, creativity, art, music…The outer circle are army forces. They are not soldiers as we know them on the surface but experienced interplanetary fighters who do not fight only with blind force but have reached a high level of spiritual development also. Their purpose is to liberate the surface of Earth from the Dark Forces and to assist humanity in building a new civillization.