Aug 3, 2024

🙏 ~ 💝 (The Soulless Creatures Seeking Children's Blood Vitality Lifeforce) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Aug 3, 2024 ~ |

Editor's Note: Some of the things TBI talks about; Book of Jasher. The "Blood Countess." (Elizabeth Báthory). Vampirism. Adrenochrome from Children. Cannibalism. (Queen Victoria and Hemophilia). Blood transfusions secret to eternal youth. (Kate Middleton and Royal Blood Rituals described by Prince Harry in his memoir “Spare”). The Dark Virality of Hollywood; Monsters, Inc. Hocus Pocus 2. The Simpsons. South Park. Doctor Sleep. etc. etc. etc... | 

👁️⃤𓂀👑💟🦨 (Kongehuset Med Sin Pynt) Man bider ikke den hånd der fodrer én: Aldrig før, har Kongehusparret solgt så mange pavelige publikumsbilletter til den "sugarcoated" danske presse samt "Die Dumme Dänen" (folket), der sluger det råt for usødet, som slik på en snor ~ 3. August 2024 ~|

SoTW - Det har Mary og Kate til fælles - 'Kate Middleton is great – but she shouldn't be sunbathing in the nude 
Kate Middleton set to ‘step back from public life again indefinitely’, says Palace insider

I stedet for at falde i svime over hvor meget du elsker 'Kongehuset og Kendisser' og river dig selv i håret over hvor meget du hader 'Republikanere og Rabbithole' ~ SoTW

Det er forfærdeligt, at SoTW løber med en halv vind. Det hele er ikke en sammensværgelse. Sikken en konspirationstosse og professionel idiot. Vi ser på verdens mest elskelige og dybt respekterede danske og engelske kongefamilier 

Editor's Note
: Hvorfor er der ingen af de bukkende politikere, skrabende journalister, og fedtende kendis-venner, der fortæller Kongehuset, at den er helt gal. Nååå, så du mener det er SoTW, som er ånds-svag (altså mangler en sjæleforståelse eller ikke mestre menneskets 'højere' tænkning?) For ser du, hvis vi anfægter troværdigheden og om Dannevang har brug for Kongehuset, anklages vi for at være fordømmende, illoyale, uden fædrelandskærlighed og borgerdyd. Husk lige på, har man psykopatiske karaktertræk, og det har mange af disse (DDFO/DDFL) lav-medlemmer, politikere og eliten, vil man ikke angre sine handlinger, selvom de har forvoldt smerte og angst hos andre. Man kan heller ikke snakke fornuft med manipulerende narcissister. Gaslighting er en form for psykisk mishandling som bruges for at indgyde en så ekstrem følelse af uro, frygt, tvivl og forvirring i dig som offer, så du til sidst ikke stoler på din egen virkelighed, intuition eller hukommelse... |

Eksklusiv video: En dag bliver han konge men... (masser af fest og farver og fuck-finger. Tattooer, mason-symbolik druk og lir, hos Kronprins Christian og hans venner - ahhh det er helt normalt)
SoTW: ja venner hun døde før 2022 da Trump og Co., overtog og lukkede Buckingham Palace

🛸😮‍💨 (Balloon, Baloney or Blue Beam?) WATCH ‘clearest UFO video in history’ filmed in Brazil. Already censored on X and EU-wide ban on Russia Today (RT). Watch it before YT G. Gestapo takes it down ~ Aug 3, 2024 ~ |



Editor's Note: you know, ending the secrecy surrounding the UFO/ET subject, is a laudable goal. It is long overdue. It would transform the world in ways both simple and profound. However, the last thing HUmanity will be presented to, is the existence of The Secret Space Program (SSP). Why? Because SSP is so vast and advanced it will topple Star Trek and Star Wars' space-based franchises. It's still 'unfathomable alien intelligence' denial. Buuutt, the truth is, Earthlings, has got visitations, abductions and DNA-alterations by (Aliens) ET's some 450.000 years ago (since the arrival of Anunnakis). And more than a century ago, we'll learn about the Vril Society, an occult Nazi group that have existed in pre-World War II Germany. Inspired by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, an English politician and writer, released the occult-tinged novel The Coming Race in 1871. And "Solar Warden" - a secret space program that has been in operation for forty years (and much, much much more)... |

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🌍🤝(Fulford Friday Q&A Video Aug 2 2024) BF summarizes: End of Israel (and Judea). Unification of the Korean Peninsula. Presidency of Trump. Ukraine peace deal with Gnostic Illuminati. China to rebuild America's infrastructure. Final Collapse in Autumn? (two competing timelines) ~ Aug 3, 2024 ~ |


 Benjamin Fulford Update Today Aug 2, 2024 - Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video

🕴️🎥🏆 (And the Oscar Goes To... ) The Un-Vaxxed: The updated NZ Flu PLanDemic Plan. Nasal Swabbing in Multiple U.S. Airports. Die Welt ("The World") "designed to promote Zionism" - Judenblatt (Jew-paper) - declaring Un-vaxxed Winners ~ Aug 3, 2024 ~ |

Germany's MSM Welt - unvaccinated are the winners (all truthers are sharing this piece) 
SoTW - New Zealand Pandemic Plan: A framework for action
Why We All Must Plan for Another Pandemic ~ August 2, 2024

Editor's Note: (Video) Germany's MSM Welt just declared that the unvaccinated are the winners during the corona pandemic and demands apologies from government officials for lying about the "pandemic of the unvaccinated."... Insurance Companies Saw A 40% Increase In Excess Mortality in Their Group Life Policies in 2021... According to "Beyond The News With Janine & Jean-Claude Public Edition - Aug 2" there's a lot of "hurt and pain" right now after 'normies' took the jab and now turns their anger against the un-vaxxed. They don't wanna be told they were wrong by un-vaxxed "truthers" (just like my Danish Holistic ND says)... |