Apr 23, 2020

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 |

🍲 ~ Bon Appétit – IT’S SO OBVIOUS IT HURTS ~ | Blogger: Explanation? Okay!... Katy Perry has been undergoing a transformative process - one that confirms that she is heavily controlled by the occult elite. Every once in a while, a specific celebrity is “chosen” to make headlines, stir up controversy and annoy the hell out of people with bizarre antics. Katy Perry is walking in the footsteps of the likes of Britney Spears, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Amanda Bynes and Kanye West, where mass media has a blast covering the strange and humiliating string of events they are involved in. Then, right on cue, the video of Bon Appétit comes out and confirms Katy Perry’s status: Industry slave.... |

Source (PFC)

🍦🤑😔 ~ Let Them Eat Ice Cream! - #PropagandaWatch ~ | Blogger: In the meanwhile, Jeff Bezos is $24 billion richer amid pandemic - Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and others are also earning several billions a week... The billionaire BestsellerKing is no better. He sends food delivery out to you and me, earns millions-billions on nemlig.dk, and ASOS.com, fires 750 people, in addition to letting landlords, employees and the state pay for Bestseller's 2,700 branded chain stores across 38 markets worldwide, losses during the coronacrisis... What the hell!?💢... PS: same goes for Eli Lilly performs very well in the first quarter - coronavirus increased sales by $ 1.7 billion kr. and Novo Nordisk (and all the coronavirus vaccinecompanies)... |

Source (corbettreport)

Marie Antoinette didn't actually say "Let them eat cake" but you won't believe who is saying "Let them eat ice cream." Join James for this edition of #PropagandaWatch as he explores the latest fad among the celebrities and political puppets: Shaming poor people!

💉 ~ Slå først, Frede! Komik-influencer Huxi Bach gør grin med Alternative Behandlere og er på grisestien igen, igen! Sponsoreret af Danmarks Radio og Den medicinske industri!? Troldefeberen raser videre på de Sociale Medier ~ | Blogger: [👉Verdensalt har personligt været dybt involveret i at finde ud af hvorfor alternativ behandlingsformer og lad os kalde det 'naturlægemidler' er bedre end toksisk syntetisk medicin og vacciner i mere end 20 år. Har gået hos holistisk naturlæger i endnu flere år👈] ... 👍Jeg bakker 1000% op om de forslag som musiker og onkologen Søren Rasted, der under et dilemma, forslår i M&M, at spise Selen, C og D vitaminer og ta cbd dråber, spis vegansk og drop cigaretterne, for at mindske risikoen for at hun får kræft. Noget Søren Rasted har læst sig frem til, det har han vel lov at mene? Og som Søren også så kvik nok siger; 'Derudover er det fuldstændig ufarligt at følge mine råd'... Det kan godt være, Hr. Rasted ikke er læge og klog nok til at udtale sig, og der findes bedre råd, men de er da ikke himmelråbende forkerte!?... ⚠️PS: TÆNK DIG OM INDEN DU STYRTER NED OG FÅR DIN "GRATIS" VACCINE MOD LUNGEBETÆNDELSE. Hvorfor? Med min egen research fortæller mig, at Global Vaccination er én af Verdens sundhedsmyndig- hedernes foretrukne "våben" mod COVID-19...🙋‍♂️Vi ved med garanti, at generations DNA-vacciner IKKE alene består af et gen fra den virus, bakterie eller cancer, som man vil vaccinere mod. Mange taler nu om, at man er istand til at forvandle mennesker til genetisk modificerede organismer...🙋‍♂️ Vacciners stærke aluminiumsalt som adjuvans og andre former for aluminium der tilsættes vacciner, er struktureres på en sådanne måde det passere gennem blod-hjerne-barrieren, der er hjernens effektive forsvarsmur, værn mod giftstoffer. Hvis det sker, at blod-hjerne-barrieren nedbrydes, kan der skabes neurologiske eller udviklingsmæssige lidelser (fx Autisme, ADHD, Sclerose). Resten kan du gætte dig til...🙋‍♂️Sammen med vacciner med nanopartikler, (mikrorobotter) kan du stort set ændre og forme et menneske, som du ønsker dig! Det selvom, de påstår hårnakket, at disse små robotter kan dræbe kræftceller...🙋‍♂️Foruden aluminium, især sammen med andre vaccinehjælpestoffer som Kviksølvsaltet thiomersal, indeholder vacciner også Polysorbate-80 (Monsanto) som emulgatorer der får fedtstof og vand til at hænge ved...🙋‍♂️Ved godt at Health Ranger og Mike Adams, ikke er så fint i kanten, men tror du virkelig det hjælper, at injicere og blande CV-virussen med antistoffer, inden man putter den ned i petriskålen sammen med aborterede humane fosterceller eller afrikanske grøn-abe-nyrepusceller høstet fra inficerede sygdomsprimater, som man påstår, at de gør?... 🙋‍♂️Du tror måske også naivt på, at der ikke findes militære Biologiske våben, der bl.a. omfatter bakterier, virus og toksiner regnes for masseødelæggelsesvåben og kan være såvel tabsgivende (dræbende) som ikke-tabsgivende (Gør folk ukampdygtige f.eks. i form af diarre)?... Kræftbehandlingen er big business, nu også COVID-19 med stærke alliancer mellem kræftinstitutionerne og medicinal- og kemisk industri, husk det.... |



👼 ~ 💗 Truly, even in these unsettling times, there is enormous reason for hope and for joy 💕~ | Blogger: Excerpts: "As other issues move to the forefront of the mainstream media replacing COVID-19, then increasing pressure will be placed on myriad governmental authorities worldwide to ease and then remove the restrictions on people’s freedom of movement, which they claimed were temporary when they were introduced. People will begin to reclaim their individual sovereignty as it becomes apparent that there is, and has been for a very long time, tremendous corruption in governments – whether supposedly democratic ones or powerfully authoritarian ones – all across the world that can no longer be hidden from public view. The pandemic has led people to question more freely and deeply the motivation of those in authority, and has given them the time and the opportunity in which to do so. Much of a nefarious nature is being revealed daily as investigative journalists, who are not directly employed by any of the main media organizations, academics, and whistle-blowers make their inquiries and then make the resultant findings available to all on the world wide web."... |

The Ascended Master Sananda / Jesus / Christ / Yeshua serves as a teacher of the whole world, and was one of the greatest spiritual healers who walked on our beloved planet Earth / Nova / Gaia. It is important to understand that all our ascended masters and galactic friends, so to speak, are not allowed to use their powers to change the course of civilizations, only in very rare cases. Law of the Universe. The Law of Divine Oneness.

channeled by John Smallman 
© 2020 johnsmallman

Earth’s population is presently experiencing much anxiety as the government imposed lock-down in many countries is severely limiting people’s sovereignty and freedom. The reason for this lock-down is officially reported to be for humanity’s protection, a precautionary measure that is essential to prevent, or greatly limit, the spread of the Coronavirus, thus enormously reducing the number of people who become ill, and greatly reducing the number of possible deaths from this contagion. People are generally accepting the wisdom of these measures, but they are very naturally worried about the long term intent of those who have imposed these restrictive regulations, and about how they might be used to continue limiting personal freedom after the pandemic has peaked and largely dissipated.

As other issues move to the forefront of the mainstream media replacing COVID-19, then increasing pressure will be placed on myriad governmental authorities worldwide to ease and then remove the restrictions on people’s freedom of movement, which they claimed were temporary when they were introduced. People will begin to reclaim their individual sovereignty as it becomes apparent that there is, and has been for a very long time, tremendous corruption in governments – whether supposedly democratic ones or powerfully authoritarian ones – all across the world that can no longer be hidden from public view. The pandemic has led people to question more freely and deeply the motivation of those in authority, and has given them the time and the opportunity in which to do so. Much of a nefarious nature is being revealed daily as investigative journalists, who are not directly employed by any of the main media organizations, academics, and whistle-blowers make their inquiries and then make the resultant findings available to all on the world wide web.

👼 ~ 💗 444 Gateway Finale on Earth Day! (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Excerpts: "Your roadmap for Ascension resides within your Soul Blueprint, embedded in your morphic fields and dormant ‘junk’ DNA. While your mind breaks free of the controlling matrix simulation, you start to listen and follow your intuition and sensory empath system. You cannot trust the mind while the artificial programming is still looping in it, like malware. This is a cautionary note to all newly awakened souls plugging into the virtual realities of conspiracy theories. Most are psy ops programs designed to entrap the newly awakened. Be very discerning!."... |


Today is the final peak moment of the 444 Gateway (4-22-2020) as we receive incoming angelic blessings and powerful photonic light from Sunday/Monday’s CME solar flares. 5D ascending souls are moving through an extraordinary upgrade into crystallization. Also growing numbers of Light Beings are anchoring divine crystalized light into Earth’s etheric grid overlays. The increasing solar light from the Great Central Sun is raising Gaia’s frequencies just in time for today’s Earth Day celebration.

Everything is shifting and changing at a rapid rate now. What seemed sane or normal once ago, is now experienced as repellent, intolerable and insane to an increasing number of citizens. There is a growing swell of conscious beings demanding a different world reality to begin.

As you navigate between the old, dying regime into a newly birthing 5D Ascension paradigm, you may feel like you need a roadmap to guide you. There has never been this level of Ascension occurring on Gaia before. We are entering new territory here. The Way Showers are here to ascend their entire being, including the dense body of matter, into Light.

Your roadmap for Ascension resides within your Soul Blueprint, embedded in your morphic fields and dormant ‘junk’ DNA. While your mind breaks free of the controlling matrix simulation, you start to listen and follow your intuition and sensory empath system. You cannot trust the mind while the artificial programming is still looping in it, like malware. This is a cautionary note to all newly awakened souls plugging into the virtual realities of conspiracy theories. Most are psy ops programs designed to entrap the newly awakened. Be very discerning!

🌧️ ~ Megen sol og næsten intet vand: Tørken presser landbruget (DR) ~ | Blogger: [🛐Så er der ikke andet at sige end: "Velkommen til Chemtrails!"🚯] ... Landbruget er ALTID presset og landmænd er lidt for gode til at brokke sig over regler, dårlige politikere eller andet, som de synes er uretfærdigt i forhold til landbruget... De sidste 5 ugers lockdown-flystop har vist, at være kæmpe nederen for landbruget. Altås, INGEN umærket CIA / USAF chemtrail-fly, som betyder, ingen svinggerninger. Der igen betyder at politikere, DMI, Miljøministeriet, danske landbrugsorganisationer og Kilma-Dan, ville ikke længere kunne agere, vejrguder, for kontrol over vejret var lig med militær og økonomisk magt. Der igen betyder at vejrmanipulation er stoppet, ingen regn og nedbør efter Cloud seeding skemalagte planlægning er på standby, og ingen der tjener på vejrderivater... |


🤣 ~ LOCKDOWN Episode 5 (Jonathan Pie) ~ | .. Madness sets in as the boredom starts to take its toll .. |

🙄 ~ Not now, Greta: Child climate activist calls on world to fight climate change AND coronavirus at the same time ~ | Blogger: [💩O-M-G! HU let the dogs out! HU HU HU!🦮] ... Maybe YOUR house is on fire Green-Greta Thunberg-Thunder, mine is not NOT!. She's relentless with all her George Soros sponsored fake-green-money-making-machine... Disturbing video-ad, if you ask me... Should have been marked as R18+... |

Composite image: © Greta Thunberg: REUTERS/Johanna Geron/File Photo and Burning house: Fridays For Future / FF Los Angeles/Handout
Source (RT.com)

Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg has reemerged once again to lecture the world’s governments about how to do their jobs, arguing that they must continue to fight climate change while facing down a global pandemic.

Thunberg told an Earth Day livestream event on Wednesday that she wants the world to fight the twin crises of climate change and the global coronavirus pandemic simultaneously.

“Today is Earth Day and that reminds us that climate and the environmental emergency is still ongoing and we need to tackle both the corona pandemic ... at the same time as we tackle [the] climate and environmental emergency, because we need to tackle two crises at once,” Thunberg said.

Her appearance at the Earth Day event coincided with the release of a new video by the Fridays for Future organization, depicting a family going about their normal daily lives while their house burns down around them.(READ MORE)

🌎 ~ 💗 The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland ECETI.ORG 💕 ~ | Blogger: The Earth video Created by 'Everyday Masters', SoTW already has posted on my blog, and it's really amazing... |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience

The Latest from ECETI and James Gilliland ECETI.ORG

"The Volunteers" Legends of the 21st century Humans. Next Group Session April 25th!!!

UFOs over Australia April 22nd 2020

💌 ~ 💗 To Choose the Path of Love 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks Tolec, from the Andromeda Council.... |

Source (TransformationalShiftEvents)

Let us choose the path of love, the most positive and powerful force in the Universe, kindness & compassion, together... because it is simply, individually and collectively, the best way forward for us to evolve... as a species.

😢 ~ As famines of ‘biblical proportion’ loom: 260 million are facing starvation and that is NOT including people who face starvation due to Covid-19: Locust swarms are increasing across Africa, Arabia, Southwest Asia and Pakistan ~ | Blogger: THIS arrticle has nothing to do wth the CV-19 itself, but everything to do with out beloved governments are doing to the world population under global lockdown, especially after 135 million people are facing crisis levels of hunger or worse, coupled with an additional 130 million on the edge of starvation prompted by Coronavirus.... |

FAO/IFAD/WFP/Michael Tewelde. In 2019, Ethiopia experienced the fifth-worst food crisis of all the countries on earth.
Source (thebigwobble)

As the coronavirus death toll approaches 200,000 and more than 2.5 million confirmed cases, understandably the world is looking away from a global humanitarian catastrophe of Biblical proportion happening elsewhere. A deepening crisis is exploding in many parts of the world as more frequent natural disasters and changing weather patterns along with poverty and conflict. According to a new report from the World Food Programme (WFP) the world is facing a perfect storm. 135 million people are facing crisis levels of hunger or worse, coupled with an additional 130 million on the edge of starvation prompted by Coronavirus.

To make matters worse farms and food production businesses are struggling to stay afloat due to Covid-19. Crops and animals are being destroyed due to virus restrictions. With an extra billion mouths to feed the vision of the rest of 2020 is a very frightening picture, however, the problem did not begin this year, the problem escalated last year.

Back in 2019, a crisis emerged across three continents as extreme weather conditions and disease began to bite the farming industry leaving world banks warning the 2020s would be a decade of dramatic economic and social upheaval as another billion mouths will need to be fed. This statement, of course, was made well before the coronavirus had jumped from animal to human, (or from lab to human.)

🧑‍⚕️ ~ 💗 'A Humble Journey': a film by Sacha Stone (Humanitad Foundation) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to my danish friend, Anne for sharing Sacha Stone mini-DOX... Anne is involved in many, many alternative videocasting with her husband... |


💌 ~ 💗 Vibeke Manniche: Du skal ud at leve livet – udenfor 💕~ | Blogger: [😠Enough is enough😠] ... Lyder det seneste blogindlæg fra Vibeke Manniche, hvor vanvittigt det er, at Kåre Mølbak var ude at mene, at vi ikke kan samle os til større forsamlinger det næste år... Og verdensalt er FULDSTÆNDIG enig, hvis jeg havde overtaget regeringen lige nu som spirituel leder, så havde Mette Fromme Moder, Baby Joy Joy Mogensen, SS(T) Medical Corps nyklippede Søren Understrøm og SS(I) Medical Corps Kåre Møllarve, blevet FYRET, på stedet... Dernæst kom turen til Klimaminister 5G Klima-Dan Jørgensen, der ikke vil kommentere dronningens udtalelser om klimaet, som blev bragt i et interview med Politiken tidligere på måneden. Hele embedsværket skulle kulegraves og politiets ledelse, og Frederik, KongePrins og alle hans sammensvorne fra hemmelige møder og forsvarsbunkeren og jeg kunne blive ved, med at rydde ud...|

Du skal ud at leve livet – udenfor

Ovenfor ser du en oversigt over hvorfor årstiden spiller så afgørende rolle for netop corona-krisen – og at vi IKKE på nuværende tidspunkt er på vej ind i en bragende coronaepidemi som frygtet af regeringen. Og heller ikke kommer det nu.

Vi har forsøgt at forklare netop forårets betydning – herunder solens (og UV-belysningens) væsentlige betydning for nedsættelse af smitterisikoen.

Håber det giver mening – ellers må du spørge mig. Jeg skal gerne forklare.

I bund og grund er det manglende respekt for netop naturen, årstiden og miljøets betydning. Des mere jeg tænker over det, des mere skræmmende er det, at såvel Seruminstituttet som regeringen helt har tilsidesat forårets betydning for netop corona-smitten og corona-virus overlevelse udenfor. Vi mennesker kan ikke styre naturen, årstiden og dens store betydning. Også når det gælder corona-virus.

Og lige nu – hvor foråret er kommet – så er en bragende corona-epidemi helt utænkelig.