May 16, 2021

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Ingen nationer må eje rummet, undtagen, 1930's og indtil dato, hemmelige rumprogrammer) 2,3 trillioner dollars manglede der i Pentagons "kaffekasse" sagde Donald Rumsfeldt den 10. september 2001. Næste dag den 11. september 2001, forsvandt Pentagons revisionsafdeling, andre Three-Letter Agencies og 300 millioner dollars guld med et sprængstoflignende nanotermit brag i en sky af røg, sten, papir og glas, og et enkelt krydsermissil og 2 fake fly (SoTW Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: [👉Rummet er allerede en benhård kampplads, hvor jordens militær, private firmaer og rumnationer, udkæmper territorier. Engang var det måske tanken om simpel minedrift på asteroider, nu er det Star Wars versus First Order, med tusindvis af avancerede civilisationer👈] ... {OMG! Tænker du, har du røget pot eller tror du selv på det ævl?}... OM det hedder billioner eller trillioner, er vel ligegyldigt, for de teknisk imbecile, pointen er, at pengene, forsvandt sporløst, ned i et sort hul, sandsynligt "black budget" program, som ingen, kan spore (Den menneskelige hjerne er ikke beregnet til at tænke på billioner af dollar)... Rumsfeld sagde, der manglede $2,3 billioner fra Pentagon. Næ, det er nærmere $21 billioner (samme som det amerikanske budgetunderskud)... Til dem som følger lidt med på sidelinjen, den rå mængde af pengetilførsel som 'black projects' har givet skyggeregeringen og militær kontraktere, så som Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, er blevet brugt i årtier gennem det hemmelige rumprogram (SSP) og krige, samt oprusting...[LÆS VIDERE]... PS: Det er med 100% garanti, at R4DIO's Den Nye Rumalder, Danmarks Radio,, Andreas Mogensen, Danske rumforskere, DTU Space samt Terma A/S og de fem danske virksomheder - GOMSpace, Space Inventor, Gatehouse, Quadsat og Force Technology, ikke kommer til at snakke om SSP-programmerne. Når man først begynder at suse ned af SSP-rutschebanen, er ALT, hvad der sker af DRAMA på Moder Jord, ligegyldigt, til sammenligning. Og drop nu det med at jorden er FLAD, Ole Lochmann, og hans tusinder af følgere, med al respekt... |


2016, lækkede Edward Snowden oplysninger til Washington Post, at budgettet for "sorte projekter" var på $52.6 mia. kr. 

Det militær-industrielle kompleks, interessefællesskabet og samarbejdet i USA mellem det militære apparat og de store virksomheder, så som RAND Corporation, kan man vel betagtes som 'The Galactic Empire' i Star Wars sagaen. 

Flere nationer har deres eget SSP og Solar Warden, såsom Rusland og Kina...

Mange konspirationsteoretikere har mistanke om et udenjordisk cover-up, som daterer sig tilbage til Nazityskland, der indsamlede fremmede teknologier fra faldne ufoer og brugte dem til at bygge avancerede fly og rumfartøjer før og under Anden Verdenskrig, som derefter blev opbevaret i hemmelige underjordiske baser i Antarktika, Sydamerika og USA.

Denne proces er kendt som 'reverse engineering', hvilket betyder at få design information og viden fra ikke jordiske teknologier og reproducere det til menneskeskabte produkter... 

TR-3B sort trekant kodenavn: ASTRA, er et godt eksempel...

👩‍🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra) Space Force commander sacked after claiming US military is under assault from ‘neo-Marxist’ critical race theory (RT,, Newsmax, iamamalaysian) ~ | Blogger: [🤜AND SINCE, CGI Sleepy Joe has put Chameleon Shapeshifter Harris at the helm, is now chair of the National Space Council, a space policy group resurrected by the Trump administration, well, NOTHING good will come out of that ~SoTW🤛]... Perhaps your might also have heard, that more than 120 retired U.S. military leaders have banded together and penned an open letter warning that the country is in “deep peril” as a conflict between Marxism and constitutional freedom brews... And of course, insulting Karl Marx, Communism & Chinese ideologies are a no-go, or to talk about, when our present "controllers", are just that!... Like the danish communist party of The Social Democrats governed Denmark for most of the 20th century, with a few intermissions, has invited Antony Blinken, who heads to Iceland meeting with Russia on his mind and to Denmark, with Greenland, in his bare hands beggin', with former president Obama, who has also been to Denmark, his socialist cabal, that are running the White House, not brain-dead VP Biden... Basically our communists "leaders" and the global cabal never have shirked from thinning the herd. If you are not troubled by killing millions of babies annually, then seniors with medical conditions are no great loss. Then, a coordinated daily drilling of chaotic and misleading Covid stats attempted to portray the common cold as a pandemic (most of the comments are from below links)... |

PS: HAVE you ever wondered, why NO leaders have meet with China Joe IRL? - think about it - because they know, he's NOT a legitimate president and we do not have a legitimate executive branch in power right now... 

I HAVE meet NASA astronauts, but not, Andreas Mogensen, who is claimed the first Dane ever to be sent into space. 

But, as we all know, there's Never A Straight Answer with NASA, even 50 years later and Andreas, has most likely signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to N-E-V-E-R speak about what he knows and sees about SSP (Secret Space Programs), or else (⚰️)... 

I did talk to L. Blaine Hammond and he had nooo idea who Andreas Mogensen was or where Denmark was located on the map of Earth... |'

L. Blaine Hammond

Dr Ken Johnston

👼 ~ 💓 (“once in a lifetime” opportunity to leave the old behind and start anew') A Message from my Higher Self: Mapping Out Your Future (EOL) 💕 ~ |

Channeled by Mike Quinsey

14.05.2021 21:18 Mike Quinsey

World events are still very mixed but there are the first real signs of the Pandemic coming to an end. The after effects will last for quite some time but eventually it will all settle down and life will return to some kind of normality.

As a result of your experiences many permanent changes are to come, but will mainly address the problems that were holding your progress back. In fact, the coming changes will enable you to speed up your activities, and you should by now have a good idea of what will be involved. Your so called hotspots will be amongst the last to be sorted out and an end to hostilities will come in due course helped by the increasing vibrations that will not support them.

We will stress that it is you who are mapping out your personal future, yet being unaware of your life plan you may waver or lose track of where you are supposed to be heading, but hopefully your Guides will have sufficient influence to impress upon you what you need to do.

🕉️ ~ 💗 (NEW COBRA UPDATE) A Short Message to the Surface Population (Cobra2012) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉'Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!'👈] ... Old news you might say, but better late than never! My wish at SoTW is always to manifest Peace, Unconditional Love, Abundance, Happiness for HU-manity and not promote "Sataniahu". It might sound clichéd, but knowing that you're doing something worthwhile makes a big difference. We need to bring PEACE back to Moder Earth [i.e., the spirit Gaia] and Planetary Liberation. Millions of awakened people around the globe are sick and tired of this situation and looking for answers... |

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

 A Short Message to the Surface Population 

The Cabal is trying to create a new war in the Middle East by engineering a conflict in Israel and Gaza:

The situations is escalating fast, and now Turkey and Lebanon are getting involved:

Therefore the Light forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to join our peace meditation for Israel and Gaza:

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

🦠💉🧬 ~ ('People, this is the BIG test!') OPERATION COVID JAB: The Stealthy Genocidal Scheme to Depopulate the Planet and Enslave Humanity (State Of The Nation) ~ | Blogger: Oh wauv! Jepp, that sums it up for me at SoTW... Thanks to Project Camelot for proving this on their Telegram channel... 🕉️PS: I also like what COBRA (RM) presented us with in the "Victory Report" (April 2020) and I quote: 📑(..) "The Cabal has ordered the EU countries to keep the borders with Italy open and the outbreak was able to spread throughout Europe, and later with direct flights from Milan to New York also to the United States. The Cabal has also engineered the coronavirus tests to be unavailable in the US for long enough so that the infection could spread, and opposed travel restrictions. This has allowed Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Tedros Adhanom, George Soros, Jared Kushner, Jiang Zemin and others to further their plans for global vaccination and 18 month lockdowns. Bill Gates is the mastermind behind this, trying to microchip the population and had a strong connection with Jeffrey Epstein. Tedros Adhanom, the head of WHO, has very shady past also. All of the abovementioned people have a strong financial interest in propagating the virus and then developing a vaccine. And manipulating the data about the virus. There is strong opposition to their plans, and Robert Kennedy Jr., a member of the Kennedy White Nobility bloodline, was threatened indirectly by two of his relatives being killed to make him stop his anti-vaccine work."(..)📑... |


State of the Nation

OPERATION COVID-19 is a much more complex international criminal conspiracy than anyone knows.  The captivating psyop carried out in Wuhan, China in January of 2020 completely captured the world and made folks everywhere believe an utterly false “coronavirus” narrative.  What happened there was a full-blown biological attack on the Wuhanese with a highly sophisticated bioweapon that targeted various Chinese bloodlines.  However, the series of bioterrorist attacks that followed worldwide utilized different variants of the COVID-19 bioweapon, each bioengineered to mutate in vivo so that the fabricated pandemic would go on ad infinitum.  That means that the Covid bioweapon variants launched in Milan, Tehran, New York City and Guayaquil, Ecuador were all subtly different biological attacks against different targeted populations, each one producing its one unique symptom set.  In this way, the forever-mutating pathogenic microorganisms that constitute the COVID-19 bioweapon will plaque humanity into perpetuity.  This entirely bioengineered state of affairs worldwide then sets the stage for a global vaccination regime which will require an annual Covid injection that keeps the populace up to date with the current strains of COVID-19 that are still being released to this very day.  Which also permits the Covid bioterrorists to manufacture consent for a Digital Green Certificate, COVID-19 Vaccine Passports, Immunity Certificates, Green Passports and other documents that prove an up-to-date vaccination status.  That’s the short story.

— Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer

OPERATION COVID JAB is now in full swing.

👯‍♀️🚨🔞 ~ (Glem ej 'Teenage-predatoren') Total-Teater-Tavshed: UNDTAGEN fra Pernille 'Vermouth' og Samira Nawa. RESTEN af slænget og Kendisser, holder Kaje om 'Kneppe Kofod'. Metto-Mus har jo også FREDET ham, ligesom “Frank Klam” Jensen, Barbien, Jernladyen og alle de andre (SoTW Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: [🤜JA BEVARES, undskyld! Men det var hans øgenavn🤛] ... MÆRKELIG NOK, så holder journalist og forfatter Trine Gregorius, der ironisk kaldte Kofods sag for noget »grisefy« og »Han har jo ikke voldtaget hende«, sig, helt tavs. SAMME gør, Børneministeren, Pernille Rosenkrantz-Thei, der forsvarede Jeppe Kofod i sexsag... Forfatteren Leonora Christina Skov var også meget forarget over det overhoved, VAR og stadigvæk ER, en sag... Journalist Paula Larrain og forfatter Pernille Aalund udtalte sig en smule mindre bastant i 2008, men mener det samme, undtagen, har de trukket visse sætninger UD i 2020, om HVAD de mener (hentet fra tabloid pressen)... MEEEEN, ser vi på, hvad ANDRE mennesker bliver FÆNGSLET for, så undre det mig... FOR SOM, det er beskrevet i Det, vi taler om, så HAR Kofod begået DIREKTE OVERGREB OG VOLDTÆGT af en, uskyldig DSU-novice (14-årig-plus-366-dage fødselsdag samme dag) 15 årig gammel jomfru, som sad og græd på toilettet, mens enten Kofod gemte sig under sengen i skam, eller havde et håndklæde om (tissetrolden), efter badet og så diffust ud, da de 'andre' DSU'er (brød ind). Sådan cirka, er udsagnet fra Henrik Qvortrup og de andre i panelet... IKKE, at de siger, Kofod har begået voldtægt, det må stå for SoTW's egen regning, men det ligner meget tæt på, da jeg overhørte programmet, Det, vi taler om... HOVEDPERSONEN, som trak pigens forældre tilside, og fik MUNDKURV på, var ikke ringere end, den skandaleramte Fredericia-borgmester Jacob Bjerregaard, som har fået en direktørstilling i kommunikationsbureauet Advice - HUUUURRA for Dannevang... [LÆS VIDERE]... |

Senere, har Jacob Bjerregaard, tilgivet Jeppe Kofod samt daværende, gruppeformand Carsten Hansen, der fortrød, han brugte ordet »utilgiveligt« om Kofods opførsel ( 

PS:  USA, så ville Jeppe Kofod, have siddet i fængsel, har boet derover (kort i 1987), besøgt USA maaange gange siden og snakket med masser af amerikanere - de FINDER sig ikke i sådanne en sag, som i Danmark.. 

PSS: Mette F. bakker op, men GØR IKKE EN SKID!...  

NOTE: SIDEN dette skriv, har Frank 'Klam' Jensen fået DØDSSTØDET og ligeledes, Morten Østergaard har forladt sin post i vanære, for at redde, Mink-Medico-Metto og Teenage-predatoren... 

NU ER jeg på SoTW en MEGET fredelig mand, men har selv en datter, 2 niecer og haft kærester med piger og drengebørn, men hvis jeg tog en 'mandsperson' i gerningsøjeblikket, som DSU'erne, og det var min datter, ved jeg ikke hvad der var sket i mit hoved. ÆRLIGT... 

ALLE journalisterne kender dengang pigens navn og forældrene kender DSU'erne, men de må ha' fået et KÆMPE stor pose penge, eller fået at vide, de vil ødelægge deres liv, hvis de sagde noget?... 

Socialakrobaterne, minder mig mere og mere om krimiserien, Beck "Gribben", hvor det svenske socialdemokratiske parti, er dybt involveret i det sorte marked og illegal spilleklubs-verden m.m. og det er kun i yderst kedsommelige stunder, jeg ser BECK...

💣✋☮️ ~ (The World MUST Rise) PRAY FOR PALESTINE BECAUSE THE WAY OF PALESTINE WILL BE THE WAY OF THE WORLD (TheCrowhouse) ~ | Blogger: [👉'Gaza Strip World of Defenseless Children - STOP the Rogue State Israel - If we DO NOT Heal the Situation, The Way of Palestine will be the Way of the World' ~ Max Igan👈] ... As you know, ISRAELI army IDF and Zionist fake jewish State goverment, has bombarded Gaza with air strikes, reading 9,000 reserve troops, threatened to invade Gaza and has killed at least 11 Hamas leaders already. Hamas on the other hand, has fired (insignifiant in comparison) 1,600 rockets, most of them, picked up by Israel's Iron Dome rocket defence system. Buuutt, did you also know, that today, Israel boasts one of the most technologically advanced military stockpiles in the world, and one of the world's most effective workforces?. Many of today's special forces and special agents from G7 intelligences are trained by IDF or "Shayetet 13". Hamas has NOTHING in their arsenal that can even come close to what Israel has. PLEASE remember, folks, HAMAS, is a Israeli or CIA creation... 🙅‍♂️PS: Jeppe Kofoed, danish Minister of Foreign Affairs, and once member of the European Parliament once took advance and had sex with a 14 year old plus 366 day virgin girl is out with Skull and Bones Bilderberger, NATO ex-Sec-Gen Warmonger and Committee of 300 member, Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen, like many others, in support for ISRAEL... ✌️PSS: If you go to 'World Wide Demonstration' they now have lots of video from around the world in UPRISE!... ⚠️DISCLAIMER & CONTENT WARNINGS: YES, SoTW understand that some find Max Igan's narrative, illustrations and his word choice repulsive, but in my book, not all of the Intel is Fake News, that's IMPOSSIBLE... |

"The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa (Max Igan)

"Israel created Hamas to destabilize Arafat who was very powerful at the time. Zionism is a geopolitical movement founded a little over 100 years ago by Theodore Herzl & pushed forward by the Rothschilds." (US Congressman Ron Paul)