Apr 26, 2020

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [👉The Christian religion practice of teen-aged confirmation, is an affirmation of faith in God but more importantly for young people and their families it is also the transition ritual from a child to an adult👈] ... My own niece is gonna kill me for showing you this short promo-video, but in the light that it's 4 years ago now and only a clip and not the full lengh video, I should be save🤞. My own daughter is also in this video, and my mom's dog and myself and family. And of course, I looked back to see my own daughter and tears rolling down my cheeks, since she's no longer part of my life. I can only sent her unconditional love and wish she would come back one day. Just because her mother seeked revenge, since I left her 21 years ago, and 8 years ago my daughter cold hate welled within her, hate which grew more with each passing day and I only wanted her mother and my daugher, the best... |

© Verdensalt.dk 

🕺🤓💃~ Midt i coronakrisen: Flytter sammen (EB.dk) ~ | Blogger: [👉Uhhhh ha da da hvor de sælger billetter til Socialakrobaterne, den falske 5G Klima-Dan's ph.d. der på mystisk vis forsvandt, de 26 tusind følgere samt de superige som eeelsker Katherine Diez, fordi hun er såååå smuk, klog og dejlig👈] ... Og nej, jeg er sgu ikke misundelig på Copydan og Diasshow og vil dem alt godt og synes det er vidunderligt, nu da Katherine jamrede over manglen på mænd - nu har hun scoret en minister med ph.d... Hviiiis, hvis det er ÆGTE kærlighed, så ja.. Men, er det hele spil fra galleriet?... Katherine Diez skriver om Christopher Columbus, Zeus og om Neil Gaiman, hvor hun har genlæst verdenslitteraturens største romantikere og først rigtigt fundet mening i dem nu; "Jeg har mødt mit livs kærlighed. Og jeg har eksisteret kun i dén. I ham."... Wauuv.. En ung, smuk kvinde-Influencer, der (børnelokker) hengiver sig til en mandlig 15 årig ældre VIP politiker med eller uden ph.d. via debatindlæg / en kontaktannonce på Berlingske, for at være midtpunktet i magtelitens højborg og skabe opmærksomhed på sit eget egotrip, en ny CV-karriere, så hun kan promovere sit manglende intellektuelt og spiritualitet - waaauv... Det kan godt være, at Katherine Diez "har mødt verdens kærligste, klogeste og mest idealistiske mand og menneske", som hun skriver, men 😟 hvad gør vores elskede klimaminster (og tidligere) for at STOPPE nye giftige skifergas prøveboringer efter salget af Mærsk Oil for 47 milliarder kroner til den franske oliegigant, TOTAL, der overtog endnu en bid af Nordsøen af Chevrons del af Dansk Undergrunds Consortium i Nordsøen. Som desuden fik en KÆMPE skatterabat. Svaret er INTET!!! Som i NUL og NIKS!!! Danmark, er FULDSTÆNDIGT afhængige af saudisk oliegiganter og andet godtfolk som Total, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell og BP!... 😟Eller nettoafregning af solceller på hustage, som er en gevinst for regeringen og ikke Hr. og Fru Jensen... 😟Eller 2020's stigning af afgiften på elbiler fra 20% af den beregnede fulde afgift til 40% ... 😟Eller danskerne, der rammes hårdt af skyhøje el - og fjernvarmepriser ... 😟Hvad gør vores elskede klimaminster (og tidligere), for at STOPPE, 5G-netværket, det mest højteknologiske altbindende og sofikeret mikrobølgebestråling, der skader børn og menneskers DNA. 5G vil medføre ekstremt forøget bestråling og brevet "Stop udrulning af 5G" til teleordførerne, hvorfor ignorerer han dette??? Fik MAY DAY, andre organisationer samt specialister på området, svar på tiltale???. Et brev direkte stillet til politiske interesseorganisationer og embedsværket i centraladministrationen, en henvendelse til folketingets teleordførere fra “5g taskforce”, men kom der feedback fra StatAdelen og hvorfor sætter man ikke udrulningen på pause, indtil man har undersøgt sundhedsmæssige problemer ved netop mikrobølgebestråling (wi-fi, mobiltelefoni, smartmetre osv.)... 🙎DU er en skændsel Dan Jørgensen og Katherine Diez, er både naiv og forblindet usammenhængende individ, der burde kigge sig selv i spejlet... Bliver man klogere på verden, hvis man har en Ph.d.-uddannelsen eller læser mange bøger? Neeej... Verdensalt har haft 16 år i skole og 30 i bankbranchen og ikke blevet klogere, af den grund, det var først, da jeg kom ud af vor 3-D matrix af illusionen... |


Katherine Diez havde en ph.d. på ønskelisten til sin kommende mand - sådan en havde Dan Jørgensen ifølge wikipedia også. I hvert fald indtil klokken 01:13 i nat.


🛦🦠💸 ~ Coronavirussen kan betyde forsinkelser på leveringen af F-35-kampfly (Olfi.dk) ~ | Blogger: [👉For at afgive sin ultimative støtte til Danmark ankom den nye chef for det multinationale F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO), den amerikanske viceadmiral Mathias W. Winter, til TERMA A/S i Herlev i Oktober 2017👈] ... (satire) -- 💸💸💸 📝Memo Fra Generalerne på Charlottenlund Fort: Kære folkevalgte!....🛦🛦🛦Locheed Martin's Coronatab på 375 millioner dollars – godt 2,5 milliarder kroner, gør ikke os i Danmark, ONDT!... Vi æder lige DKK 200M yderligere fra skatteyderne, fordi vi tror på Danmark bliver tæppebombet med terror de næste par år, samt 260M til et nyt hangar, tænkte vi fra Forsvarsindustrien og kampfly-kontoret, med hatten i hånden overfor jer politikere, som er de GLADE givere. F-35-kampflyet er desværre blevet en smule dyr. Ud over de allerede bevilget 56,4 milliarder kroner samt vedligeholdelse, skal i nok regne med, at regningen løber op på en SVIMLENDE OVERPRIS på omkring mia. kr. plus-minus, der kommer MÅSKE, flere omkostninger... F-35 blev fremlagt som en jagerfly, der kunne gøre næsten alt det amerikanske militær ønskede, men det viste sig at være en af de største 'boondoggles' i den seneste militære indkøbshistorie!!. Hertil kommer den ikke kan manøvrere i Arktis, uforudsete 'små' defekts af tekniske udfordringer gør, den ikke kan flyve og bliver grounded, næsten hver dag. 7 danske F-35 kampfly skal stå på base i USA i overgangsperioden og ja, den lille nuance, at det faktisk er amerikanerne som ejer F-35-reservedele og sender tophemmelige informationer tilbage til militær kommandoen i USA. Det skal dog ikke hedde sig, vi ikke er GLADE for vores nye 'kommende' fly som virker, lad os sige omkring """2030""" hvor 7'ende generation kommer og erstatter F-35... Men, fortvivl ikke kære politikere, det er jo ikke OS eller JER, men de danske naive BORGERE, som betaler PRISEN... [LÆS VIDERE] ... |


Forsat på satien -- PS: Det er jo ingen hemmelighed, at 'Nice-to-know' ikke er 'Need-to-know', derfor fortæller vi jer heller ikke ALTING....

Vores varmeste hilsner går til Søens folk (som Dronningen altid glemmer), The Rand Corporation (Den u-barmhjertige samaritaner), Terma A/S, Forsvarsministeren Claus Hjort Iceman Vader for at holde kaje, som også er blevet rigeligt belønnet af Terma A/S og DR-formanden, Michael Christiansen samt Torsten Jansen fra Lead Agency AS, som har hjulpet os gevaldigt og af den grund, haft økonomiske interesser i valg af kampflyet (foruden McKinsey, Niras, Struensee og Co, Deloitte og RAND Europe samt Center, regional- og turismeforskning, der har været involveret i evalueringsarbejdet) ...

🔐 ~ The GoldFish Report: Kauilapele's Blog Censored ~ | Blogger: SoTW prayers go out to KP, his father and all the stuff he's is going through... Kauilapele's Blog has 50 million views and Louisa from The Goldfish says it could be because he talked about MMS - Miracle Mineral Supplement. Same happened to Jordan Sather... PS: If verdensalt.dk do not post stuff out for more than a week or so, you know why... |

Wordpress has censored Kauilapele's Blog just like it censored The Goldfish Report and others. But you can still follow KP's posts at these links: For the time being, any Kp blog type posting will be done at these places: FaceBook1: https://www.facebook.com/pg/kpblogpag... FaceBook2: https://www.facebook.com/kauilapele.kona Twitter (@kauilapele): https://twitter.com/kauilapele MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/kauilapelekona GAB: https://gab.com/kauilapele Earlier Kp blog posts (thru 4-16-20) may be found at: https://web.archive.org/…/20200417070... Also YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/user/kauilapele

🥚🐣🤡 ~ BREAKING GOLDEN EGG: New evidence suggests that the Danish State, Bill Gates & Saudi-Sheik has played us all (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉As we speak SSI is developing a CV19 vaccine at the Danish state's former vaccine factory. Sheik Abdulaziz Hamad Aljomaih received 270 million kroner in discount when he bought the factory in 2016 for 15 million kroner. But he has also deep ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, ISIS and danish State and taxpayers has losses for 1,8 billion kroner. The Danish State had made a secret deal back in 2013 with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, donating hundreds of millions to polio vaccines and other stuff back in 2013, 2014 and 2016, just before SSI, was sold, to Saudi-Sheik's company, AJ Vaccines👈] .... WHAAAAAAAT!?!?!?... {SoTW - SORRY GUYS, that will make all of them indirectly implicated in murder} ..."According to AJ Vaccines, there is the potential to deliver 100 million vaccines from 2020 to 2024. With a two-dollar price tag - which AJ has previously announced - it could give the company an increased turnover of just under $1.4 billion or DKK 9.3 billion is estimated to be worth the market for polio vaccine in 2020. The value is expected to rise to DKK 13.4 billion. In addition to AJ Vaccines, the major players on the market include GSK and Sanofi. AJ Vaccines does not want to answer whether Bill Gates has also supported the development of the corona vaccine, which is now underway at Statens Serum Institute's former vaccine factory at Amager. Christian Malling, Head of Communications at AJ Vaccines, writes in a brief message to Ekstra Bladet: "Unfortunately, we cannot disclose details from our collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or any of our business partners. I hope for your understanding.'" ~ EB.dk... |


🤲 ~ Menneskets Opstigen og Åndelige Hierarki (SoTW Arkiv) ~ | Blogger: Er siden blevet klogere, og KÆRLIGHED, eller 'ubetinget' kærlighed (500 på manges skaler) om du vil, er ikke højeste mulige opnåelig mål. JOY, PEACE OG ENLIGHTENMENT, er højere vibrerende... Hvis du virkelig forstår David R Hawkins, Scientologi efter toneskalaen, Master Mindo, Maslows behovspyramide (uanset hvad), ville du se, at Levels of Consciousness (LOC), lad os kalde det det, når så højt som 1000 (Omega, absolut selv, fuld bevidsthed, fuld oplysning). Når du når 1000 (Buddha, Kristus eller Krishna(i-menneskelig krop), er det svært at forestille sig man kan være 'fysisk' i form på Moder Jord(uanset om du tænker man er en kopi af et multispejlet- eller parallelt univers)... det er bare en tanke - du er jo dommeren... |

Udgivet første gang den 19. Januar 2015 af Verdensalt.dk

Vær opmærksom på, at verdensalt.dk's forsimplende version af Det Åndelige Hierarki med pyramide- diagrammet kan gradbøjes og fortolkes på forskellige måder. Min er ikke entydigt korrekt i andres vurderinger. Det er en god ide, at sætte sig ind i Bevidsthedsudviklingenden Esoterisk filosofi og Visdom, Antroposofi samt Det Hierarkiske Princip.

Forståelsen, at alt i universet er energi, og at al energi er på forskellige niveauer af vibrationer og frekvens, angiver, at alle planeter og deres indbyggere vibrerer på forskellige niveauer

Alt i universet er skabt ud fra de rene lys elektroner kendt som ''kroppen af Gud'. Disse elektroner udgør atomerne i den fysiske verden. Den geometriske udformning og hastigheden af handling omkring den centrale kerne (plus andre faktorer) bestemmer hvilken type atom og dets hastighed på en vibration. Planeter, mennesker, dyr, planter, træer alle udsender en bestemt sats for vibrationer. 

Pyramidediagrammet (nedenfor) viser lysspektrets tæthed (Density), jo tættere vibrationsniveauet, des laveste niveau i lysspektret.

I modsætning til Densivitet, omfatter Dimensioner hele realiteter og overlapper hinanden. Lavere dimensioner er indeholdt i højere. For eksempel den tredje dimension indeholder de nederste to (1st+2nd).

Gode sider og kilder som kan hjælpe dig igang med vores Spirituelle Guider, Åndelige Hierarkier, Vores Chakras, Reinkarnationsprincippet, Karma, forståelse for Universet energi, Oneness og meget mere!: 👉 

🙀 ~ MINDBLOWING - A MUST WATCH !!!!!! 13 minutes for TODAY ~ | Blogger: [👉OMG! Listen To Investigative Journalist Harry Vox. They Are so Few, We Are So Many. WHY the Heck Are We NOT Stopping Them?👈] ... {It seems to me at SoTW that CV-19, was a already planned Event 201 blue book for Ebola virus epidemic, a deliberate accident and bioweapon in 2010 by The Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, RAND Corporation, Henry Kissinger etc. etc} ... Readers, you and me, me and you, and our humble Higher Self's - we are well educated yeah?.. When I first started my blog in 2014 until now, I have posted 19.000 blog posts, skimmed through hundreds of thousands articles and thousands videos, have 16 years of education inside the Matrix system, 30 years of hard work in banking as TSM, PM, Networking, etc. and certified in several alternative healing methods, part of many deep learning conferences and events, including COBRA SCHOOL with many personally initializations, just to mention a small amount of stuff I have been through. Buuttt, every single day, I learn new material that will blow my mind... As I had stated many, many times before, YOU, have to do the RESEARCH. Every research study needs to be conducted CAREFULLY and it needs to RESONATE with your BELIEF-system and the 10 stages of Awakening or WHATEVER it takes, right?.. And noooo, make no mistake about it, SoTW, do not ONLY look at HELL on Earth for nonbelievers before the universe self-annihilates (whatever)... We must acknowledge that DARKNESS is still here, before we can move on to pure LIGHT. Both INSIDE and OUTSIDE of our SPACE... Through Darkness comes Light, through Fear comes Love and through Pain comes Triumph. Remember that... I used to date 2 incredible beautiful womens, one Romanian and one Polish. The first woman with all due respect, O-N-L-Y saw Cobra2012 as THE GOD in Heaven (The High Priests & Priestesses of Golden Atlantis) and the other one O-N-L-Y saw the danish REIKI-master, Erlinng Chriistensen (int. medium, clairvoyant and healer) as hers. Both, was surrounded by Goddess light, but also by Darkness and Despair, because so much shit that happens to them during this lifetime and thousands before that, with unsolved traumatic experiences, phobias, stress, fear and ego.. So they needed a GURU, to help them through life and PERFECTLY fine, better than today's Religious Indoctrination. And that is what they needed to do in their awakening process, not a problem, I have been there myself, but here at Verdensalt, I cannot go through life and put my FAITH to 1 Guru, I had many, without fixing "ALL" my traumatic stuff first, and at the same time, like Alice did in her dreams, when she goes through a looking glass (= mirror) and on the other side meets the red and white queens, chess pieces who have come to life, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Humpty Dumpty and the lion and the unicorn... All i'm saying is that we NEED to acknowledge that there's a Twilight Zone, created by a aggressive Dark Alliance where nothing is quite what it seems, before we can commit to the LIGHT that brings us to The Ascension Day... PS: And yes, because i'm no bullshitter, I am no fortune-teller either, but I can 'spot bullshit from a blimp in a fog storm!' Because of that, i've "lost" friends, my daughter and girlfriends, because I don't lie and tell the truth... So be it and so it is!... |

Source (Victurus Libertas VLTV)

👼 ~ 💕 Who do you want to be (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ |

What we will grow?

(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.

Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

So many of you are asking, "When is this going to be over?" A better question might be, "Who will I be when this is over? How will I have grown? What improvements have I made inside of myself that will cause a happier resonance in my life in the future?"

For dark and difficult thought it might be for so many, this is a rare opportunity upon your planet earth for so many of you to dive deeply within your own spirit – to feel what you have not felt, to dream what you have not dreamed, to wish for the world you have not dared to wish for. There is no running from yourselves when emotions are running so strongly in the current of human consciousness. There is opportunity here – to heal, to love yourself, to create.

🥤💩👎 ~ Myterne holder sjældent: Light er sundere end sukkerfyldt sodavand og snolder ~ | Blogger: [🛎️DING DING DING WROOONG! BOTH LIGHT COLA AND SUGAR IN COLA IS BAD FOR YOU🙅‍♀️] ... {Løgnagtige journalister på DR, Coca-Cola Danmark og kræftinstitutionerne og medicinal- og kemisk industri = Betalt forskning?} ... Jeg har selv været Cola-afhængig, siden jeg var 9 år og til tider, køber jeg det også, selvom min holistiske naturlæge, har forsøgt at få det ud af mit system i en menneskealder. Man bliver hamrende afhængig af Cola, ikke alene pga. sukkeret, men også den mængde koffein og andre (hemmelige) tilsætningsstoffer, ligesom Nikotin i smøger m.m... Lige nu BRÆNDER jorden under Coca-Cola kompaniet fordi CV-19 hærger land og rige, og skal jo tjene penge ind og benytter naturligvis Danmarks Radio og Videnskab.dk til at fremme deres målsætning... DR Kontant, lammetæver jo også alle, ligesom den alternative behandler, Martin Hejlesen, der fortæller, at han har helbredt flere dødeligt syge kræftpatienter.. Der er en grund til, at Cola kan fjerne rust og kalk i dit toilet. Fordi det er syreholdigt, netop det, som kræftceller, bakterier, virus og parasitter elsker... ⚠️PS: Aspartame og Nutrasweet, fremstillet af Monsanto, dem som udviklede Agent Orange under vietnamkrigen. 1940; - førende producent af plast, herunder polystyren, og syntetiske fibre, det kunstige sødemiddelaspartame (NutraSweet) bovint somatotropin (bovint væksthormon BST) og PCB samt Agent Orange primært anvendt under Vietnam-krigen (Ufattelig grim krigsførelse) - kan du se hvor vi er på vej hen?... Aspartam, som er ca. 200 gange sødere end sukker, er et af de mest almindelige kunstige sødestoffer, der bruges i dag og har krævet sine dødsfald og sammen med Colaen og GMO, er kræftfremkaldende... Undersøg det selv... |


🥺 ~ RT: Disney dance! Serena Williams enjoys quality lockdown time with dancing daughter Alexis (VIDEO) ~ | Blogger: [😔Gah, I give up👸] ... Think about who traumatic this little girl will become, after discovering Serena Williams is a man... I do love the Star Wars, Marvel and Lucasfilm, but don't support the satanic pedophilia cult, behind Disney. Illuminati hypersexualization of children from the entertainment industry, has been exposed many times over years, but nobody listen... 🙆☿️🤸 - Is Serena Williams a man or woman? From Yahoo: 🚩 "Best Answer: Funniest question ever .... Thanks for making my day :D ... It's a woman btw :D" | Another comment: 🚩 "Serena Williams is a transgendered man. There is precedent for allowing men, posing as women, to compete at the highest athletic levels. Stella "The Fella" Walsh was a track athlete who competed against women, but after death, during embalming, it was revealed that a man had been competing against women for quite some time. Caster Semenya was an African track competitor who claimed she was a woman. After killing all of her competition, she revealed that she was a man. Serena is a transgendered woman, her body structure is that of a man, so is her brow. That's why the women's game is a joke, as John McEnroe has said in the past...."|


🕛 ~ 💗 12:12:12 Ascension Activations (Meg Benedicte) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Excerpts: "We are in the process of ascending into higher dimensional realities. So much has released in the field, that Metatron requested we meet again for another global meditation this month. We will work on these healing issues, past-life traumas, cancelling ancient agreements and clear oppression. If you would like some extra assistance, this global meditation will provide deep healing treatment and planetary transformation."... |


As the world is on pause, we have a rare opportunity to influence the direction of human evolution. The pause between the past and the future is called the Now Moment…a potent zero point state of pure creation. While in this pause, all life on the planet is experiencing massive healing activations at the molecular level. We are witnessing Gaia self-heal with cleaner air and water. We also must self-heal as we ascend into higher quantum consciousness.

The pandemic is flushing up from the unconscious depths hidden trauma and unresolved conflict dating back to the collapse of the Atlantean civilization. This all needs to be acknowledged, nurtured and transmuted so we can ascend beyond. In quantum healing it is important to identify the original ‘root cause’ for healing and clearing, otherwise it continues to repeat itself. In the same manner, we need to heal and transmute the traumatic Atlantean timeline or it may repeat again.

I’m seeing in client sessions active cellular memory of survival fear and panic due to past lives during plague, famine or the ‘Great Depression’ food shortages. As we work with the triggered energies, we liberate ourselves from an oppressive history. An interesting data point was communicated about the nature of viruses. They seek a host to survive in an ancient parasitic system dating back to the Orion wars. As we activate our Freedom Codes, we are cancelling any agreement to participate as a Host to parasites.

🔭 ~ Did a Russian Scientist Discover Life on Venus 30 Years Back? ~ | Blogger: [🤔I don't know about that discovery, but did verdensalt meet a woman from Venus? Yes he did!🤗] ... That was back in 2015 at The Interplanetary Cultural Exchange Summer Conference in Mt. Shasta. Several people caught orbs on camera and when OMNEC had her presentation, some of the guys told me, three very pink UFO flyby close to our camp and even UFO's dancing near the sun caught on camera... Well, let me tell you - Energies like Mount Shasta's vortex, all energy from conference attendees and speakers, especially the protection "shield" from the three pleiadians hovering above our heads due to OMNEC ONEC visit... My thoughts was "we" are the lucky bonds at the right time and right place on this conference, so very grateful and got so many friends.... Wouldn't have missed it for the world, not even Dr. Steven Greer workshops... For me to shake hands with Rob Potter, talks with Alex Collier, got a (warm) birthday hug from OMNEC, psychic reading from Ted Mahr, nighttime UFO & stargazing with James Gilliland and so many other experiences... |

Article by Nirmal Narayanan April 17, 2020 (ibtimes.sg)

• In 1981, the USSR launched the Venera 13 space probe to explore Venus. The space race between the USSR and the United States had reached its peak and details of the Soviet space mission were highly confidential. Thirty years later, Russian scientist Leonid Ksanfomaliti published an article in the journal Solar System Research, claiming that the probe had detected something crawling across the surface of Venus, considered one of the hottest planets in the solar system. In his paper, Leonid Ksanfomaliti claims that the morphological features of the object spotted on Venus suggests that it was a living being.

• A Quest TV documentary – “NASA’s Unexplained Files” discusses the mysterious entity that moved across Venus. It describes the Venere 13 space probe’s mission: “A Soviet space probe reaches the hottest planet in the Solar System. A lander packed with a payload of cameras and scientific instruments plunges more than 48km through clouds of sulphuric acid to reach the surface. The probe sends back images that seem to show something moving on the surface. It takes three decades before a Russian scientist, Leonid Ksanfomaliti, reveals astonishing images from the archives.”

• Experts at NASA say that the object spotted in the photographic images taken by Venera 13 probe is the lens cap from the Venera’s camera.

• [Editor’s Note] The Soviets had been attempting unsuccessfully to land a viable probe on Venus witht the start of the Venera program in 1961. It wasn’t until Venera 4 in 1967 that a probe was able to send back atmospheric readings before succumbing to the harsh conditions of the planet. Veneras 5 and 6 in 1969 were more successful still, sending back atmosphereic readings for a full hour before going quiet. In 1975, Venera 9 sent back the first images taken of Venus’s surface terrain in natural sunlight. The 1978 Venera 10 probe confirmed the planet’s desolate surface which receives some small amount of sunlight throught its dense atmosphere. It also confirmed the particularly reflective nature of the of the cloud cover engulfing Venus. For the most part, the terrain of Venus was revealed to be a sterile, scorched desert with layers of solidified, crumbly lava. In 1978, the Soviets also sent up the Venera 11 and 12 Venus probes to collect more telemetry from the Venera 9 and 10 landers.

🦁 ~ Donald Trump interview 1980 (Rona Barrett) [Reelin' In The Years Archives] ~ Blogger: [👉Oh Lord! DNC evil Tower of Babel still think “Creepy Uncle Joe” Biden & “Transvestite Michael Obama” is taken over after "70-Year-Old Toddler" Trump👈] ... |


Source (ReelinInTheYears66)

🌎 ~ 💗 The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland ECETI.ORG 💕 ~ | Blogger: Lots of material and video from April 24th - April 26th 2020... |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience

The Latest from ECETI and James Gilliland ECETI.ORG


Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination -
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Mandated Vaccinations, What You Will Need to Say “NO!”
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New Evidence ‘Proves’ Flynn Was ‘Framed,’ His Lawyer Says, Wants Documents Unsealed - Click here for more info

Study Shows Direct Correlation between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks - Click here for more info

ECETI News April 24th

It has been a while since the last newsletter. We have been real busy with winter repairs, cleanup and getting the gardens in. We are going to see how things roll out as far as opening. Considering the fact that we have 70 acres social distancing is not a problem. We are planning on having the July 4th conference with the possibility of pushing it out a couple weeks. We don’t want to sell tickets until we know for sure it is a go. Stay tuned to the website www.eceti.org

There having some brilliant Doctors and Biophysicists in the family we are up to date on what is going on with the Scamdemic. I would google Dr. Shiva and Judy Mikovits if you want to get the big picture. If we put up the link they get censored. We be lie ve the virus as all viruses are created in labs. They are not natural and anyone who says they are natural are science impaired. This includes the way they are transmitted which is another can of worms. This will all come out in the very near future. Follow the money, research who holds the patents, who stands to gain and how this would fit into the global elites agenda as far as population control and total domination and control of humanity. Research how the vaccines, the chips, and vaccination ID cards fit that agenda. You won’t be able to go to school, any major event or social gathering without the chip or the card if they have their way. 

Luckily there are social media warriors, light bearers, people of integrity blowing the whistle on these events. Although this scamdemic was created and released by the deep state or global elite there is a bright side. We are not saying the virus is not real and you should take precautions. We are deeply concerned by what is behind the curtain, the real motives for shutting down the robust economy and promoting fear concerning a virus much less viralent and deadly than previous flus. If you want to know who the players are listen to their words knowing most stand to make billions at the expense of humanity. Global pandemics are real money makers and reduce the population. Are you figuring it out yet? The good news is this is all being exposed, they will fail and the people will rise up and put an end to the war and disease profiteers. The massive pedophile, child trafficing and other abuses to children are coming to an end. What a perfect time to clean up the tyrants, the predators and abusers. No false flags, mass shootings etc. when everyone is home. This is prophecy. God wins. Not Satan or Lucifer the real God, the One Consciousness that Encompasses all Consciousness on all Planes and Dimensions throughout the Multiverse. The Creator within all Creation, the well spring of life. The God that loves you beyond be lie f. Time to walk away from tyranny, those who are suppressing individual freedom and prosperity for all. Time to live a life of impeccable integrity in service to the Creator in all Creation. Time to align with Universal Law and hold your leaders to the same law. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All.

🧻 ~ Euroman's berømte og berygtede Corona E-Matrix. En analyse af tidsåndens rastløshed ~ | Blogger: [👉Desværre er der blot ét mandeblad tilbage i Dannevang og det hedder Euroman - som er blevet et absurd premiumklenodie for multirige Feinschmeckere og reklamerer om ligegyldige ting, som ingen kan købe for penge - øv for det👈] ... {PS: Ikke engang magasinet ‘Konspiration’, og Josef Hanji, eksistere mere, eller magasinet 'M!' og magasinet 'Cover Man'} ... Mandeblade sælger ikke, men det gør latterlige Bubber, som er blevet far - igen - dog, har Baby-Bubber fortrudt tur til Corona Italien, nu hvor barnepige og konens veninde, bærer Bubbers barn. Dermed ligger Bubber i ske sammen med prins Joachim's veninde, kendissen Caroline Fleming som flyttede direkte ind og ud igen i Klampenborg, og kom marmor og stof på vægge og luksuriøse køkkenelementer og mistede flere hundrede tusinde - måske som kompensation købte Joakim en ny luksusvilla i rigmandskvarter til 24 mio. kr. til Caroline?. Her finder vi også 'voldelige wolfsburg begge sider' Nicklas Bendtners a.k.a. 'Lord af utroskab' i zonen som hedder LATTERLIGT... Manniche'rne, Woody Harrelson og Rasmus Nøhr, går fuld Leeroy Jenkins/Fodboldtossen på den danske COVID-19 indsats. Læge Vibeke Manniche og hendes datter, Mai Manniche og Europæiske mobilmaster sat i brand, må være i kassen som hedder GENIALT... Børn, voksne og kærestepar som endelig kan stemme sammen 24/7 i hjemmet og kommunikere og løse Deres problemer, som ellers ville have gået tabt, under Coronakrisen, må være FINKULTUR... B.T.'s Det, vi taler om med Ditte Okman, der leger hemmelig agent for en udenlandsk efterretningstjeneste og censurapparat for den medicinske industri, ifølge Per Brændgaard, ligger ikke i den fine ende. Falske CV-tal, Falske vælgertal og Falske Flag, Mette Fromme Moder, 'Absolute Music' Baby Joy Joy Mogensen, SS(T) Medical Corps nyklippede homosexede Søren Understrøm og SS(I) Medical Corps Kåre Møllarve, må ligge under LAVKUKTUR.. |

Tilfældig eksempel hentet fra Euoman's mange E-matrixer..