Jan 29, 2020
💲❓⚖️ ~ Going once, going twice, SOLD: Thorning-Schmidt snubbed for top UN posting in 2015, but lost. This time she's leading 2020 IMF, World Bank, UN to unite the fight of tax evasion and corruption. Should we Believe in Santa Claus? ~ | Blogger: [🤜Every year at least 45 billion kroner disappears without a trace in the EU system. A report from 1997 said. That's 5% of the budget. Exposing the rogue offshore finance industry will never be allowed🤛] ... {the idea is noble and good but UN is known for it's internal corruption} ... And now, former CEO of Save the Children and former Vestas, wind turbine manufacturer's board and big think tanks, are gonna save the world from evil and greedy Cabal Banksters Cartel money-makers she was working for, a minute ago?. In your dreams... Thorning-Schmidt might be lucky to take the small fish, never the big, like her girlfriend, Margrethe Vestager - European Commission - has been lucky to fine big corporations, but never have hurt them. Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and hundreds of other big tech companies have their tax haven in Ireland, and nothing gonna change that... A COMPLETE stop of the MASSIVE fraud and blessings for a new "Panama Papers" version 2.0 by UN and journalists, is like asking God for a Miracle and letting him stop the "Carbon" Scam by United Nations and World Bank behind ('genocidal' land grabs). No way, that's gonna happen... Sorry, just trying to be bluntly realistic... A GIGANTIC spiritual paradigm shift is required to change or stop the 3-D Matrix of Separation, Subjection and Submission of Power (PTB)... |
🚁 ~ Suspicious Kobe Bryant Death by Helicopter ~ | Blogger: [🥺Woooow! WHAT IF... Death of Kobe Bryant Was Fake... EVERYTHING WOULD CHANGE OVERNIGHT💜] ... Lots of evidence to support these claims... You be the judge... Thx to (Before It's News)... |
Why does crash scene debris match paint from Illinois Helicopter? (N76ILL)
Update: (Video) [Jeffersonian Girl] "Kobe lawsuit against big pharm - potential elimination. His death was fake to pay off his civil lawsuit! The fact that they had a cartoon in 2017 for this same event with him happening, and that happened to be the same year his rape charge came up and was dropped, should be your first clue it is fake!"
😇 ~ 💗 Whistleblower eller kriminel: Bitten møder i retten under kolossalt pres: - Retssag kan koste mig hus og hjem 💕 ~ | Blogger: Vi må bede til, at vor hjerter har så stor en kapacitet og overskud så vi kan sende det videre til Bitten. Med en masse positiv energi og kærlighed til endnu en dansker, som bare ønskede at synliggøre den umenneskelighed og sårbarhed, systemet og andre må lide under fra kommunen og at Retsstaten (ikke) smider Bitten i fængsel, alene, af den grund. Hun er allerede sagt op og under et kolossalt umenneskeligt pres. Bare fordi, Bitten, har udvist ud-over-det-sædvanlige omsorg og der har gjort offentligheden opmærksom på fejlagtig sagsbehandling blottet for medmenneskelighed, retssikkerhed og faglige vurderinger... Hang in there, Star-Soul... |
Kilde (a4nu.dk)
Onsdag starter retssagen mod Bitten Vivi Jensen, der tidligere var ansat som ergoterapeut i Frederiksberg Kommune. Hun er anklaget for at bryde sin tavshedspligt, men mener selv, at hun er whistleblower.
🛸 ~ WATCH: UFO spotted in skies over Mexican volcano seconds after ERUPTION ~ | Blogger: I want to believe... Personally i've seen UFO's in hotspots over Mt. Shasta & Sedona mountains, where incredible ancient spiritual energy vortexes resides... UFO's fleet over a volcano in Iceland, UFO spotted flying over Yellowstone Volcano, over Colima Volcano Mexico etc. etc. Many people have said that these UFO's have a higher intelligence, and sometimes go directly into the volcanoes as well, why is that? Invented reality? The UFO's must somehow get re-energized or powered up by these volcanoes energy bursts?... |
Source (RT.com)
Mexico’s highly-active Popocatepetl volcano began its latest eruption on Monday evening, but mysterious, fast-moving lights in the vicinity immediately after the explosion prompted major concerns online.
Government-run webcams monitor Popocatepetl and eagle-eyed netizens spotted what appeared to be a UFO in the skies above shortly after it began spewing ash following a massive volcanic explosion late Monday evening. (READ MORE)
Por si no lo vieron.— Webcams de México (@webcamsdemexico) January 28, 2020
⚠️ Impresionante ⚠️
Actividad del #Volcán #Popocatépetl ayer a las 23:18 hrs.
Vista desde San Nicolás de los Ranchos, #Puebla.
Vía: @jabed1.
🚦El Semáforo de Alerta Volcánica se encuentra en #AmarilloFase2. pic.twitter.com/5SQAfl0sG7
👻 ~ Mystik om Christianes kæreste: Alle spor er slettet ~ | Blogger: [👤Pretty Woman. Edward, en rig, hensynsløs forretningsmand: Måske er det her slet ikke vigtigt, men det er højst mærkværdigt og imponerende👤] ... {Det har jo nærmest altid været pengene, og de egenskaber rigmænd skaber, som alle kvinder går efter?} .. Anno 2020, George Orwells mareridt, hvor Staten kan kræve hvor alle befinder sig på alle tider af døgnet, med SMART overvågningsværktøjer, og så har vi med en mand at gøre, som kan forsvinde, sporløst (måske)... Det er nu lidt interessant, at én af Danmarks mest magtfulde bankuddannet (sporet) rigmænd, Daniel Åxman, målt på kapital og hvem han omgås med af mest betydningsfulde selskaber i ind og udland, mangemillionær Michael Halborg-Bendtsen (17 roller i dansk erhvervsliv) eller via Allan Warburg, som ejer milliardvirksomheden Bestseller Fashion Group China sammen med Dan Friis og Bestseller-skaberen Anders Holch Povlsen, (der ligger som nr. 15 ud af alle udenlandske rigmænd i Kina), har formået at holde sig så langt væk fra verdens åsyn, at han er et SPØGELSE... Har selv brugt en del værktøjer såsom browseren TOR og duck- duckgo og gravet en masse interessante ting frem. I kan selv gøre det samme. Lav blot Å i Åxman om til dobbelt-a og brug CVR-registret. Det er højst sandsynligt at Mads Palsvig, kender ham... Mon du kan finde ham på billedet på Damian Chandler's instagram, da Allan Warburg med fruen, indtog Hong Kong?... [LÆS VIDERE]... |
Billedet at Christiane Schaumburg-Müller og 1981 listen over de 10.000 frimurere er blot en sjov illustration |
Kilde (B.T.)
Mandag bekræftede Christiane Schaumburg-Müller, at hun igen har fundet kærligheden, efter hun og eksmanden L.O.C. er blevet skilt.
Mr. Daniel Aaxman is a Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder at Woodman Asset Management AG. He has extensive experience in investment services, in particular with the investment management of Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWI). Just before founding Woodman, he worked for HSBC Private Bank, where he was responsible for a portfolio of Scandinavian clients. Prior to joining HSBC Private Bank in 2007, he worked in the private banking industry for two large Danish banks, for seven years. In 2010, he decided to found a Multi-Family Office with a client.
Blogger: Det er jo forholdsvis nemt, at indkapsle hvor "manden" præcist (boede) henne i Hellerup. B.T. har nok ikke set, hans 29 mio. kr. store 280 kvm bolig er solgt og et hav af firmaerne han har haft og de han har.
Tager man til udlandet, ejer han også et firma, som hedder Zirbe AG, før var det Horus Capital Management Limited i England, sammen med en schweizer og portugiser, ud over sine danske firmaer, som nærmest konstant bliver skiftet ud, som vi andre skifter underbukser...
At tænke sig, at have så meget magt, at ikke et eneste billede figurere på internettet, ej heller ikke i udlandet eller på sociale medier, det er højst mystisk, iøjnefaldende og skaber grobund for og en mistanke, hvem denne mand er og befinder sig på elitenetværkets liste over mest betydningsfulde personligheder og hvad alle de penge går til og hvem han betaler under bordet, hvis nogen ...
MEEEEN, det er slet ikke helt ualmindeligt... Min tidligere svoger, var ejendomsmægler i Whiskeybæltet, der hvor en lille (lukket) kreds af jetsettere og stenrige forretningsfolk bor, og han fortalte mig, der findes faktisk en del rigmænd, som med vilje går under radaren. Han har været inde i huse hvor der går underjordiske kældre fyldt med luksusbiler og hvad ved jeg. Blandt andet, har jeg mødt en af hans venner som er erhvervsassurandør for de 6 største danske storkunder i Danmark. Og selv ikke han, kan få oplysninger over, hvem de er, hvad de ejer og hvad de laver, blot via mellemmænd og (skuffeselskaber) og lignede, betjener han disse (rigmænd)...
🐨 ~ 💗 Australian Army Soldiers Spend Their Free Time Cuddling Koalas Rescued From Bushfires 💕 ~ |
Source (TheMindUnleashed)
The Australian Army volunteered to help care for the many koalas who had lost their homes.
🔮 ~ 💗 February Predictions and Spiritual Insights 2020 💕 ~ | Blogger: [🌟"I have been referring to this month for a long time. So many astrological aspects are about to trigger a major event that will change the world" ~ Joni Patry Vedic Astrological🌟] ... Excerpts :"Something huge is brewing based on the transiting planets. This year is a turning point in history and this month will begin the transformation. This is a time of extremes and I believe the spiritual veil is very thin and we can access this potent opportunity if we come from a higher vibration. You will not be resonating to this higher vibration if you become involved in your base emotions concerning politics and religion. Remember again, get outside and beyond these projections of the mass consciousness. Extreme power can be harnessed for good or bad. You can harness this powerful energy for your highest good. Nothing is set in stone, and the outcome depends on the choices that you make now"... |
Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.
I have been referring to this month for a long time. So many astrological aspects are about to trigger a major event that will change the world.
Before I go into the astrological aspects and what they may mean for us, I want to reflect about the deeper meaning of what is being activated for us all now. The most important message that is being revealed now is the Jupiter and Ketu conjunction in Sagittarius. This conjunction has activated something very deep within all of us. As Ketu is the moksha karaka in a chart, it inspires us to find that spiritual essence within. Jupiter’s conjunct with Ketu particularly in the sign of truth and spiritual beliefs has activated huge issues for us to learn from.
With this understanding I have noticed that experiences, memories, and people from the past have surfaced daily in my waking hours and also in my dreams. I have been dreaming a lot of times and places from the past, and people that have passed on more than usual. At first, I actually thought it could be a message that I may be going to the other side soon. What I have come to realize is that many others are having this same experience. Knowing that Jupiter is a powerful expansive force, and with Ketu as the indicator of the past, I began to realize why this was occurring. Knowing that everything happens for a reason I asked my spiritual knowingness why this was occurring, what is the message. What was revealed to me is that this is the time when the spiritual veil between the other side is thin, and more than ever we are able to communicate with the spirit world. The reason for this occurrence is that we now need spiritual support, because there is an event that is about to take place this year that needs our awareness. We are being warned and supported as to the possible events that are brewing and developing.
This month is a turning point in history. The deep emotional sentiment you are feeling is here to heal and clear the past. It is time to become as a new born baby and have a clean slate with no attachments to the past and resentments. This is an opportunity to finally free yourself from past karmas. And as we know when stuck in the past you cannot progress and grow.
February Spiritual Insights
Before I go into the astrological aspects and what they may mean for us, I want to reflect about the deeper meaning of what is being activated for us all now. The most important message that is being revealed now is the Jupiter and Ketu conjunction in Sagittarius. This conjunction has activated something very deep within all of us. As Ketu is the moksha karaka in a chart, it inspires us to find that spiritual essence within. Jupiter’s conjunct with Ketu particularly in the sign of truth and spiritual beliefs has activated huge issues for us to learn from.
With this understanding I have noticed that experiences, memories, and people from the past have surfaced daily in my waking hours and also in my dreams. I have been dreaming a lot of times and places from the past, and people that have passed on more than usual. At first, I actually thought it could be a message that I may be going to the other side soon. What I have come to realize is that many others are having this same experience. Knowing that Jupiter is a powerful expansive force, and with Ketu as the indicator of the past, I began to realize why this was occurring. Knowing that everything happens for a reason I asked my spiritual knowingness why this was occurring, what is the message. What was revealed to me is that this is the time when the spiritual veil between the other side is thin, and more than ever we are able to communicate with the spirit world. The reason for this occurrence is that we now need spiritual support, because there is an event that is about to take place this year that needs our awareness. We are being warned and supported as to the possible events that are brewing and developing.
This month is a turning point in history. The deep emotional sentiment you are feeling is here to heal and clear the past. It is time to become as a new born baby and have a clean slate with no attachments to the past and resentments. This is an opportunity to finally free yourself from past karmas. And as we know when stuck in the past you cannot progress and grow.
🦁 ~ 💗 Seven Keys To Self-Mastery, Relationships and Ascension (The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland ECETI.ORG) 💕 ~ |
James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience
The Latest From ECETI& James Gilliland
Latest news
Seven Keys To Self-Mastery, Relationships and Ascension
In today’s times we are often faced with challenges seen and unseen. The tools and techniques to deal with these challenges are unavailable to most and definitely not shared through standard educational systems. These tools are a must to navigate the days to come.
Seven Keys To Self-Mastery, Relationships and Ascension
There are main keys
1 Without trust there is no foundation for a relationship.
2. Honesty and loyalty are imperative as well.
3. Communication and respect are very important each individual has their expertise in one field or another. Learn to listen.
4. Constant monitoring of self, the energies of the surrounding area including friends and family. Friends and family can be used as conduits for negative influences to get to you and derail your spiritual journey. They will become crazy makers and push all your buttons.
5. Remove the buttons, the channels they come through. This needs to be done with self first through process-oriented therapies which include past life clearing. Keep yourself clear then you can help others later. The buttons are wounds traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences. Compulsive behavioral patterns.
6. We also have to address addictions and substance abuse. This includes the over indulgence and abuse of marijuana, plant medicines, alcohol, other psychotropic drugs including opiate derived pain killers. Clouding the mind and avoidance verses Clearing the mind and healing creating heaven on Earth.
7. Make clearing unseen negative influences a daily practice, morning noon and night. If you don’t like what you are feeling do a healing. A daily practice of Yi Gong, Chi Gong, Yoga even martial arts, walks in nature preferably barefoot are all beneficial. In these times of instant communication refrain from Gossip. Firsthand experience and research with discernment using the healed heart as your guide is first and foremost. There is your business, other people’s business, and Gods business. Other people’s business is Gods business. “Byron Katie” No one knows what another soul needs for completion. Avoid Main Stream News
One must make all seven of these principles a way of life if you are going to embark on and be successful in your journey to Self-Mastery. They are go 2s for everyday challenges.
👼 ~ 💕 The momentary choice you made to experience separation is about to be reversed (Message from Saul) 💕 ~ |
Saul is an ascended Master just like Jesus, Buddha, Mary and many many more. BTW you are all on your ways to becoming ascended masters so stand up and celebrate your greatness.
channeled by John Smallman
© 2020 johnsmallman
Saul Audio Blog for Monday January 27th
Humanity is riding the wave towards its moment of awakening and this is very close now. Let go of your doubts and anxieties because all is well. Your awakening, as you have been told so often, is inevitable! It seems to you that you have been waiting a very long time for this magnificent event, but in truth it has been but a moment, an instant. Separation from Source never occurred, it could not occur because there is nowhere to separate to, there is only Source the infinite field of Love in which all that is created has its eternal existence in peace and joy.
However, for a moment, for a tiny instant, you imagined separation, and because you are imbued with the infinite power of Source, what you imagined seemed to come into existence, and it seems that you are trapped, ensnared, and immobilized within a vast Universe of physicality, of form. It is completely unreal, even though to you it seems very solid, because in form you are always in contact with other objects in form – from the ground beneath your feet to everything with which you interact during your daily lives.
Life appears to be very physical as your bodies interact with other physical bodies and objects. BUT, if you pay close attention to your feelings, to your sensations of consciousness or awareness, it becomes quite clear that you are not your bodies. There is within you a knowing that you can depart from where your body is physically – for instance while sitting, walking, working, driving a car – in any moment your mind can be somewhere far removed from the space in which your body is present. You are not your body but you move it and manipulate it, or parts of it, by intending to do so.
channeled by John Smallman
© 2020 johnsmallman
Saul Audio Blog for Monday January 27th
Humanity is riding the wave towards its moment of awakening and this is very close now. Let go of your doubts and anxieties because all is well. Your awakening, as you have been told so often, is inevitable! It seems to you that you have been waiting a very long time for this magnificent event, but in truth it has been but a moment, an instant. Separation from Source never occurred, it could not occur because there is nowhere to separate to, there is only Source the infinite field of Love in which all that is created has its eternal existence in peace and joy.
However, for a moment, for a tiny instant, you imagined separation, and because you are imbued with the infinite power of Source, what you imagined seemed to come into existence, and it seems that you are trapped, ensnared, and immobilized within a vast Universe of physicality, of form. It is completely unreal, even though to you it seems very solid, because in form you are always in contact with other objects in form – from the ground beneath your feet to everything with which you interact during your daily lives.
Life appears to be very physical as your bodies interact with other physical bodies and objects. BUT, if you pay close attention to your feelings, to your sensations of consciousness or awareness, it becomes quite clear that you are not your bodies. There is within you a knowing that you can depart from where your body is physically – for instance while sitting, walking, working, driving a car – in any moment your mind can be somewhere far removed from the space in which your body is present. You are not your body but you move it and manipulate it, or parts of it, by intending to do so.
😇 ~ 💗 Worried about coronavirus? This might help 💕 ~ | Blogger: WHAT we need is healing... |
@captaingarret #coronavirus #pray #miracles #foryou #fyp #foryoupage
♬ original sound - captaingarret
It might help if you take a moment to send the Light to all those affected. Here is a prayer you can join for the vanquishment of the coronavirus.
🔴 ~ BF: Engineered “novel corona virus” okay for Europeans ~ | Blogger: [beachbum commentary : "This post is from Benjamin S Fulford, all previous are Benjamin Fulford. Something funky going on here"] ... ANYWHO, it makes (some) sense, to isolate China and leave the world untouched, in order to bring China to its knees, who knows!? The globalists wins again and USA, Inc. avoiding bankruptcy on January 31st 2020? (so it seems)... |
Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.
The “novel corona virus” now infecting people in China is designed to leave those of European descent unharmed, according to P3 Freemason sources. We have previously provided extensive proof to show this was also true of SARS. Remember, the Nazi neocons who came to power with George W. Bush Jr. said in their Project for the New American Century manifesto that ethnic-specific bio-weapons would be a “useful political tool.”https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/2018-11-20-US-Pat-No-10130701-CORONAVIRUS-Assignee-THE-PIRBRIGHT-INSTUTUTE-Woking-Great-Britain-funded-by-Wellcomme-Trust-and-Gates-Foundation-USPTO-Nov-20-2018.pdf
☢️ ~ Coronavirus Epidemic ~ | Blogger: [🤜HEALTH AUTHORITIES: 132 people and infected more than 6,000. RUMORS: A woman claims that Chinese doctors have estimated about 100,000 infected. OTHER RUMORS: Millions infected, hundreds of thousands dead. 65 million in quarantine. MEDICAL STUDY OF VIRUS OUTBREAK: 83% Infection Rate, 15% Mortality (DEATH)🤛] ... ...☝️ WHAT WE KNOW FOR A FACT: China’s censorship apparatus, dubbed the Great Firewall, and a army of censors thought to be in the millions, block all mentions of the Coronavirus outbreak and or any EVENT. Back in 2003 and the SARS outbreak, The People’s Republic, had in an effort to hide the truth from its citizens, a common practice used to keep up morale, discouraged the nation’s press from reporting on the SARS outbreak, and even hid reports from the World Health Organization... 🤔What really worries me on SoTW or think is strange is, that the so-called 'Global Policeman' America First (policy) & the most powerful man, POTUS, is (still) as a mouse🐭 NOTHING about Coronavirus.. Instead, he's (seems) in CAHOOTS with Benjamin Netanyahu, basically dictating the terms of Palestinian surrender to the high-tech manufacturing industry - which produces cutting-edge technology products from quantum computers to military artificial intelligence and know-how (whatever). Basically, establishing a new Balfour Declaration🥺. AND then, Trump, call it PEACE (deal of the century). In other words, Trump, so it seems, has now given Israel what they want, how to capitalize Palestine by forcing a brand new high-tech manufacturing complex, (South of Gaza, in the Negev desert) to give Israel & other Arab countries massive POWER, besides U.S. Silicon Valley and of course, like the Balfour Declaration that was issued on November 2, 1917- that turned the Zionist aim of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine into a REALITY... AND, Benjamin Fulford could be right as rain, when he posted his latest report before Trump announcement, when he said: "U.S. Corporate president Donald Trump is about to announce an arrogant Israeli peace plan that is already dead on arrival"?... 😢Sorry, no more tears (Enough Is Enough)😨... Back to the VIRUS: British Airways & United Airlines cancels flights to and from China and more will come, totally ISOLATING China. You might think, 'that's a good thing! It's out of our hands, and honestly, Westerners don't care about countries like Africans or Chinese people, anyway!?'... But the problem is, besides the obvious that people are dying in China and nobody cares, with China in isolation from a bankers perspektive, leaves not only Asian stocks in decay by the virus fears, it will eventually also hit US and European markets (even if CNN is lying about stock markets are in recovering)... 🦠Perhaps it was meant to be by 'design'; that Coronavirus fallout could shock the global economy into recession and make the medical-industrial complex rich on Medical Masks N95 and Australia in helping global vaccine push?. Australia is also to quarantine coronavirus evacuees on Christmas Island... you be the judge.. Expect the Unexpected... Mother GAIA needs so much Healing and Peace, right now🙏... |
I’m getting really worrying news from the financial markets....
If China were to becomes a 'sealed up country' against virus spread it would collapse as a world economy.
Hong Kong would be next to follow.
This outlook has started to effect global money markets.
Question - if there are only 1,250 cases of the virus in China why are 350,000 yes three hundred and fifty thousand!!! China nurses and doctors being rushed to the outbreak area?
Why are trees and earth and rubble being dumped across roads to block transport?
And why are the two emergency field hospitals being built?
What ever the virility of this virus - The Chinese authorities are lying about number who are sick.https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/01/24/coronavirus-fears-rise-chinese-cover-up-40-million-lockdown/
Other sources:
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