Mar 16, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (The Riddler, Batman - Mister Vengeance AKA Putin & One 'Thumb' drive!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: For years I’ve said that “The Dark Knight” is the one great comic-book movie.. However, the new Batman film that need to be seen in a movie theater and I personally think, is one the best ever made, because it is, a new version of the famous comic book hero where a mysterious masked man calling himself The Riddler, The Penguin and new history of The Wayne Family.... Is Gotham City, infested with crime families who use violence and dirty money to exploit the innocent, better than Ukrainian city of Odessa, that Obama, as an Illinois Senator, and Former Senator Dick Luga, helped negotiate a deal to build a level-3 bio-safety lab? Keep in mind, that Joe and Hunter Biden have assets located next to Eastern Europe's second longest tunnel system through which drugs, weapons, children, people and adrenochrome are trafficked. Think Odessa (Ukraine) -> Belarus -> Lithuania -> Latvia -> Estonia -> Finland -> Sweden tunnel system, yes, that's right! Now do you know why Biden Joe has land there? There's 32,000 miles of D.U.M.B.S. Now you understand why the Russian bear wants to destroy part of Ukraines most corrupt cabal hideouts, military facilities and biolab, like Gotham City? Last time Ole Dammegard was on air with Alfred Lambremont Webre in 2017, he revealed about a huge Belgian Pedogate Network & Stockholm kungsgatan metro tunnel system (used by paramilitary and pedophile network). Russias "Special Operations" are NOT there to kill, and I repeat, after civilians or bomb hospitals, or anything that MSM media, are telling you. What would you do, if an huuuge ovoid shaped alien space ark under the Ukraine desert near the city of Kherson Oleshky Sands, and smaller space ark located near the city of Kiev, would levitate and stay up in the air, like the movie "District 9"? (Dr Salla, 'JP', Elena, Alex). Why do you think Russia intensifies shelling of Kyiv, launches attacks on Odessa?. Simon Parkes says, Trump is NOT working with Putin. In the Ukraine capital blacked out cars drive around ensuring and providing photo opportunities are there for western journalists. These are private security and / or mercenaries... Other reports has stated, PUTIN not only arrested his own FSB INTELLIGENCE HEAD ..> but also several other GENERALS> Bankers> corporation executives and government officials in a large 2 week OPERATIONS< The ARRESTs and current SANCTIONS ON [ DS] ARE CONNECTED. THATS THE REASON RUSSIA HIT BIDEN. BLICKEN , Hillary Clinton, the former Democratic presidential nominee, as well as Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo and national security adviser Jake Sullivan etc. etc... NOTHING is what it seems... Go and do your research... |


🎴🔮💖 ~ ('Activating' boots-on-the-ground!?!) PATRIOT'S STORY & DEALINGS IN THE SHADOW CONFLICT! IS THIS SHOWING OF THINGS TO COME? NEXT MOVES? (TBJ) ~ | Blogger: I got on a 2,5 hour phone call this morning with my only danish friend, who's on same level as myself (Spiritual intelligence). As we both see now, this is not only in USofA, but it must be a global "activating" to bring out the TRUTH! My Higher Self told me, that, Joe Biden, will be gone by April of 2022. I wish that Queen-Lizzie, will also be a goner! We really need the evil Queen of Earth cleared and her satanic energies! (Yes, she is already dead, but the energies surrounded the UK monarchy, interconnected to all the EU monarchies, has to be resolved to clear out magnetic ley lines etc.) I will soon confirm that by my holistic ND, in March. According to all the energies, in the truth-movement and alternative news, astrology, tarot cards etc.; April-June will be veeery important, for HUmanity. Sorry guys, to all the "muggles" out there, not trying to be rude or part of leftists and crazy conspiracy theories, you just need to get with the program! I have done this for many years, and was part of GOLDMAN SLACKS / Rothschild suits in the Headquater banking industry, working with IT for 25 years. I was "one-of-you". Splitting headaches, trouble sleeping, hated to go to work, bad energies, narcissistic leadership, Service to Self etc. forced me away and and out, I quit my job in 2018 and never looked back. I'm a mad-man to turn a great job down and $110.000 yr salary with 16 yrs of education, down the toilet? It took me 6 months to get out of the money-madness mind-though-web and today, I have only a small amount of cash, to support me, but are Service to Others. I have no pension, nothing left. I rather stay outside the 3D matrix of simulation, than "connected" to the matrix-program. I have lost my daughter, wife and friends, very tough times, but it's worth it. I didn't choose who I AM in this lifetime, my spiritual divine contract and God / Source, did... |

✊❌⛑️~ (Trump-Terminator: I'll be back! 'Stop the cabal'. Trump Won! 2024 the Revenge Tour!) The second coming of Donald Trump: Can he become president again? (60 Minutes Australia) ~ | Blogger: The C O V ID 1984 Plandemic was their perfect Storm event to force A Police state on the USA, Australia, New Zealand, China, Denmark, who were the very first and worse, during the Coronacrisis, measured by lockdowns, COVID vaccination (injection with HIV, Gene-Therapy, Black Goo (GO) etc) and taken away, peoples free speech and freedom rights etc.. As you know, 60 minute, owned by CBS Corporation, (illuminati 1950 the All-Seeing Eye in corporate logos) which again, is controlled by only 6 Corporations and "the illusion of choice" by 90% of American and Global media. Fortunately, those enormous media conglomerates do not have quite the same monopoly over the Internet, but the same "controllers" who owns the MSM Media, also owns backdoors to ISP providers (DNS content filtering, web-filtering or web-blocking) also owns YouTube and all "free" Social Media" platforms (censor by AI algorithms) etc. etc. So, we're starting to see a tremendous amount of consolidation in the online world as well. Lucky, a billionaire Trump-donor may have been behind Jeff Zucker's CNN resignation and that's terrible news for Jim Acosta and others at CNN. John Malone is the majority owner of Discovery, the company that will soon run CNN. In other words, part of WarnerMedia is owned by White Hats.. That is why Trump, QAnons, Generals, White Hats, off-worlders (call them what you wish), is here, together with Elon Musk's SpaceX StarLink Network, a global internet coverage. Plus, Trump Media & Technology Group and "The Quantum"-Internet, The Quantum-Media and of course, The Quantum Financial System. The QFS is housed in the MEGA Quantum Consciousness (QC) often called a computer. This Quantum Conscious is Divine Consciousness that is being made available for us to use in this Third Dimentsion. The tools it brings are to necessary for us to usher in the Golden Age of Mankind. The QFS is a ledger accounting system made up of individual accounts (there's so much more to the story)...

(about Liam Bartlett) "This guy is a complete NUT, seriously, a complete insane person", says, American politician and former television news journalist, Kari Lake and Republican race for Arizona as Governor. "Thank you for giving me a good laugh, because, you actually makes some of the crazy reporters, like CNN, um, look almost respectable, so thank you sir, appreciate your time"... 

(SoTW) PS: Do we have to wait until 2024, hell no, Trump will be back, sooner, in a short temporary form, until Trump passed on the presidency, to the very last President or the very new Leader of the new Republic and the original Constitution (nothing to do with freemasonry or NWO)...