Oct 31, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 (Full Moon 20/20 Vision) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [✨Our World in 2020 (The Truth May Scare You!) ~ Jason A✨] ... Spooky season is upon us — and this year it will be a little bit spookier. A rare Halloween Full Moon, 76 years in the making, is visible across most of the planet in 2020... |
~ 😔0️⃣7️⃣ ~ (#JamesBondDay) James Bond’s next film No Time to Die delayed till 2021 again - an entire year (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉#Time2DieZeroZeroSeven?👈] ... {Sad news. Sir Connery is dead. RIP} ... SoTW is a Huuuuge Movie Buff... James Bond, Black Widow, Eternals, Wonder Woman, Top Gun and other big films DELAYED until 2021 and now, Mega-chain "Cineworld" are closing the Regal Movie Theaters in UK & US, 45,000 jobs at risk, following 'no time to die' delay and danish movie theaters are in 'panic and distress'... But, boss, that's not the worst news, Sir Sean Connery, has died at the age of 90, his family has said and more crazy it is, during these insane CV-1984 Occult Sabbatical Sacrificing Halloween times... |
Sad news. Sir Connery is dead. RIP.
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) October 31, 2020
Sean Connery will always be James Bond. pic.twitter.com/BbfbkhRy29
Tomorrow is #JamesBondDay as October 5th is the day the first James Bond film DR. NO was released in 1962. pic.twitter.com/813Kkhcf5m
— James Bond (@007) October 4, 2020
MGM, Universal and Bond producers, Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli, today announced the release of NO TIME TO DIE, the 25th film in the James Bond series, will be delayed until 2 April 2021 in order to be seen by a worldwide theatrical audience. pic.twitter.com/NqHlU24Ho3
— James Bond (@007) October 2, 2020
🌌🛸👨🚀 ~ (Musk & NATO's 5G SpaceX Starlink, German Breakaway SSP) Barrett, Raymond highlight Space Force’s achievements, path forward (Spaceforce.mil) ~ | Blogger: [👉Space Force leaders spoke at Space Symposium 365: "We can expect SF to start the rollout of advanced tech in 2021, & eventually disclose its covert force of antigravity craft."👈] ... Another article warns of betrayal after NATO, has established Space Center at Ramstein, Germany and growing cooperation between US & German military in space suggests a deal has been struck with German breakaway SSP - Dark Fleet (Dr. Salla)... Lastly, SpaceX Starlink beta customer offer is 20-40 ms latency and up to 150 mbps with it's 888 satellites in low Earth orbit out of over 4,000 SpaceX satellites in the first phase deployment (and of course it comes with a price = 5G)... |
https://www.spaceforce.mil/News/Article/2397860/barrett-raymond-highlight-space-forces-achievements-path-forward/ |
https://www.thetrumpet.com/23053-germany-becomes-center-of-future-space-wars https://twitter.com/MichaelSalla/status/1321845895780917248 |
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https://nworeport.me/2020/10/30/spacex-starlink-beta-customer-offer-is-20-40-ms-latency-and-up-to-150-mbps/ |
🎃🧟👻 ~ (#DEFCON3 #Udskamning #Indoktrinering #Maskespillet) Den egenrådige og magtfuldkommen HjerterDronning Mette voksenskældud af danske ambassadører i Europa. Magnus LØGNICKE Spar Es' nye militære 1-5 DEFCON varslingssystem, DEMA-camps, Rød-Orange farver i rejsevejledningerne og corona-epidemiloven i strid med grundloven, indkalder nu 10 borgmestre på vestegnen, til voksenskældud (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [❤️Give that man a cigar: Peter C. Gøtzsche! Desuden anbefaler professor i statskunstskab og forsker i politisk adfærd ved Aarhus Universitet, Michael Bang Pedersen og eksperter mere gennemsigtige coronaregler og om at lade danskere blive spurgt! Set på Altinget.dk samt DR's radio-nyheder❤️] ... 🧟 'LØGNICKE' erkender dog, at der INGEN sundhedsfaglig begrundelse var for, den milliarddyre seksdagesregel, der har ramt den københavnske turismebranche hårdt (berlingske.dk)... 🧟Professor i biologi Morten Petersen: Corona er ikke værre end en hård influenzasæson, så drop panikken over smittetallene (Information.dk)... 🧟Opsang fra Mette Frederiksen: Hold det, I læser på sociale medier om corona, ud i strakt arm og brug jeres sunde fornuft i stedet (Politiken.dk)... 🧟Søren Brostrøm bliver spurgt af en journalist og svarer, at det "IKKE" kræver en lægeerklæring at være mundbinds-fritaget. Det er tillidsbaseret (Facebook)... 🧟Mens alle taler om COVID-19, lurer truslen fra antibiotikaresistens i horisonten. Gør vi ikke noget ved problemet nu, vil den økonomiske omkostning og prisen i menneskeliv om få år blive meget højere, end COVID-19 nogensinde kommer i nærheden af, siger Torben Mogensen, formand for Lungeforeningen (dagenspharma.dk) ... 🧟»Dybt usædvanligt«: Amerikanske forskere advarer mod svagheder i dansk mundbindsstudie... 🎃PS: For FØRSTE gang, tog jeg MUNDBLEN på i butikkerne i går omkring ca. 10 sekunder og havde mit Kina-baseret sorte (provo) omdannet maskeværk for ikke at blive #Udskammet... Det undrede mig dog, at på den lokale tankstation, løb tankpasseren ind og ud blandt kunderne, i butikken UDEN mundble på, samme gjorde Kvickly's såkaldte "corona-medarbejderne", som angreb alle som ikke bar mundble, men havde ikke noget på selv. Det var i alle butikker, hvor personalet ikke havde munblen på, mens alle os andre, skal have det på. DET GIVER IKKE MENING... |
🥼🧪🤥 ~ False positives and false negatives RT-PCR testing programme: We are all being lied to (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Now, here's something you don't see or hear about every day... On one of the Cobra-channels or actually, (the) core-group channel, I used to belong to, now passive member, a finnish woman told the group, that her sister, got the VIRUS and has been exposed (symptoms with positive test) after, having the mobile enabled (virus app) closeby to another person in a certain area. And she really are defending it to her heart, what the good finish doctors and hospitals in the testing camps are truefully in their false positives and false negatives... I have seen a danish facebook update about a person who isolated himself in 2 month and the person got exposed anyway after testing.... soooo, okay... Let's just say YOU have the COVID-19 virus and the app. We and you meet. I also have the app. I go for testing, but the database knows that we have met, so it pushes the test result as "positive" regardless whether I have it or not. I.e. they increase the number of patients, and people will mostly believe it, because they were in contact with a infected person and the app confirms it. Ergo, it's Big Tech's rabbit hole that goes deeper than everyone thinks... President Donald Trump has on Friday claimed that doctors are inflating the coronavirus death count for monetary gain while cases, hospitalizations and deaths surge across the country - and i truly believe him and he would not in a million years talk about it - if it was fake news a few days before election day... You might wanna check out the documentary Plandemic I and II by insider Judy Mikovits one that gives good insight. She has worked together with dr Fauci, who was part of the W.H.O. and Trump's health advisor. Now, Dr. Søren Brostrøm, appointed Director General of the Danish Health Authority will in May of 2021, belong to the very, very TOP of WHO's global board - you figure it out... |
🥺🙀🍭 ~ (Trick-or-treating Prince of Darkness) BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR (GP) ~ |
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/breaking-exclusive-text-messages-show-vp-biden-wife-brother-key-family-members-aware-concerned-colluded-suppress-hunters-actions-around-certain-minor/ |
Hahahahah. Great Halloween ad. Truly scary. pic.twitter.com/vDOnFFXKVK
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 26, 2020
Whoa! 🔥 🔥 🔥 @RudyGiuliani let’s Joe “the prince of darkness” have it! Watch this is powerful! 👇🏻He caught ya Joe! 👍🏻Thank goodness he did! #NeverBiden #VoteTrump2020ToSaveAmerica ❤️🇺🇸❤️
— Pam Sands 🇺🇸⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🇺🇸 (@pam_sands) October 29, 2020
✅👌👶 ~ (Spot on) Faceless parents, fearsome world: Covid-19 restrictions enact sinister form of child abuse that may destroy entire generation (RT) ~ | Blogger: Helen Buyniski is an American journalist and political commentator at RT... BTW, The ongoing protests against Covid-19 restrictions threaten “internal security,” Thuringia PM Bodo Ramelow told German media, suggesting terrorism and pogroms were taking shape at the hands of a right-wing/‘anti-vaxxer’ alliance... So now, slowly but surely, the govt of Germany and next Denmark, are able to tell us all, that Anti-lockdown protesters are becoming ‘TERRORISTS,’ as head of German state of Thuringia, has claimed... We have already witnessed that in Australia and NATO's Operation Gladio has created a (possible) false flag with the "Allah Akbar" Nice attack, 2016 Nice truck attack and Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, that has lit a FIRE to (another) "black powder keg" between the Muslim world vs. Jewish / Christianity / Catholic to create as MUCH distress and warmongering as possible.. |
After all, it isn’t uneducated mommy-bloggers gaslighting parents into believing they can raise a normal healthy child in the bubble-like isolation prescribed by most of the US, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. No less than Harvard University has encouraged parents to hold “virtual playdates” for their kids, as if Skype and Zoom are valid alternatives for the critical immunity-building practice of playing outside in the dirt and swapping germs with other kids.
The university also suggests teachers and parents “incentivize” mask-wearing in order to “reinforce the social norm” – despite limited evidence for health benefits and the still-unresolved issue of whether children are even at risk from the novel coronavirus. While there is conflictingevidence on whether masks actually reduce viral transmission, they do prevent children (and adults, for that matter) from reading each others’ facial expressions, a disaster for very young kids still learning nonverbal social cues.
👼 ~ 💗 (Emotional Battle) November Energy Update: Major Month For Healing, Personal Clarity, Small Acts of Peace & More 💕 ~ |
The #EnergyUpdate for November 2020 has arrived! There were many themes this month and a few of the key ones are:
- MAJOR MONTH FOR HEALING in November, both emotional and physical.
- PERSONAL CLARITY arising as a result of the outer chaos.
- SMALL ACTS OF PEACE will be galvanizing, and
- PAINFUL TRUTHS AND SOOTHING TRUTHS, how truths coming out and rising to the surface are going to play a big part in the month of November.