Jul 10, 2019

👯‍♀️ ~ Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil : En omvendt kommunist og nu i stærk modvind, fra STASI-kollaboratør til DR-frihedskæmperinde. Vil pålægge bloggere redaktøransvar om presseetiske regler (verdensalt) ~ | Blogger: [⛔STOP The Rise of Playboy Bunny Blonde Nano Influencers🏩] ... {"Vi har solgt børn og unge til stanglakrids" ~ Rosenkrantz-Theil} ... APROPOS, verdensalt, så bliver jeg ikke ramt, har ganske få læsere, (jeg) har hang til et ukendt fænomen, (spiritualisme, fri vilje og ubetinget kærlighed) og jeg skal ikke tjene PENGE eller betjene sædeligheds- fejden, men kendte blogger(e), kendisser og influencer, f.eks. som Fie Laursen, Amalie Have, Sarah Louise Christiansen, Linse Kessler, Sofie Linde, Stephanie Karma, Kristine Sloth, Caroline Wozniacki, MØ, Lisbeth Kiel, SugarCharmShop, o.s.v, o.s.v.... Hvis man skal være hård og kontant (retfærdig), kan man (vel) konkludere, alle disse bandvarme "influencer" (stereotypen om den dumme blondine), virker på mange, som overgudinder; super-hottie, frække, attraktive, inteligente med fortrin, der enten sælger sig selv (som sexsymboler), eller stomer de sociale medier med en provokerende attitude, der til syvende og sidst, blot munder ud i salg, af meningsløse materialisme af neglelak, læder og sexisme (en materialistisk afhængighed, til den overfladiske imagepleje)... Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil debuterede i Monopolet i slutningen af februar 2004. Lige siden har hun været fast spiller på vores A-hold i Danmarks Radio's Fake News Central, Aftenshowet - you name it.... Børne- og undervisningsministeren, indfører fraværsstraf og sprogprøver i børnehaveklassen efter sommerferien... NU vil Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil også, anbringe flere udsatte børn... Børne- og undervisningsministeren, mener, Bloggere, der har hundredtusindvis af følgere, skal betragtes på linje med massemedier som aviser og tv-stationer.... HVIS det ikke er et feministisk politisk overgreb i disse #MeToo tider, så ved jeg ikke hvad... MAN har spurgt jurister, og de siger, at det i praksis vil være svært at pålægge bloggere et redaktøransvar (God dag mand økseskaft)... SJOVT nok, så stomer blondine-bloggeren Sarah Louise Christiansen samt Lisbeth Kiel, formand for Danske Bloggere, frem og nikker ja til, at der skal lovgives om etik på sociale medier.. HVAD sker der for dem!?.. HVORNÅR vågner fattige folk og savlende mænd fra den sovende kæmpe, op til dåd og overlader de dyriske instinkter som et stærk og vanedannede narkotikum, og finder nye steder, at sætte sine sultne tænder i? Jeg kan med ro i sindet sige, efter at Kirsten Birgit har været på banen med Amalie Have-hoaxet, har jeg mistet al tillid til, at disse 'blondine-influencer', har noget vigtigt at sige, som skaber, hvad vi skal bruge i fremtidens verdensorden... |

Danish Round-Up: Minister wants online stars to be accountable for what they post

Denmark Prepares Social Media Regulation Following Popular Blogger's Suicide Note

🔴 BREAKING ~ Socialist / Communist Vestager Outed, Danske Bank's DKK 3bn Downhill Turn, Deutsche Bank's Dead (Man Walking) By A Thousand Cuts Is Not Over. Merkel 3rd Time Shaken - Not Stirred, (Novo) & ‘Astronomical’ US Drug Prices Force Citizens to Canada For Life-Saving Insulin, British Ambassador to the US Quits Over Secret Leak / Memos AND ex. Pres. Clinton, Denies Any Knowledge of Epstein & Child Abuse ~ |


🔭 ~ U.S. Navy and Lockheed Martin officially introduce directed energy weapons into warfare (intellihub) ~ | Blogger: [🛩️THEY are not alone. China & Russia (NATO) has their own DEW's that includes EMP & Laser weaponry⚡] ... {DENMARK will have theirs, when introducing 5G} ... (living the dream inside a Game or Sci-fi Movie ) --"A directed energy weapon was a weapon that inflicted damage via a beam or pulse of electromagnetic radiation, high-energy particles, or more exotic forms of energy. In most space-faring civilizations, directed energy weaponry had replaced projectile weapons, which tended to be regarded as more "primitive". The most common types of directed energy weapon are phasers and disruptors, though a wide range of other energy-based weapons have also been developed. (Star Trek)". In the Alpha Quadrant, subspace weapons such as isolytic bursts were forbidden by the Khitomer Accords. (Star Trek: Insurrection) Advanced weapons existed, in the forms of the planet-destroying antiproton beam mounted on the so-called "planet killer". Federation technology had very little to match this technology when faced with one such weapon in 2267. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine") The Xindi weapon was another planet-killer utilizing a directed-energy beam, but it was destroyed before the Sphere-Builders, manipulating the Xindi, had an opportunity to complete their plan by using the device on Earth. (ENT: "The Expanse"; ENT Season 3)"... |

Nearly 4 years ago, I wrote an article entitled, “Lasers and Electronic Warfare To Be Used in New World of Drones and Anti-Drones,” wherein I detailed the trend toward using directed energy weapons in warfare. Unfortunately, it appears that much of the speculation at that time about whether or not this was merely the military-industrial complex looking to fund more boondoggle projects that would never see the light of day actually has become reality.

Fox News reports:
If swarms of enemy small attack boats armed with guns and explosives approached a Navy ship, alongside missile-armed drones and helicopters closing into strike range, ship commanders would instantly begin weighing defensive options – to include interceptor missiles, electronic warfare, deck-mounted guns or area weapons such as Close-in-Weapons System.
Now, attacks such as these will also be countered with laser weapons being added to the equation, bringing new dimensions to maritime warfare on the open sea.
By 2021, U.S. Navy destroyers will be armed with new ship-fired lasers able to sense and incinerate enemy drones, low-flying aircraft and small boat attacks — all while firing at the speed of light.
The system is called HELIOS (High-Energy Laser and Integrated Optical-Dazzler with Surveillance,) which appears to be a similar system to that of another one that I covered in that previous article from German company, Rheinmetall Defense Electronics, simply called HEL (High-Energy Laser), which they referred to as “HEL on wheels.”

👼 💓 ~ Laura Eisenhower Update 💕~ |

Thanks to theearthplan

Huge things are happening that I know many are privy to. The fact that NXIVM and Epstein are going down and justice is getting on top of these things, we must know that the dominos can only fall from here, taking down and exposing not just the root of it, but all it’s tentacles.

This Eclipse time could not signify the fall of the Cabal anymore than it is revealing astrologically right now m. Capricorn (south node) full Moon partial lunar Eclipse - July 16-17th is going to bring up great intensity in the World and many people in their own personal lives.

Here are the alignments— Pluto (death, rebirth, alchemy, transformation) conjunct Full Moon (Illumination and revealing) and Saturn close by too (structure, authority, Matrix). Self Mastery is the highest expression of Saturn and we achieve this through deprogramming and being our true authentic self.

Mercury retrograde is helping us go inward as Chiron (wounded healer) makes tense aspects to Venus and Sun, forcing us to look at our wounds.

South node in Capricorn signifies something we have gotten comfortable with and is a foundation that needs a transformation because it is built on many lies. Cancer where the North node is, is what we are striving to integrate.

The great Mother and our empathic sensitivite nature connects to this and July 2nd we had a New Moon solar Eclipse in this sign. It is the guiding principle as everything that has comprised true union and balance falls away. Nodal axis and Eclipses are merged.

🍿 ~ RV/Intelligence Alert: "Claimed" -- July 10, 2019 ~ | .. Jeffrey Epstein is now marked as a primary target for the Deep State Cabal .. | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂] ... Verdensalt has already stated, that the arrest of Jeffrey Epstein, is a HUGE victory, however i do agree with Dave Hodges from (The Common Sense Show) when he conclude, FIX IS IN PLACE --Meaning, no revelations as to who was involved in the Epstein case, will appear into the public domain (except from Jeffrey Epstein's little black book, if it's REAL?)... Some of the names in the book include: Ralph Fiennes, Alec Baldwin, David Blaine, Jimmy Buffett, Courtney Love, Charlie Rose, Mike Wallace, Barbara Walters, Ehud Barak, Tony Blair, Richard Branson, Edgar Bronfman, Bill Clinton, Prince Pierre d’Arrenberg, Steve Forbes, Dustin Hoffman, Mick Jagger, Michael Jackson, Senator Edward Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Rupert Murdoch, Jessica and Hannah Rothschild, Evelyn and Edward de Rothschild, Prince Salman Saud, Larry Summers, David Koch, John Gutfreund, Prince Andrew--And of course: Bill Clinton and Donald Trump...⚠️ PS: Here’s What the Feds Found in Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan Mansion--They said they uncovered thousands of photos of nude girls, a massage table with sex toys and lube, and notes and messages that include victim names.... |


(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

All three Deep State Cabal obelisks of power have now been claimed by the Earth Alliance.

The Pope surrendered the last obelisk of power (religion) during his recent meeting with President Putin.

The other two obelisks of power (financial and military) have been claimed via Brexit and President Trump's Salute to America on July 4th.

Meanwhile, more information about the recent Russian secret submarine incident has surfaced.


According to a Russian naval officer, the sailors on-board the submarine sacrificed their lives to prevent a 'planetary catastrophe'.

👤 ~ The Original Clinton Chronicles ~ | .. A documentary that puts together the whole story! .. | Blogger: YOU will no longer be in DOUBT... |

Investigations into alleged criminal activities of Arkansas former Governor President Bill Clinton. Many people involved in the research and investigations reported by this film have been murdered or died under questionable circumstances.

A documentary that puts together the whole story!

  • The names and faces of the key players who Clinton used to build his Circle of Power … as well as those who got in his way and lost their jobs, reputations, virtue and lives!
  • From Whitewater to ADFA (Clinton political Machine)
  • From millions in drug smuggling in Mena, Arkansas. To Money laundering with the BCCI
  • From Gennifer Flowers to Paula Jones.
  • From Vince Foster’s “Suicide” to the gangland slaying of private investigator Jerry Parks.

The documentary uncovers the shocking truth the controlled media and Clintons don’t want you to know!

🎾 ~ 'I started seeing a therapist': Serena Williams reveals apology to Naomi Osaka for US Open meltdown (RT) ~ | Blogger: [👩IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Serena Williams IS A MAN (Like Michelle Obama a.k.a Michael Obama)👨] .. {We all know that Serena Williams is Extremely Aggressive in Nature. But most people still Refuse, that she started off, as a boy, then a man, and finally changed, into a woman, both Williams (sisters) were groomed by their father... |

© Global Look Press via ZUMA Press

READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/sport/437986-serena-williams-umpire-osaka-us-open






👼 ~ 💓 Era of Light Report For 7/9/2019 💕 ~ | Blogger: [☑️"Reality Check" : Gaining Spiritual Maturity is NOT by Deluding Oneself about the Myth to Become RV/GCR Millionaire Overnight🤑] ... |

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

This is a response to some of the comments and a couple of emails to my most recent update/report.

First, please understand my message was/is not ill-intentioned.

This process we find ourselves in now is about gaining spiritual maturity.

No where in my message was it stated that money, or asking for help with financial support was wrong in any way shape or form. As a matter of a fact it is encouraged that one asks for help, it creates a positive chain reaction, it opens the doors for more abundance to flow.

The lightworker community has become so focused on the Global Currency Reset, that quite many have forgotten what this process is really about.

I ask the questions now, in the lightworker community, yes, including all the currency holders;

How many (still)believe in/ the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, The Federation of Light, and their messages?

How many read the messages in hopes of spiritual insight? How many read these messages in hopes of finding a date in there as to when the RV might unfold?

How many truly believe in Ascension, that humanity and Earth are ascending? There are many in the lightworkers community that still laugh at such an idea. All they want is the GCR, and think that with this they’ll be free.

Do we truly wish to free the world, Humanity and Earth? Or do we wish to free OURSELVES? Is that why we are angry? For the predicted events not manifesting? Because we think we are stuck in this prison system until such events become reality.

I am in no better position financially than any other lightworker out there. I too wish, pray and ask the Universe to bring this about now so we can all assist humanity as much as we can.

But I would be lying if I said that the GCR was the first thing on my mind. It isn’t.

You know what is, besides strengthening the connection with my soul self? Open Contact. Full ET Disclosure. Open Contact with our family from the stars is more important than anything(personally) as far as our current process and situation is concerned in our world. Nothing else would have a greater impact.

The Event Is Already In Process
Saint Germain: You spoke of The Event earlier in your discussion and what The Event is, and what would happen after, and what has kept it from happening up to this point. But the truth is, my friends, that The Event is already in process of happening. » Source

👼 ~ 💓 ** THE EVENT – A MAJOR DISCLOSURE IS UNDERWAY! ** STARSEEDS OF EARTH ~ 5D EARTH PROJECT - NEW EARTH 💕 ~ | By Michael LOVE & Paul Butler | Blogger: [🥴THIS is of course future predictions of joy and happiness, since Ascension will not happen before 2025 or later!?] ... {Yo, man, you're such a buzz kill, verdensalt} ... SORRY, but 'Spiritual Realism', is the collective human soul of humanity exists in a transcendent and exalted form. But most people around the globe, remains in the 3-D matrix of illusion, and WE, the 144.000 Starseeds, Lightworkers & Lightwarrios, cannot hold the LIGHT intact, when the Cabal (controller, authorities), Mainstream Media dumb us down, with the Mother of all Wars, The War on Consciousness... A external worldly Matrix, full of distortions, distractions and illusions, keeping humanity enslaved to a decaying materialistics, terroristic and technocratic paradigm, inside A.I. Hunter Games, that is already exhausted... How do we win these battles of Spiritual Warfare & prevail on Earth? Good question... LOVE is one, yeah!.. Righteousness--Spiritual disciplines are vitally necessary to achieve righteousness... LISTEN to the word of God / Source & Christ Consciousness... Heart over Ego... |

Space Observing System. Данные комплексного мониторинга в г.Томске

👼 ~ 💓 The Great Awakening Map - The Great Solar Flash Is Upon Us (bibliotecapleyades) 💕 ~ | .. We are co-creating our positive timeline as we are seeing, ↪The mass arrests of the Deep State Cabal ↪ Extraterrestrial Disclosure is in the hands of the people ↪ Free Energy technologies are known and ready to release globally .. | Blogger: HIGHLY recommended...🙏 |

The Great Awakening Map is the quintessential red-pill navigational chart for Escaping the Matrix and Returning to Source.

From the Deep State to the deepest states of mind, the map is designed to lead humanity out of the Matrix and onto the paths of Enlightenment - liberating all from suffering and ultimately to activate our Light Body and Return to Source Energy - the One Infinite Creator.

The map has been spotted on 8chan in accompaniment with the Q-Map, and has served a vital role in the Great Awakening across the entire globe.

Over a decade of metaphysical research was collected prior to the map's release in mid-2018.
"I designed this one-page meme to awaken humanity as quickly as possible.
I researched for 10 years. I didn't know how to write a book and I also thought people don't have time for books these days. They like memes. Memes are more powerful.
So I set out to create the ultimate one page meme that would awaken humanity as quickly as possible."

⚔️ ~ USA vil have danske soldater til Syrien og sætter regeringen i et stort dilemma ~ | Blogger: [🤞Trump's Fulfillment of Election Promises. Germany Says No Troops to Syria, Trump SIR! New Govt In DK-Same Shit! Same Problems. Same Politics! A BIG YES to Keep War in Syria (Against Assad) & Special Ops Training for Controlled Kurdish Insurgents. Are they Friend & Foe❓🎗️] ... {DEADLY silence from our Social Democrats & Former Communist members in Parliament acc. to reporter at 24syv Morgen - " (politiken.dk:) The US wants soldiers from, among others, Denmark to replace American soldiers in northeastern Syria, acc. to a danish newspaper. It will put Denmark in a squeeze between Turkey and the United States, but the Social Democrats' defense spokesman is positive of the idea"} ... 🎖️DENMARK HAS NEVER HAD ANY FOREIGN ENEMIES, but been in 21 (real) wars, since the campaign of Battle of Hemmingstedt, in the year 1500 and are required to maintain & keep good relations to The Military-Industrial Complex, and their American partners (Military defense expenditures--2 percent threshold NATO countries agreed to at the 2014 summit in Wales)... 🎁Furthermore, back in 2016, Danish Defence Minister, Peter Christensen, promised that Denmark is committed to a "long, hard fight" against the terror group Isis, even if that means carrying out missions in Syria..."The government has got the majority to extend the mandate against the Islamic state to include Syria, former Prime Minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, said back then, in a statement... 🙋WE NEED TO ASK OURSELVES: Why are the world's smallest country, with an "insignificant" military strength of Denmark, but HIGHLY qualified, sought-after and tasked special operations forces, (and NSA's '9-eyed' Intelligence Services) put out in "secret missions" throughout the world❓ LATEST: Sent to Mali, Iraq, Afghanistan (other secret places)... Are they (really) PEACEKEEPERS!❓🤔 (similar to when Elite Commandos from Israeli Special Ops unit team up with US Navy Seals are sent in to stop world from burning!❓)... ✔️FACT CHECK & QUESTIONS: POTUS, has put all NATO allies to increase defense spending to 2 percent of GDP and Denmark, with greatly US presence in Greenland, are "required" to follow up. Military expenditure are only at 1,2% ...✔️ DANISH GOV'T MUST (at all cost) keep former danish ISIS warriors & children (families) at the syrian / kurdish borders, because they don't want them, in Denmark ... ✔️HOW can we make sure that, Danish special forces training of Kurdish militants in the stabilization of northeastern Syria, helps❓ ISIS is defeated, set in stone by Trump & Putin❓ So why escalate a effort, that doesn't make any sense --to put an proxy army in place, that could overturn the Assad regime❓Israel and US wish Assad gone & Hassan Rouhani, remember❓ ... ✔️ ISIL, also known as ISIS, no longer holds towns and cities, but it's fighters still operate in the desert regions around the Iraq-Syria border, WHAT IF, our danish troops cross the borders and walk into Iran through Iraq, a offensive move, to assist other CIA / Mossad leading proxy army insurgents❓... ✔️ WITH all special forces fighting hotspots in foreign countries all the time, drained of soldiers in Denmark, and our domestic capacity is NULL, could we defend ourselves, if ISIS are attacking Denmark, in full force❓ Or is it all False Flag staged Operation Gladio, NATO false flag terrorism operation that ran for more almost forty years❓... You be the judge.. |

Two years ago, Danish special forces trained an Iraqi brigade for the fight against IS. Now, the United States wants the Danes to train Kurdish militants in the stabilization of northeastern Syria after the victory over IS.


Verdensalt | Arkiv | ~ Claus Hjort efter Natomøde: Nu er glasset halvt fyldt, ikke halvt tomt. Hjort udelukker ikke som Trump atomvåben mod russisk trussel. USA kan lære af den danske krigsmaskine ~ | Blogger:[👉Dansk forsvarspolitik, politi og efterretningsvæsen i cahoots med USA - the untouchable society👈] ..


US SoD Ash Carter (L) & Danish DM Peter Christensen - thelocal

Denmark to expand military mission against Islamic State into Syria

UPDATE: Note: !!There have been doubts about the international legalmandate to go into Syria, which opposed Iraq, has asked the international community for help!!
UPDATE: With the decision to send about 400 Danish troops to Iraq and Syria to fight the terrorist organization Islamic stateDenmark ranks at the top of the contributing countries in the coalition.

UPDATE: US Navy deploys small armada headed by USS Stennis to South China Sea 

UPDATE: Three B-52 Stratofortress bombers that have moved from the US to Europe are set to participate in military exercises in Norway. A top US commander characterized the redeployment as “not normal.”
