Oct 31, 2018

COBRA | Oct 31, 2018 EDT | ~ Short Situation Update ~ | Blogger: Please notice, i'm on a short vacation with friends, no mission, conferences, energy work, this time (and its going to be the only) We have to many important stuff going on an we all need to stay focused and liberate the planet ... stay tuned... 💡 PS: Oct 30th 2018 is over and we need to counteract the dark activities of the Cabal, as of this date and next days is often used for dark rituals and thus enchanting & collecting negative energies... As you can see from COBRAs post we get help now, unlimited help for planetary liberation... Some says what COBRA is explaining, matches what many are seeing in the meditations recently... These high rate of upgraded energies will continue to expand and we can experience more and more heavenly angelic God and Goddess telepathy light language taking place in our dream stage... Besides Buddhic columns medi, Goddess medi to neutralize negative rituals´, would also be great to do every day, as well... |

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen http://2012portal.blogspot.com ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via bibliotecapleyades.net (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller (http://www.verdensalt.dk/2014/08/kort-situationsopdatering-pa-kloden.html) for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Increased activity of the Galactic Center continues. Removal of the quantum Dyson sphere around our Solar system has accelerated Ascension energies coming to our planet.

These energies are bringing the energetic blueprint for the coming Golden Age:

For the first time since Archon invasion of 1996, angelic beings are returning en masse to the astral and etheric areas close to the surface of the planet. It would support the positive energy grid of the New Atlantis a lot if you would connect with those incoming angels in your meditations. The other meditation that can assist the New Atlantis energy grid is the Buddhic Column meditation. You can place Buddhic columns above any place or situation on the planet that needs healing:

These new Galactic energies also bring the activation of many Goddess archetypes. The first archetype that is activated is the archetype of Astraea. This energy will bring the New Renaissance and the renewal of high culture:

The second Goddess archetype that is being activated is the archetype of Abundantia. This energy will bring spiritual and physical abundance to the surface population:

Oct 29, 2018

⚠️Verdensalt.dk | Oct 26, 2018 | ~ Alert Transmission ~ | Blogger: I'm not been hacked, at least i don't think so, rather a computer desktop crash after windows update/virus/black magic//NSA spy stuff/whatever... Runing on a backup system now, which is unsuitable for my own 'snarky' gossip and commentary about the deep state or just sending out LOVE & LIGHT, to everyone... I am forced to spread news and knowledge sharing without so many comments in a more sporadic way... Stay tuned... 💡PS: Just remember this: I surrender... I surrender to the guidance of pure light, of the Source and the pure light beings... No attachments of anything or anyone... and i will be perfectly fine, taken care of and divinely guided...🙏 |

Verdensalt.dk | Oct 29, 2018 | 💓 ~ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ 💕 |

Verdensalt.dk Archive \\ UAMN TV | Oct 29, 2018 | ~ Former NASA Employee Discovers Some Very Strange Buildings on the Moon ~ | Blogger: [🚀Verdensalt got a signed poster and talked briefly to L. Blaine Hammond and Dr Ken Johnston at MUFON Symposium 2017👨‍🚀] ... Mødte en amerikaner for et par år siden hvis far var Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt) på Patrick Air Force Base østlige testområde, under hans tid i USAF. Han arbejdede senere i kontroltårnet, én af de betroede militærfolk på et højt clearings-niveau, som havde ansvaret for den håndlænkede 'dokumentmappe' med hemmelige dokumenter og fingeren på opsendings-knappen til Apollo-missionerne og kendte alle de berømte astronauter. Foruden udstationeringer i Tyskland og andre hemmelige steder, hang hans certifikater og andre kvalifikationsbeviser på, hendes væggen. Han er nu pensioneret, vil åbenbart ikke afsløre sine hemmeligheder, stadig under ed og opsyn. For en Nordisk hillbilly som mig selv, var det fantastisk at opleve. Han har højst sandsynligt dybt kendskab til, om månelandingerne var forfalskede, The Hollow Earth og Area 51. m.m. Da jeg smuttede en tur til Vegas for et par uger siden på MUFON konferencen 2017, fik jeg lige hilst på tidligere NASA ansatte, én af dem, en vaskeægte astronaut og fik, naturligvis, deres autografer (L. Blaine Hammond, Dr Ken Johnston). K. Johnston pibede løs om konspirationer, fik en god snak bla. om han selv har kendskab til at militæret benyttede sig af at airbrush'e tonsvis af fotos der viser månestrukturer m.m., mens Hammond har fået mundkurv på. Spurgte Hr. Hammond om han kendte til den første danske ESA-astronaut Andreas Mogensen, men han svarede ud i luften, der sikkert er mange siden ham og anede ikke hvor Danmark lå. Så det motto som Mogens L(ø)kketoft og Lars Løkke bærer rundt på »Jeg er den løkkeligste løkkerider, hvem sagde storhedsvanvid?», passer vel meget godt på os danskere, som tror vi selv er centeret for en verdensakse eller verdens centrum.. Ja, verden er lille, men først når man åbner sine sanser og får klarsyn, vist ikke til politikernes favør.. Er man inkarneret Star Wars / Star Trek fans som mig, tror man også på månen rent faktisk er kunstig fremstillet. Titaniumbaseret kamp-planet? I hvert fald forlyder det, at efter NASA og SSP (dvs. det amerikanske hemmelige rumprogram) smed en 2-tons Compact Kinetic Energy Missile (CKEM) på månen og den rystede i flere dage efter, viser måske, den er hul indeni.... Hvem ved... |

A former NASA employee found something he shouldn't have when he discovered photos showing a module of the mission “Apollo” on the lunar surface and base of aliens on its surface. The picture was taken by astronauts during the separation of the module and classified as many other photographs taken during the program “Apollo”, which were recorded mysterious structures and UFO. These photos were later ordered destroyed, however, the employee retained some of them and published them online. Among the released images are photos originating from NASA that depicts various different artificial structures on the moon.


MUFON Symposium 2017

L. Blaine Hammond

Dr Ken Johnston

Verdensalt.dk | Arkivskabet | Fyens.dk | Indland/Fyn | 20. Marts - 29. Oktober 2018 | ~ Politiet på hemmelig aktion: - Vi øver os på angreb, der kan ske i virkeligheden ~ | (In English:) -- Danish Secret Service in Action: DENMARK - The Island of Funen with Odense and Danish police forces, Preparedness Funen and a host of other authorities simulated Tuesday a CHEMICAL ATTACK, at the Odense Congress Center and an terror accident at Odense University Hospital. The exercise will make all involved parties better to cooperate and coordinate the effort, if, a similar attack would happen in the Future and in Real Life (acc. to the newspaper) .. Fyens.dk: "The plot of the OCC is that an Islamic critical man named NASER KHAN is lecturing here at the convention center, as this explosion suddenly occurs. In the exercise today (Tuesday, ed.), Chemistry and explosion will be included as two of the elements, Bjarne Puggaard told during the exercise ... | Blogger: [🎃Keeping Up Appearances - Attempts To Prove Their Social Superiority - By Fooling Everyone. Police & Military Drills Offers A Future Glimpse - BEFORE IT'S IMPLEMENTED LIVE👻] ...🔫 💣🔥 I am not crazy... I am not a nut job... I don't wear tinfoil hats... QUIT Calling me names... If you think verdensalt.dk is a cartoon character from looney tunes, that's fine by me 🤪... The all-seeing eye that understands nothing, but i don't believe in coincidences ... (Black Operation or False Flag) - Islamist terror plots has CHANGED to white angry men, but still consist of drills, before LIVE event happens ... Sorry, do NOT want you to 'shout' at verdensalt.dk or by muscle reflex, switching the channel, but MAYBE you ""might"" wanna reconsidering the corporate media's blasphemy and baloney narrative about terror incidents. It's not always, by de facto, carried out by a muslim-male, yelling 'Allahu Akbar' (this is for Allah) ... Normal template of a 'staged' TERROR INCIDENT(bogeyman:) --- 👳Immediate comprehensive narrative & national news coverage, including a convenient culprit (easily identified by saturation media coverage) - once again a “lone wolf” male attacker - recently CONVERTED TO ISLAM (or WHITE SUPREMACY - on psychedelic drugs). Sounding Muslim name - big dark eyes, prominent noses, distinctive large black beard - affiliated with either ISIS or Al-Nusra - terrorist shouted Allahu Akbar - likely radicalized inside US (wherever) and STRONG supporting Islamic State (IS) 👳 --- ... I'm still stunned, that about 90 percent of Scandinavians, still believe the MSM media reality of terrorism... Example is: - 2015 Copenhagen shootings (Krudttønden - meaning "The powder keg" - Gunpowder Plot - first of The British Empire plots) and 2011 Norway attacks (Oslo and Utøya island) ... Did you know, that Netflix has made a movie about the 2011 Norwegian attacks (Anything Else but the Truth - right?) ... PS: FYNEN - Facebook & Apple building massive data centers on danish island... |

READ MORE: https://www.fyens.dk/indland/Politiet-paa-hemmelig-aktion-Vi-oever-os-paa-angreb-der-kan-ske-i-virkeligheden/artikel/3240739


An Interactive Timeline of Islamist Terror Plots Since 9/11


(***) - 2015 Copenhagen shootings - Krudttønden attack - later deleted FB post about a danish drill,
poster on Nørrebro train station, 20-30 days before it actually happens, LIVE. Some say it was posted AFTER... Who knows??

List of ""known"" terrorist attacks where terrorist Emergency Drills/Exercises, was held at the same day:

  • 1994 - The Estonia disaster 
  • 1995 - Oklahoma City Bombing
  • 2001 - 9/11 (**)
  • 2004 - Madrid train bombings
  • 2005 - London bombings (7/7)
  • 2011 - Norway attacks
  • 2012 - Aurora shooting (Cinema shooting in Aurora USA)
  • 2012 - The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
  • 2012 - Boston Marathon bombing
  • 2014 - Shootings at Parliament Hill, Ottawa
  • 2015 - Copenhagen shootings (***)
  • 2015 - Charleston church shooting
  • 2015 - November Paris attacks
  • 2016 - Brussels, Nice, Syria, and Orlando (cannot be sure)
  • 2017 - Stockholm attack
  • 2017 - MGM Las Vegas massacre
  • etc.


On 9/11, an agency of the Department of Defense and the CIA was conducting a terror scenario in which an imaginary airplane from Washington's Dulles International Airport was to crash into one of the four towers of the suburban campus of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) in Chantilly, Virginia, just a few miles from the Pentagon. The plane that allegedly crashed into the Pentagon, American Airlines Flight 77, departed from the same airport at 8:20 a.m. on 9/11.

When the terror scenario became real in New York and at the Pentagon, the NRO exercise was cancelled and nearly all its three thousand employees, the people who operate the nation's "eye in the sky," were sent home.

As the agency that operates the nation's spy satellites, the NRO personnel come from the military and the CIA. When the attacks occurred, however, most of the three thousand people who work at the agency were sent home. Why would they do that?

The fact that the spy agency had planned such a drill was casually leaked in an announcement for a Homeland Security conference in Chicago in 2002. In a promotion for speaker John Fulton, a CIA officer assigned as chief of NRO's strategic gaming division, the announcement said:

On the morning of September 11, 2001, M
r. Fulton and his team ... were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way that day.


Joni Patry Vedic Astrological | Oct 29, 2018 | ~ NovemberPredictions and Spiritual Insights 2018 ~ | .. Dramatic Changes .. |

Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology

Spiritual Insights November 2018 

Many planets are shifting this month, creating a difference landscape. Jupiter’s transit into Scorpio is beginning to shift our attention to a more passionate way of looking at the world. Mars as the dispositor of Jupiter is finally leaving Capricorn, transiting into Aquarius November 7th . Mars in Capricorn with Ketu for the past six months brought the planet to a boiling point with fires and volcanic eruptions.

Venus turns direct on the same day that Mercury turns retrograde, November 16th. Watch for many reversals. Neptune will turn direct November 19th . As Mars nears Neptune there will be a change of scenery.

The superficiality of the past year is over, the reality and truth will surface. The hidden truths are revealed. Now we have the ability to peer into the deepest issues that have controlled our world, issues of spirituality, religion, governments, and life after death. The limited mind set of the past is breaking down, and fears about these truths are dissolving.

The cycles of the planets are unraveling the truth. Now that Jupiter is in Scorpio interest in metaphysical science and life after death will become a scientific study with real answers. As Mars transits through the signs throughout the year it dictates the focus of the world. This is the power of the dispositing planets. Mars is the dispositor of Jupiter because Jupiter is in Scorpio, and Scorpio is ruled by Mars. Dispostors are the core essence of a planet. Saturn in Sagittarius surfaces the truth behind religions threatening the past beliefs and faith. Jupiter is the dispositing planet of Saturn because Jupiter rules Sagittarius, and Jupiter concerns religion and beliefs.

Verdensalt.dk \\ Emmie Byrd | Oct 29, 2018 | ~ Sleepsong ~ Lullaby from a Secret Garden ~ | Blogger: Our divine God/Source choice for our kids!?😴🌜👪 💞... This was shared to me yesterday ... Most beautiful angelic voice and music i have EVER heard.. If you like Enya or traditional Irish folk tunes, it might help, but it's not necessary... Thanks to Emi... |

This one of the most soothing and hauntingly beautiful lullabies ever sung. Group: Secret Garden. Album: "Earthsongs". Vocalist: Fionnuala Gill.
"Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby☆´*。¨* ✫ " ✫. ☽¨¯*。.☆¨*。¯`☆¸.✫˚¯`☆ Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay 

May you sail far to the far fields of fortuneAnd I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow Bless you with love for the road that you go 

May you find kindness in all that you meetWith diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet And may you need never to banish misfortune May there always be angels to watch over you 

Be loved in return to the end of your daysTo guide you each step of the way To guard you and keep you safe from all harm Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay May you bring love and may you bring happiness 

To guide you each step of the wayNow fall off to sleep, I'm not meaning to keep you I'll just sit for a while and sing loo-li, lai-lay May there always be angels to watch over you To guard you and keep you safe from all harm ☆´*。¨* ✫ " ✫. ☽¨¯*。.☆¨*。¯`☆¸.✫˚¯`☆
Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay..."

Verdensalt.dk | Oct 29, 2018 | ~ Positive Affirmations - The 42 Ideals of Ma'at ~ | Blogger: Maât represents the entire law that ruled the life of the ancient Kamits (Blacks). After they studied and discovered the existence of God, our ancestors concluded that the aim of the existence was the preservation and the perpetration of life. They voiced a set of laws responsible for the application of this philosophy and to guarantee order and harmony within the society, as God had done when, by the disorder of the primal waters, He/She made the creation tidy and harmonious. Every human being has the duty, like God at the beginning, to put order instead of disorder, the good instead of the evil, truth instead of lie, justice instead of injustice etc…It is this conception of the continuation of life through truth and justice that Maât contains (..)... en.lisapoyakama.org ... |

Council of Love | Oct 29, 2018 | ~ Council of Love Monday Message ~ | .. The Choice of Trust .. |

Spirit Broadcast 

DayBreak October 29, 2018 

The Joy of Coffee 

👀 Your Must-Listen Alternative News Broadcast 🙏 | Oct 29, 2018 (2018 10 28) | ~ Connecting Consciousness ~ |

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams......

onedivine.love | Oct 29, 2018 | ~ The Divine Way: Lesson 2, Confirmations of Divine Being, Confirmation 1 Explanation ~ | Blogger: You can replace God by Source, if you want... 🙏 |

Commandment: Thou Shalt Seek, Know, Embody, and Maintain Thy Divine Self In Total Union With God

Affirmation: I Am The Journey To Knowing, Embodying, and Maintaining My Divine Self in Total Union with God

So what is this Divine-Self? The Divine-Self, is the Living Embodiment Love, Peace, and Presence that is your natural State of Being. However, the conditioning of the world, and the system of money, power, and greed has made this natural state inaccessible to most humans.

This natural state, also called your Divine Truth, must be earnestly sought through your spiritual journey back into the knowing of the True Self, the Immortal Soul, beyond the human ego, that can never be taken from you. It is the “I AM” aspect of you, that was before time and persists after the passing of the body.

The Latin words “Nosce Te Ipsum”, meaning “Know Thyself” are the ancient calling to this spiritual process of Divine-Self Realization, or Self Discovery. The commandment is a call to give up the world of human ego, and the throw yourself fully into the process of spiritual awakening.

To live in Divine Truth is the Live in union with God, but it also means to live in harmony with all other beings and honor all other life, including animals, equally under God.

This world has become dense with social chains and confinements, preventing spiritual seekers from uncovering their Divine Truth and it takes an intense and earnest commitment, often a literal journey through the world, to fully know and understand the True Self. We recommend taking this journey by leaving all attachments, possessions, family, and money, behind until you uncover your True Self.

Once you have understood your Divine Truth, it becomes your remaining life commitment to embody and maintain that Truth in your everyday life and to help others on their own missions to Divine Realization.

Destroying the Illusion | Oct 29, 2018 | ~ [10.28] Q B-day & VIPAnon Photo (Trump = Q+?) / GAB Censored / Huber in the News / Vaccines&Lithium ~ | Blogger: [🎂Happy Birthday To Q - That's All The Singing I'm Gonna Do🎵] ... |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics

Oct 28, 2018

David Wilcock | Oct 28, 2018 | ~ MOMENT OF TRUTH: Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program ~ | Blogger: David's Mega-Update, if you missed it... |

Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-filmCONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening.

By David Wilcock

On Wednesday, September 19th, 2018, the mysterious Q Anon revealed that we are not alone in the universe, and that we do indeed have a Secret Space Program.

This is arguably the single most exciting development we’ve had in the entire time we’ve been doing this research… which has been full-time since February 1993.

Q Anon is the only officially-sanctioned voice of the Alliance today… a high-level group diligently working to create mass arrests of the Cabal and disclosure.

Q has since gone silent for 17 days as of October 9th, 2018, suggesting that “something big” is in the works. A letter was posted that day, apologizing for the delays.

We may therefore be going through the final “crunch time” where complete silence is needed for operational security, before the Alliance finishes the job.

The very next day after the announcement, we saw the untimely death of Karl Wolfe on October 10th,followed by Bob Dean the day after, on October 11th.

Karl Wolfe reported on anomalous structures he saw on the moon at the original 2001 Disclosure Project,and Bob Dean was a veteran of the Secret Space Program.

Wilcock met Karl Wolfe at the original Disclosure Project in 2001, and had hoped to interview him if he ever decided to speak out again.

Karl Wolfe was riding his bicycle when he was struck by an 18-wheel truck in Lansing, NY, and later died from his injuries in the hospital.

[This sounded very similar to the incident in January where Emery Smith’s dog was struck by an 18-wheel truck that could have easily hit him instead.]

Bob Dean revealed a much greater involvement “off the record” to this author than he had shared publicly, as discussed in the second half of The Ascension Mysteries.

Each of these men would have had irreplaceable value as public witnesses in a post-Secret Space Program disclosure society, and now they are gone.

Furthermore, the legendary Montauk Project whistleblower Preston Nichols had just died less than a week before, on October 5th, 2018.

These deaths may suggest that the Cabal responsible for this cover-up is doing its best to “clean house” before any disclosure announcements occur.

Other signs that we may be on the threshold of major events include mega-hurricanes and a major economic collapse now in progress that could easily become the next 2008.

The Dow Jones has already lost 2,245 points, a total of 8.4 percent, since its high of October 3rd.

This is very likely a structured, intentional event created by the Cabal to try to create chaos as the Alliance makes its final moves.

Jason A World News | Oct 28, 2018 | ~ Biblical Weather Events - Happening Worldwide! (2018) ~ | Blogger: I've been enjoying his channel, like so many others - it's a little bit end-of-time-pessimistic-religious in nature, but he is offering up some good and current footage from US news outlets and unexplained events around the world... |

Website: https://www.jasona.co CLIMATE CHAOS IN 2018! 
Jason a worldwide events the past week or so october 2018 world news

Aluna Ash Clairvoyant- 9D | Oct 28, 2018 | ~ 🌩️"Storm Is Coming" Quick Message 10/28 ⚡~ |

Lee Harris FB | Oct 28, 2018 | ~ The New Human Soul ~ | .. Your role as human is to be human and to let the spirit and the light come through you as much as you possibly can. And yet this also means you let the core of humanity and all of its collective ideals, failures, tragedies, joys, areas of greatness and areas of weakness, run through your system because you are a product of ancient history. But you are also the future - and to those 200 years from now, you will be part of their ancient history. So it is a continuum .. |


Free Speech Blog | 28. Okt 2018 | ~ Alternativet fløj "gode klimaambassadører" til champagnefest i Paris; brændte mindst 30 ton CO2 af på en weekend ~ | .. Alternativet, der officielt taler imod flytrafik, handler helt anderledes på de indre linjer. Som bloggen kunne afsløre for en uge siden, har Alternativets politiske ordfører Carolina Magdalene Maier brændt store mængder CO2 af på flyture kloden rundt. Carolina Magdalene Maier har brændt mindst 43 ton CO2 af de seneste tre år i forbindelse med flyrejser jorden rundt. Oveni dette tal kommer Maiers CO2-forbrug i forbindelse med indenrigs flyrejser og udenlandske rejser, som hun ikke har fortalt om på sine sociale medier. Men hvis man tror, at Alternativets CO2-forbrug udelukkende knytter sig til partiets politiske ordfører, kan man godt tro om igen. Alene på en eneste weekend i november 2015 fyrede Alternativet MINDST 30 ton CO2 af, da partiet holdt champagnefest i Paris. Udover champagnen inkluderede Alternativets festlige weekend blandt andet hele tre krydstogter på Seinen .. | Blogger: [🥂Endnu en dag med Flid, Fedt & Snyd i Centraladministrationen ... 😉]

LÆS VIDERE: https://fightthepowerwithfreespeech.blogspot.com/2018/10/alternativet-flj-gode-klimaambassadrer.html

Opdatering fra oplysningsforbundet MAY DAY DANMARK | 28. Oktober 2018 | ~ Økologi reducerer kræftrisiko, kemo kan sprede kræft, bog: Victory over Cancer ~ | Blogger: Indhold: Spis mere økologisk og reducer kræftrisiko ... Ketogen diæt har lovende resultater ... Endnu et studie linker kemo til spredning af kræft ... Cochrane rapport om mammografi ... Nye kræftlægemidler ikke effektive ... Kvinder har flere bivirkninger af kemoterapi ... Bøger om Cancer ... |

Oktober er – om vi kan lide det eller ej – kommet til at stå i kræftens tegn. I udlandet er oktober en særlig cancermåned med fokus på indsamling, velgørenhed, donationer og penge – helst mange af dem. Det er måske ligefrem en global trend startet af...?

Vi har samlet vores vigtigste cancernyheder fra det forgangne år og håber dermed at kunne bidrage med en mere opmuntrende fortælling. Der er også en del nyt. Vi har medtaget engelske nyheder - vi kan ikke nå at oversætte alt, men vi regner med, I forstår eller bruger google.
God læsning!

Det er stadig muligt at få billetter til reduceret pris (uden bespisning) til konferencen. Kaffe kan dog købes i cafeen. Du kan også købe billet i døren (ikke med kort, men MobilePay eller kontant). Der er spisesteder i gåafstand i hele kvarteret.

Geller Report | Oct 28, 2018 | ~ French General Gomart, Head of Military Intelligence: “the invasion of Europe by migrants is planned, controlled and accepted” ~ | Source Dreuz (translated) | .. Yes, this is true. I warned of it in the Washington Examiner in 2009 and in Newsmax. The Euro-Med partnership. It is good to see someone in a senior position of authority own up to it. It is planned for the U.S.A. as well. Think caravan .. |

READ MORE: https://gellerreport.com/2018/10/invasion-europe-planned.html/

Galactic Heart \\ Truth Seeker | Oct 28, 2018 | ~ The Pleiadians on How to activate the DNA ~ |

sharon and ivo stewart | Oct 28, 2018 | ~ Ashtar Sheran ~ | Blogger: [As never before, that I AM NOW, and so it IS, I AM the LIGHT, the light I AM - Matt Kahn] ... Juhuuuu ... VOTL 🕊️... How do we create and manifest, as Werner Erhard quotes; A World That Works For Everyone?... |

USGS \\ Romania-insider | Oct 28, 2018 | ~ M 5.5 - 16km SE of Comandau, Romania ~ | .. A strong earthquake took place in Romania on the night of Saturday to Sunday, at around 3:30. The earthquake occurred in the Vrancea seismic area at a depth of around 150 kilometers and had an intensity of 5.8 degrees on the Richter scale, according to official data from the National Institute for Earth Physics. No damages were recorded in Bucharest, according to the Emergency Situations Department. However, """many people suffered panic attacks""" .. | Blogger: [🌈I don't believe in coincidences, but i have no conclusions, only fact checking info🌋] ... (SC today, minor activity started at 3 am UTC but has crown much stronger as indicated of white masses up to 16 Hz until 9:00 and has not stopped) ... 💭Eyewitnesses accounts from ground zero in the city center, told me, that the earthquake that toke place was EXACTLY, when daylight saving time changed... Last night i posted a new GAIAN EYE video of extreme significance in one of my group chats, seconds after, my internet service was cut of, and i couldn't login to my backup computer... Oh... you might say, it's just a freak coincidence, a supernatural phenomenal ... Maybe... Back to Bucharest, i''ll been so lucky traveling to places and cites around the world, had some bad attachments in Ukraine, Odessa, which is a dark, dark place... One of the best cities in Eastern Europe, so says TripAdvisor and they could be right...💟 But, the negative energy that's emitting from Bucharest, is actually the worst kind of dark energy, but I will not dwell into or take you down the rabbit hole (Nazi, Swastika, Masonic Hexagram, Lucifer Eliphas Levi Pentagram, spiderwebs etc.) ... 💡PS: Just remember there's many, many things you can do to dislodging negative entity attachments and avoiding stressful mass populated areas... Use spiritual soul contracts revocation every day, I AM presence affirmations, implants clearing, higher self or other transmissions, degree mediation, detox and live healthy, surrender to the guidance of pure light, of the Source and the pure light beings, learn how to be fearless in your everyday life, go an hug a tree in the forest, stay with higher frequent people, ask for - and receive - cosmic guidance etc. etc ... 🙏... |

READ MORE: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us1000hi43/executive

Oct 27, 2018

Gaian Eye | Oct 27, 2018 | ~ NEW Signs Of Change Oct'18. Qanon, False Flags, UFO programs, Above Majestic, Mass Meditations ~ | Blogger: 🔴A MUST-SEE ... 💌💓🦋🦄☮️🌈🖖👽👀...Victory of The Light... |

Verdensalt.dk | Oct 27, 2018 | 💓 ~ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ 💕 |

The Big Wobble | Oct 27, 2018 | ~ Powerful mag 6.8 quake shakes western Greece bringing the total to 13 major quakes this month and the 101st of 2018 ~ | .. A powerful earthquake shook western Greece early on Friday, damaging a port and a 15th-century monastery, but causing no major injuries, officials and local media said. The quake sent out tremors felt as far afield as Libya, Italy, Malta and Albania. Greek authorities initially issued a tsunami warning then withdrew the alert. A series of 20 aftershocks, the highest at 5.6, rattled the island and power was briefly disrupted. According to Reuters, the energy unleashed, based on the angle of the faultline, fanned out towards Italy,” Zakynthos was all but destroyed in a 6.8 tremor in 1953. More than 140 people were killed in an earthquake north of Athens in 1999. The quake was fairly shallow, according to the USGS, just 14 km (8.7 miles) below the seabed, which would have amplified the shaking. This morning's quakes bring the total to 13 major quakes this month and the 101st of 2018 .. |

READ MORE: http://www.thebigwobble.org/2018/10/powerful-mag-68-quake-shakes-western.html

🔴RT | Oct 27, 2018 | ~ ‘Whole world is watching’: Russia-Turkey-Germany-France talks on Syria kick off (WATCH LIVE) ~ | 'no other way than diplomatic´: Erdogan, Macron, Merkel and Putin sign join Syria declaration .. | Blogger: Woooooow... This is soooo significant battle lose to CIA controlled and money backed ISIS, operations of agency-backed militias of a proxy arms, to destroy the world. In the meanwhile in the US continent, False Flag Ops is raging like never before, but i will NOT go into that drama. The Cabal will loose, eventually... |

GAOG | Oct 27, 2018 | ~ How will the Recalcitrants Leave the Planet? ~ | Blogger: Soooo positive, reassuring and energetic releasing channeling messages ...👼 Compilations from sources like; Arcturians, Mike Quinsey, Mira of the Pleiadian High Council, Jesus, ... The light will always guide you home. As the world experiences the Glory of the coming Golden Age, the rising energies on the planet are causing a rising of consciousness ... The Galactic Federation, Cobra and our benevolent friends in the sky as in inner earth, the Galactic Light Forces says “THE EVENT IS COMING" and I believe them and in humanity... |

October 27, 2018 By Steve Beckow

We’re watching tremendous chaos and mayhem occurring, such as – according to the Arcturians – we haven’t seen before:

“Some of the major leaders of Gaia are doing much more harm than has ever been done by any human leaders before.”

The reason for this is “because the Dark Ones,” the Illuminati or cabal, “are losing.”

“Therefore, they are pulling out all their worst tricks and tactics to keep humans frightened, under-educated, able to purchase rifles that can kill many people within just a few moments, and leaders who care only for themselves and not for those whom they are supposedly leading.

“Dear brave humans, please remember that ‘The Darkest Night is just before dawn.’” (1)

At some point, the cabal’s free will gives way before ours, according to Divine Plan. At some point, the recalcitrants won’t be able to endure the rising vibrations and will have to leave.

Mike Quinsey’s source suggested in 2016 that a point had been reached in the cabal’s downfall where the major changes were ready to be released:

“The many changes that are waiting to be announced … will not be allowed to be interfered with by anyone. The mold has been set and all is ready to go ahead.” (2)

It’s a new time, the Arcturian Group told us in 2018. Where in 2016 all was ready to go, now in 2018 the train of Ascension has left the station. The energy hitting the planet is making a higher state of consciousness available to us, which hastens the departure of the cabal:

“It has become a new time, a time during which high frequencies of Light energy are making available a higher state of consciousness for all receptive.

“In spite of appearances, everything is proceeding according to plan — ‘the train has left the station.’ Allow the process, dear ones, for all is as it should be as frequencies of Light flow to the world in increasingly intense waves of higher consciousness.” (3)

How will the recalcitrants leave the planet? Many will leave by death. Mira of the Pleiadian High Council tells us that ships are waiting with instructions as to where to take the rest once their free will to destroy no longer prevails against our free will to build:

“The Light Fleet is advancing quickly in on the forces of darkness. There are billions of Galactic ships positioned to remove the most problematic perpetrators of death and destruction from the Earth. …

Caroline Oceana Ryan Newsletter - Excerpts only | Oct 27, 2018 | ~ A Message to Lightworkers ~ | .. The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective .. |

A Message to Lightworkers -
October 26, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

COR: My friends, as you know, it’s not unusual for me to get emails from people who are tired and frustrated with the state of the world. From time to time I come to you with one of these, asking for your wisdom and encouragement for all who are experiencing this now.

Here is a recent email I received from a Lightworker who is always working at receiving higher wisdom and making their Light brighter, yet who feels discouraged:

Lightworker: “I am trying so hard to keep a good thought for the current political situation in this country, but I am having a hard time being secure that we will win the day on November 6.

And now that our highest court has been illegally packed with dark hat conservatives, do we have any recourse even if we do prevail in November? I am so very weary of all this hate and greed. All of us need a break.

I AM intending to manifest enough money to get my own place and take a year off. Any assistance with that would be appreciated.

I just feel that if I do not get some good news/success at something after all this work, I would rather just leave. I am heartily sick of this limited life. The "job," my roommate, my son's broken neediness, political corruption.

Most of all, I am sick of the empty promises that it will be better. Even though I would like to believe differently, I now think that the "Law of Attraction" is b.s., and that it’s all about the luck of the draw.

One way or another, I'm taking a break, here or over the Rainbow Bridge. It truly makes no difference to me anymore.”

Photo by Lynne Newman

The Collective: We are glad that you have come to us with this question, dear one. Because what you are experiencing now is being felt by many millions around the planet.

You are correct in your perception that things have reached a dire state in the United States and in other places in the world.

Yet we assure you that much of this is Appearance, and that is never the whole story.

Far from seeing a resurgence of shadow-filled thought, feeling, and action upon the Earth, what you are witnessing now is the end of the old regime.

It is so that humanity was once programmed to view life as a matter of fear-based self-protection, sheer survival, competition for resources, ego-driven desperation, armed conflict, chaos, and sacrifice.

None of this need describe life on Earth now. It does not describe your life and principles, nor the life and principles of many millions of others.

And that is the hard part, at the moment, dear one.

For as you are moving forward into a new day, in which your understanding of how life can be—one of Peace, prosperity, renewal, cooperation, compassion, intuitive understanding—as you are moving into that beautiful New Earth, the old power structure is exerting its last desperate efforts to hold back from your consciousness the Light that you came to absorb, and to beam out into every aspect of Earth life.

It is not your role to take on the depth of their darkness and density, any more than it is their role to encourage you further into the Light.

Release the need to either understand their machinations or to supersede them by using their old form of using purely outer action to change things.

Your power now is utterly within, and those feelings, thoughts, and beliefs you must guard powerfully.

You speak of an election, and it is indeed important to participate in such.

Yet who is elected in any election is not anywhere near so important as the active involvement of millions of people in the act of voting itself—the forward movement that says, “We are here, and we are using our collective Voice to declare our own political reality.”

That is the power of unified human consciousness—when people get together and decide, as you have, that they are stepping out of a limited life.

And it is that, among other breakthrough moments, that you are asking to see now.

You are asking for inspiration, for a reason to keep going. You are asking for the grace needed to see the Light at work, and to disregard the shadows.

You are asking to feel good about your life, to stay present and aware in it, and to remember why you have come here. And that is beautiful, and as it should be.

Yet in order for you to experience what you are asking for, we would ask that you take your eyes off of the intentionally chaotic mismanagement of so much public life now, and concentrate on the beauty of any good thing you can find . . .


Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.


We Love Mass Meditations \\ Smaly7 \\ COBRA \\ Others | Oct 27, 2018 | ~ Daily Buddhic Columns Meditation at 3:30 PM UTC ~ | .. A blog for organizing mass meditations leading to the Victory of the Light! .. | Blogger: [🎀As a reminder. If you feel so guided. Please share far and wide❌] ... ⚠️Urgent! Meditation for Hurricane Willa & Typhoon Yutu daily at 4 PM UTC ... OTHERS: TIMETABLE IN UTC | New: New Venus Day Meditation | 4 hours interval: Key to Freedom Meditation | Daily ... | Weekly ... | Monthly ... | Free time selection ... 💡 PS: The 11:11 Phenomenon. Lightforces Massing. Aug 11 Solar Eclipse. Hunter's Moon 2018. 144k Mass Meditation Build Up ... |

Active Meditations

Audio Playlist:


Please know that you can also do this meditation anytime of the day (or night), and you can also build a Buddhic Column over your own area. I think it would be fantastic if we could, in addition to the required locations, also invoke for one over our local area. Imagine building a massive network of these columns over the entire world!

TRMNRR | Oct 27, 2018 | ~ INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "Current Intel" 10/26/18 ~ | 💭Oh... psst!... I don't have to remind you, use your own spiritual discernment...🙏 |

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 26-Oct-2018 03:56:04

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

The Saudi Crown Prince was responsible for the killing of Mr. Kashoggi and the U.S. knew it...so Treasury Secretary Mr. Mnuchin flew to that country against Trumps orders to pick up $2 Trillion to keep the matter quiet.

The Saudis gave the Secretary fake Gold Certificates labeled Manna World Trust which were worthless.

Mr. Mnuchin has been fired. (He was cabal)

While 'The Caravan' of mostly 'Male Fighters' approaches our borders to start insurrections...Hurricane Michael was steered into Florida to drive away residents and take over the land by the bad Military and cabal operatives and bring in terrorists.

Those who refused to evacuate were shot.

Katrina and Hurricane Florence were similar False Flag Operations.

Caravan people were paid between $1500 and $2000 to invade America...and be further trained in secret camps.

The corrupted military...foreign bankers and cabalists want the U.S. destroyed financially and politically. (they are failing)

Cabalists in the Military have shipped a fleet of F-22 Raptors from Tyndall AFB at Fort Walton Beach, Florida to Israel to defend against a Possible Russian attack on that Nation.

Israel is the last hold out by the cabal before GESARA compliance is complete.

HSBC tried to hack into the Manna World Trust and had their computer systems destroyed as a result.

The mail bombs were a stupid stunt by the democratic cabal who used a number of operatives in Florida and other states to frame the republicans.

It was sloppy and it has failed.

Secureteam10 | Oct 27, 2018 | ~ Total Satellite BLACKOUT Of This Area For 8 Years.. WHY? ~ | .. Tonopah Test Range is located about 70 miles (110 km) northwest of Groom Dry Lake, the home of the Area 51 facility .. | Blogger: [🛸The Secret S-4 Site??. Verdensalt.dk & Area 51 - 'been there, done that'👽] ... Did You know that, Robert Scott "Bob" Lazar, claims to have worked on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology at a site called S-4, near the Area 51 test facility, and that the UFOs use gravity wave propulsion. His is powered by the (as of then undiscovered) element 115. He further claims to have read US government briefing documents that describe alien involvement in human affairs over the past 10,000 years. Lazar's claims resulted in bringing the secret Area 51 site to the attention of the public (Public Knowledge)... |

Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, info on the government coverup, and the strange activity happening on and off of our planet. Email me YOUR footage and help us continue the good fight for disclosure!


Oct 26, 2018

RT | Oct 26, 2018 | ~ ‘Terror for dummies’? IDF gets #FallingStarChallenge all wrong… and even steals RT joke! ~ | Blogger: [💣Pipe bombs mailing service in America, Hanford nuclear plant employees told 'take cover' over incident - reports. Russia’s FSB busts ISIS cell planning terrorist acts in Moscow💣] ... 🔴ALERT!!!... Be aware of FALSE FLAG by the hundreds until U.S. midterm elections 2018 and THE EVENT, will take place... But wait... We ARE the EVENT.. The EVENT is here!!.. The EVENT is NOW!!!.. It's ALL in us and around us... I'ts has already been manifested or infused into our avatar, into our spirit soul & body... Believing is seeing and seeing is believing... One of the crucial first steps in any process that lets us learn how to think differently is to begin with questioning our own assumptions and the mental models we employ ... Chaos before the bedlam!?... Nooo... There is chaos before the calm and it will HURT like never before, also in the eye of a Hurricane, but rest assured, that the forces of light will prevail over the power of darkness... |

READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/news/442358-idf-fallingstarchallenge-meme-iran

Verdensalt.dk | Archive | 2003 - 2018 | ~ A LIGHTWORKERS Jouney ~ | By Adeon Asfar from my.lightworkers.org | .. Since 2003 we have been connecting Light- workers all over the world by providing a safe online space to share, learn and grow. We are a community dedicated to exploring the greatest spiritual potential of humanity and what it means to be a lightworker at this time .. | Blogger: [🦋This welcome e-book is from 2014 and do not have any terms for service for COPY- RIGHT INFORMATION, as i understood it back then. It's just an invite to their site as a new member and MUCH, MUCH more🌈] ... Who, Why, What? Why be part of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community Network to enter Lightworkers.org? All accounts and site structure was suspended in 2012 by DMCA? Why? Can we trust them? Are they infiltrated by the dark forces or black magic? What happened to Adeon Asfar? Why haven't he posted anything for 3 years time now on his youtube channel? etc. etc. etc... I DON'T KNOW!!!... This e-book is ONLY SHARED to you in the vast multiverse for people who seeks enlightenment and spiritual development as a light-worker... If you feel so guided, read it and weep, with openness, joy and LOVE... There's nothing to it... Mahatma Gandhi — 'Be the change that you wish to see in the world.' ... 🙏 |

Verdensalt.dk | Akivskabet | 26. Oktober 2018 | ~ Elina ST-ONGE: HOW To Change The World' ~ | Blogger: [💟Hvis vi alle tog et øjeblik for blot at observer verden som den er, ville udviklingen af vores arts potentiale, ske natten over🌎] ... Tjek Elinas gratis e-bog 'HOW To Change The World' ... Det starter allerede ved indskolingen og 0. klasse og slutter aldrig, før du selv siger STOP!. Elina siger: ".. Få år efter vi er født i frihedens tegn, bliver vores umoden og barnlig adfærd (friheden til at lege og udforske), brat afbrudt af behovet for, at aktivt, at træne os selv til den "virkelige verden" (slippe leg og frihed). Vi kan være så heldige, at blive født frie og uden et begreb om begrænsning, men at overleve i denne tidsalder, kræver, 'mandsmod'. Når livet pludselig bliver til 'noget', vi skal gøre os fortjent til.. Vi skal hurtigt tilpasse os samfundet, som er et meget fortralvende, konkurrencedygtig overlevelse-orienterede spil..."... |

wakeup-world | Oct 26, 2018 | ~ The Monsanto Papers – Secret Tactics and Corrupted Science (video) ~ | .. Known as “the Monsanto papers”, the evidence presented in legal cases against Monsanto includes email correspondence and corporate documents that create a comprehensive narrative of the corporation’s malfeasance and collusion with U.S. regulatory agencies .. |

Higher Perspectives | Oct 26, 2018 | ~ Scientists Believe They Have Just Discovered A Parallel Universe ~ |

Scientists believe they may have caught a glimpse of a parallel universe bumping up against ours.

They've seen hints in signals from the most distant points of the universe that suggest the fabric of our universe has been disrupted by another incredibly different universe. Their analysis may be the proof for the multiverse theory.

According to researchers: "Dr Ranga-Ram Chary examined the noise and residual signals in the cosmic microwave background left over from the Big Bang (pictured) and found a number of scattered bright spots which he believes may be signals of another universe bumping into our own billions of years ago."

At least that's the tentative conclusion researchers have come to. According to some cosmological theories, collisions of alternative universes should be possible. Theories conclude that our universe is like a bubble among many.

Once a universe begins in a big bang type setting, it never stops expanding. That goes for all the universes. So it makes sense they'd periodically bump into one another.

They're all likely in a row, say researchers, vibrating, bouncing around, and rubbing up on each other.

Dr. Chary believes that the signal he's received indicate that this other universe is extremely different from our own.

He says it could have a ratio of subatomic particles called photos and baryons that are about 10 fold greater than in our universe.

Dr. Chary explains, “The fine tuning of parameters in the early universe required to reproduce our present day universe suggests that our universe may simply be a region within an eternally inflating super-region.

Many other regions beyond our observable universe would exist with each such region governed by a different set of physical parameters than the ones we have measured for our universe."

More research will need to be done, but this could be the beginning of some very interesting discoveries.