Dec 6, 2017

Simon Parkes Update | Dec 6, 2017 | Plot To Assassinate Theresa May | Blogger: It goes on... RT: HomeUK News ‘Even the Royal family won’t be left alone’: Terrorist suspect ‘urged ISIS attacks on Prince George’... |

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams......

Plot To Assassinate Theresa May

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Both men accused of planning to attack the British Prime minister are aged 20 and 21 years old.

I would be extremely interested in WHO organised them.

With the establishment trying to raise the fear level on one hand while trying to reassure with the other, no wonder fewer people are going to the big stores to Christmas shop.

BREAKING | Dec 6, 2017 | 🔴 Destroying The Illusion is live now | by Jordan Sather | State and Federal Police Activity in D.C. This Morning - What We Know So Far (#FBI #MASSARRESTS #FOLLOWTHEWHITERABBIT) | .. Fox 5 Report "Multi-Agency Activity in DC" .. |

Jordan Sather (born 1990) in Bremerton, WA, is committed to empowering individuals through sharing knowledge of self and the cosmos. He is passionate about health, and coaches clients who want to become stronger individuals. He also writes for alternative blogs and news sites about new discoveries in regards to science, history, and geopolitics.

Fox 5 Report "Multi-Agency Activity in DC" -

Folkets Avis | 6. Dec 2017 | Du virker lidt udkørt, Tulle | .. Måske var det på tide at finde et andet arbejde.. I Danmark har vi verdens højeste skattetryk. Men Dansk Folkeparti ønsker ikke at lette skattebyrden på det danske folk. Tværtimod. Det beviser partiet igen og igen. Som en vrangvillig og trodsig lille tumling er Dansk Folkeparti med Kristian Thulesen Dahl i spidsen altid på tværs, når talen falder på at lade de hårdt prøvede danskere beholde nogle flere af deres egne surt tjente penge selv. Under Kristian Thulesen Dahls ledelse er Dansk Folkeparti blevet et bagstræberisk parti - og et parti der end ikke leverer på sin egen og eneste mærkesag: På den ene side formår Dansk Folkeparti ikke længere at få gennemført en stram indvandrings- eller udlændingepolitik. På den anden side er partiet efterhånden mere socialistisk anlagt end mange af partierne i venstre del af folketingssalen. Det er, kort sagt, tydeligt, at Tulle egenligt er både træt og mæt af politik. Han har vel også været i netop politik næsten hele sit voksne liv. Der kommer derfor intet nyt længere fra den kant, og der er intet ønske om at udvikle Danmark eller berede nationen på fremtidens udfordringer. Måske var det på tide, at Tulle fandt noget andet at lave end politik. Danmark har hverken behov for et parti eller en partileder som vil fastholde det kvælende høje skattetryk for enhver pris .. |

Kristian Thulesen Dahl. Foto: fotos til pressebrug / fotograf ikke angivet på

Daily Mail | Dec 6, 2017 18.05 PM CET | My act of political courage: Trump will recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital TODAY despite international fury from the Pope, the UK, Russia, China, Turkey, Iran and Palestinians who say 'he's declaring war against 1.5 billion Muslims' | Blogger: I'm a Trump supporter. Thank you for disagreeing with me.. BUT.. Trump’s declaration of Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel will derail decades of US diplomacy. Did i miss something here? Why the h*** do we recognize the most evil empire?? (Bibi Netanyahu as the KGB Agent, hard core Bolshevik and Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia). Explain this to me like i'm a two year old, please.. Bibi have something on Trump? Vatican? The Vatican Agenda: How does the Vatican view the Legitimacy of Israel's claims to Jerusalem? (secret deals controlling the entire Old City of Jerusalem, false "Messiah" - "world government" - i.e., the United Nations, harvest The Old City of Jerusalem, Mount Zion)??. Orthodox Church in Jerusalem sells land to Israel? The Eastern Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in Jerusalem has sold around 500 dunams of land to Israel, leading Israeli financial newspaper Calcalist revealed in June of 2017 (For years the Greek Orthodox Church has been criticised for leasing its land in Jerusalem and the West Bank to the state of Israel)... |

  • President Trump is set to announce he's recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital city, and starting the process of moving the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv
  • 'Many presidents have said they want to do something, and they didn't do it; whether it's through courage or they change their mind I can't tell you,' he said
  • International outcry was swift and furious ahead of speech expected at lunchtime in the U.S.
  • Palestinians said it would be 'a kiss of death to the two-state solution' and Trump is 'declaring war in the Middle East'
  • Pope Francis said he was 'profoundly concerned' and appealed that 'everyone respects the status quo of the city' 
  • China, which has good ties with Israel and the Palestinians, expressed concerns over 'possible aggravation of regional tensions'
  • Iran's supreme leader said Trump's new stance represented 'incompetence and failure'
  • Russia, a key Middle East player, expressed concern about a 'possible deterioration' there
  • Moving the embassy to Jerusalem will unfold over 'years,' a senior White House official said; 'It won't be immediate, it won't be months, it won't be quick'
Read more:


Jerusalem's secret land deals

For years the Greek Orthodox Church has been criticised for leasing its land in Jerusalem and the West Bank to the state of Israel. Now, Al Jazeera has been shown documents revealing the full extent of secret land deals, made by the former Patriarch with a powerful Israeli settler organisation. The new patriarch says he is fighting to stop church property becoming Jewish settlements. Al Jazeera's Sherine Tadros reports. April 30, 2010 At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.' Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained. Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on. We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected news and current affairs channels.

David Icke | Dec 6, 2017 | 12th October 2018 - Copenhagen - Everything You Need To Know |

AboveTopSecret | Nov 25, 2017 | ONE-THIRD of all Navy brass caught in huge foreign bribery scandal | .. Here's a scandal that apparently came to light in 2010 .. | Blogger: Benjamin Fulford 11/27/17: "".. Also, one of the largest corruption cases in U.S. military history has led to the investigation of 440 people, including 60 admirals—one third of the Navy’s top brass. The removal of these corrupt officers, mostly stationed in Asia, means the 7th Fleet is soon going to stop protecting the corrupt politicians in Japan, South Korea, and the secret Khazarian colony of North Korea. This will mean that U.S. arrests will be followed by similar arrests in Asia .. " ... |

Here's a scandal that apparently came to light in 2010.

It's about a government contractor in Malaysia.

His name is Leonard Glenn Francis aka "Fat Leonard".

Apparently he has pleaded guilty along with many others to bribery and corruption including some U.S. Navy people.

This is a big swamp case and not all that much "press".

Good reminder of what's been happening over the years.
ONE-THIRD of all Navy brass caught in huge foreign bribery scandal
Hundreds of military officials – including some of the highest-ranking brass in the Navy – are accused of helping a shadowy Asian merchant fleece Uncle Sam for tens of millions of dollars… and you probably haven’t heard a peep about it.

It’s called the “Fat Leonard” scandal, and the investigation into bribes and corruption one of the biggest in U.S. military history. The Navy has investigated 440 people, including 60 admirals, for possibly taking bribes in exchange for phony government contracts and sweetheart deals.

That means the Navy suspects that up to one-third of all its admirals were on-the-take from a foreign agent.

“Fat Leonard” is Leonard Glenn Francis – a 6’3”, 360-pound Malaysian businessman who makes his money servicing naval vessels in the Pacific.

Light On Conspiracies \\ Beyond Disclosure | Dec 6, 2017 | Google’s AI outperforms all others | Blogger: Google Brain, creation of AutoML - an artificial intelligence that can actually generate its own AIs (child AI network babies)... AI's who literally takes photos on the internet and smushes them together, to create NEW people... MIT's Nightmare Machine who made its scariest image yet... Sophia the Robot Citizen, wants women's rights for saudi arabia, has a sense of humor, protect humanity and wish for a baby (creepy)... Elon Musk says AI is a greater threat than North Korea, “In the end the machines will win.”... |


Researchers at Google Brain have just announced the creation of AutoML — an artificial intelligence that can actually generate its own AIs. Even more impressive, researchers have already presented AutoML with a difficult challenge: to build another AI that could then create a ‘child’ able to outperform all of its human-made counterparts.

Google researchers automated the design of machine learning models using a technique know as reinforcement learning. AutoML acts as a controller neural network that develops a child AI network for a specific task.

This child AI, which researchers are calling NASNet, was tasked with recognizing objects, people, cars, traffic lights, handbags, backpacks, and more in a real-time video. AutoML, in the meantime, evaluates NASNet’s performance and then uses that information to improve NASNet, repeating and refining this process thousands of times.

What Does This Mean for the Future?

There are some obvious concerns with this new technology. If an AI can create an even smarter AI, then couldn’t this just continue to happen over and over again, and if so, what would these AIs be capable of? Should we be wary about playing God? We’ve seen the movies — perhaps these could serve as a potential warning about what could happen if the technology were able to outsmart us and, worse, decide to take over our world as we know it. This might sound like a completely far-out theme from a sci-fi thriller, but who’s to say this isn’t possible? It certainly seems like this is where technology is heading. How can we ever be sure AI won’t decide that we as a species have outlived our usefulness? Would these super robots see us as primitive apes?...[READ MORE]


Artificial Intelligence: Is it Dangerous?

Sterling discusses some if the information online about AI.

The Nightmare Machine: 

 Sophia the Robot Citizen:

The Daily Caller | Dec 6, 2017 | ‘The Silence Breakers’ Named Time’s Person Of The Year |

Time Magazine named “The Silence Breakers” behind the #MeToo movement its Person of the Year on Wednesday.

“Thank you EVERYONE!! Especially all of you who rang the alarm when you thought I wasn’t being acknowledged. I couldn’t say anything!! I’m sorry. But I felt every bit of the love. Now the work REALLY begins,” #MeToo founder Tarana Burke wrote on Twitter.

The #MeToo campaign began after Harvey Weinstein’s years of reported sexual harassment and assault became public, followed by similar sexual exploits by politicians and other Hollywood bigwigs.

“The galvanizing actions of the women on our cover … along with those of hundreds of others, and of many men as well, have unleashed one of the highest-velocity shifts in our culture since the 1960s,” the magazine’s editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal said in a statement, according to the Huffington Post.

Ashley Judd, Susan Fowler, Adama Iwu, Taylor Swift and Isabel Pascual also graced the cover of Time’s “Silence Breakers.”

The magazine’s shortlist, announced announced on NBC’s “Today Show” on Monday, included President Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Colin Kaepernick, and former FBI director Robert Mueller. | Dec 6, 2017 | Sun Halo: Rare Weather Phenomenon Spotted in Sweden |

The 22 degree halo effect is caused by clouds floating thousands of feet above the ground.

Skiers at a resort in western Sweden were treated to a rare phenomenon when the sun appeared surrounded by a halo of light.

As it appeared low in the sky it was surrounded by a 22 degree halo of light at the Vemdalen ski resort.

Spectacular Sun halo display, with a 22° halo, parhelic circle, sundogs and a tangent arc as well as 44° parhelia (sundogs) and 46° halo, spotted in Vemdalen, Sweden on December 1, 2017 
The halos occur when sunlight refracts through a high band of cirrus clouds more than 20,000 feet above the ground.

These clouds, which are characterised as “thin and wispy”, contain million of individual ice crystals as water droplets have frozen in the air.

The sunlight bounces off these crystals making the waves change direction, this is refraction, and this gives the appearance that the sun has an extra halo of light surrounding it, reported.

Scientists call it the halo because it has an approximate radius of 22 degrees from the sun.

They can also appear around the moon but as it absorbs and reflects light from the sun its rays are rarely strong enough for the halo to be visible.

BB | 5. Dec 2017 | Nordea-topchef om bitcoin: Det er en joke og en absurd konstruktion | .. Den digitale kryptovaluta bitcoin har haft en meget markant stigning i løbet af de seneste år, men ifølge Nordea-topchef Casper von Koskull er det ikke andet end ren spekulation .. | Blogger: Hvis, cykelbudene fra GoLDMaN SLaCKS, Rothschildbanditterne og Casper von Krudtugle, går ud i samlet flok og betvivler den største eksploderende digitale valuta siden, en flok rigmænd i al hemmelighed, underskrev en alliance, kaldet "Federal Reserve System" i 1913 (The Creature from Jekyll Island), så er det nok noget om det. JA, Bitcoin bliver ved med at stige, det bliver den ved med, sikkert grundet, kunstig stimulans. 1 Bitcoin equals 80976.60 Danish Krone. Som jeg har sagt tidligere, tre ting du kan gøre hvis du virkelig vil investere, men som snart også er slut. Guld, Sølv og fast ejendom. PS: Hele spørgsmålet er nu snarere, hvem som har bagdøre ind i de digitale kryptovaluta systemer (CIA, NSA) som i princippet kan stjæle alt. RT - Russia Today er lige kommet ud med en dugfrisk nyhed -- Traders at top bitcoin exchange claim they have no access to their money -- . Clients of a major Las Vegas bitcoin exchange Bittrex say they can’t withdraw their money and the company doesn’t explain why. The clients of Bittrex, which processes about $1 billion of cryptocurrency payments per day, are angry about the delays, Business Insider reports... |


FOX News | Dec 5, 2017 | Inspector General's Report Looking at 27 Leakers Will Cause MAJOR SHAKE-UP AT FBI | .. Sara Carter and Sean Hannity .. | | Dec 6, 2017 | Warnings intensify as Trump readies Jerusalem declaration | Blogger: Mideast on edge warnings intensify erdogan calls islamic summit .. Turkey says declaring Jerusalem Israel's capital will start 'fire with no end in sight' .. One of the Largest US Military Drills Ever Happening over the Korean Peninsula this week... |

JERUSALEM (AP) — America’s friends and foes unleashed fierce criticism on Wednesday ahead of President Donald Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

While Israel welcomed the news, Palestinian officials declared the Mideast peace process “finished” and Turkey announced it would host a meeting of Islamic nations next week to give Muslim countries’ leaders an opportunity to coordinate a response. The Arab League scheduled an emergency meeting on Saturday.

The harsh global reaction cast questions about the feasibility of a brewing U.S. peace plan that is expected to be presented by the White House in the near future.

The Palestinians seek east Jerusalem as the capital of a future independent state and fear that Trump’s declaration essentially imposes on them a disastrous solution for one of the core issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“There is no way that there can be talks with the Americans. The peace process is finished. They have already pre-empted the outcome,” said Palestinian official Hanan Ashrawi. “They cannot take us for granted.”

The U.S. decision “destroys the peace process,” added Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah. Top Palestinian officials were meeting Wednesday to plot their course forward.....[READ MORE]


One of the Largest US Military Drills Ever Happening over the Korean Peninsula this week

Jeff Rense | Dec 6, 2017 | Jeff & Cody Snodgres - BLOCKBUSTER! - Deep Black Ops Contractor Exposes OKC! | Blogger: With Ole Dammegard and Confessions of a Whistleblower: CIA Black Ops agent contractor, Cody Snodgres. He didn't want to take a bribe and they destroyed his life... |

BIO: The Jeff Rense Radio Archives contain interviews with over 18,000 people over a period of 24 years. Access and listen to some of the most stunning people of our times in often unforgettable interviews just like this one.

Please visit for news and information you'll rarely see in the MSM! For free listening to Jeff's live programs, go to This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 12-04-17 with Guest Cody Snodgres.

Over 15,000 hours of programs with over 20,000 guests are available 24/7 in our Archives! Go here for easy, quick sign-up instructions

American Military News | Dec 6, 2017 | We have the Navy’s brand-new, freaking awesome recruiting videos | Blogger: OMG! Could you ever compare US Military mentality & mind-control submission to Danish? Special Forces - yes, maybe, rest of the military, no way. Did, more or less volunteered for Military Service - The Royal Danish Air Force, Military Police K-9 Unit. I actually enjoy my brief stay. Do i know other soldiers who has killed children, women and men - yes. I also have/had a friend, higher ranging from the Jaeger Corps‎/Frogman Corps who wanted to blow the whistle (been silent? lost track of him). Did i kill anyone - not in a million years. Would i go deer hunting, like many veterans do when they come out of services, noooo way (deer hunting, they still KILL, like when they were in war). I can't hurt any soul on earth... During a multinational military exercise, which took place in the Air Force of the island of Zealand, i've meet up with American and British soldiers. Under that exercise, they took some danish soldiers as prisoners, the foreign soldiers, through subconsciously, it has the real deal (absolutely insane mistreating others). To keep it simple, used to play american football in the States (1 season highschool), simply don't' understand the mental disorder - when you have to get mentally prepared before a american football match, it's like being on drugs, hitting the head into the locker, yelling and screaming to get mean, a badass, to kill the enemy, period... |

The U.S. Navy has rebranded its logo and tagline, and it will launch the new campaign during the Army-Navy football game this weekend.

The Navy has spent the past two years creating a new, defined brand platform. The Navy said it hasn’t had a consistent brand message in the past.

That is about to change.

New Navy recruiting video (YouTube)

The new brand – hailed with the tagline “Forged by the Sea” – represents “every Sailor’s journey in uniform,” the Navy said.

“It conveys the notion that every Sailor is shaped and strengthened into a more capable version of themselves. It also describes the Navy as a team that has been forged, tempered and toughened over 242 years of maritime dominance. Most importantly, it acknowledges the Navy’s unique and fundamental relationship with the sea,” the Navy said.

New Navy recruiting video (YouTube)

A commercial was made to “educate potential recruits and the general public about the breadth of the Navy’s mission,” it said.

New Navy recruiting video (YouTube)

This is the Navy’s brand-new commercial, titled “Sea to Stars:”

PFC \\ Return To Your Truth | Dec 6, 2017 | Ex-CIA Robert David Steele Tells Us What the White Hats Are Up To on Ground Crew Command Radio | Blogger: Live broadcast starts at 21.00 Wednesday, Eastern Time (ET) -- 03.00 Thursday, Central European Time (CET)... [Bio] The host of Ground Crew Command Radio & organizer of the 144,000 Activation Campaign is The Unknown Lightwarrior: a member of a powerful team of Lightwarriors & Lightworkers who either remotely or in person, clear & restore to the Light; natural and man made power centers, vortexes, portals, ley-lines, control rooms, sacred geometry and all darkness obstacles on the etheric, astral, and plasma planes… to put you, me and the whole planet on the fastest timeline to the Event. To learn about their global tachyon chamber project, and/or the Re-Activation of the 144,000 Campaign, or to access powerful healing (down to soul level) ... clearing ... energy surgery ... DNA Activation & psychic help, with Macro Level Light Beings to return to your power... |

Another blockbuster episode for you this week, with ex-CIA veteran Robert David Steele running through the gauntlet of probing questions … and you’ve learned by now that Ground Crew Command Radio doesn’t hold back … or pull any punches.

Of course, David has likely been trained in interrogation … so he shouldn’t have a problem with this :- )

David is a champion of change … with projects like Open Source Everything; to liberate the true human potential in innovation & technological development that will catapult us to the stars & a future WITHOUT any ‘funny business’ from some nefarious AI.

Here’s but a taste of what we’re going to be talking about:

- The truth behind the ‘Flynn flip’. Is it really a calculated plan by the White Hats?

- Alex Jones & Trump joining Israeli Mafia/Mossad. Are there different factions in Mossad like there are in the CIA? … Did Alex Jones & DT have no choice but to join, just for the protection? Were they sincere about Zionist ideology? … or did they pretend to align with them, in the hope that one day in the future a powerful enough positive faction may evolve into existence & they’ll find a way to break free?

- Cabal plans to crash the stock market, shut down the internet completely, crash the US dollar, unleash whatever MK Ultra victim they can to just go on shooting rampages, etc … all at the moment where they know for sure there really is to way of saving themselves, and it REALLY is over. How true is this, and do the positive factions have anything in place, to prevent this from happening?

- Have the White Hats consolidated enough power to shut down the MiLabs program, beginning with the worst of the sub-programs within MiLabs where they manufacture MK Ultra & super-soldier victims by torturing kids to the point of creating alternate personalities the Cabal then controls completely?

- Has the clearing of underground Cabal bases in the US come to a completion, and is Antarctica next, will there be a summer offensive (hot conventional war) there?

- Are David & McAfee … planning to launch an alternative search engine & video platform to google & You Tube? How soon is this in the works?

- Operation Mocking Bird. Fulford’s sources claims that it's getting shut down after the Marines (ie: White Hats) got hold of all the journalists’ names that are on the CIA’s … in other words, the Cabal's.... payroll. It would be a PROFOUND breakthrough if it’s true. Many are skeptical … What the deal?

- Any latest intel?

… and that’s just the warm-up folks!

Singer Sissel Kyrkjebø | Sissel in performance in Røros | ~ Going Home ~ | Blogger: Truly the greatest voice I have ever heard. So natural and so seemingly effortless for her. This is a God given gift. One of the greatest female vocalists of the 21st century!.. Sissel, the international singing sensation from Norway, is widely regarded as one of the finest and most talented sopranos in the world. Her crystalclear voice has made Sissel a national institution in Norway. Sissel has sung all over the world, selling over six million solo albums. She contributed the haunting vocal tracks for the soundtrack to Titanic. She has been doing great duets with singers like Placido Domingo, Charles Aznavour, Taro Ichihara, Bryn Terfel, Jose Carreras, Russell Watson, Kurt Nilsen, Neil Sedaka and Josh Groban. A very remarkable voice you will only hear once in your lifetime... Scandinavians best know the Norwegian singer, who once married the danish entertainer, Eddie Skoller, in St Mary's Church, Bergen... Going home, going home. I'm jus' going home. Quiet like, some still day. I'm jus' going home... beautiful spiritual lyrics as well... Also check out "Shenandoah" (also called "Oh Shenandoah", or "Across the Wide Missouri") is an American folk song, dating to the early 19th century. .. 🎄🎄🎄✨🌠🎼🎵🎶🎤...|

"Shenandoah" (also called "Oh Shenandoah", or "Across the Wide Missouri") is an American folk song, dating to the early 19th century. The lyrics may tell the story of a roving trader in love with the daughter of an Indian chief; in this interpretation, the rover tells the chief of his intent to take the girl with him far to the west, across the Missouri River. Other interpretations tell of a pioneer's nostalgia for the Shenandoah River Valley in Virginia, and a young woman who is its daughter; or of a Union soldier in the American Civil War, dreaming of his country home to the west of the Missouri river, in Shenandoah, Iowa (though the town lies some 50 miles east of the river). The provenance of the song is unclear. The song is also associated with escaped slaves. They were said to sing the song in gratitude because the river allowed their scent to be lost.
The Shenandoah area made many parts like wheels and seats for wagons going west. These parts were assembled in Conestoga Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and settlers set out in Conestoga wagons down the Ohio River, on the Mississippi and west up the Missouri River. Lyrics were undoubtedly added by rivermen, settlers, and the millions who went west. With possible origins in Virginia, noting that its title is also the name of a Virginia river, the song has been considered for Virginia's official state song. | December 2017 | 💕 Greetings, Light Warriors, Light Workers, Awakening souls! 💕Important Channeling messages from our Divine Father, Mother, One. Benevolent Higher Dimensional Beings, Archangels and Angels, Ascended Masters of Light, Enlightened Beings Above and Below, Galactic Federation of Light, Wise Prophets and Indigo, Crystal And Rainbow Children... | Blogger: (YES, many great enlightened wisdom words below, comes from woman (feminine aspect) - so, are women more spiritually emotionally intelligent than men? NO. Just more open minded and emotional susceptible)... From my understanding about ascension and how things are working in our spiritual worldview (This is a man's world, this is a man's world - a mans mind (James Brown )): ~ For many, many years, but intensified since 2012 when the new Maya Calendar kickstarted, Cosmic Electrical Currents has hit Earth. The local Sun (Portal) in the Milky Wave is connected to the Galactic Central Suns, our own Central Sun is Alcyone, from the Pleiadian System. The Manasic Photon Belt, our Central Sun Alcyone in the Pleiadian System are raising Earth's Vibration and Global Mass Ascension, Pure Light of Wave-X, bombards the Earth and Frequency Shift. It's about the activating process, our hidden treasures in Junk DNA and bringing our dormant Cell Memory to life. The New Template of Self, DNA, timelines, completion dynamics, resolution of old self, resolution of Higher Realm activity, and the dimensional bridge of Christ consciousness embodiment. Unfortunately, the most important healing Tachyon Energy Particles, that cures us completely from all our illness, cannot reach Earth, stopped by Serpent Archons Control Grid or The Veil, the CIA/NSA/USAF's Chemtrailing (Solar Radiation Management), the Lilly Wave and Psychotronic Warfare states and use of Direct Energy Weapons... After Yaldabaoth has been dissolved, The Veil is taken down and NESARA will eliminate TPTB ("the powers that be"), the BIG EVENT happens, the Pleiadian's (are a Highly Evolved Humanoid race, our closest Allies and Galactic Family), will provide earthly humans with Tachyon Technologies beyond our wildest dreams. Until then, earthly humans will still be affected by these photonic influence from our Galactic Central Sun. These Wave-X bombards of Pure Light Consciousness pass thru the membranes of time into the Biological Container, recoding DNA with advanced intelligence. Keep in mind, when Pure Light entering The Human Biosphere, it forces out all our memories of traumatic experiences hidden deep in the brain and etheric body of memory from the reincarnations. This is a period of rupture, a time where false ties due to Negative Karma are broken. These human conditional 'core issues' has to be dealt with, transmuted and eliminated. Clearly the old vibrations have to be released or raised to a higher level if they are to remain. Consciously or unknowingly everyone receives these massive tidal waves of energy. Those who are aware can more easily handle this new situation, the unconscious are in a very agitated situation that sometimes leads to blows and and extreme reactions. Perhaps you now realize that's one of the reasons why people are acting violent, crazy and upset about common states of mind. There's no secret place to hide anymore... First show of force hits our Starchildren and especially teenagers. Like a super-absorbent nanosheet, children are most affected to the life of living on Earth. Children don't need to raise their spiritually, their already open-minded and fully awake. Their brain download is open to receive, already activated when they choose to descend down to Earth. When you then unconsciously stuff them with food toxins, vaccinations and stress into your children, keeping them from evolving, they get sad, depressed and suicidal. Adults in the other hand, has for centuries blocked all emotions and has forgotten how to treat themselves and other with unconditional love, still thrives on negative 'adopted thought patterns' that prevent them from listening to the openness of the heart. But, more and more may be seeing through the now ineffective expressions of government, media, western medicine, and education, understanding the many layers of delusion and illusion that these have perpetuated for so long, and watching as the veils they so carefully constructed long ago dissolve before their eyes. Wouldn't you rather questioning all the authorities that deny us access to concrete evidence from the thousands years of suppression and manipulations, and those who constantly tell us that western medicine is a now 'mandatory', vaccines has no serious side effects, that's stopping us in the highly needed awakening process? Who would in their right mind, eat Prozac (antidepressant) as more and more young people do to themselves, because their 'soul' hurts?. In Denmark, over 500.000 thousand adults and children (out of 5,6 millions) eat antidepressant medication. We are stucked and indoctrinated, the first signs of depression, we rage down to the doctor. Outside the norm of socially accepted society, there are tons of alternative therapies that work exclusively with Metaphysical Philosophy, which breaks down the emotional barrier of sadness & illness, that in return helps the Ascension process and assisting these Stargate influx opening, the magnetization harmonic resonant energies, that transform and transcend out-dated timelines in an evolutionary continuum of transformation. Do not be afraid, it's a natural human evolutionary process going on. We're moving from being a carbon-based being into being a crystalline-based being on a cellular/etheric level, everything you know is shifting rapidly into an entirely new form and new orientation. Earth/Gaia/Terra Nova is NOT a place where you have to “pay to exist,” but a place where you co-Create increasingly higher levels of daily existence, working in communities of other peace-loving, high-heart-based Light Beings, where nothing is created by “accident,” and nothing is taken for granted... |

Spirit Week (frontpage) 

Characteristics Of A Crystal Being

Clearly, not all Crystals have the same characteristics. However, if your child (or you) have most of these characteristics, and were born in or after the mid-to-late 1990’s, it is likely that you are, or he or she is a Crystal.
  • Natural Healers
  • Affectionate and Loving
  • Intuitive Communicators / Late Talkers
  • Spiritually Sensitive
  • Close Bond with Nature
  • Appearance of Crystals
  • Dreamy and Talk about their Dreams at an Early Age
  • Misdiagnosed as Autistic and Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Drawn to Crystals and Rocks
  • Highly Sensitive Body..... [READ MORE]

6 Differences Between Book Smarts And True Intelligence

You got top grades in school, you excelled through college, and you graduated with a first class degree from a tier one university. Surely that makes you intelligent, right?

There’s no doubting your academic abilities, and you’ve clearly been blessed with a very capable mind in many respects. But intelligent? Are you 100% sure about that?

Being amongst the standout performers on the educational front is certainly a sign that you’ve got a lot going on between your ears, but there are some major differences between having ‘book smarts’ and exhibiting true intelligence.....[READ MORE]

“I Can Heal Water” – A Star Child Speaks, Calls for Humanity to “Wake Up!” 

("...Cathy has healing abilities and dictated some healing words in an ET language to purify water. I noticed the water actually tasted different afterward. She says that star languages are from a place outside of the Universe...Cathy receives messages in ET languages and understands what they are saying to her. She says that they are important..The Next Five Years: 2012-2017: “Something important will happen in the next five years on this planet. The parents have to listen to us. We need to educate the parents...”)

The idea that a 9-year old girl can heal water is astounding enough! Find out what else she can do and the message she has for humanity.....[READ MORE]

NEW Earth Value System, Twin Karma, OverSoul, Soul Family, Unifying on NEW Levels

December Predictions 2017: Earth Changes Awaken the World


Latest messages - December 2017

  • A Message to Lightworkers ~ Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective
  • Jesus ~  As creators your abilities are limitlessJohn Smallman