Jul 15, 2023

👁️⃤𓂀🥺🔞 (Rothschild - Red Shield - Red Army - Red Cross) "Pædofil går imod Red Barnet": Sindssyg overskrift i virkeligheden. Men det sælger monetos og clickbaits - money bling bling blinkfanger. Lad os dykke ned i, hvem Red Barnet / Røde Kors, er for nogle piratfisk. Og det har intet med den anonymiseret pædofil at gøre eller Red Barnet, der vil have animeret billedmateriale, der seksualiserer børn, forbudt og dermed, taler med dobbelttunge. Ifølge Den Danske Frimurerorden var Karl XV, Oscar II og prins Gorm "Riddere & Kommandører med det Røde Kors" i Den Danske Frimurerorden (der omhandler alene 11. grad). De svenske konger Karl XV og Oscar II blev hædret med det den danske ordens røde kors. Det var en ren hædersbevisning ~ 15. Juli 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: Mange, mange rygter har eksisteret i en menneskealder, at Internationale humanitære organisationer, såsom Red Barnet og Røde Kors m.fl. er infiltreret af de 13 bankfamilier, såsom Rothschild-familierne, som er frimurere og globalister, der udadtil er stuerene og Røde Kors samaritter. Rothschild-familien har været tæt forbundet med det britiske Røde Kors siden starten i 1870, da Nathaniel, 1. Lord Rothschild blev et af grundlæggerne af komiteen for National Society for Aid to the Sick and Wounded in War. Men faktisk, viser det sig, at det er selv samme hjælpeorganisationer, som er mistænkt for menneskesmugling og langt, langt værre ting. Og det kan komme som en KÆMPE overraskelse, men det burde det ikke, i virkeligheden. Hvorfor tror du, at Guzzi-Helle stoppede som topchef i Red Barnet, da hendes ledelse, var mistænkt for menneskesmugling? Nu viser det sig, at italiensk politi i over et år har efterforsket Red Barnet International’s skib i Middelhavet, Vos Hestia. Og andre rygter siger, at A.P. Møller, som er én af verdens største containerrederier, med Uggla'erne (Moloch Ugle), er dybt, dybt involveret i menneskesmugling og rekrutterede sexslaver for magt, penge og profit m.m. Det kom frem da Containerskibet »Ever Given« satte sig på tværs i Suezkanalen og bremsede verdenshandlen (måske langt tid før). Det siges at så mange nu, at specialtropper fra USA og Rusland, bestormede skibet og hvad de fandt kan ses på billedet. "Sound of Freedom", som er en sand historie om at redde børn fra sexringe, nævner flere containerskibe, som fragter, børn... | 
Trend giver pædofile nye muligheder: - Noget, fanden har skabt - TV 2
Pædofil går imod Red Barnet: 'Seksuel tilfredsstillelse er en menneskeret' | BT Samfund - www.bt.dk
red cross rotchcild - Brave Search


Opdigtede sexfortællinger med mindreårige: Nu er Paludan-sagen politianmeldt (dagens.dk)
Paludan i grov sexsnak med børn – Ekstra Bladet
stockholm tillader at brænde koran - Google Search

(20+) Facebook
danish top honcho released from russia - Google Search

💌🌎🌌🌱 ('Grey Hats & The Galactics": Not the saviors of mankind. We’re the support. You lightworkers are the saviors.') R’Kok: Lightworkers are the Least Powerless People on Earth ~ July 15, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: OMG I can't wait that long - "Earth humans to be in a tough or even awful situation until 2024 or 2025 or 2026" (in below report)... My DK-holistic ND says '2024, it's going to happen' Like this report says... Tarot By Janine did a video (JULY 10th 2023-WORLD NEWS!) on why so many Q-posts, digital soldiers and channelers, even Juan O Savin, are saying similar to these dates like this post does; 'This may seem heartless, but we genuinely do think that it’s preferable to Earth humans to be in a tough or even awful situation until 2024 or 2025 or 2026, rather than risk another Atlantis-style collapse and the darkness' I didn't get a lot clever on Janines card readings about dates or years... Michelle Fielding -Spiritual Coach) 'Michelle's "visions" and "readings" & "heavenly teaching" of a positive "Golden Age" (of love) 2032 we're all entering and divinely degreed' (depressing)... | 

My Earth friends,

This is R’Kok speaking. I am honored that I am once again able to share a message with the people of Earth.

As has often been stated: us galactics are not the saviors of mankind. We’re the support. You lightworkers are the saviors. You are the ones you have been waiting for.

However, understandably, this perspective annoys or even angers many light workers. After all, gray hats (which we think is the more appropriate term for white hats) and us galactics live more comfortable lives. Both gray hats and us galactics also have more weapons and technology and soldiers than light workers do. So there is a very understandable and common sentiment among light workers that either galactics or gray hats should be doing more than they are doing.

We acknowledge that this situation is unfair and, in a way, unreasonable. Yes, this has been dragging on for too long. If you had asked us 20 years ago what we thought was going to happen, then we would have predicted that certainly somewhere before say 2018, the military and police forces of Earth would have arrested the dark controllers and would have started broadcasting truth on your mainstream networks. From our point of view, the gray hats haven’t been as brave as they should. And therefore things haven’t moved as quickly as they should.

Gray hats are those people who have some amount of power and who aren’t moral enough to be white hats, but they are partially resisting the dark controllers. This includes certain police officers and soldiers and politicians. It includes Q and Trump and Putin and other nationalistic leaders. In the earlier message “Hakann: People treat animals as elites treat people”, Hakann shared the following rule of thumb: if the media tells you that someone is great, then that person is probably a black hat. If the media tells you that someone is awful, then that person is probably a gray hat.

🙃🔄🥴 (SoTW Saturday Sundry) Sniffer-Joe is back gobble up little girl before SNIFFING her on the tarmac in Finland... Nothing can go forward: Activating RV / GCR / G-NESARA. Takedown of Nazi-Nato and Putin on conducting a special military operation. Removing EU, UN, Secret Societies, Freemasonic orders etc. etc. before Biden is gone. You know that right? ~ July 15, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: Tucker grills rep. candidate Mike on Ukraine... illuminating Hollyweird a-list actors’ strike exposing Pedowood and dead actors - now CGI created... India launch to hollow titanium moon is once again a smokescreen and big joke for SSP and HUmanity... A Bridge Too Far? Fake Biden forgives $39BN in student debt after US Supreme Court nixes Biden's $400BN student debt... Aspartame, artificial sweetener “possibly carcinogenic to humans” says WHO ~ no shit, Sherlock... The Getty Museum considered by Earth Alliance to be worst, disgusting and horrific tunnel system yet w/ 18 stories below ground, and THOUSANDS kids rescued... Taiwan rumored to be US-backed biological weapon nest like Ukraine w/ Adrenochrome fact. & CIA's sex trafficking ring, just like Ukraine... Harvard discovers elixir of youth? BUUULSHIT!?... |