Jul 3, 2021

💞😵‍💫 ~ (Amazing Avebury Crop Circle) Directly from Mother GAIA. Goddess Spiral coming out of the 6 pointed star. A whole new world! (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🍥What is Crop circles? - sometimes called corn circles in the UK, are geometric designs of flattened or knocked-over crops🍥] ... Hoax or not, still strange and unexplained phenomena! Some say, that these strange things were initially made by two Englishmen in the late 1970s, who thought up the idea in a pub when they should have been reminiscing about the good times with their beshhtt friend evah (rationalwiki.org).. Foster Gamble from Thrive movement tells us that; "Thousands of extraordinary geometric patterns have appeared in crop fields in more than 50 countries throughout the world.. There has been a lot of controversy about the origin of these designs. While some crop circles are created by pranksters to undermine the possibility of a non-human source, most crop formations are actually done in a way that defies current earthly science or technology. Laboratory studies have indicated that the nodes of some of the stalks get blasted out on one side, which can only be replicated by highly localized microwave heating. There are often anomalous electromagnetic effects and magnetic particles found as well…something hoaxers with planks would have trouble accomplishing"... You be the judge... |

👼 ~ 💗 ('It may be difficult to accept that you are an old soul, but when you are off Earth you will know that you are and have an awareness of your previous lives') Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: Pathways (EOL) 💕~ |



If you were to know the real truth as to what has been taking place for many, many years you would realise that there has been an ongoing battle between the dark and Light. With freewill the dark Ones have been fermenting wars and altercations and causing much fear which energy they feed upon.

They have ensured that there are conditions that result in chaos and prevent the people from living peaceful and happy lives. They have continued to feed the negativity that has existed upon Earth for eons of time and hoped to finally decimate the Human Race and take over the world.

Many people have alluded to it over the centuries but been unable to offer a solution that would have rid the world of their presence. However, when in recent times it seemed that the dark Ones were achieving their aims Humanity collectively raised their vibrations and were able to continue on Mother Earth with the promise that a New Age was to commence from 2012.

🔭🔥🔴 ~ (HAARP!?! - it's not all natural disaster or climate changes like Justin "Mini-pet" are saying) It’s all Biblical! Look at these maps of the ongoing forest fires around the world… Africa looks like it was colored in orange (SS) ~ | Blogger: NEXT disaster, is Hurricane "Elsa", going to Disney World, who pulls gendered language from fireworks show greeting! "Elsa", is right now at Caribbean, toward the Greater Antilles! How many more buildings are going to collapse in Florida?... ‘A literal firestorm’: Timelapse shows 700,000 lightning strikes pounding Canada as a result of heatwave wildfire... PS: 🕯️😔💞 Let us also sent prayers out to the world's affected populace in regards to extreme weather, air pollution, earthquakes, drought, wildfires, and fresh water shortages, where people are suffering and worse... ❤️💜💚💙💗😇🙌👼🏻🙏☄️💥🌪💦☔️... |








🦸‍♀️🦠💉 ~ (I am Kate Shemirani, Natural Nurse in a Toxic World) Truth & Justice: KS being prosecuted for organising freedom rallies and much, much more (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Both, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Dr Charlie Ward and others, is out asking us all to support Kate Shemirani, which is a true fighter for our children, pregnant woman and HU-manity... SoTW have stopped a long time ago, sending money to anyone, (have no money to send) but feel free to donate... PS: It would be a absolute tragic to see Kate Shemirani in the list of death (by suicide) to silence her, like the 100s of anonymous & well-known alternative medicine/holistic doctors that has been reported missing or dead due to a coincidental discovery of the enzyme "Nagalase" which Inhibits the Power of GcMAF to fight Cancer and Autism! Several natural doctors and freedom fighters has also died under this covid-19 agenda by the deathly medical mafia, like the Wuhan doctor, Li Wenliang, who attempted to warn the public about a potential new coronavirus outbreak in February of 2020. Or Kary Mullis, who invented the PCR method or Dr. Farrah, World famous holistic doctor suddenly shuts clinic after death threats to her entire family and trouble with FDA with 3 MILLION followers etc. etc... |

I have pledged 200British Pounds in support of Nurse Kate Shemirani's legal fees.
Nurse Kate Shemirani is a Judge on the Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice at http://www.peaceinspace.org and deserves our full Support!
In Light and Life, Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health, Chief Judge

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Date: Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 5:52 AM
To: peace peaceinspace.org peace@peaceinspace.org

"Hi Alfred I trust that all is well with you. We have had a very busy time here in UK. 2 million of us took to the city of London last week. It was incredible to see such solidarity. I myself have am being very persecuted. Stripped of my Nursing licenses, vilified and ridiculed in the press and now the subject of an investigation to place me on a register as a danger to children and young adults, due to my anti vaccine personal stance and opinion on the pandemic. The same register as pedophiles and sex offenders!! Tyranny is afoot! Please may I ask that you share the link below for my Crowd Justice Fund. I am in court in December this year with 6 criminal charges. My alleged crimes? Speaking out against the government and sanctions being placed on us, the British People. Many thanks in advance for any support with my legal fees. Kindest regards Kate."


🐘🙅‍♂️🙉 ~ (Skræmmende hvor aktuelle gamle DKR-afsnit kan være!?!) Vejledning. Vildledning. Forslag. Research. Ingen tør tale om den lyserøde elefant, for det er pinligt at tale om skam og frygt (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Kisser drømmer om Naser Khader🤛] ... At tænke sig, at 99% af danskere, NÆGTER, der findes (sataniske og sexistiske) og hedenske ritualer, som går hele vejen tilbage til danske og norske vikinger og har intet at gøre med de kristne tempelriddere (og det politiske system er i høj grad, en del af det), ifølge Arvid Ystad (eb.dk)... At der næsten er 10.000 danske medlemmer, via DDFO, Foreningerne Det Danske Frimurerlaug og Johanneslogeforbundet er tilsluttet Den Danske Frimurerorden. Og at, Johnnie La Fontaine, tidligere ridder og kommandør i ordenen med den højeste 11. grad, samt tidl. direktør i flere år i Mærsk-koncernen, har engang været ledende, sammen med overlægen, enevældige stormester Walter Schwartz, der sammen med Mogens Mortensen, med ordenen prestigefyldte post som tilsynsmester, tidligere direktør i den skandaleombruste og krakkede Tønder Bank, styrer(ede) landet. Ifølge, Folkets Ret, Det danske parti (rettenpaavrangen) påstår de, at Kongehuset styrer Den Danske Frimurerorden og frimurerne styrer alle ministerier og styrelser. De har et horn i siden på retspræsident, Alex Elisiussen, som de påstår, er én af de værste og farligste frimurer i Dannevang. Kan du fortælle mig, hvad alverden, Amin Jensen, komiker, entertainer & ikke mindst opera sanger, laver som fuldtidsmedlem i mere end 6 år, i DDFO?.. Der er ingen tvivl om, at CV-19[84] Plan[Demic] Event 201 (digitalisering, robotisering og kunstig intelligens, transgender til transhuman) er en del af WEF/DK-aftalen, LLR regeringen (V, K, LA) og DF og RV) grundlagde fra 2015-2018... Tror du ikke på, at danske virksomheder, musik- og underholdningsbranchen er indblandet - bevidst eller ubevidst i dette hedenske sexistiske spil om magt, se-på-mig-egoet og hvem man bejler til? Hvad fortæller disse billeder dig?. Tror du det er tilfældigt, at Rockefeller Komplekset i København, Novo Nordisk, Danmarks seks universiteter på Times Higher Educations rangliste over de 800 bedste universiteter i verden, Dansk Virologisk Selskab, VL-grupperne, og et hav af interessanter fra Den danske medicinalindustri og Sundhedsindustrien, der leverer nyt rekordår i 2020, sidder med under regeringens udvalg for coronavirus?... Er der noget om snakken eller er det hele bare, en fis i en hornlygte?? (normalt ville jeg ikke nævne for og efternavne, blot alias eller sjove øgenavne, men det her, er for vigtigt)... |

SoTW opsamling via nettet


(SoTW) SKØØØØNT at se at at unge, er vågnet op til dåd!.... 



