Jul 16, 2017

RT - Russia Today | July 16, 2017 | ‘Fundamental risk to civilization’: Elon Musk fears AI future | .. Tesla founder Elon Musk believes artificial intelligence could prove to be one of the most destructive technological innovations for the human race, unless governments are “proactive” in regulation .. |

The End Time Headlines | July 16, 2017 | Meteor fireballs create booms and rattle windows in Brazil and North Carolina |

Noise and tremor scared residents of Hortolândia and Sumaré, Brazil at 11pm on July 13, 2017. On the same day, at around 10pm another meteor also jolted homes in North Carolina. Residents of Sumaré and Hortolândia in Brazil were alarmed by a noise followed by a tremor after a meteor fireball exploded over

Campinas (SP) on July 13 at around 11 pm. A resident reported feeling the walls of his home and the window shaking as if it were a plane was flying close to the house, or some machine passing in the street. It wasn’t like the same rocking sensation like during an earthquake, but walls and windows vibrated......[READ MORE]

Avisen | July 16, 2017 | Engell om Løkke: Tror ikke et øjeblik på historien om formandsopgøret | .. - Historien med benzinstationen og familien Nyborg, der overbeviste ham om det modsatte, synes jeg, er en smuk, dansk fortælling. - Men jeg må bare sige, at jeg tror ikke et øjeblik på, at det har været den virkelige historie om det her, siger Hans Engell .. | Blogger: Der er mange som har et bud på hvorfor denne propaganda spind-historie, lige pludseligt dukker op, udsagnet fra hestens egen mund om, at Løkke havde besluttet sig for at trække sig som formand for Venstre tilbage i 2014. Bambi er nemlig kommet på glatis og eftersom Løkke aldrig før i sit livs politiske virke, har været så u-attraktivt og u-populær som netop nu, skal der smedes, mens jernet er varmt. Kaninen som Løkke-magiker skulle trække op ad hatten, er blot for at pynte sig med lånte fjer. Jeg for en, er helt enig med politisk kommentator Hans Engell når han siger, han ikke et øjeblik tror på historien om formandsopgøret... Der er mange mennesker som ikke kender de politiske spilleregler. De går simpelthen ud på, forbliv på magten, lyv, snyd og stjæl.. Bag ved kulissen sidder der benhårde politiske grupperinger og interesseorganisationer som er altafgørende om en politkere skal dø, eller leve. Disse grupper formes af den ypperste inderkreds af de mest magtfulde politiske familiedynastier og erhvervsfolk. VL-grupperne (Dansk Selskab for Virksomhedsledelse) er én af disse. Stop med at tro Løkke har magt, præsident Emmanuel Macron, Merkel, Therese May og alle andre som lever under Cabal-kartellet, er alle i samme båd. Tipper båden og den ene falder ud, ryger de andre også i vandet, hvis ikke der makkes ret, i magtens korridorer. Løkkes magtposition og hans bæltevidde, rækker kun til hvor meget øl, fisse og hornmusik, som han får 'lov' til at indtage, dikteret af vores magtelite. Så længe Løkke beskytter de 30 mest magtfulde finansfolk i Danmark, Anders 'Fogh of War', Kongehuset, Fritz Schur, Claus Hjort Vader, Den Enøjede Hævner (Søren Pind - Bilderberger), Margrethe Vestager, Martin Præstegaard, departementschef i Finansministeriet, Lars Rebien Sørensen (Novo), Nils Smedegaard Andersen (A.P. Møller-Mærsk), Lars Rohde, (Nationalbanken), Mainstream media (MSM), NGO'er, fagforeningsbosser, forsvarsindustrien, dansk tobakskompagni og det medicinal-industrielle kompleks, USA, Israel og Saudi Arabien og andre magtliderlige personligheder, lige så længe forbliver han på magtens holdeplads, indtil han tippes af... |

Forløbet ved et krisemøde i 2014 viste, at Lars Løkke (V) er en benhård politiker, der vil den politiske magt, mener Hans Engell. Foto: Ólafur Steinar Gestsson / Arkiv/Scanpix
LÆS VIDERE: https://www.avisen.dk/engell-loekke-troede-slaget-var-tabt-i-sommeren-2014_453553.aspx

Mysterious Universe | July 14, 2017 | Witness Says Strange Hole in Mt. Adams is a UFO Hangar Door | Blogger: Evidence showed by Jimmy Church, Jason Quitt and Gary Clark during the recent ECETI Ranch conference end June 2017... |

BREAKING NEWS: UFO Hangar Door Opens on top of Mt. Adams/ECETI June 30 2017


A group of people attending a UFO conference in Washington State say they spotted a large opening near the top of Mt Adams and some claim it’s an opening for alien spaceships to depart and enter. With the history of UFO and orb sightings in this area, anything is possible. But an alien hangar?

The discovery occurred at the 2017 ECETI (Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence) conference held annually at the ECETI Ranch in Trout Lake, Washington. The ranch was founded as a mountain retreat in 1986 by James Gilliland, an author, teacher, ufologist and spiritual counselor. After a near-death experience, Gilliland left the business world to help other embark on their own spiritual journeys.

Mt. Adams would seem to be an ideal place for a spiritual retreat … and more. The dormant volcano, along with Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens, form the “smoking mountains” that appear in many Native American legends. It also played a part in the famous 1947 UFO sighting when pilot Kenneth Arnold claimed he saw nine UFOs fly past Mount Rainier at an estimated 1,200 miles an hour (1,932 km/hr) before disappearing at Mt. Adams. Since then, there’s been speculation that Mt. Adams is hiding a secret spaceship base.

Gilliland believes there’s a dimensional portal in the vicinity, has seen thousands of UFO – including one he boarded – and says he’s encountered aliens. However, the apparent opening in Mt. Adams was found not by him but by Jimmy Church, a paranormal radio and television host (Fade to Black) who was participating in the conference. In his video, he shows before (June 29th) and after (June 30th) images of Mt. Adams and points out when the hole appeared and seemingly stayed open while over 150 people were said to have seen the 500 by 150 foot dark spot.

RT - Russia Today | July 14, 2017 | ‘Punish Russians for having RT?’ Fox News host slams US senator over ‘Russian propaganda’ |

Fox News host Tucker Carlson slammed Democratic Congressman David Cicilline, who claimed on Carlson’s show that RT is simply a “Russian propaganda" machine.

The confrontation starts off as Cicilline says the US should “hold them [the Russian government] to account and sanction them,” so that “Russia understands that America isn’t going to allow that.”.....[READ MORE]

BREAKING | CBS NEWS | OOM2 | July 14, 2017 | Report: GOP operative who looked for Clinton emails committed suicide -- Clinton Death Count Continues to Rise -- |

Haiti Gov official dies before testifying on Clinton foudation


Peter W. Smith

Peter W. Smith, a wealthy Republican operative and businessman who reportedly attempted to recover missing emails from Hillary Clinton's email server committed suicide in May, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Smith was found dead in a Rochester, Minnesota, hotel room on May 14. A Rochester Police Department report seen by CBS News refers to Smith's death as an "apparent suicide." The report describes the scene where Smith's body was found.

On May 4, Smith had told Wall Street Journal reporter Shane Harris about his efforts to secure emails that were deleted from Clinton's server, which included contact with what he believed were Russian hackers. He had previously helped fund opposition research against President Bill Clinton in the 1990s.

Smith had told people said that Trump adviser Michael Flynn was helping with his plan to find the emails, according to the Journal, although Flynn's role has not been confirmed. However, the paper also reports that intelligence officials have obtained communications between Russian hackers in which they discuss how to obtain Clinton's emails and pass them along to Flynn through a third party.

Smith told the Journal that his team found five hacker groups that said they had possession of Clinton's emails, including two Russian ones. "We knew the people who had these were probably around the Russian government," Smith told the paper.

Verdensalt.dk | July 16, 2017 | 💕 Greetings, Light Warriors, Light Workers, Awakening souls! 💕Important Channeling messages from our Divine Father, Mother, One. Benevolent Higher Dimensional Beings, Archangels and Angels, Ascended Masters of Light, Enlightened Beings Above and Below, Galactic Federation of Light, Wise Prophets and Indigo, Crystal And Rainbow Children... | Blogger: From my understanding ~ For many, many years, but intensified since 2012 when the new Maya Calendar kickstarted, Cosmic Electrical Currents has hit Earth. The local Sun (Portal) in the Milky Wave is connected to the Galactic Central Suns, our own Central Sun is Alcyone, from the Pleiadian System. The Manasic Photon Belt, our Central Sun Alcyone in the Pleiadian System are raising Earth's Vibration and Global Mass Ascension, Pure Light of Wave-X, bombards the Earth and Frequency Shift. It's about the activating process, our hidden treasures in Junk DNA and bringing our dormant Cell Memory to life. The New Template of Self, DNA, timelines, completion dynamics, resolution of old self, resolution of Higher Realm activity, and the dimensional bridge of Christ consciousness embodiment. Unfortunately, the most important healing Tachyon Energy Particles, that cures us completely from all our illness, cannot reach Earth, stopped by Serpent Archons Control Grid or The Veil, the CIA/NSA/USAF's Chemtrailing (Solar Radiation Management), the Lilly Wave and Psychotronic Warfare states and use of Direct Energy Weapons... After Yaldabaoth has been dissolved, The Veil is taken down and NESARA will eliminate TPTB ("the powers that be"), the BIG EVENT happens, the Pleiadian's (are a Highly Evolved Humanoid race, our closest Allies and Galactic Family), will provide earthly humans with Tachyon Technologies beyond our wildest dreams. Until then, earthly humans will still be affected by these photonic influence from our Galactic Central Sun. These Wave-X bombards of Pure Light Consciousness pass thru the membranes of time into the Biological Container, recoding DNA with advanced intelligence. Keep in mind, when Pure Light entering The Human Biosphere, it forces out all our memories of traumatic experiences hidden deep in the brain and etheric body of memory from the reincarnations. This is a period of rupture, a time where false ties due to Negative Karma are broken. These human conditional 'core issues' has to be dealt with, transmuted and eliminated. Clearly the old vibrations have to be released or raised to a higher level if they are to remain. Consciously or unknowingly everyone receives these massive tidal waves of energy. Those who are aware can more easily handle this new situation, the unconscious are in a very agitated situation that sometimes leads to blows and and extreme reactions. Perhaps you now realize that's one of the reasons why people are acting violent, crazy and upset about common states of mind. There's no secret place to hide anymore... First show of force hits our Starchildren and especially teenagers. Like a super-absorbent nanosheet, children are most affected to the life of living on Earth. Children don't need to raise their spiritually, their already open-minded and fully awake. Their brain download is open to receive, already activated when they choose to descend down to Earth. When you then unconsciously stuff them with food toxins, vaccinations and stress into your children, keeping them from evolving, they get sad, depressed and suicidal. Adults in the other hand, has for centuries blocked all emotions and has forgotten how to treat themselves and other with unconditional love, still thrives on negative 'adopted thought patterns' that prevent them from listening to the openness of the heart. But, more and more may be seeing through the now ineffective expressions of government, media, western medicine, and education, understanding the many layers of delusion and illusion that these have perpetuated for so long, and watching as the veils they so carefully constructed long ago dissolve before their eyes. Wouldn't you rather questioning all the authorities that deny us access to concrete evidence from the thousands years of suppression and manipulations, and those who constantly tell us that western medicine is a now 'mandatory', vaccines has no serious side effects, that's stopping us in the highly needed awakening process? Who would in their right mind, eat Prozac (antidepressant) as more and more young people do to themselves, because their 'soul' hurts?. In Denmark, over 500.000 thousand adults and children (out of 5,6 millions) eat antidepressant medication. We are stucked and indoctrinated, the first signs of depression, we rage down to the doctor. Outside the norm of socially accepted society, there are tons of alternative therapies that work exclusively with Metaphysical Philosophy, which breaks down the emotional barrier of sadness & illness, that in return helps the Ascension process and assisting these Stargate influx opening, the magnetization harmonic resonant energies, that transform and transcend out-dated timelines in an evolutionary continuum of transformation. Do not be afraid, it's a natural human evolutionary process going on. We're moving from being a carbon-based being into being a crystalline-based being on a cellular/etheric level, everything you know is shifting rapidly into an entirely new form and new orientation. Earth/Gaia/Terra Nova is NOT a place where you have to “pay to exist,” but a place where you co-Create increasingly higher levels of daily existence, working in communities of other peace-loving, high-heart-based Light Beings, where nothing is created by “accident,” and nothing is taken for granted... ~ |

Spirit Week (frontpage)