Oct 17, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Weird glitches in the 3D Matrix caught on camera) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Oct 17, 2023 ~|

Usædvanlige optiske fænomener set over Danmark - TV 2

(20+) Facebook


🛸🤫😱 (Hvorfor sker der ikke SSP-afsløringer?) Lev længe og vel, lyder Vulcan-hilsnen i Star Trek! Hvad nu HVIS der findes intelligent liv på andre planeter? ~ 17. Oktober 2023 ~ |

"Når man først begynder at suse ned af SSP-rutschebanen og op igen mod Universet, er ALT, hvad der sker af DRAMA på Moder Jord, ligegyldigt, til sammenligning. Og drop nu det med at jorden er FLAD som en pandekage, Ole Lochmann, og hans titusinder af følgere, med al respekt" ~ SoTW...

FREE GUY: (fortsat) - Jamen, det gør der også men hvis Jordens befolkning fik det at vide og se, ville alt forandre sig så drastisk og kaotisk, og menneskeden ville højst sansyndeligt, forsøge at udslette sig selv grundet, frygt. Selv, en Klovborg-ost tager den tid en Klovborg-ost skal tage. Spørg Ben Rich, de hemmelig rumprogrammer og det militær-industrielle kompleks! Og hvis du kan få et fuldstændigt og positivt svar, vinder du guld og grønne skove. Det vi ved er, at disse personer og programmer kommer aldrig til at snakke om de hemmelige rumprogrammer, som i ALDRIG! Tantholdt og UFO-bevægelsen, Konspirationsfolket med Signe Molde, DDR's Flyvende tallerken, Op af kaninhullet med Christian Fuhlendorff, R4DIO's Den Nye Rumalder, Space with Sarah - Niels Bohr Institutet, Videnskab.dk, Andreas Mogensen, vildmedrummet.dk, Videnskab.dk, Danske rumforskere, DTU Space samt Terma A/S og de fem danske virksomheder; GOMSpace, Space Inventor, Gatehouse, Quadsat og Force Technology (listen er anelang)... |

😋You want more? 
  • Have I been to "Mad" Mike Hughes hideout (yeah). 
  • "Back Gate" to Area 51 (yes sir). 
  • MUFON & International UFO Congresses (of course). 
  • Together with James Gilliland in Mt. Shasta seeing 20-30 UFO's (Absolutely). 
  • Sedona UFO and Vortex Tours (I confess). 
  • Talked to people within the US-MIC (you bet your sweet bippy I did)... 
🤔Why this crazy UFO interest SoTW?... Not sure really? 
  • Space: 1999 (1975) Star Trek / Star Wars fan (1977)...
  • A deep inside knowing higher self and seen UFO IRL...
  • Many years of Cobra School!...
  • My danish holistic doctor knowledge!...
  • Reiki healing & Inaugurated in Kriya Yoga & Horoskop activations...
  • As former danish military police recruit in the Royal Danish Air Force!...
  • Take a pick.. |

🕉️🧘💗 ('The Resistance is getting much more directly involved in surface operations.') C.O.B.R.A. R.M. - Short Situation Update ~ Oct 17, 2023 ~

Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog http://2012portal.blogspot.com; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Short Situation Update

The Light Forces are doing whatever possible to contain the conflict in the Middle East. They have communicated to Black nobility families that they will begin removing them from the surface of the planet if this conflict escalates much further. Quoting Fulford:

This is the real reason why Israel is hesitant to begin the ground offensive in Gaza.

The Resistance is getting much more directly involved in surface operations, top priority being the removal of scalar and directed energy weapons, among other things. Resistance agents are using Hamas tunnels in Gaza as a perfect cover to emerge on the surface:


The Light Forces are still asking as many people as possible to participate in our meditation for peace in Israel every 4 hours:

🙅‍♂️⛪🛐 (Is 2023 Brussels terrorist attack = convenient timing as another False flag like so many Brussels attacks since 1979 to 2017?) Eyewitnesses told Belgian media that the shooter shouted “Allahu Akbar” before opening fire. Video circulating online shows a bearded man wearing the same clothing, speaking Arabic and saying he wants to “avenge the Muslims” by killing “infidels,” according to the news outlet Sudinfo. ~ Oct 17, 2023 ~ |

Belgium declares ‘terror alert’ after two shot dead — RT World News
Brussels attack - Wikipedia


SHOCK: 10 Reasons Why the Paris Terror Attacks Were Executed by the CIA

ISIS ENDGAME: How & Why the CIA Created ISIS as Cover for Nuclear and Biological Terror Attacks

 CERN Is Secret Entrance to Subterranean CIA Headquarters Located Beneath Lake Geneva in Switzerland

RED ALERT: 10 Reasons Why Switzerland is Home to the CIA
David Chase Taylor

Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today: THE MILLENNIUM REPORT

SoTW: List of ""known"" terrorist attacks where terrorist Emergency Drills/Exercises, was held at the same day:
  • 1994 - The Estonia disaster 
  • 1995 - Oklahoma City Bombing
  • 2001 - 9/11 (**)
  • 2004 - Madrid train bombings
  • 2005 - London bombings (7/7)
  • 2011 - Norway attacks
  • 2012 - Aurora shooting (Cinema shooting in Aurora USA)
  • 2012 - The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
  • 2012 - Boston Marathon bombing
  • 2014 - Shootings at Parliament Hill, Ottawa
  • 2015 - Copenhagen shootings (***)
  • 2015 - Charleston church shooting
  • 2015 - November Paris attacks
  • 2016 - Brussels, Nice, Syria, and Orlando (cannot be sure)
  • 2017 - Stockholm attack
  • 2017 - MGM Las Vegas massacre
  • etc.

🙅‍♂️⛪🛐 (Eng: Netanyahu is going mad, the crazy dog) DK: Netanyahu går amok, den gale hund. Et klart falsk flag operation. Er Netanyahu selv faldet i en fælde, iscenesat af sine egne? Måske. Hamas-angrebet var fuldstændig gennemsigtigt, og snart forstår de rigtige jøder dette. Han ofrede også 260 unge mennesker, som har chokeret Israel. Det går ikke i glemmebogen uden modreaktioner ~ Oct 17, 2023 ~ |

Netanyahu går amok, den gale hund – Nyhetsspeilet

FREE GUY: Nyhetsspeilet.no er et Norsk online magasin skrevet af folket til folket. De offentliggøre oplysninger om nye paradigmer og rapportere om aktuelle emner fra nye vinkler, samt om emner som andre populariseret. Desuden sætter Nyhetsspeilet.no aktuelle emner i et bredere perspektiv end normalt. Tidsskriftsartikler beskæftiger sig med tre væsentlige hovedemner: Samfundet, Bevidsthed, Kosmos, Sundhed og Økonomi -https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyhetsspeilet

🙅‍♂️⛪🛐 ('Star of David ancient Satanic cult Torah Scrolls Illuminati symbolism Synagogues of Satan in Syria') Like failed bank robbers, the Khazarian Mafia seize hostages in desperate bid to avoid justice – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis ~ Oct 17, 2023 ~ |

'So the events in Gaza, the mass murder via vaccination, the huge influx of military-aged male migrants into the West, the collapse of social order in the US, etc. are all part of a long-term plan to enslave humanity.' ~ BF

By Benjamin Fulford October 16, 2023 133 Comments

The events in Israel are in every sense a hostage-taking event by Khazarian Mafia criminals seeking to avoid arrest and war crimes tribunals. They are also trying to start World War III as their get-out-of-jail-free card. They are doomed to fail.

To understand what is really happening though, we need to step back and look at the big picture because what is going on is truly biblical. It is the end of a multi-thousand-year attempt by a Satanic cult to enslave humanity. It is also about the liberation of the Jewish people from thousands of years of Babylonian slavery.

Let us start by pointing out that nowhere in the Bible do they mention the Star of David. Calling it that is an insult to the true descendants of King David. That is because in Acts 7:43 and Amos 5:26, it is mentioned as the star of the sacrificial cult of Molech and Satan, the sworn enemies of King David.

🙅‍♂️⛪🛐 ('Seeing so many ppl standing up to Israel's act of genocide cause mind-controlled Kabal system not working anymore.') Doctors Can Be Sued For COVID Shots, AI Causing Issues In Collective, Israel & Palestine Update ~ Oct 17, 2023 ~ |

Israel Sees Cyber Incursions Across Digital Systems - WSJ

 Doctors can be sued for Covid shots, AI causing issues in collective, Israel & Palestine update (bitchute.com)

'Doctors and pharmacists will be the scapegoats for all the victims who want to sue for their injuries. AI content is created more confusion in the collective than being of service. Especially in this digital war arena. Worldwide protests against Israel is happening. The Kabal file for robot human race around the same time as Covid shot roll out.'

🙅‍♂️⛪🛐 ('God gave me back my voice to speak since we're so close to the amazing ending.') Snippet videos presented at the Charlie Ward Insider and Truthbombs from MEMRI TV 2018 + more ~ Oct 17, 2023 ~ |

The Charlie Ward Show

FREE GUY: This TV station monitors over 100 channels from the Arab and Muslim world. The Kuwaiti researcher Aisha Rshed told the reporter: 'Iran is an Arm of Zionist Freemasonry; Hamas was created by the Israeli Mossad.' Btw, Charlie's voice seem to be 100% back to normal. It was a really good show. And thanks to my "sponsor" friend, providing SoTW with both Tarot by Janine and Charlie Ward Insiders, since it cost money, that i dont have (a lot of)... |   

🙅‍♂️⛪🛐 (Wake Up Sheeple! "I Stand With Israel" Propaganda!) 'JASON A WORLD NEWS': WHAT IS GOING ON?! (2023-2024) ~ Oct 17, 2023 ~ |

Krigen mellem Israel og Hamas - TV 2
universities support gaza - Google Search

Pentagon sends deployment notices to 2,000 US troops over Israel-Hamas war | The Times of Israel

🙅‍♂️⛪🛐 (SoTW = Spiritual But Not Religious [SBNR]) Rabbit Trail: Mormon Temple Renovations ~ Oct 17, 2023 ~ |

Rabbit Trail: Mormon Temple Renovations - YouTube
Salt Lake Temple - Wikipedia