Mar 11, 2023

🏦💥🔐 ('Crashy Vibes of March') Største bankkollaps i USA siden finanskrisen? Er nogle danske banker 'Too big to fail' - for store til at dø? Mens hundretusindevis Dumme Dänen sidder i kø på, der er et slaraffenland for svindlere, ser vi nu kollapset af Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) og Silvergate! Hvis man rangeret efter banker med derivater havde Silicon Valley Bank 27 billioner i derivater og er rangeret som nummer 22 på listen. Herhjemme, oplever Jyske Bank, Sydbank og Sparekassen Sjælland, tekniske problemer med flere produkter ~ 11. Marts 2023 ~ |

Black Swan Banking Event

Højere renter, konstante stigende inflationenstal og el-gas og fødevarepriser mod Den store recession

The Great Reset ('den store nulstilling', 'den store genstart') er et initiativ fra World Economic Forum (WEF). 

Hvorimod, The Greater Reset, er en del af QFS (Quantum Financial System), GCR-RV (Global Currency Reset), G-NESARA og aktivt-Guldstøttede kryptotokens m.m... |

To bankkollapser på to dager: – Det var det ingen som så for seg – E24
Myndigheder i USA overtager kontrol med kriseramt bank — FinansWatch
Største bankkollaps i USA siden finanskrisen
Stocks tumble as worries flare over Silicon Valley Bank collapse: Dow closes down 345 points | Daily Mail Online
Banks Ranked by Derivatives (
Two US Banks Collapse in 48 Hours. Which One's Next? (

"Forvent masseafskedigelser..." - Virkningen af ​​SVB's fiasko i den virkelige verden | ZeroHedge (

Investorerne skælver efter bankstormløb i USA, der vækker minder om finanskrisen (

The Bank Collapse Will Spread To Japan And Europe | King World News

Milliardunderskud til Danske Bank | Nyheder -

Flere danske banker ramt af tekniske problemer | BT Samfund -

👁️⃤ 👤⚛⚡🖥️ (Illuminati member, Rothschild, full Patent Rights to KL-03 micro-chip) Jacob Rothschild Patent from Malaysian Airliner MH 370 Disappearance ~ Mar 11, 2023 ~ |

US company asks Malaysia to reopen MH370 probe — RT World News

😢✝️🤢 (1.3 billion believers will go in shock!!!!) Complicit Clergy: Catholic Cartel ~ Mar 11, 2023 (SoTW; Disclaimer for disturbing video content...) ~ |

Editor's Note:  The Catholic churches form a denomination within Christianity and, with around 1.3 billion believers worldwide, are the largest Christian grouping.... My questions is; WHAT IF... what if... the 1.3 billion believers and 7 billion Earthlings to become aware of the 'original' Pope Francis a.k.a. "Pedo Papa Pancho", is dead and gone? Arrested & Executed... Btw, British Anchor Kylie Pentelow from ITV Accidentally said Pope Francis died in 2021... How can you explain that Pope Francis 'vanishes into thin air' in baffling live TV report from Vatican City?...  Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, DC and others, has said, there's evidence that $34 quintillion in gold has been taken from the Vatican to be given to rightful owners and will be provided as abundance for “the people”... Benjamin Fulford has claimed, Japanese military intelligence, has provided him with photo showing that Jonathan Pryce the actor who played the “high sparrow” in the Game of Thrones series, is now playing the real-life role of Pope Francis... Lucky for us all, Adolfo Nicolas, former Superior General (Black Pope) of Jesuits, dead at 84, May 20, 2020... | 

The universe is eternal, infinite and vibrant, a conscious cosmos: 👤✂️🤡 ~ (Oh, here we go... more proof) The Executed: Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI (video) (By Medeea Greere) ~ | Blogger: 
there is evidence that $34 quintillion in gold has been taken from the Vatican to be given - Brave Search
Adolfo Nicolas, former Superior General (Black Pope) of Jesuits, dead at 84, May 20, 2020 - Gematria Effect News
(21) Catholic Cartel - YouTube
Report alleges grim scale of child abuse by clergy in EU state - The Press United