Jun 26, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Elon Musk: Good or Bad + YGL WEF CEO Linda Yaccarino?) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ June 26, 2023

"Izabela is doing a reading on Elon Musk and his choice of new CEO for Twitter. "

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🔋🛩️🚕 (Close, but no cigar. All battery electric vehicles controlled by oligarchs & the usual suspects) Lean green flying machines take wing in Paris, heralding transport revolution ~ June 26, 2023 ~ |

Lean green flying machines take wing in Paris, heralding transport revolution | AP News

Free Guy: BS story really! This is a joke right? Skies filled with flying, nonpolluting electric taxis, that will revolutionize the world powered up by same Reigning Oligarchys: They are the Rockefeller, the Morgans, the Mellons, the du Ponts, the Vanderbilt, the Guggenheim, the Fords, the Gianninis & Company etc.. What abt free energy? Verdensalt.dk (SoTW) has been on top of these 6,000 thousand classified patents in years and put a lot of effect to understand the connections to Oligarchy, the Jewish Rothschild Pyramid and The medical, intelligence and military–industrial complexes. etc. etc... One thing I have learned so far, that in a "near" future, we will have our freedom back, and with one swift move, our Planet Earth, will be liberated and superadvanced technologies is gonna help us all, most of that, invented by humans other things stolen and copied by Extraterrestrial Reverse engineering... You see, there's unstoppable force out there, together with our Galactic friends in the skies and Source Creator God Cosmic Omniverse, that want HU-manity to break free from this Matrix Prison-Planet or even, orchestrate to spring of the A.I. Reptilian Overlord from prison, so 'IT' could be overturned with Pure Light Source Energy and if not, destroyed in Galactic Central sun, like George Bush Sr., was and other UNHOLY MEN)... | 

👁️⃤𓂀🛐⚖️ (Stræber søger mage - rend mig i Janteloven) Mødte en sød 'borddame' til fest fra samme storbank-koncern, jeg selv har arbejdet i. Hun havde skam også løbende, taget anderkendte kurser i alternative behandlermiljø, coaching m.m., men forblev, trofast, til jobbet i et pensionsselskab, ejet af Rotchilderne og Rockefellerne. Hun fortalte mig om sin veninde, der ligesom Annette Heick, er fra "øverste, øverste hylde" i en kvindeligt frimureri og fællesskab, som bare er sååå fantastisk (vi ved jo godt Mette-Mord var til Annete Heicks party. Paludan siger det selv til Ditte 'OK'man[D]) ~ 26. Juni 2023 ~ |

CopenHell er for djævlerockere - CopenHeaven er Festival for Eternity?   

Free Guy: Anyways, denne kvindelige frimurerloge, skulle donere og yder hjælp til alverdens gode formål, også til de svageste og skulle man tro på udsagnet, var denne loge, nærmest den barmhjertige samaritaner, på mission for fred på hele jordkloden og jeg skal komme efter dig. Jeg lyttede og tog imod budskabet, lidt halvfuld vel og mærke, men uden, at støde til hendes synspunkter, da det en hendes opfattelse, og det skal man respektere. Det var ikke min pligt, at informere om, at frimureriet, har infiltreret alt og alle, siden Dirch Passer (og Vinkel) og Villy Søvndal (sleep valley - gammel kommunist), blev undfanget, med 'pædofile satanister, kontrolleret opposition og gale globalister' (hvis man skal tro på JFK21). Jeg siger, frimureriet, har ikke kun et blakket ry for sin politisk korrekthed, stuerene doktriner og broder- og søsterskabets særlige moralkodeks af tavshed. Men, desværre også hvad er ligner sataniske ritualer, symboler og håndtryk og en lukkethed, som man kun ser i, militære- og eller religiøse organisationer (alt fra scientologer, fanatiske muslimer, kvækere, Jehovas Vidner og Bahá'íer - Moon-bevægelsen, Mormonkirken og Indre Mission) Og jeg skal give dig, skal jeg som den kristne messias og frimurernes symboler viser vej til Gud... 

I virkeligheden, er vores egen 'lukken øjnene' for tegn på en ny form for altopslugende konsensus, som ikke må modsiges. Men det, der er bemærkelsesværdigt, er, man putter al sin lid til en "ven" eller "veninde" uden at stille de rigtige spørgsmål og eller sætte sig ind i, hvad frimureriet, endeligt står for. Når man kommer helt op i de allerøverste ledelseshierarkier, som dem der faktisk bestemmer over alle; læremestre, oldermænd og kvinder, mestre og den enevældige stormester selv, Walter Schwartz, der kritiseres for diktatorisk ledelse. Der er så meget mere til denne historie og jeg kunne skrive en bog...

Danskerne, er forbasket kloge - at lugte til - er du da sindssyg manner. Vi er alle hvad vi har lært, skal vi unlearne, og det kræver måske, at 'smarten up, og evt. træde ud af organisationer, som er Service-til-Selv og ikke Service-til-Andre. Men sådan spiller klaveret ikke. Vi forbliver som 12-tals-piger og stræber drenge, dumme og naive - ja undskyld mig. Jeg har 16 års uddannelse, men blev først klog, da jeg fik min spirituelle opvågning. Vi er højtuddannede og rige, der bosætter sig altid samme steder og lige børn, leger bedst. Den ambitiøse, håbefulde og perfekte dansker, som begynder at kede sig og leder forgæves efter ligesindet, i fællesskaber klubber; politik,- cykel,- svinger,- strikke,- onlinedating,- frimurer,- spirituel,- religion,- m.m., som er lige så stræbsom, egocentreret og romantisk, som dem selv. Vi stoler blindt på hinanden, lige indtil vi oplever at blive buttfucked af voksnes løgnagtige liv samt energi-vampyren; psykopaten, sociopaten og narcissisten. Det starter som regel i barndommen, frigjorte og elsket og trygge, indtil andre, ødelægger det for os og giver os angst, fobier og traumer (de fem autoriter; politikeren, forældre, præsten, lægen og skolelæreren). Der har skabt den «propaganda», «agitation» og «hjernevask», sammen med medierne, som alle har med ensidighed i påvirkningen at gøre...

At besidde en naturlig begejstring for konspiration er sundt, ellers finder vi aldrig ud af sandheden. Kunne snildt dukke mig som mange af mine artsfæller i den alternative spirituelle verden. Men, jeg ønsker ikke, at slå min kritiske stemme ihjel, som på én gang udfordrer vore autoriter – og én selv. Et nuanceret verdensbillede, uden én universel forklaring. Det kan sagens lade sig gøre, at have en fin balance med at forstå den komplekse verden og modgå totalitære bevægelser med forestillinger om en absolut sandhed. For at udvikle sig, skal man både udfordre den negative side og den positive side af medaljen (yin and yang)...

Snip, Snap, Snude, så er den historie ude Tip, Tap, Tønde så kan en ny begynde...

📽️🍿🎬 ("The Movie Script") The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 874 ~ June 26, 2023 ~ |

Free Guy: I know people get upset when folks say "Enjoy the Show". or "Get your popcorn ready"...  Especially, Simon Parkes, OMG! However, most of what you see is a movie script. We're watching a 3-D Matrix of Simulation or Illusion. Yes, people die. Yes, it can be a awful place Prison-Planet-Earth sometimes. Dr. Charlie Ward w/ Mahoney + guest (Loy Brunson) latest Insiders Club, said that 30.000 Ukrainian solders died in one day, alone. That affects 100.000 people in their lives around them, Charlie said. They try to kills us by Vaccines or by War, Charlie said (whatever it takes)... This morning I saw a article in Danish Lying Lame Stream Media titled; "In a forest near Russia, eight-year-old children run around with rifles: "I don't mind killing for my country"... Buuutt, please remember, some, have chosen to die here and now, by our Divine Contract with Source, for the greater good of HUmanity. When we learn more about reincarnation and soul contracts, we become sure that souls choose and select the life lessons we wish to learn, the parents, family and major life events that will best facilitate these life lessons. More guides oversee the whole process and offer advice and supervision. You are free to accept or reject this advice and request other scenarios that would facilitate learning. However, The Lord Archons, introduced a "Soul Trap" 1000s of years ago. Many experiencers NDE (Near Death Experience) and the theory about how when we die, we see a white light but the white light is actually a trap to trick us into reincarnating and that this cycle will go on infinitely and that religions are used to control us and that gods are deceiving entities. Some say, (and Alex Collier) it's OVER and HUmanity is finally free to look not only into the light, but there's another universe, next to the light that lead you and me, to live somewhere else, with our REAL Star families and friends in a 5D and above Universe, and not on the low density, low frequency and low energetic, Earth (Mother GAIA is already in 5D but not her Earthlings)... SoTW - Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush... |  


The Movie Script (The ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 874)

How long will this Movie last? When President Trump authorized Tribunals at Gitmo to begin in January, 2019 we were told that so many indictments had been issued, so much treasonous behavior, that Gitmo had to have their quarters expanded. The AMG News site shows the extent of this GITMO expansion.

Martial Law and Military Tribunals Trump Takes on the Deep State
September 16, 2018

The Annex issued on March 1, 2018 by U.S. President Donald Trump and the Department of Defense prepares the way for Nuremberg-style tribunals. The essence of these orders was that all U.S. civilians shall be subject to military justice and that the military will be able to hire non-military legal experts to help with the upcoming tribunals.

ZetaTalk Comment 3/31/2018: Behind the scenes, Hillary and hundreds of others were tried by military tribunals, and their laundered stolen funds taken from them. Fort Knox Gold has now been reinstated. It has been rumored that there are 1,400 sealed indictments allowing arrests of the Deep State and the Bush/Clinton cabal, and this is true though the number is multiples higher. Trials await, and this latest EO by Trump allows them to proceed according to Military Law.

To avoid civil war and the distraction of rioting, the Junta went with the Doubles route. Each Double is an actor and requires a team to maintain, so they are burdensome. The goal is to phase out each Double, but in the meantime they can be bait for a sting op to catch those involved in crimes and treason. There are dozens of Doubles, as this partial list from January 2023 shows.  There is always a tell, facial dimensions or tooth alignment or shape of the ear, etc. Biden's Double had a distinct signature change.

ZetaTalk Insight 12/23/2022: During the Tribunals ongoing at Gitmo since January 2019 the Junta decided to keep the Tribunals secret until the threat of civil war was reduced. Using a Double was to be able to quickly arrest and perhaps execute an individual without disrupting civil society or alerting the public. The intent was not to run with the Double forever. When it is opportune, the Double will be shown to meet with an accident or take sick and die, though the Double is just released from his or her contract and released into society with a changed appearance. Doubles in waiting are optimally assigned a quiet life with no public appearances. In any case, being a Double is profitable, as they are well paid.

ZetaTalk Insight 8/31/2020: The list of options for the Junta presented last July included having the Junta take over the Biden campaign. This has happened. Is this legal? The Biden campaign is now officially an under-cover sting operation, under the FBI, and thus is legal.