Feb 6, 2024
🙏 ~ 💝 (Anything you want, you got it) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Feb 6, 2024 ~ |
✋👮⚖️ (B up front v/Bettina J. - Spirituel udvikling) 'Superstjerne' i Rigspolitiet er endeligt fanget i nettet men ude efter 2 måneder. Jo, det var 100% bestikkelse. Hvor korrupt er Centraladministrationens politi, retsvæsenet og statens ministerier og styrelser og alt hvad der ligger herunder? Den væmmelige korruptionssag i Rigspolitiet og svimlende grådighed hænger IKKE sammen med Spiritualitet men tættere på Frimureriet ~ 6. Februar 2024 ~ |
SoTW |
SoTW Afsløring : Rigspolitiets gav ulovlige kontrakter for 141.469.601 kroner |
SoTW Overførte flere hundrede tusinde kroner til sig selv |
SoTW Britisk statsborger idømt seks års fængsel i udbyttesag Nyt lys over skattely: 9.000 milliarder dollar er gemt af vejen |
🌊⛆💦 (Brace for HAARP BOMB CYCLONE MUDSLIDES Impact?) California power outage map shows over 400,000 customers with no power after heavy downpours. According to Accuweather, up to 37 million people, or about 94% of the state's population, were at risk for life-threatening floods from the storm. ~ Feb 6, 2024 ~ |
Editor's Note: I personally witness the 2015 + 2017 California wildfires. Why put the entire state with 423,970 km² underwater and at risk i 2024? To flood secret tunnels / D.U.M.B.s? To recover California's reservoirs? To take over farmland and create Cabal's dire wish for global food crisis?... | |
Record-setting storm that killed 3 dumps rain on Los Angeles; flash flood alerts still in effect |
🏴☠️✡️🛐 ('Israel finansierer Hamas, siger EU-top') Norsk Nyhetsspeilet: 'EU-chef Josep Borrell har indset, at Israel, har været med til at danne og støtte, Hamas. Borell er klar over, at den eneste fredelige løsning er oprettelsen af en palæstinensisk stat – som måske skal oprettes uden Israels samtykke. Findes der nogle norske politikere eller zionister, der tør tænke ud af boksen, offentligt? Vi venter spændt. Er Hamas en udvidet "modgruppe" eller kontrolleret opposition?' ~ 6. Februar 2024 ~ |
******Following article is in Danish translated (poorly) from Norwegian - use translator on the top of my blog entry***** |
- Israel finansierer Hamas, siger EU-top
EU's udenrigspolitiske chef anklager Israel for at finansiere Hamas. Det passer med, hvad den israelske premierminister i 2019 udtalte til politiske kolleger: "Enhver, der vil forhindre oprettelsen af en palæstinensisk stat, skal gå for at styrke Hamas og overføre penge til Hamas."
Dette falder sammen med det billede, som mange har dannet: Hamas er ligesom Al-Qaeda og ISIS og andre muslimske ekstremistiske organisationer dannet og kontrolleret af Israel og Vesten selv via efterretningstjenesterne.
Et nøgleord i den forbindelse, angrebet på Israel den 7. oktober, som Hamas har fået skylden for, er dækoperation/sort operation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_operation
HAN SER FORBINDELSEN: EU-chef Josep Borrell indser, at Israel har været med til at danne og støtte Hamas. Nogle norske politikere eller zionister, der tør tænke ideen offentligt? Vi venter spændt. |
Angrebet førte til Israels angreb på Gaza, hvor 25.100 mennesker indtil videre er blevet dræbt.
Artiklen om EU-chefen kan findes her:
https://www.info wars.com/posts/ eus-top -diplomat-anklager-israel-for-finansiering-hamas/
☮️🌈✌ ('So friggin’ important.') SOTN: “Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll”: Here’s where and how the social engineering scheme, mind-control program and global psyop began ~ Feb 6, 2024 ~ |
LAUREL CANYON:Where the Hippie Generation & Rock ‘n’ RollMet the C.I.A. and Tavistock Institute
Submitted by A Truth-Seeking Baby Boomer
SOTN Exclusive
What follows is perhaps the single most fascinating account of what really happened to the Baby Boom Generation from the 1960s through the 1980s and right up to the present day.
Every Baby Boomer will want to read this highly detailed exposé of the most meticulously planned and elaborate black operation ever to be perpetrated against an entire generation in human history.
For those who want to know the “Why?” more than the “Who, What, Where and How”, the following link reveals that well concealed purpose(s).
The Epic Generational Feud That
Dictated The Destiny Of The World
People, it doesn’t get any bigger than OPERATION BABY BOOMER.
“And, because the central pillar of OPERATION BABY BOOMER was the Tavistock-designed strategy of “Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll”, it’s absolutely crucial for Boomers, young and old, to correctly understand WTF really happened to their entire generation culminating with the COVID-19 biowar which was specifically launched to genocide their age group.
(Source: OPERATION BABY BOOMER: The Boomers Don’t Even Know What They Don’t Know)
The reason why this relatively unknown story is so friggin’ important is because it conclusively proves the extraordinary extent to which the U.S. Federal Government, U.S. Intelligence Community, U.S. Armed Forces, Corporate America, American Healthcare System, University Systems & Private Colleges and Corporate Media would deceptively collude and closely conspire to attempt to wreck and ruin an entire 20-year generation.
KEY POINT: Just like President John F. Kennedy was brutally assassinated in the most public of settings as a message to all future heads of state never to leave the NWO reservation, the 1969 Tate–LaBianca murders were perpetrated under the direction of Charles Manson as a gruesome warning to the entire Celebrity Society to go with the flow of Cultural Marxism. In other words, just as the Khazarian Cabal routinely threatens every world leader with the prospect of of being JFKed should they blatantly impede the New World Order agenda, any Hollywood actor or Nashville singer or Professional athlete will be susceptible to being “Mansoned” should they buck the societal trend toward total degradation, depravity and degeneracy. Hence, we see all the biggest celebrities and VIPs leading the charge to irreparably tear the fabric of American society.