Sep 3, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 ('ABBA - I Still Have Faith In You.') Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 |

✋😮🤏~ (YGTBFKM! Nothing can protect you from the 'True True') Microvaxxed! (GAOG) ~ | Blogger: I'm not sure how GAOG got a hold on this "Watch a dog get vaxxed and nurse video", but a TikTok video that has been watched more than 25 million times claims that COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips which can be read with a scanner... |

Uhhh, 9851….

Presumably after a nurse had her vaccine, she asked her colleague to scan her arm for a microchip.

She offered her colleague the unvaccinated arm: no reading. She offered her the vaccinated arm: an identity number shows up. Ooopsey!

You’ve been microvaxxed! (Next you may be patented. OK, OK.)

Segment starts at 1:27. Thanks to Len.
Video Player

And this to ponder….

And one final thought, thanks to Brian:


🤗🏳️🙌 ~ (That's what I'm talkin' bout - let it all sink in) Monthly news & updates (ECETI Ranch) ~ |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience  

September 2, 2021| Issue 6


The War on Ascension, Message for Humanity

It is said we are not fighting a war of flesh and bones but a war against principalities and spirit. This is the big picture unless factored in nothing else makes sense. To be enlightened is to be in knowledge of, all of it, both sides of the coin the agendas goals and modus operandi of the light and dark. The light side is all about empowerment, service to others, operating under universal law which in its simplest form is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. There are multidimensional legions of beings operating under universal law in service to Humanity and the Earth as well as the Creator in all Creation. Many of these beings are spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders as well as those who ascended from Earth known as Ascended Masters, Angelic Guides Male and Female.

Just as there is a light side there is a dark side. There are those off worlders who are technologically advanced yet spiritually backwards, in service to self often referred to but not limited to greys and reptilians, the Grey Alliance. There are masters of the dark, demons, disfigured malevolent people trapped in the astral levels or 4thdimension some call the lower 4th density. Most are there due to extreme attachment, confusion or a history of breaking Universal Law.

Satanic/Luciferian groups work with these dark energies to influence and gain power over others and wealth regardless of any negative impact or how it affects humanity and the Earth. Unfortunately, these people assume authority beyond what is given and gravitate to positions of power and influence. From these positions they prey on the ignorant and less fortunate. They are replete within the political, religious, and business institutions including the movie and music industry. They own and control the mainstream and social media designed to socially engineer the people to meet their agendas. This will all be made known. It is said a man’s/woman’s character is established by their actions. Watch their actions off stage out of the public eye. The facades and masks are coming down. The truth will no longer be suppressed.

The war on ascension is a war on evolving consciousness. It is a war on your body, your mind and your spirit. The war on the body has several fronts. They have polluted the air with manufacturing and energy generating waste, “chemtrails and geoengineering”. They pollute the water with a myriad of toxic, carcinogenic chemicals, “fluoride”. They have polluted your food with toxic additives and preservatives. The pollution and destruction of the land as well to keep you enslaved through dependency, “oil, coal and nuclear” fit into these categories. We have had free energy, anti/counter gravity and interplanetary travel since the early 60’s. Where is it? Would that free the people, clean up the environment? It is as if these tyrants are at war with Creation in their unbridled greed and they are at that because the darkness they serve demands it. Now they are going after your DNA. Why would they go after your DNA? Did you know the name YHWH is written or coded into your DNA? Man/Woman are created in the same image and likeness of God/Creator/Great Spirit. You have the DNA of the Gods. You also have the spark that can be ignited into the full flame, the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the universe. Knowing and owning this is their greatest fear. Those trying to alter your DNA are working against God’s plan, doing the work of the dark forces, pure and simple. Your DNA is being activated in the process known as ascension. The whole planet is ascending. What happens when one ascends or becomes enlightened? They cannot be controlled. What happens to the tyrants when the people and the Earth ascend? Game over. They are hell bent literally on stopping ascension.

🗣️🤫🔫 ~ ('Graver-journalistikken er afgået ved døden, og pressens selvfede opfattelse af sig selv som 4. statsmagt og vågen vagthund, der bider magthaverne i haserne, er en utopi fostret på Himmelbjerget.') VIBEKE MANNICHE OG PER BRÆNDGAARD HAR AFHOLDT PRESSEMØDE OM CENSUR – IKKE ÉN JOURNALIST MØDTE OP ( ~ | Blogger: Undre det dig?. Vi ved jo alle sammen godt, at efter 2019 og Coronakrisen opstod ud af den blå luft, er AI-algoritmerne og censur-sleeper-cells aktiveret på 100% styrke... SoTW har dog en langt dybere og langt mere spirituel tilgang til hvad der sker. Og ikke blot i Dannevang, men på verdensplan og nej, det hjælper ikke alene, at råbe vagt i gevær mod de totalitære regimer, som har eksisteret i et millennium - der skal andre boller på suppen. Lige nu, får vi heldigvis hjælp fra maskinrummets Hvide Hatte og udefra Universet... Jeg har dog undersøgt det, og vi har ca. 1.400 såkaldte nyhedsjournalister - ialt ca. 1.700 journalister der operere i Dannevang... [LÆS VIDERE]... PS: Må indrømme, har hørt "lidt" af Hr. Brændgaard og Fru. Manniche, men bliver bare lidt træt i hoved, fordi, der er laaangt større kræfter på spil... |

"Pas nu på med at generalisere, vær varsom med kritik, vis din patriotisme, vis nåde med politikere som bare meler deres egen kage, stol på de officielle nyhedsmedierne uanset om de omfatter global censur - vær varsom med tabloid pressen, hold igen med at fordømme, bliv i stedet observerende, kærlig og overbærende.. Det virker alt sammen rigtigt og forkert på samme tid!?" ~ SoTW

PSS: Jeg var sammen med Oplysningsforbundet May Day inde i Folketinget omkring 5G, som havde igangsat et farligt eksperiment, der blev vedtaget på Nordisk Ministermøde d. 23. maj 2018, samme år, da WEF/DK-aftalens mester - PrivatLars underskrev dødspagten om vakkZiner og Transhumanisme - det nye robotmenneske. TDC er længst med 90% 5G-dækning, 3 & Telia/Telenor, investerer lige nu massivt i udbygning, udrulning og drift af 5G i danske byer... Hvor mange var mødt op til konferencen i folketinget, 1 enkelt journalistperson fra et blad, jeg ikke kan huske. Alle andre 1.700 samt andre aktører tilbudt en plads, var blevet væk... Virksomheds-lobbyisterne, embedsværket og deres nikkedukker i det såkaldte, folkestyrende Folketing, er korrumperede politikere, gør ikke noget som skader Deres eget bagland... Hvor ubehageligt og utroligt det end kan lyde gælder det ikke desto mindre - der er al mulig grund til at tro 5G-teknologien er tænkt implementeret som et decideret våben mod civilbefolkningen. Samme genlyd, gør sig gældende for den skadefulde negative statskapitalisme; The Medical Mafia, Codex Alimentarius - drevet af big pharma og de multinationale fødevareproducenter, Landbrugsorganisationer, Kongehuset, VL-grupperne, Danske banksters, EU diktatur elskende Alt-er-naivitet, politiske familiedynastier samt, elitenetværket 423. Alle disse og mange flere, som er styret af, StatsAdelen og Frimureriets enorme magtstruktur... 



Af Lone Nørgaard.

Trættende og frustrerende, ja skandaløst er det – at de etablerede / statsstøttede medier ikke VIL forholde sig kritisk til de statslige myndigheders officielle corona-fortælling.

Eller rettere sagt: Bare gøre deres arbejde og levere forskellige indfaldsvinkler til en kompliceret sag. Graver-journalistikken er afgået ved døden, og pressens selvfede opfattelse af sig selv som 4. statsmagt og vågen vagthund, der bider magthaverne i haserne, er en utopi fostret på Himmelbjerget. Eller rettere sagt – i dens ekkokammer med Presselogen og DR i tæt konkurrence om den gule førertrøje.

I følgende video kan du få en idé om, HVOR massiv propagandaen er:

45 minutter og måske trukket i langdrag, men nyttig viden ikke desto mindre.


Pressemødet kan suppleres med nok et par indlæg af Per Brændgaard:

🧛‍♂️🏰💌 ~ (Most Romanians are honest people, good people, hard working people that keep pushing and hoping for a better life. - SoTW) Romania Stops Vaccine Imports, Shutters Vaccination Centers, Transfers Vaccine Stocks to Denmark, Vietnam, Ireland, S. Korea, etc. (truthcomestolight) ~ | Blogger: There's a reason why Denmark buys 1.1m Pfizer doses from Romania... As you might have heard, Denmark, abolishes all corona measures - except - 1️⃣ if you have a criminal record police will prohibit you from enter nightlife zones in the period 24.00-05.00. 2️⃣ Govt are now giving children aged 2-6 years vaxxination against influenza, which is in fact, the Corona-vakkZines, no doubt in my mind. 3️⃣ Unvaxxed children not welcome in the waiting room of physician (GP). 4️⃣ The Danish govt is still pushing V-E-R-Y hard to get all vaxxed until 90% of the population, is fully vaxxinated - right now it's 80%. 5️⃣ As we speak, Pfizer, is now developing twice-a-day pills you’ll take with your vakkZines and soon, nasal spray vakkZine in Denmark!.. ⛔Denmark, like many other countries, are looking at The Romani people, as good and cheap labor, but else, unwanted individuals. They absolute hates "Gypsies". I know, corruption in Romania, is considered a major problem, but every country has corruption... [READ MORE]... |


❤️‍🔥Me, on SoTW, on the other hand, think they are the most wonderful and kind and beautiful as anybody else, living and breathing on Mother GAIA. Not because I had myself a ex-girlfriend from there, Emy, she is long gone, and I don't fit in her spiritual narrative anyway.. I have visited the spiritual mountains vortexes aka The Mountain Sphinx – Bușteni, Romania aka The Alien Base Discovered Inside Bucegi Mountains. Bucharest, and the breathtaking mountain city Brasov, and many other places and always felt safe and secured in Romania, nomatter the rumors of The Romanian mafia or Romanian organized crime. When you are  foreigner, they will treat you if you had lordship titles. And as a tourist, with spectacular scenery of nature that are more beautiful than Scotland and Switzerland and everything is so cheap. Romania is 54% cheaper than United Kingdom and the average cost of living in Denmark is 184% more expensive than in Romania. With the correct airline company the basic price for a return ticket from Denmark, is as low as, €35. Yes that's right, you heard me.. Just remember, when you get a car rentals to buy comprehensive insurance cover... | 


The people don’t want them. Rather than try and force them, the government respects their will.

by Anti-Empire August 30, 2021

Romania closes 117 Covid vaccination centres — July 7, Associated Press:

Declining demand for coronavirus vaccinations in Romania has prompted authorities to close 117 vaccination centers and to reduce the schedule at 371 others, health officials said Tuesday.

“In the previous week we re-evaluated the efficiency of fixed vaccination centers. About 80% of fixed vaccination centers vaccinate less than 25% of the vaccination capacity allocated to each stream,” national vaccination committee chief Valeriu Gheorghita said at a press conference Tuesday.

Romania halts most Covid-19 vaccine imports as people shun jabs — The Irish Times, July 1:

Romania has halted the import of most Covid-19 vaccines after a slowdown in its inoculation drive prompted the government to sell more than a million doses to Denmark and seek an extension to the validity of tens of thousands of expired shots.

Romania to start destroying expired COVID-19 vaccines as vaccination numbers drop — Romania Insider, June 25:

Romania could start destroying some of the COVID-19 vaccines received earlier this year as they are set to expire while the population’s interest in vaccination has dropped significantly. [Or more likely those who wanted it, already got it.]

As a result, Romania now holds a surplus of vaccines and will start to destroy some of the unused doses received earlier this year as they will expire soon. About a week ago, the authorities asked the suppliers to send fewer COVID-19 vaccines than planned for the same reason.

Denmark buys 1.1m Pfizer doses from Romania — The Local, June 30