Mar 16, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (Spring Equinox, Solar Flash, Bank Runs & Bankruptcy) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Mar 16, 2023 ~ |

Editor's Note: Aaaand Cabal injecting more toilet paper monopoly-money into the system to prevent the inevitable... JPMorgan says the Federal Reserve's emergency loan program could inject as much as $2 trillion into the US banking system and Joe-the-Moe Biden, tries to calm banking jitters. SVB bank on the verge of bankruptcy, Dow falls 200 points and ECB interest rates raises to 50 basis points - from 0.5 percentage point to 3.0 percent - first seen in 2008. Credit Suisse shares soar after $54B central bank loan. Blackrock chairman Larry Fink believes 'dominoes starting to fall' that it could potentially mean a major financial quagmire. The United States owes $31 trillion. Dollar to Oil + Silver + Gold ratio = Zero. Money Creation changed from Federal Reserve Note to US Treasury dollars... Benjamin Fulford says, so-called President Joe Biden, Janet Yellen, the Rockefellers etc. are all criminals who are about to face justice... You ain't seen nothin' yet... |


👁️⃤𓂀🤢🎭 (Stedsegrøn 'Eye of Providence' fra De Forenede Staters en-dollar seddel) Mens Konge-Kronprins Frede-Fup deler Kongeriget med Prinsesse Benedikte “to surprise and slaughter; utterly defeat” og Tommy Ahlers fra ‘Løvens Uhyggelige Hule’ skal være adjungeret professor på DTU, er den nye skabelsesberetning og oplysningstiden, over os alle, uanset om vi vil det, eller ej. Almindelige borgere, er nu velkomne som medlemmer af Dukkepartiet 'Danmarksdemokraterne.' Men kun hvis du også tager imod Grønjakkerne og Pia - Danmarks største gadedreng ~ 16. Marts 2023 ~ |

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Editor's Note: Hvem er Skaberen, den Almægtige, den Alvidende og den Barmhjertige, som bestemmer hvornår ballonen springer? Tarot by Janine har lige sagt, at RV er på hold (igen og igen). Måske Maj / Juni, ligesom "Solar Flash Eventen" som stille og roligt har "opgraderet" menneskeheden (DNA) i laaang tid, også tager, et par måneder mere, inden det siger KABOOM! Vi ved, at hele lortespanden mod Trump, Putin og Xi Jinping, er baseret på nødløgne (eller fravigelse af sandhedspligt). Vi ved, Dannevang er i direkte krig mod russerne, via Nazi-Nato og Ukraine med USA, hele vejen, og de 75% som er NPC'er (normies, muggles eller sovende får), betaler prisen for en tur ned i helvede. De 13 bankfamilier og meget stærke mørke udenomjordiske entiteter, ja desværre, styrer mod en ny verdensorden, men stærke positive kræfter, kæmper hårdt imod. 1000 års herskende Kongedømme. Rothschild lånte penge til Europas overhoveder og Statsbankerotten 1813, overtog Dannevang. Forræderiske Frimureriets mange doktriner og hemmelige ritualer og aftaler mere end, 300 år. CIA, infiltreret landet, siden 1950'erne under kolde krigsoperationer og forsvarsoperationer Gladio - NATO / CIA "Stay-Behind" Secret Armies. Men der er stadig brikker, vi ikke kender. Mette Un-forrædersen samt Generalen LilleLars fra GLIMT-Græsted er de mægtigste, set i borgernes øjne. Vores regerende monarker samt de 423 mennesker, der styrer Danmark uden for den politiske kontrol, har sikket ikke modtaget et memo, at Satan og hans halvbror, Lucifer, er sendt tilbage til deres hjemplaneter. Djævelen og Ondskaben, er guden som en trickster-agtig mediator mellem guder og mennesker. Men Demoner er semi-virkelige væsner, der er kendt for at forårsage sygdomme og skader for mennesker, de kan endda besidde individer eller fungere som reagenser i helvede... 

Sagt med andre ord, der har altid været en kamp mellem Gud og djævelen, som modsvares inde i mennesket, som en kamp mellem den Guddommelige kerne og egoet. Satan og hans engle har planlagt menneskets skæbnetime forfald og undergang siden begyndelsen, men mennesket har fri vilje, og det må vælge, hvilken vej det skal følge. Gud, kilden til alt lys og visdom, derimod, planlægger der modsatte, opstigningen til oplysningstiden mod den nye gyldne tidsalder. Dog, mangler mange frimurer og deslige, at erkende, at Satan og hans halvbroder, Lucifer, som de prædiker til, er flygtet over stok og sten, tilbage til deres hjemplaneter og det kun er djævlen, inde i mennesket, som trauma-spøger... | 

💕💐✨('Spring Equinox Mar 20 + Pluto’s transit Aquarius Mar 23. It is a BIG deal.') Meg Benedicte: Crave More Balance? Equinox Activations ~ Mar 16, 2023 ~ |


There is much fanfare for the upcoming Spring Equinox on March 20 and Pluto’s transit in Aquarius on March 23. You may be seeing an array of predictions from astrologers regarding Pluto in Aquarius. It is a big deal. Both of these events occur at zero degrees, a powerful hinge point. The Equinox on March 20 is 0° Aries, the start of a new season and new horoscope cycle, while Pluto moving into 0° Aquarius, initiates the start of a new era.

In the study of astrology, certain degrees are considered to hold greater meaning. 0° is considered a critical degree due to the potent nature of being at the beginning of the sign. It is a zero point event on a cosmic scale. It is the pregnant pause between what is completing and the birth of new possibilities.

When polarization neutralizes in zero point energy, we achieve perfect stillness. Not a ripple or chaotic disturbance in the field, but divine, calm balance. It is sublime! These threshold points or gateways provide the fertile potency to influence the field. When we ascend into higher threshold resonance, our world reality expands into more complex consciousness.

⛓️😣🩸 (I'm feeling sick to my stomach) Guest on French TV Show Said That Celine Dion and Other Celebs Take Adrenochrome … and Mass Media Lost It! ~ Mar 16, 2023 (SoTW; Ex DK MP has branded France’s President-elect Macron a “pretty little gay boy”) ... |

Editor's Note: Very, very disturbing news abt Celine Dion, but no surprise, to this blogger! As I understand it, Jim Caviezel w/ Police, USMS, DHS and Military Special Forces, are doing amazing things by rescuing children all over America from D.U.M.B's all kinds of places over the world, as I have heard it! Even Putin are involved, and Delta Force raiding an ‘adrenochrome warehouse’ and Trump's war on satanic elite & Mexican drug cartels is proof enough. Nurses & other sources saying children saved in Manhattan, New York after The USNS Mercy Hospital docked there. I have even hear rumors of Adrenochrome facilities located in Greenland. We now know, France's first lady Brigitte Macron is a transgender and Emmanuel Macron's first lover and drama teacher in Amiens, when the President-elect was a teenager. Søren Krarup, former Danish MP has branded France’s President-elect Emmanuel Macron a “pretty little gay boy” in a live TV interview.... | 

'Over two million children a year are sucked into the deepest recesses of hell … What if this was your daughter?' ~ Jim Caviezel 

Evil is, as evil does.


Jim Caviezel speaks on Adenochrome. ('Passion of Christ' - 'Person of Interest' star)

on March 14, 2023

By Vigilant Citizen

Here’s a quick summation of what happened:

On 10 February 2023, Palmade (A gay french comedian) was responsible for causing a car accident, colliding head-on with another vehicle traveling on the other lane near Villiers-en-Bière in the south of Seine-et-Marne. Palmade was sent to the hospital in critical condition at the Kremlin-Bicêtre’s hospital but recovered the next day, and his life was no longer in danger. The other car was carrying a pregnant woman, her brother-in-law, the driver of the vehicle, and his six-year-old child. Due to trauma of the accident, the 27-year-old woman was taken to the hospital, where she had an emergency cesarean section. Her seven-months old baby died.

– Wikipedia, Pierre Palmade

🕯️🕯️🎯 (JFK to 911 global phenomenon YT video a billion hits) The Michelle Moore Show: The Documentary of All Documentaries: From JFK to 9/11, Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick! Must-See (VIDEO) ~ Mar 16, 2023 ~ |

Monday, March 13, 2023 23:00

JFK to 911 is already a global phenomenon, having began as a YouTube video which achieved over a billion hits by becoming the first documentary in human history to untangle all the establishment lies and reveal the entire truth about the Kennedy Assassination and 911.
These disclosures so frightened the powers-that-be that President Trump and the Queen of England took the joint decision to ban it altogether, so that if you read this book, you will be learning the most cardinal secrets which your government would much rather you did not know.

Nearly all intelligent people these days are wary of what we are being told by the mainstream media, but fewer are aware that the very notion of ‘fake news’ began with the words on these pages, and that all government policy in recent times has been an ongoing effort to hold back the increasing enlightenment these words have inspired.

Legions of people have taken the trouble to go online so that they could tell the world about how learning that absolutely everything is a rich man’s trick–the justice system, the education system, the economic system, and most importantly, the media.

Francis Richard Conolly is extremely hopeful that the people who have made a movie which he originally gave them for free such a central part of their existence will now buy this book in order to build the revenues which he needs to make the sequel which everyone wants to see.