Jul 31, 2021
🙏 ~ 💝 (The kids are done too...) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [💌Siri performing a ceremony - showing us what she's done with, and what she is manifesting in its place. She went in her room and thought hard about what bothers her in this world, and this is the amazing list she came up with. Thanks to all of you for putting your foot down today, and also proclaiming what you want. Your passion has moved me, beyond words. Beautiful. Thank you, and so much love. Allison🔥] ... Allison is here to be of service to others. Today she helps people by guiding them on hypnotic journeys through time and space to meet with their Higher Self... PS: Do you remember the now deceased, but amazing and well known Dolores Cannon? She also used Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and SoTW meet another amazing woman at Awake & Aware conference in London in 2018 (Simon Parkes, Project Camelot). Her name is Liz Vincent, Past Life and This life Hypnotherapy Regression Specialist. SoTW sad down on the english lawn and really listen to Liz and her life experiences with other people Quantum Healing sessions and she has a very deep understand and knowledge - and knows Allison Coe of course... I truly wish one day that my own daughter of SoTW could have the courage and take the necessary steps for more Spiritual Self-Realization, releasing her mothers grip on her Soul, instead of Haterism, manufactured by her mom, brother and the state administration, who has no clue about how men thinks, act and behave and is as much importance as a father-figure in a Childs life. Balancing the Masculine and Feminine Energies are also crucial, within as without, like self-forgiveness, which enables us to release our guilt and perfectionism.. I have lost 2 daughters (one biological daughter and one stepdaughter) because of their mothers where convinced, children, is the best emotional tool in the battlefield, after a divorce. And they were right... |
💉🙏😌 ~ (En for holdet: Dont do it i'm warning you) Kan vi nå at redde vores mindste børn? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Poster af Rikke Hauge... Desværre, men forudsagt af SoTW i 2020; nu lyder regerings-ekkoet og parolen, at børn helt ned til to år skal med i CO_VID vakkZineprogrammet, fra de overbetalte bforskere og eksperter samstemmende... PLUDSELIG, skifter formanden for børnelægerne, Klaus Birkelund Johansen, spor og mener; 📑»Alvorlige bivirkninger har vist sig at være sjældne og ikke specielt alvorlige. Derfor er jeg mindre bekymret, end jeg har været. Vi fraråder ikke, at man skal tage imod vaccinen.«📑.. Altså, er han også sat på plads og faldet til patten på MMM og Co. (Corona-Cooperative-Corporationen), ligesom Søren Understrøm blev (formand for WHO ledere i vakkZiner, eugenik og "eutanasia") samt DDR lægen, Grisling fra Peter Plys' verden, da de gik IMOD 'systemet'.. Den selvstændige konsulent Kim Mulvad, far til 13-årig datter og en 16-årig søn, risikerer at miste forældremyndigheden, fordi han ikke vil vakkZinere sine børn.. Nye Borgerliges spidskandidat og folketingskandidat der er medadmin hos Den Frie Presse blev fyret da han kaldte (SST Medical Core Schutzstaffel) SB - 'korrupt møgsvin' og 'morder'. Men, er Transhumanisterne ikke med til at digitalisere, zombificere, lemlæste og slå danskere ihjel med et toksisk nano-grafenoxid (nano-go) eksperimentelt vakkZine med ukendte risici for bivirkninger af genterapi?.. Vi har jo konstateret som fakta, at under 2. verdenskrig, udgjorde KZ-lejrene og ufrivillige forsøgspersoner, der måtte lægge krop til eksperimenter med alt fra vacciner mod malaria og tyfus over transplantationer og sårheling til faldskærmsudspring og nedkøling. Hvad er forskellen fra dengang og nu?... Foruden Philip Brandt (NB), er en anden mand, sendt i forvaring, på ubestemt tid grundet trussel og majestætsfornærmelse, hvilken leder mig tilbage til Januar-demoerne, hvor flere alm. borgere, skulle sendes i spjældet, for at fornærme, vores elskede MMM-commander-in-chief... Jeg er selv modstander af, at direkte frygt-"påvirke" nogen mennesker, vi alle har fri vilje, men vi kan stadig nå at "lede og forme" de 12-16 årige børn og unge hen til at tænke rationelt og logisk, efter så meget data er kommet ud de sidste 19 måneder. Kan vi nå at redde vores mindste uskyldige og sageløse 0-12 årige poder? Det er jo op til forældrene, men de fleste, kommer til at tabe kampen... |
https://www.facebook.com/rikke.hauge.92 |
Almenvellet. Store børn bør vaccineres, ikke for deres egen skyld, men for samfundets, mener eksperter. Men selv hvis børnene tager vaccinen, forekommer flokimmunitet mere og mere illusorisk. |
DDR Nyheder i går KL. 21:56: Uenighed om kontroversielt forslag: Skal to-årige have en coronavaccine?
Nye smittebølger og en risiko for, at også små børn får senfølger efter corona.
Sådan kan efteråret og vinteren komme til at se ud, mener Eskild Petersen, der er professor i infektionsmedicin på Aarhus Universitetshospital.
Derfor skal børn helt ned til to år med i vaccinationsprogrammet, mener han.
- Vi har jo set udviklingen det seneste halvandet år med den ene mere smitsommevariant efter den anden. Og børn og unge, der ikke er vaccineret, er en gruppe i samfundet, der kan vedligeholde smitten og udsætte andre for den. For eksempel folk med et dårligt immunforsvar.
- Vi har jo set udviklingen det seneste halvandet år med den ene mere smitsommevariant efter den anden. Og børn og unge, der ikke er vaccineret, er en gruppe i samfundet, der kan vedligeholde smitten og udsætte andre for den. For eksempel folk med et dårligt immunforsvar.
Børnelæger afviser dog dette tiltag.
- I øjeblikket ved vi ikke en gang, om det vil være nødvendigt eller en god idé i forhold til immunitet og smitte i samfundet. Der er mange ting, vi skal blive væsentligt klogere på, før vi kan træffe den beslutning, siger Klaus Birkelund Johansen, formand for børnelægerne.
🕵️♂️😥🔫 ~ (You can't make this stuff up) If Graphene Reacts To 4g Like This, Imagine What 5g Will Do -- Bob Kudla (SGTreport) ~ | Blogger: ... Since SoTW thinks Bitcoin-manic is a scam and NSA, has backdoors and I already have my silver-coins in place and if, you're want to skip the hole economy by criminal banks, precious metals and cryptos, talk, just go directly to 14 minute marker... A video is out by alternative media, The Phaser (Stun 'em with Truth…) called "Graphene Reacting To Emf From A Cell Phone" and other videos in this SGTreport... |
Bob Kudla returns to SGT Report to discuss the hijacking of our economy by criminal banks, precious metals and cryptos, and then we turn our attention to startling video that will leave the vaxxed people praying that Graphene Oxide is NOT in the shots - and we conclude with some stunningly hopeful leaked audio coming out of Australia. Thanks for tuning in
🕉️📰🔮 ~ (World affairs) QuickLines July 31 (by Soren Dreier) ~ | Blogger: SD is a Danish philosophical researcher who authors and compiles the hugely popular 'sorendreier.com / zen-haven' website. Also well known for his extra-sensory abilities and has 30 years experience of readings, healing and spiritual guidance. Soren has appeared in numerous radio and TV Shows (like Jeff Rense) and has traveled the world as a spiritual teacher on seminars and inspirational talks, stunning audiences with his on stage readings and spiritual insight. Soren has studied the mystical field in Greece and present, lives in Andalusia, Spain... ⛱️PS: Everyone who are something of importance that wish to break out of the Danish "controlled system" lives in Spain? Ole Dammegaard, Lars Bjørknæs, Journalist, Tommy Hansen, medal of honor in Danish journalism, (now passed over) all lives in Spain. SoTW was once aiming to buy a small condo in Turkey, now impossible to enter, vaca in America, also impossible to enter. Feel like i'm stuck here in Denmark and nothing to do, nowhere to go, no one to talk to. Every day. Everyone, vaxxed and been through the zombification process - refuse to wake up... |
- Male fertility is declining – studies show that environmental toxins could be a reason
- Nearly 50% of Republicans believe there will be a time soon where ‘patriotic Americans’ will ‘have to take the law into their own hands’
- Florida Governor signs order allowing parents to decide whether children mask up in attack on CDC’s new school guidance
- Australia’s Brisbane set for ‘strictest lockdown’ yet after Six (6) new cases spotted
- Anti-lockdown social media posts could net users $11,000 fines in New South Wales
- New Roundup Cancer Trial Starting in California
- Chaos In Italian Parliament As MPs Protest Mandatory Covid ‘Green Pass’
- How Digital Platforms Can Facilitate Child Sex Trafficking
- Survey Reveals How Americans Cope With Brutal Heat Wave
- Canada’s next proposal to censor the internet
- At Least One Dead, Several Injured After Bee Attack in Arizona
- Neanderthals Could Have Died Out Because of Sex With Humans, New Study Suggests
- The secrets of the Alps’ strange red snow
- Frigid polar air brings very rare snowfall, icy rains to southern Brazil
🎴🎱✨ ~ ('The Universe, We, The People, People behind the Scene, Will Win') What Will We See in the Month of August? Forecast-lockdowns, Money, New Fears & People Pushing Back (Tarot by Janine) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉'Tarot Reader, YouTuber, Astrologer, Spiritual Life Coach, Esoteric Teacher.'👈] ... {"Mr. T is the Shadow Govt. Canada admits there's not illness. McAfee dead man's switch. No more CV restrictions. Finance Black Hats taking down. Stock crash. Weather Warfare. etc."}... Put ALL your trust in Mr. T, Tarot cards, God and Janine - of course not. But this is a very good indicator that we are wining... |
📅 ~ 💗 ('Take the time, to steal the mind: A transformational month of change for the positive') August 2021 Predictions: Time to Create a New Life (Joni Patry) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉'Once you come to that place of awareness and bliss, all you wanna do is to help others achieve that too, because, that is what unconditional love is all about' ~ JP👈] ... Hear, Hear!... Hey guys, hate to be a party boomer and thanks goes to JP, buuuut we, as a collective consciousness energetic of living Souls, are not out of the woods yet. My own mood barometer rose significantly as always, however, also very grounded.. Am I too Conspiratorial? More like a Conspiracy Realist - maintaining Higher Consciousness... |
Joni Patry lives in Dallas, Texas and is one of the most recognized teachers and Vedic astrologers in the world. She was a faculty member for ACVA, CVA and Instructor for online certification programs, published many books, journals and appeared on national and international television shows. As the keynote speaker for international conferences, she has a Japanese website, and teaches in Turkey and India. She has been awarded the 2015 Jyotish Star of the year and Dr B. V. Raman's Janma Shatamanothsava Award Jyotisha Choodamani. She publishes an online astrological magazine, Astrologic Magazine and has an online University for certification, the University of Vedic Astrology.
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