Jan 26, 2019

Archive | Verdensalt | ~ In Memoriam - Isis Astara: Directed Energy Weapon Attack ~ | .. Isis Astara, my beloved soulmate, has left the physical plane. She was often brutally attacked with directed energy weapons and the attack on January 25th was one attack too many. We could not protect her, her heart could not make it. The Resistance could not intervene directly otherwise toplet bombs would be triggered. She has successfully transitioned through plasma plane and is now with her spiritual guides, surrounded by Love, joyful that she is finally free. After the Event, she will return in a cloned body that will look exactly the same as her physical body looked in this lifetime. She will be living in an area of Light, anchoring energies of the Goddess and living a joyful life in the Golden age she always wanted to live ~ cobra (Situation Update - Feb 3, 2018) .. | Blogger: Isis Astara Memorial... Just stay calm as the Chaos seems to Grow but the EVENT is NOW!!! It's all inside us and surrounding us with goddess angelic dance of divine light of LOVE....💓|

In memorial of Isis Astara - we are one.... soul blessings for Isis Astara, Victory of the light! ... Isis always had everyone sing this song during Cobra conferences as i understood...

We are One
You are inside me
Every step I take, you’re there
Every breath I breathe, we share
We are One
Let’s keep the dedication, let’s keep the flame alive.
No matter what, we will make it, to the final Victory of the Light
It is the nature of Life
We will all be together again after the Liberation of Earth, together in Oneness as angelic beings of Love and Light. In the meantime we stay connected in network of Light
Much Love ~ Astara

Politiken | ~ Ny app sender dig til lægen uden om den lange telefonkø. Over 4.000 borgere har downloadet appen Min Læge til deres telefon, ønsket er over 1 million ~ | Blogger: [⚕️Big Pharma Mafia: Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime ~ Dr. Peter Gotzsche💉]... (fra de geoengineering manipulerende politikere til trans- humanister: Nærmer den kunstig intelligente læge sig?) ... (citat fra politiken:) -- Næsten alle landets omkring 3.500 praktiserende læger er tilmeldt. Ifølge sund- hedsminister Ellen Trane Nørby (V) er det en naturlig udvikling at have lægen med i lommen, da vi allerede ordner alt fra årsopgørelse og MobilePay til arbejdsmails og frisørbooking med mobilen. Vis mere »Min Læge skal være med til at gøre patient- ernes adgang til egen læge lettere og mere fleksibel, så den passer til den hverdag, som mange travle danskere har. Hvem vil ikke gerne undgå den lange telefonkø midt i arbejdstiden, når man bare skal stille et simpelt spørgsmål om sine børns vaccinationer eller om dosen på sin gigtmedicin«, spørger ministeren.... PS: Lige nu ser jeg to fremtidige trends som bliver alt dominerende i Danmark. Digitaliser- ingen samt Robotisering af Danmark og især banksystemet og den håndholdte computer, SmartMobile-helvede som alle KRÆVER, de skal have fat. Vi ser det nu med bankerne (dem som bestemmer i landet her), helt ud til Hr. og Fru Jensen privatsfære. Vi unge kan sagens klare os, men de ældre, handikappet, udlændinge og deslige får store udfordringer. Det kontantløse samfund er en virkelighed, kan vi se på kommunerne som næsten er 100 pct. total digitaliseret. At robotter kan erstatte fire ud af fem rutineopgaver i finanssektoren. Robotter kan automatisere op til 80 pct. af de manuelle opgaver i danske finanshuse og resten af danske virk- somheder, følger med. Disse to trends udvikler sig med eksplosivt fart og lægens praksisformer i fælles tid, der forbinder knudepunkter i verdenssamfundet, afgør om du skal overleve eller dø, fordi du nægter at indse, af lægerne er firmaets mand og vil ALTID, være det... " Peter Gøtzsche: medicinalindustrien benytter sig af mafialignende metoder, i den kontroversielle bog ’Dødelig medicin og organiseret kriminalitet – hvordan medicinalindustrien har korrumperet sundhedsvæsenet’"... Jeg har ikke været hos lægen i 10 år og er kernesund og rask, hvad med dig?... |

Peter Qvortrup Geisling er meget overrasket over topplacering lige efter Løkke

Nordjyske | ~ Efter pres overvejer regeringen nye milliarder til Forsvaret (2 billions extra in military spendings - danish govt call it Trump & adult bullying) ~ | .. Reger- ingen er ifølge Berlingske så presset af USA, at en ekstrabevilling til Forsvaret diskuteres .. | Blogger: [🎖️Armed Forces new gun Sig Sauer P320 X-Carry. Hamil- ton: In the Interest of the Nation. Greed Is Good. War is Good. How Does America and NATO Countries Make Money Off War? Financial Interests, The military-industrial complex, or military-industrial-congressional complex, comprises the policy and monetary relationships which exist between legislators, national armed forces, and the arms industry that supports them ~ (Ken Silverstein - 'Private Warriors')🛦] ... (The World's Most Warring Nation) - Denmark has been in wars since 700 (when danish / norwegian vikings defeated invasions of England - 2019-present. Known to public wars as belligerents or in secret wars, like, 'gist' of Blair-Bush-Fogh secret Iraq war. F-16 dogfights and bombing inside countries - none which are enemies to the Kingdom of Denmark. Cyber surveillance of foreign entities, military intelligence, military training, consultant services and black ops - active elite special operations force of the Danish Defence Ops and mix mercen- aries apparatus. Whether Denmark has a active role in the Space Force of Secret Space Programs, (very close relationship with danish Terma A/S connections to Lockheed Skunk Works) i'm not aware of, but i do know, that after Denmark allowed star wars and Thule Air Base, Greenland, opening in 1943 with close to 10,000 personnel going in and out, and still present of 2019. Thule Air Base is home to the 21st Space Wing's global network of sensors providing missile warning, space surveillance and space control to North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and Air Force Space Command (AFSPC). The significant Thule Air Base is the US Armed Forces' northernmost installation in Greenland, and the importance of secret testing all kind of weapons and nuclear facility, top secret Project Iceworm in 1967 (Dr. Michael Salla & Corey Goode:) -- Although it sounds like pure imagination, Dr. Michael Salla and Gorey Goode now realize that these types of installations are a true copy of what was built on the back of Moon and on Mars, back in the 1930s (if you believe it). Here and now, many of you is jumping of the train, i know and for good reasons. Stay with me, now, think if the American-led bases in Greenland assisted as a test cloth for how to produce future base struct- ures in impassable places. This project was not only used as ICBM bases, but also in close collaboration to build research and development bases in Antarctica for both defense and military-industrial complex ('kinetic weapons' corresponding to Rods from God and DEWs?)... You be the judge.. |