Jun 28, 2023

👁️⃤𓂀🍦🤑 (Den konstante økonomiske krisefortælling har altid været stendød) Femsekunders-reglen - holder den? Mette-Mord og de 179 folketings-folkevalgte-frimurer plus det løse, lyver hele tiden og har altid gjort det. Myten om, at den danske regering + 1 million store centraladministration, aldrig, ejer en krone, er som en punkteret femsekunders-regel, når ens mad lander på gulvet, som ingen vil spise. Men, du aner ikke hvad kokken foretager sig, ude i køkkenet og hvor mange bakterier, som ligger på gulvet ~ 28. Juni 2023 ~ |

Journalista – Klassisk Journalistik


Altså - der findes masser af "luftpenge" på kistebunden i staten og banker. Private banker samt semi-privat nationalbanken, har stortset ingen kontanter og printer ikke længere, pengesedler. Mønter laves i Finland. Bank of England i London opbevarer DK's 66 tons guld og har gjort det siden 1953. Banker laver bare flere "luftkasteller" af fiktive Fiat penge via dine og mine lån, som er digitale kontopenge. Der snart bliver til digitale "krypto" valuterer i de private banker og under statens proprietær systemer. Spørgsmål? (inden lortespanden vælter og QFS, G-NESARA ankommer) 

Free Guy: Tror det var politisk kommentator, Søs Marie Serup, der på Radio24syv's program, 'Det, vi taler om', sagde: 'Vi har 750 milliarder kroner på plus og minus siden. Altså små, 1.500 milliarder kroner, hvert år på de offentlige finanser.' Det var i 2016, nu er skatteindtægterne rundet over 1 billion kr. (1.000 mia. kr.) i 2023. Så fat det inde i hoved, at den danske stat har M-A-S-S-E-R at penge, svarende til samme beløb, som Novo Nordisk, er værdisat til. Det er omkring 2.500 milliarder (konge) kroner hvert evigt eneste år. Begynder det at dæmre, hvorfor, statens medarbejdere, kan slippe afsted med at bruge penge? Og hvordan der findes pludseligt opstået milliarder ud af den blå luft, til krig, død og ødelæggelse, men aldrig til de svageste, i samfundet? Alt, går i en retning af Bankers Fintech, snart, udvekslingsrobotter som er proprietær handelstilgang og statslig kontrolleret Blockchain og fremtidens betalinger, med kunstig intelligens... KLASSISK LØGN = Finansministerens skattekammer. Vi gør boet op efter tidl. regering. Der mangler (ALTID) penge. A-L-T-I-D!!!. Som vi alle ved, fluktuere et statsregnskab, op og ned, men per definition er kassen, hullet som en si!. Ideen om at smide en hvid løgn afsted, går hele vejen tilbage til Poul Schlüter regeringstid (uanmeldt kasseeftersyn) 1982. CITAT: »Pengene fosser ud af statskassen,« sagde Venstres Anders Fogh Rasmussen, den gang socialdemokraten Poul Nyrup Rasmussen var statsminister. Men pengene, fortsatte med at fosse ud af statskassen, efter at Fogh selv havde sat sig i statsministerstolen. HVORDAN inddriver Staten penge? Meget, meget simplificeret så sker der følgende (uanset hvordan du vil 'slice and dice' kagen) : Staten får penge ind via 4 metoder: 1️⃣ -- Direkte Skatter. 2️⃣ -- Formue og Ejendomsskatter. 3️⃣ -- Moms. 4️⃣ -- Afgifter. (og en femte: politiske pengedonationer fra Magteliten of Guld1000 virksomheder + frimureriet m.fl.). Så godt så langt. Talte tit med mange af mine tidligere kollegere i bankbranchen, hvis man er snusfornuftigt normal tænkende handelsuddannet, ved man, at posteringer, både i debet og kredit, sørger man altid for, at regnskabet, stemmer. Dannevang er ligesom "Aktiedysten", som er et aktiespil, hvor man for fiktive penge kan dyste med venner (og fjender) i handel med aktier, krypto-valutaer, metaller, m.m. Verden er ved at DRUKNE i gæld som følge af private bankers pengeskabelse, og det har man allerede gjort noget ved, på Island og i Rusland - smidt Rothschilds and Rockefellers på porten - men hvad med Danmark? Neeeej. Dannevang er styret af Kabbalah, jødisk mystik og frimurerisk: FIAT-penge, MitID og Krypto. Tre selskaber styrer verden: City of London, Washington DC og Vatikanstaten. Imens smiler verdensbanken BIS tilbage og grådige britiske finanshus NM Rothschild styrer DK siden statsbankerotten 1813. Vi er med USA hele vejen, commie-demokraterne, løgn og latin, indtil sidste mand går ned... | 

👩‍💻💊😎 ('Hunter Biden's laptop = Checkmate and endgame maneuvers.' ~ Wilcock) Mike Adams interviews David Wilcock-MUST WATCH!!!!!!!!!! ~ June 28, 2023 ~ |

via Gfycat

Wilcock: '9/11 was done by 5 different technologies incl. demolitions and there was no concrete (cement) - WTC was dustified... Wilcock puts HUmanity into a metaphor abt The Matrix Neo vs Mr. Smith (Subway Fight) that realizes they could be dead before they hit the ground... The biggest danger is that the Cabal knows their "ammunition" has been removed (weaponized 5G, doomsday devices, etc)... I was briefed by Howard Hughes plans... Trump was able to use  “executive function” (telekinesis) on people he meet' energy, to make holes-in-one he's aced', something like that, says David Wilcock... 

Free Guy: This must be a old video... Take it down a notch, guys! Please. There's a lot things they go over and discuss of paranoia nature. Very disturbing like Mike's idea of a 5G kill-switch & David's No Time to Die presents James Bond's nanotechnology features DNA-targeting nanorobots, in REAL life. It's old news. Sorry Folks! You know me. I'm speaking my mind on SoTW and with all due respect, to these fine gentlemen. I still think Mike Adams is another version of a 'Alex Jones' character from InfoWars. You must understand something about Natural News website, among being amazing truthful about many things, it's also "gung ho", itchy-trigger-finger prepper and survivalists energy. And yes, I have "meet" David Wilcock *(in a conference) and most of the times, is amazing. However, No more solitude, no more $333, $555 or $777 dollar expenses courses or conferences. No more Looney Tunes crazy guy, living in the empty mountain after his wife left him, alone, outside L.A., with his blind dog, chased by killer-wild-moose and turkey hunt? (sorry David)... | 

🏳️‍🌈🤰🤪 (Brainwashed Industry Sicko Slaves) In this edition of SPOTM: The cringy yet symbolic side of Pride Month celebrations; Lil Uzi Vert and Doja Cat partaking in blood rituals and, of course, a bunch of industry slaves doing the one-eye sign with a pathetic look on their faces. ~ June 28, 2023 ~ |

Kendall Jenner roasted for fluffy white mini dress at Jacquemus' PFW show that looks like a 'diaper' | Daily Mail Online


Symbolic Pics of the Month 06/23





Ah, yes, the month of June. Such a beautiful month. The weather is nice, summer is coming, kids are finishing school. What’s not to like? Well, in the past years, the powers that be turned this beautiful month into one of the most annoying months of the year. Because now, June is Pride Month.

Apparently, a Pride Day wasn’t enough. A Pride Week neither. It had to be a whole month. Also, the “celebrations” cannot be tasteful and respectful. They have to be invasive, abrasive, and, for some reason, often targeted at children.

Beyond the rainbow, there’s one question that most people completely overlook: Why is it called PRIDE Month? Why is the word PRIDE the emphasis here? Because words matter.

Pride is considered the original and worst of the seven deadly sins on almost every list, the most demonic. It is also thought to be the source of the other capital sins. Pride is the opposite of humility.

Pride has been labeled the father of all sins and has been deemed the devil’s most essential trait. C.S. Lewis writes in Mere Christianity that pride is the “anti-God” state, the position in which the ego and the self are directly opposed to God: “Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness and all that, are mere fleabites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind.” Pride is understood to sever the spirit from God, as well as His life-and-grace-giving Presence.
– Seven Deadly Sins, Wikipedia

Considering these facts, the following t-shirt design makes perfect sense.

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Of course, the Biden administration had to pander to the agenda by hosting a “celebration” at the White House. Boy was it symbolic.

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During Pride celebrations, the Pride flag was placed front and center, flanked by two American flags. Not only is this a clear violation of the US flag code, but this display also sends out a powerful message: The globalist empire has overthrown the American nation. 

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As if that wasn’t enough disrespect, trans “influencer” Rose Montoya went barechested right on the White House lawn. Is this Sodom and Gomorrah?

The same globalist forces that control the White House also control media outlets.

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For its Pride issue, Glamour UK featured a “pregnant man” on its cover. As we’ve seen in previous SPOTM, they REALLY want us to be exposed to “pregnant men”. It’s perfectly in line with the gender-blurring agenda.

👥🔮🃏 (Trump, Trump, Trump and JFK Jr. ) JANINE MORIGEAU with TOM NUMBERS.. This is an ACE of an episode ~ June 28, 2023 ~ |


Free Guy: Great show. However,  if you do not like this "Pleiadian / Arcturian" and perhaps Sirian  / Andromedan" Trump and JFK Jr. or both of them, this show is not for you, I guess... P.S.: Oh so, you think you're smart and know everything? Listen to what Riccardo Bosi has to say and be stunned.. | 


Nothin Can Stop What Is Coming

🤗🏳️🙌 ('Stop giving your power away, stop seeking externally, don’t allow yourself to be distracted by the carnival.') James Gilliland: ECETI News #62 ~ June 28, 2023 ~ |


Free Guy: James is always "on point" and apparently upset a lot of people in the recent newsletter #61 and UFO community. Buuutt I still agree with James, not because I have meet him IRL and felt his energy and good spirit, but because, I have been to some of these UFO conferences and spiritual gatherings and sessions, where you pay a loooot of money to be buttfucked (sorry) by CIA (and or bad E.T. entities) "infiltrators" and as James says; "There are some in the spiritual and ufo community that are fully aligned with and funded by Satanic/Luciferian pedophiles. Some even brag about their connections. These malevolent groups are also aligned with other malevolent beings, demonics, royal reptilians, serpent beings, negative greys etc." ... |

James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience  

June 25th, 2023| Issue #62


By James Gilliland

ECETI News June 25th 

I wish to clarify a few things. When I said the authentic in the ufo community are buried under an avalanche or posers, shills and controlled opposition it seemed to offend a few people. There is an old saying, “If it’s not your coat don’t wear it.” Concerning contact, channeled messages are only as clear as the channeler. They are also as beneficial as the level they are receiving the message. Many are channeling their own subconscious or astral level, others are parroting information they have heard from others. Many are using our information some verbatim substituting their guide or space handler as the source of their information. There are those who have not created sacred space healing any unseen negative influences that allow these entities to influence their messages. There can be a mix of all the above. There are many that want to be the shiny new coin everyone flocks too. They make up all kinds of exotic stories with twists and turns reversing roles to gain a following. Their come from is off, fame and money are their first priority. This also opens the door to unseen negative influences and disinformation.