Mar 1, 2020
🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🧘Thanks to Dahab Al Tur for sharing this with SoTW at FB... Tina Turner - Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu (Peace Mantra) - really really Aaaamazing! I got goosebumps when I listened to Tina's version of the peace mantra and saw the beautiful and lovely children🤩] ... |
🦹♀️ ~ Kongehuset får milliongaver: - Minder om korruption (E.B.) ~ | Blogger: [👑Todays Headline: Is the Danish monarchy corrupt? Queen Margrethe II and her rich friends, deliver steady fast MILLIONS in form of presents and receive generous invitations to parties and hosting hunt in the woods and are awarded titles and orders of Denmark👑] ... {Vidste du, at kong Carl XVI Gustaf, er den høje beskytter af den Svenske frimurerorden, men ikke en frimurer selv (siger de?). Den Svenske Kongefamilie er den femte rigeste i Europa og har enormt indflydelse på finanserne af dagens korrupte økonomiske system?}... SELVFØLGELIG nej!.. Vi må ikke sniksnakke om Kongehusets MAGTvælde... Vi må ikke diskutere om Frederik, Kongen af Danmark, fødes til en position, der hæver De/Dem/Hen/Hon/ over loven, der skaber ulighed i et ellers ret lige samfund... Vi må ikke hviske og tiske om, at kongehuset og dets rige venner. Det gælder sig, 'at seks store fonde hver især har støttet med en million kroner til Margrethes taffelstole, efter kongehuset ansøgte dem om støtte til stoleprojektet. Ud over taffelstolene har kongehusets rige venner i erhvervseliten tidligere givet økonomisk støtte til prins Joachims nylige dokumentarserie, støtte for millioner af kroner til dronningens køkkenhave samt gratis flyrejser med privatfly til og fra eksotiske destinationer', som kan afsløre... Niksen biksen, det er forbudt, at snakke om... At, Joachim omgår loven, tager til Paris og tage sine årpenge med, som er ULOVLIGT ifølge Grundlovens paragraf 11 og Folketingets velsignelse. Samtidigt, er Marie på PR-charmeoffensiv i Afrika og danser Hula-Hula og ligger på grædende knæ for Afrikanske børn, betalt i luksus af Folkekirkens Nødhjælp, kaldet DCA. Folkekirkens Nødhjælp - en forretningsfører i en genbrugsbutik i Danmark stikker pengene i egen lomme. En medarbejder i Congo køber nødhjælpsudstyr til overpris af sin fætter. Forfalskede kvitteringer dækker over, at skoler i Uganda aldrig har fået udbetalt den aftalte støtte... Kan verdensalt så tie stille... LIDT ligesom, JP antyder at Harald Nyborg lukrerer på coronavirus - men lægger selv artiklen bag en betalingsmur og Astrid Krag er en hustler, som tildeler sig selv og Køge kommune sammen med andre socialdemokratiske ledet kommuner, penge, ud af regeringens udligningudspil. Er det korrupt eller hvad?... Neeeej!... Forsvarets Ejendomsstyrelse, den korruptionsanklaget styrelse, der hvor Statsadvokaten opgiver at rejse tiltale mod tidligere finansdirektør og Leverandør sendte 12 identiske fakturaer samme dag... HOLD nu op, verdensalt... Vi må KUN snakke om solstrålehistorier; der hvor vi alle sidder rundt om bålet og synger sange og ryger hashtobak og velsigner hinandens dårlige selvværd og traumer, såsom "Kumbaya my Lord" eller "Tag mig med til Joanna", der hvor den nye generalsekretær i Red Barnet bor og skaber positive ring af kærlige minder til Helle Thorning, som også er korrupt??... GUD BEVARE DANMARK OG KORRUPTIONEN... PS: 💌 Lad os sende så meget LYS og KÆRLIGHED på magteliten og Deres råddenskab, at "korruptionen" forsvinder, som dug for solen og en selvforstærkende effekt får dem til at se, at PENGE og MAGT, er DØDE materielle ligegyldige ting, og ikke alt - ubetinget kærlighed, næstekærlighed og barmhjertighed - er.. So be it and so it it...💖 |
Kilde (
Margrethe og co.s rige venner giver gaver og får royale invitationer til fester og jagter og tildeles titler og ordener
💌 ~ 💗 Steve Nobel: Ascension News: Soul Purpose and the Hero's Journey 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to Steve Nobel & Joseph Campbell ... I know exactly what Steve Nobel is talking about, living, (sleeping with bad relationships) and working in a (30 years) corporate type of toxic environment with low vibrations (and stress, headaches, paying mortgages etc.) and what am I doing here, why am I paper-shuffling, in a bank, as Steve is so bluntly to share with us and how we transform, to a better life... |
Source (Steve Nobel)
This is a brief extract of an hour long interview. For the whole interview check
🌌 ~ U.S. Space Force & UFOP Starfleet Command🖖🚀👨🚀👩🚀👽🛸 ~ |
Not sure why people get triggered when I talk space. The evidence exists: electrogravitic propulsion developed decades ago, free energy systems shut down by the black suits, $billions into black projects, "alien reproduction vehicles" & more. There's a whole other world out there— Jordan Sather (@Jordan_Sather_) March 1, 2020
— wQnderer ⭐⭐⭐ (@WhQlen) February 29, 2020
🦠 ~ A China Resident in This Video Explains the TRUTH About What is Unfolding and the Theatre the Media is Showing Us [video] (Starship Earth: The Big Picture) ~ | Blogger: [💭 Are Trump in trouble and "irresponsible" for hoax comment about Democrats and coronavirus? That's a entirely different matter🤔] ... PS: I have NOOOO idea if this video posted by Starship Earth it truth or not - you be the judge... |
Source (starshipearththebigpicture)
Don’t miss this first-hand account of what is really going on in China. This guy, Nigel, has a British accent but lives in China as a foreign national and has his own YouTube channel.
He is doing a video with Jamie at A Plane Truth channel (remember he covered the Paradise fires in California, etc.) and he is saying the hype and pandemonium is nothing like what the media and social media is saying. It’s a HOAX!
Listen for yourself. Anyone who is saying that bodies are lying in the streets, etc. and says people are being treated worse than dogs is lying and outing themselves as a troll, in my opinion.
Troll comments on Starship Earth will be deleted and the poster blacklisted. (Mary Magdalene/Magdalena Van Weerts—bye-bye)
👼 ~ 💕 Starve the Fears | Feed the Love (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ | .. You have an old saying on your planet, "Starve a cold and feed a fever." We would borrow that and say instead, "Starve your fears, and feed your love!" Fear feeds a virus. Love starves it .. |
Photo by Ann Albers in Phoenix, AZ |
Don't let the jaws of fear grip you! Be Safe in Love!
(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Message from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
You have an old saying on your planet, "Starve a cold and feed a fever." We would borrow that and say instead, "Starve your fears, and feed your love!"
The viruses on your planet live off fear. They starve with love. Fear creates a chemical cocktail in your body that weakens your healthy cells and creates imbalances that allow these parasitic energies to take hold. You might say to us, "Wait a minute... I get sick when I get tired and worn down, not when I'm in fear!" We would lovingly point out that getting tired and worn down is a result of fear, vs. faith in a loving Source that would support you if you more freely supported your own well-being.
Likewise, the greed, corruption, and misuse of power on your planet feed off fear. If others can lord death or doom over you, your fear gives them power. If you stop worshiping false idols and make God your God and love your life, then these individuals cannot manipulate your minds or your lives a minute longer.
👼 ~ 💗 You know that you are awakening! (Jesus through John ) 💕~ |
The Ascended Master Sananda / Jesus / Christ / Yeshua serves as a teacher of the whole world, and was one of the greatest spiritual healers who walked on our beloved planet Earth / Nova / Gaia. It is important to understand that all our ascended masters and galactic friends, so to speak, are not allowed to use their powers to change the course of civilizations, only in very rare cases. Law of the Universe. The Law of Divine Oneness.
channeled by John Smallman
© 2020 johnsmallman
Jesus audio Blog for Saturday February 29th
As the awakening process that humanity is presently experiencing moves inexorably forward, there is much occurring worldwide that is causing fear and alarm to escalate. Your awakening requires you to release your hold on outdated belief systems that no longer serve you – humanity – and the judgments that inevitably arise from them. Despite the fact that many do claim to be based on love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self, they often judge other beliefs that are not in agreement or alignment with their own to be wrong. Whether the belief system is political, philosophical, economical, or religious does not matter, what matters is that it is different and therefore must be wrong. Having made that judgment, then the members are often told or persuaded to go out and proselytize, and if that method of converting others to the correct belief system is ineffective, conflict often ensues.
All across the world many are realizing that negative judgment of others – that is of people, not of behaviors – only aggravates the major issues and problems that the human collective has to deal with and resolve at this time. Many of them have been unsettling and disturbing you for eons, but with the rise of modern technology, starting with the Industrial Revolution that commenced about two hundred and fifty years ago, humanity’s ability to harm itself and the planetary ecosystems that support you has increased exponentially, but without a similar and essential increase in the maturity and wisdom necessary to enable you to avoid catastrophic destruction on a vast scale.
channeled by John Smallman
© 2020 johnsmallman
PS: Jesus Christ were 125 years old - according to Denmark's most significant Bible researcher and the book "Christ in Kashmir" written by a Muhammadan named Aziz Kashmiri in 1973 ...
As the awakening process that humanity is presently experiencing moves inexorably forward, there is much occurring worldwide that is causing fear and alarm to escalate. Your awakening requires you to release your hold on outdated belief systems that no longer serve you – humanity – and the judgments that inevitably arise from them. Despite the fact that many do claim to be based on love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self, they often judge other beliefs that are not in agreement or alignment with their own to be wrong. Whether the belief system is political, philosophical, economical, or religious does not matter, what matters is that it is different and therefore must be wrong. Having made that judgment, then the members are often told or persuaded to go out and proselytize, and if that method of converting others to the correct belief system is ineffective, conflict often ensues.
All across the world many are realizing that negative judgment of others – that is of people, not of behaviors – only aggravates the major issues and problems that the human collective has to deal with and resolve at this time. Many of them have been unsettling and disturbing you for eons, but with the rise of modern technology, starting with the Industrial Revolution that commenced about two hundred and fifty years ago, humanity’s ability to harm itself and the planetary ecosystems that support you has increased exponentially, but without a similar and essential increase in the maturity and wisdom necessary to enable you to avoid catastrophic destruction on a vast scale.
🌬️ ~ Violent Bomb Cyclone Storm Jorge Is About to Hit Ireland, Wales and the UK With Hurricane Winds ~ | Blogger: [Brace for Impact - Which eventually will hit Denmark and Scandinavia, for sure] ... |
Source (StrangeSounds)
And here it comes again!
Another severe bomb cyclone in the Atlantic will soon engulf Ireland, Wales and England with extremely dangerous winds up to 120-150 kmh or 74-93 mph. That’s equivalent to a Category 1 hurricane!
※🔴 ~ Benjamin Fulford Interview: A Global Shift coming - Coronavirus Fearporn the Trigger ~ | Blogger: [Excerpts: "We discuss the coronavirus propaganda that’s being used to create fear and topple the economy. World Planning Agency is still being negotiated with the German Nazi faction causing friction. The goal is still to remove the central bankers and free the planet. Disney, Salesforce, Mastercard, MGM, Uber, IBM, Linkedin all top Chieftain resigns, huge changes happening in the Oligarchy in the US, the Fortune 500, which roots back to the fathers who created FED and the infight"] ... |
In today’s interview recorded on the 27th February 2020, we catch up with Benjamin again to discuss what’s going on in the world. Benjamin gives his take on Trump’s recent visit to India, we discuss the coronavirus propaganda that’s being used to create fear and topple the economy. Side effects are business’s are moving ever quicker to India, Indonesia and other Asian countries as China is closed for business. A large number of high-level CEO’s resign within 48hours from major companies, like IBM, Salesforce, Disney, Uber, etc… World Planning Agency is still being negotiated with the German Nazi faction causing friction. The goal is still to remove the central bankers and free the planet. To this end, it’s happening and WE the people are awakening in droves.
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