Dec 27, 2020
🙏 ~ 💝 (Karma comes full circle) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟AG Barr's replacement, CCP attacked by the Alliance, Solar Winds Hack, John Ratcliffe’s report delayed, Julian Assange will be pardoned, More Demon Rats exposed, Texas Lawsuit exposed ~ 3D to 5D Consciousness (Nyla Nguyen News)🌟] ... Published on 21 Dec 2020 / In News and Politics: 📑"It appears I was correct in my research and prediction of William Barr’s resignation. The deputy Attorney General is going to be the one bringing pain to the Deep Sate. Richard Donoghue has a track record of many successful prosecutions. The CCP suffered a major attack with a leak to the media regarding their 2 million loyalists dispersed all over the world. The Dark Ones countered this attack with one of their own on Solar Winds. Michigan voting machines exposed for very high error rate. The Texas lawsuit exposed, find out the real reason why it was tossed out. I’m exposing more demon rats and their demise. I’m also covering the Great Conjunction that is taking place on Dec. 21, 2020. Get ready for an epic broadcast."📑... PS: Sorry guys - Google Blogger has blocked many (censored free) YouTube (look-alike) channels to be embedded into their blogger service (like the UGEtube Channel)... |
🎲🔮💗 ~ (Vi sluger det råt for usødet) Danmarkshistoriens STØRSTE tårevædende Månelanding løgn: Nu skal vi sige ja eller nej til stikket. 'Sølvpapirshattene' siger klart nej tak, mens andre tøver, står Mette og Co., hele Sundhedssektoren, lastbiler og 1000 læger parat med vaccinesprøjten (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜World champions in stupidity: 100,000 Danes are tested a day, and 8 out of 10 danes will accept vaccines🤛] ... Noget som i den grad, splitter min egen familie på SoTW og tusindevis, af andres - hvis man går imod strømmen... Vi er mange, der i disse måneder finder ud af, at sjælefamilier resonerer bedre med vore hjerter end visse personer i vore bio-familier. Men elsker min egen lille familie og vi står sammen i last og brast. Også selvom det gør rigtigt ondt på sjælen lige nu, har jeg været forberedt i over 20 år på min spirituelle vej og underskrevet den guddommelige kontakt, inden jeg kom tilbage til jorden og valgte min familie i min hundrede eller tusindvis, af reinkarnationer... 📑"I øjeblikket bliver over 100.000 danskere testet om dagen, og det har givet Danmark en ny verdensrekord i coronatests, skriver Sundhedspolitisk Tidskrift."📑... 📑"Nu har vi sort på hvidt, hvilke bivirkninger corona-vaccinen har: 'Det er en lettelse, at de er så milde' ~ mener DR's sundhedskorrespondent Peter Qvortrup Geisling."📑...📑"Læge ramt af allergisk reaktion efter Moderna-vaccine."📑... 📑"Video: Sygeplejerske besvimer på direkte tv efter at have fået coronavaccine"📑... 📑"Der begynder at være lys for enden af tunnelen, lyder det fra statsminsiter Mette Frederiksen, efter at de første vacciner er givet. - Jeg har selv lige overværet Jytte i Ishøj, som var en af dem, der fik det første stik, siger hun."📑...📑"Dem, der får tilbudt vaccinen, vil få brev om det, og vil herefter kunne anvende et nyoprettet elektronisk bookingsystem kaldet" ~ Søren Brostrøm📑 - PS: 1000% at vil blive danskerens nye Digitale ID2020 Vaccinepas Portal, nu med NEMID checker, så Staten, ved hvem som har taget imod, hvis du spørger mig og Jens Lundgren, professor i infektionssygdomme siger: 📑"Vi kommer først ud af pandemiens svøbe i 2022, desværre"📑... 📑"WHO-chef advarer: Der kommer flere pandemier i fremtiden"📑... |
Så er vi i gang med vaccinerne i hele Danmark. I dag med 9.750 doser. I morgen den 28. december kl 18 ankommer forventeligt 38.000 flere doser. Tak til alle, der er med i indsatsen. Lad os så få bekæmpet den virus 💪💪🇩🇰💉#vaccine
— Magnus Heunicke (@Heunicke) December 27, 2020
Så er den første dansker vaccineret❤️ Senere i dag kommer de første af personalet fra covid-afdelinger og intensivafdelinger, som er i enorm risiko. Det er ikke mange vacciner i første omgang, men det er virkelig en stor dag, og det er svært ikke at blive lidt rørt #coronadk
— Pernille Skipper (@PSkipperEL) December 27, 2020
- Vaccinen indeholder en såkaldt kodestrimmel. Den får kroppens celler til at danne antistoffer mod coronavirus.
- Herefter kan kroppens immunforsvar genkende og beskytte sig mod virus.
- Man skal have vaccinen to gange med et par ugers mellemrum, for at den har optimal effekt.
- Man kan efter vaccination forvente at være ”godt beskyttet” mod coronavirus.
- Det er dog ikke sikkert, at alle vaccinerede får fuld beskyttelse mod virusset.
- Det vides ikke, hvor længe effekten af vaccinen vil vare.
- Eventuelle bivirkninger kan muligvis vise sig ved forbigående rødme, der hvor man er blevet stukket, forbigående feber eller muskelømhed.
- Alvorlige bivirkninger efter en vaccination er meget sjældne.
Kilder: Sundhedsstyrelsen og Lægemiddelstyrelsen.
(Blogger: Hvordan kan man være”godt beskyttet” mod coronavirus og samtidigt, at det ikke er sikkert, at alle vaccinerede får fuld beskyttelse og det vides ikke, hvor længe effekten af vaccinen vil vare -- Så har SST og LMST dækket sig 100% ind og ingen retskrav om erstatning, er mulig)
🆔💱🔄 ~ (Davos 2021 Great Digital ID Reset) Covid-1984 And The Agendas To Come with James Perloff (Activist Post) ~ | Blogger: [👉"Spiro and Perloff delve beyond the surface of this crisis to explore potential motives behind what appears to be a pre-planned agenda attached to the current crisis in order to facilitate the most significant transition in human history.."👈] ... |
As we approach the final days of 2020, Spiro is joined by author, journalist and recently retired registered nurse, James Perloff, to reflect on what is widely considered to be the wildest and worst year perhaps in our lifetimes.
The media and the governments around the world would like us to believe this is all by chance and we must blindly follow their mandates and restrictions in order to mitigate this crisis.
Spiro and Perloff delve beyond the surface of this crisis to explore potential motives behind what appears to be a pre-planned agenda attached to the current crisis in order to facilitate the most significant transition in human history.
James Perloff shares information from his new book titled COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled which reveals what the social engineers have in store for the future of humanity.
🌬️🛸👾~ (Penniston: The craft took off vertically and he wrote: “Speed — impossible.”) BRITAIN’S ROSWELL Ex-Ministry of Defence UFO investigator lifts lid on Britain’s most famous ‘alien encounter’ ( ~ | Blogger: Excerpts from the article: "IT was in the early hours of December 26, 1980, that three men from the US Air Force security police based at RAF Woodbridge, Suffolk, saw the strange flashing lights. Coming from beyond the perimeter fence, in Rendlesham Forest, they figured an aircraft might have crashed. They drove out to investigate and help. As the track narrowed, they continued on foot. They were walking into history.".. |
Here, a former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator lifts the lid on the case that has been called Britain’s Roswell Incident.
👨💼🌐🐼 ~ (Trump's Nuclear Option - No Happy Ending) Deep State Freaked Out Trump Not Giving Up – Alex Newman | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog (Video) ~ | Blogger: [👉"No matter which course we take here, there is going to be a lot of turbulence. If Donald trump manages to stay in, the Deep State will explode. They will send out their terror mobs. If Trump loses, they (DNC, China) will make sure none of his family survives"👈] ... Oh Waaauv! ... I mean we know DNC, Globalists and China wish to overtake the 'old World Order' and rule America and the 'New World Order' (that's a given)... Little did I know, that The Council on Foreign Relations, founded in 1921, that has board members who controls Hillary Clinton, (Obama) and Joe Biden, (and was almost entirely composed of people with J.P. Morgan interests and of course), David Rockefeller... CFR also have members from the same US Supreme Court judges team, that right now tries defying POSTUS voter fraud claims, according to Journalist Alex Newman and Greg Hunter... (SoTW) Just like Bilderberg and Committee of 300 (lots of danish members like Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and Anders Fogh Rasmussen) are, these meetings of the CFR are held in secret, away from the scrutiny of the public. The Council on Foreign Relations is — and has been since shortly after World War II — a wholly owned subsidiary of the Rockefeller Family. Where Neo-Cons and Neoliberals drink from the same waterhole... Just think about it - there are about six million Freemasons around the world, about 200,000 of them in England and Wales and Denmark, has 10.300 members. And they all want the same goal - Secrecy and World Dominance... If you were really a member of the global élite, you'd know this already: the world is ruled by a powerful, secretive few... 📑"If Donald trump manages to stay in, the Deep State will explode. They will send out their terror mobs. They will try to crash the economy. They will try to destroy the value of the dollar. They will get the fake media to call him a dictator. They will get the United Nations to condemn this undemocratic coup"📑... - 😜🙄🙅♀️PS: FUNNY that Journalist Alex Newman (same does James Perloff & Spiro Skouras) mentions the communist idea China and DNC's wishful thinking of one party system (and Ida Auken, who came from a very powerful danish communist family tree, who went to Rothschild's Elite WEF meeting saying: Welcome to 2030 - "I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better") ... |
Journalist Alex Newman says don’t let all the calls for President Trump to step down fool you into thinking Trump is a one term President. The Deep State Democrat globalists never imagined Trump would fight this hard against the massive election fraud that made Biden the pretend president. The Deep State is freaking out, and this is why so many on both sides are calling for Trump to give up. He’s NOT going to simply give into massive fraud. Newman says, “I think the Deep State is very, very concerned about what President Trump might be thinking. The President is clearly promising to fight. The media completely ignored it, but the President just put out a video on December 22 that says look, I am going to use every legal and constitutional means at my disposal to make sure that this election is not won through fraud. . . . He’s not going anywhere, and he’s not going to be giving up simply. . . . When you read the Constitution, Trump has an obligation to act here. . . . In the Constitution, it says the United States is obligated to guarantee a Republican form of government. That means we have the rule of law. . . . That means what happened in these states where the vote was just blatantly rigged has to be addressed. We had bureaucrats, judges and governors changing the rules of the election so they could commit fraud. All of that needs to be stopped, and the U.S. government has an obligation to step in.” [READ MORE]...