Jan 24, 2022
🚨⚖️⛓️ ~ (KOM SÅ ALLE SAMMEN SYNG MED) Hvem skal nu betale... for Coronabedraget? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Jeg ved ikke om nogen der kan sætte sig ind i min tankegang, men ganske simpelt; når man slipper sit energi-fokus på Coronabedraget og frygten, længe nok, så findes der ingen krise, farlig virus, samfundssind - spritter af og holder afstand - så kan vi godt skyde mundbindet til hjørne. Når du har den tankegang, så er der INGEN som genere dig, for dybest inde, ved alle mennesker godt, at denne virus, ikke er en “samfundskritisk sygdom"... Nu hvor politikerne kan se frem til en gylden alderdom med Folketingets lukrative pensioner, Statsministerens lønforhøjelse og millionløninger til spindoktorer, Idas fantasiverden (jeg ejer ikke noget som helst) stiller op på hjemmebanen ved næste valg og kommunist-røde partier; Historisk få ledige, lavere skat på arbejde og nye dagpengesatser og statsgælden faldet til laveste niveau siden 2009. Det her spin, kører heeele dagen lang og igen i morgen, indtil dommedagen kommer og regningen skal betales. Man estimere, at Coronakrisen kommer til at koste hver dansker 90.000 kroner, og prisen stiger og stiger og stiger. Nu er gas, el og benzin fået en giganthop opad igen (igen), kommunerne har sendt meddelelser ud til alle udlejere, at prisen skal op på varmen med mindst 250 kr. mere, om måneden. El- og varmselskaber har tjent ekstra 130 MILLIARDER i 2021. Blomster bliver sat i vejret, bageres elforbrug, dyrere kagværk, en A-38 er steget med 25% (igen) selvom Arla tjener MILLIARDER i forvejen, og andre mad-produkters priser, eksplodere, bare. Bødetaksterne, også steget markant og vi kunne blive ved... MEN HVEM "KAN OG GIDER" BETALE?... [LÆS VIDERE]... |
https://videnskab.dk/forskerzonen/krop-sundhed/lone-simonsen-det-er-snart-tid-til-at-stoppe-med-restriktioner-og-massetest |
https://www.facebook.com/per.stagil |
Tog en tur i et supermarked og er blot et eksempel, når jeg går nede i Danmarks største Bilka i tredje største by, og ikke kun, som billedet antyder, under Coronanedlukningen i Marts 2020. Starbucks, Matas eller tankstationen, det møgbeskidte 'mundble' på eller ej, Bilkas bragende højtalerne om CV-regler. Hertil, tilhørende sikkerhedsvagt ved indgang, håndsprit, SST's plakater, skilte, pile, gulvmarkering til identifikation, flere skilte om at holde afstand, virus-sikkert håndtag og folk som nervøst, nærmer sig hinanden, når der skal hentes mælk. Stod i grøntafdelingen og så på en Bilka-ansat, en såkaldt 'Click & Collect-Collector', mens folks Smittestop-app brummede, og unge lyttede til Spotify, nu med små afbrydelser af Corona annoncører.
Det seneste nye er, at Bilkas bagerafdelingen i shoppingcenteret, havde placeret røde-hvide trafikkegler, man var ved, at falde over.
Samtlige mennesker, alle vegne, også på KOMBARDO-færgerne, har MUNDBLE PÅ men, heldigvis, er der ingen, som giver mig problemer mere, som i 2020/21. Molslinje-kaptajn pisker stemingen i gang med alle de sindssyge regler, de har ombord.
I Københavnstrup tjener Copenhagen Medical A/S (Pingos bedste jægerven) stadigvæk 10 mio. kr. om dagen, de arbejder nonstop, og forventer nye smittede i hele 2022 og ved Nordsjællands sygehus, løb jeg forbi et busskur, hvor man havde malet et blåt HUSK MUNDBIND skilt i fortovsstenen og ved Århus, et kæmpe lysskilt, hvor tallene steg og faldt med Coronasmittede...
Det værste af det hele er, at når hele lortet er slut, har vi ikke nok med, betalt HUNDREDVIS AF MILLIARDER, for at sætte "scenen" (Coronabedraget) tilbage i 2020, men nu, i 2022, skal de samme virksomheder og medarbejdere, som har opsat skilte til lokumsruller med sprit på, tjene HUNDREDVIS AF MILLIARDER, for at fjerne alt igen, så vi får en "normal".
Og der er kun ÉN til at betale, og det er DIG, derude og DU skal også betale for alle de millioner af dødsprøjter og mundbleer, som skal bortskaffes, samt vaksine-skadede borgere, der holdes i live, på hospitalerne, i flere år fremover... |
♛🌱💖 ~ (5d Chess Game King Trump, Queen Melania, Military & The Vatican City, The City of London & The District of Columbia!) GREEN LIGHT, MILITARY, HOLLYWOOD, QUEEN, QFS ~ | Blogger: Michelle Fielding is channeling and working with Commander Ashtar from The Galactic Federation, so she claim, and like Elena, if you do not believe in that construct, this video might not be for you, in my humble opinion... As you might have guessed, Nicholas Veniamin and Michelle Fielding, is extremely popular and I totally agree with Michelle, our focus need to be centered on the new evolved world, to be, in the future... Buuutt, here on SoTW, I'm entitled to my opinion... And i'm sorry, but all this nonsense about King & Queen Trump family and Melania, is the "woman" we're all been waiting for the next "Queen of chess", before HU-manity are able to move on, i don't buy into that. Yes, the next president of the new republic in America, will most likely be a woman, I've asked my higher self 5 times, could be someone prominent woman, OUTSIDE any political party. My guess is return of Princesses Diana or a well-known and liked, business-woman. Anyway, 'Trust the Plan', dear patriots, doesn't mean, 'Trust the Man'. Trump has been a big piece of puzzle, but not coming back. Trump was a wild-card and working behind the scene, yes, but military operations are also conducted by off-worlders. And then the whole thing about Joe Biden, is not stepping down in the public eye, but maintained inside the fake White House in the next 3-5 years, with a hidden new political structure being set in place, outside the WH. I do not buy into that either. My higher self told me Joe Biden is steeping down in April, perhaps it's stupid to think that it's even possible, but we HAVE to see some "actions-cards" being played out into the public, or people will loose faith. I do not expect to convince my mother or friends of anything, but, the "fastest sleepers" have to experience the "devolution" with their five senses or into their faces, not only by secret military operations and years of waiting. WE ARE READY NOW!... |
👩🚀🚀🌌 ~ (Semper Supra: 1st episode of a new educational series, Galactic Basics) GALACTIC BASICS Ep 01 -GALAXIES AND STAR SYSTEMS (Jan 23 2022-7pm EST) ~ | Blogger: OBS! For some easy-to-understand, others, extremely difficult. I got a lot of help by Cobra RM and variants by Spiritual & Ufology community. As far as I remember, in Cobra School, we're been taught that, Earth in particular, in the physical realm our Sun (Milky Way) is connected to the Central Suns, our own Central Sun is Alcyone, from the Pleiadian Star System that we are part of. Elena Danaan sees it differently, as I understand it... Here on SoTW, I'll imagine it like this; The Cosmic Central race or The Central Civilization or The Creator Race, call them what you wish, is the most advanced ancient race which has evolved around the Cosmic Central Sun and basically, our creators... Okay... The Omniverse, also referred to as the greater Omniverse or Overvoid. is the embodiment of Existence itself and is the collection of every Multiverse, universe and dimension that ever came to exist, actually exists and will ever exist in the future... If you wish to visualize the "creator"-beings and get their attention, all the way from the Cosmic Central race emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, which is the (Master) Sun of them all, it's a extremely and unfathomable loong way. How so? Well, Imagine Earth, connecting yourself with all Light Forces above the surface, below the surface, and on the surface of the planet Earth with a flower of life mandala or whatever, you wish to send. Then you expand going to all known planets in our solar system, then going through the Sirius stargate, next going through Alcyone Pleiadian stargate, next through the Galactic Central Sun, then being dispersed through Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe and lastly, the Cosmic Central Sun. So you see, it's not that easy to get their attention, since millions of other civilizations are above, below or equal, as our own itchy bitchy tinnie winnie Planet Earth and our Solar system.. Anyways, I truly believe my nearest galactic family is the Pleiadeans, so I AM of course connected to Pleiades (/Alcyone) but that's a another matter entirely... |
Welcome to this first episode of my new educational series, Galactic Basics. This month, we will learn about the birth of stars, planetary systems and galaxies. How do we position ourselves into the great cosmos? What is our place in the Milky Way?
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