Jan 11, 2022

💊🔴🥴 ~ ('The Venetian Black Nobility taken down & Vatican, Queen moving out of Buckingham Palace & everyone out of White House. These 3 buildings has NEVER been used ever since. ~ Charlie') MEL K, CHARLIE WARD & SIMON PARKS GEOPOLITICAL SITUATION UPDATE, GOD WINS! 1-10-22 ~ | Blogger: Well, well, well. Some would say, talk, talk, talk. repeat, repeat, repeat... But since we have no other confirmed information what's going on, only gossip and rumors, these three amazing people and this video, is worth your while. Especially if your a newbie and just awoken from deep sleep... |

'Mel K & Simon: We talked about Kazakhstan, one year ago & we foresaw this was coming.'..

'I was told April 2020 this would happen; Virus, Vaccine, Riot, 5G & Alien Invasion.' ~ Charlie. 

'Michelle Fielding 3 things before moving forward: Biden taken out of office, collapse US Economy 

& announcement of Queen-Lizzie's death."

It's going to be a great year and definitely a year to get and be involved in taking back our world. One way to get involved and find ways to activate is to come meet Mel and many amazing truth warriors at our upcoming live in person speaking events, Together we are unstoppable, We look forward to seeing you. GodWins!

🙏 ~ 💝 (China's Artificial Sun, Project Blue Beam or Misleading Video?) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: (From newsweek dot com) 📑"A new video spreading on social media claims to show China launching an "artificial sun" into the sky. The video comes amid recent reports about the country successfully generating temperatures "five times hotter than the Sun" at its Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) fusion facility(..).📑... PS: Same as China to Launch an 'Artificial Moon' to Light Up the Night Skies-stories (BS)... Perhaps you already know this, but in Dr. Michael Salla's book (Rise of the Red Dragon – Origins & Threat of China’s Secret Space Program) he literally explains, that, China in totally secrecy spystuff, handed a top U.S. aerospace scientist, Tsein Hsue-shen, during the McCarthyism period, which turned out to be the primary piece needed for China to begin its clandestine space program that rivals the U.S. for space supremacy. So in other wordings, China stole parts of the American based Secret Space Programs to built their own SSP (Russia and EU also has it's own SSP - believe it or not)... |

😠⚖️🚸 ~ (Det haster, mener SF, EL og B: Krav om ny groomingparagraf) Skal vi til at indføre Megan's Law of 1996 i Dannevang??? Are you kidding (me)?! Så skal det også gælde for kvinders misbrug et kæmpe tabu (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: SoTW er indædt modstander af overgreb på børn, men mennesker (mænd eller kvinder) med en pædofil seksualitet er også udmærket i stand til at leve som lovlydige borgere, uden at de skal kastreres og kastes i fængsel, for evig tid. Hvor skal de sendes hen? - hen på en øde ø, DEMA-camps eller modtagecenter i eksempelvis Afrika?.. SoTW var få milliesekunder tæt på at blive anklaget af min ekskæreste, efter 13 års indædt kamp i Statsforvaltningen, hun brugte alle kneb og anklagerne pev om ørerne på mig, løgne, som jeg skulle forsvare, som var det under Den spanske inkvisition. Havde min ex. lykkes med falsk anklage, sidste skud i bøssen, kunne mit liv, have været lagt i grus, job, venner, familie, ægteskab, børn, alt. Og min 4.000 kr. i timen, advokat, med Møderet for landsret og Højesteret, kunne ikke have hjulpet mig (statsforvt. var rædselsslagen for min advokat)... Først, fik 1000 unge stemplet straffeattesten eller børneattesten de næste 10 år under Umbrella-sagen. Så kom loven der kriminaliserer psykisk vold, derefter samtykke før sex, efter det, lov mod pædofile: ransagninger uden dommerkendelse og nu groomingparagraf?... DET SER GODT UD PÅ PAPIRET og det er måske gode love, hvis de bliver korrekt anvendt under de Danske (frimureriets) domstole, mens røde feminist-politikere og MeToo-lejesoldater stormer frem i meningsmålingerne. OG så har vi den kvindelige TV 2 FNYS NEWS-journalist, der løb et Marathon efter den pædofildømte på billedet, gennemfører stakeout i flere dage med kameraer, som man kan fange "MANDEN", i det sekund, som han vinker til sit ofre på cykel 100 meter væk og nyhedsrapporter Bimler og Bamler i ugevis. Fordi, hvis man skal have en ny lov igennem, skal man finde sine "ofre" så vreden og følelser opildner en hel befolkning og lokalsamfundet.. MAN glemmer, de hardcore pædofile, som i virkeligheden, skulle sidde bag tremmer - kunne være én som Kneppe-Kofod eller mange af frimurerne, fra hemmelige ritualer og som vi aldrig må snakke om, fra StatAdlens-elite... Men al fokus på MÆNDENE (nogle svin) såsom, Tessa, der skyder tilbage på Blachmans 'kom og knald mig' (Blachmans 10 millioner kroner rige, er jo også den største nyttige idiot man kan finde) eller Veganerpartiet ekskluderer partistifter, efter krænkende og nedværdigende adfærd rettet mod bestyrelsesmedlemmer. Norsk 'Paradise Hotel'-sæson fjernes efter voldtægtsdom.. [LÆS VIDERE]... |

"Patriarkens trone skal VÆLDES tænkte Mørke-Mette-regeringen og skyggesider, hvor den traumatiske drengebarn ikke fik lov til at røre ved sin tissetrold som barn og mor, fik også stoppet Far, Mor og Børn Legen - ergo den pædofile tankegang som voksen (spirituel og holistisk lærdom). Mens pigerne og kvinderne går fri - og Cecilie Beck løj om forhold til ung praktikant og Henrik Qvortrup blev "slagtet" på Det, vi taler om, af alle dem, der holder hånden over Beck af "veninderne"(Janni P. , Therese P. , Ditte Okinok, Anna Byldelsen, Anne Creme-on, Søs Sirup, Janni Vrææææ m.fl.)... 

Henrik Qvortrup beskriver detaljeret, hvordan udenrigsminister, Jeppe Kofod, behandlede en just 15-årig pige, og hvad der skete den aften

(SoTW fortsat*)  

MÆRKELIG NOK, så holder journalist og forfatter Trine Gregorius, der ironisk kaldte Kofods sag for noget »grisefy« og »Han har jo ikke voldtaget hende«, sig, helt tavs. SAMME gør, Børneministeren, Pernille Rosenkrantz-Thei, der forsvarede Jeppe Kofod i sexsag... Forfatteren Leonora Christina Skov var også meget forarget over det overhoved, VAR og stadigvæk ER, en sag... Journalist Paula Larrain og forfatter Pernille Aalund udtalte sig en smule mindre bastant i 2008, men mener det samme, undtagen, har de trukket visse sætninger UD i 2020, om HVAD de mener (hentet fra tabloid pressen)... 

MEEEEN, ser vi på, hvad ANDRE mennesker bliver FÆNGSLET for, så undre det mig... 

FOR SOM, det er beskrevet i Det, vi taler om, så HAR Kofod begået DIREKTE OVERGREB OG VOLDTÆGT af en, uskyldig DSU-novice (14-årig-plus-366-dage) 15 årig gammel jomfru (fødselsdag samme dag), som sad og græd på toilettet, mens enten Kofod gemte sig under sengen i skam, eller havde et håndklæde om (tissetrolden), efter badet og så diffust ud, da de 'andre' DSU'er (brød ind). Sådan cirka, er udsagnet fra Henrik Qvortrup og de andre i panelet... 

🔴🔮🧙‍♀️ ~ ('Are we Rats, Ravens in MiB's Locker? Is this why our Moon acting up because we're not exactly in our Solar-System or in or on the Planet we think we are?') LIVESTREAM: TAROT READINGS BY JANINE & JeanClaude@BeyondMystic (Sending Ravens with Tarot by Janine) ~ | Blogger: Question from a Canadian-France person in 47 minute maker and the correct answer ding ding ding (Humanity is heading out or set free not longer kept trapped inside like the Tiny Alien Society in the Locker) ... And lots of more weird stuff to be answered by Tarot-cards and little-girl-self Janine, who knew from her childhood, what's' real and what is wrong... |

※🔴🔺~ ('A SSP source notes, “It’s time for us to expand our energy for new creations of light, God, and the most beautiful manifestations for the whole New Earth.”) Fulford's *FULL REPORT* & weekly geo-political news and analysis ~ | Blogger: Full report, ladies and gents, thanks to Era of Light. A few videos is missing (New Year in China shows how far hologram technology)... Oh Wauv! As SoTW predicted; “self-isolating due to COVID 19” (is people who has been arrested or "processing"). BF: Among the “self-isolators” was faux U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, the Swedish royal family, the Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer, US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, A major purge is also finally taking place in Australia etc. etc... |

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? BF (born 1961) is a 
journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

Khazarian mafia suffer massive defeat as they lose their homeland

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s reports for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time.. With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill...

Published by Benjamin on January 10, 2022

After a year of reeling under a fake COVID 19 pandemic attack, the good guys are on the offensive around the world against the Khazarian Mafia (KM). This is happening in Europe, the United States, Japan, China and elsewhere. The results are reflected in such things as the rebirth of the Soviet Union, the collapse of Hollywood, the liberation of Japan etc. If all goes according to plan, humanity will be liberated in 2022.

Let us start with the rebirth of the Soviet Union. This was seen when the KM suffered a stunning defeat last week as they lost their ancestral homeland of Kazakhstan, multiple sources agree. The country was attacked by “20,000 very well trained, organized and centrally commanded gangsters and terrorists,” many of whom were “speaking non-Kazakh languages,” according to President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.


This caused the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), consisting of Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan to send troops to help Kazakhstan. As this map shows, the result was the de facto restoration of a large chunk of the Soviet Union.

More importantly, the failure of this attack means that the fake Biden regime in the United States is now doomed. One close Biden buddy, the ex-intelligence chief of Kazakhstan, Karim Massimov, was arrested, while another, the ex-president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, had his assets frozen.

🕊️⛯⚖️ ~ (Lighthouse For Hope : Team of 1,000 lawyers, 10,000 medical experts & covid pandemic worst crime against humanity ever committed) Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - Update on Nuremberg 2.0 ~ | Blogger: [👉A universal flu vaccine may be the next big mRNA breakthrough for Moderna, Pfizer says, this morning, while Israel and Denmark given fourth-free boosters out to their population and awaits fifth Omicron shot in March of 2022. W.H.O. warnings is out - Over 50% of the population in Europe will be infected with Omicron within six to eight weeks ~ MSM outlets👈] ... One of the MAJOR goals is Depopulation by Any Means or Population Reduction down to 500.000 Word Wide, says Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.. Next goal is CONTROLING the rest of us left behind, turn us into SLAVES, that will not think or fight back, simple do, what is ordered. It will all be done through all of these mRNA vaccines, says Füllmich, manipulated with our DNA and the New World Order is to be held in Europe called HERA: EU Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). Dr. Reiner Füllmich says, it will NOT come that far, since so many people have waken up and hundreds of thousands are taken to the streets. It is more and more obvious, even though, that nobody KNOWS anybody who dies from COVID or suffered from severe damage, but EVERYONE knows someone who sufferers serious problems, even dead, from vaccines, says Füllmich! THIS is who we're dealing with the KNOWN terrorists, MAFIA or MURDERS, says Carona and Füllmich (left it in 40 minute marker)... |

Listen this interview well. Last week on the Carona Investigative Commitee Dr. Reiner Füllmich was about to tell us good new. His team postponed that news for tomorrow new session they will air. In this interview he tells a bit of what it's going to be.

I believe this year 2020 we are going to have a sort of Nuremberg trial and many heads are going to roll.
I also have news about Shitstralia government "killing" member of my family. It's a private conversation with my sisters that shows clearly how a Shitstralia government is a terrorist.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a lawyer who has been working tirelessly at holding world governments accountable.
Tonight he will give us an update on exactly what these lawsuits are, how they differ from the original Nuremberg Trials, and where he is up to in his global efforts.

Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, go to channel here: