Apr 30, 2019

Verdensalt.dk | 💓 ~ Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟The Season Of Love. Your very own Sunshine Equinox Ascension Gateway. Wave-X Bombards the Earth and Frequency Shift. NEW CYCLE for Higher Consciousness HU-manity and processes to shift entire collectives to much higher timelines continually now🌌] ... {Time to be 'In Love' with the Earth & open- ing up to our spiritual Heart Brain ~ Verdensalt} ... While we wait on the “Special forces group" from the Light Forces - The Benevolent Alliance... The RV Reboot, the New Quantum Financial System, N.E.S.A.R.A & G.E.S.A.R.A, the EVENT, Planet X (the King planet, which Is coming), Spiritual DNA Activation, Spiritual Paradigm Shift 💘 ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE 💖... John Lennon — 'You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.'... "Lord, there are people in this world who have not yet experienced your incredible love. Some of these people seek to harm others because they are diffe- rent, out of vanity or vainglory, greed as avarice or covetousness, and wrath as anger. I ask you kindly, that you focus your love on our enemies. Please show them what they are missing without you in their lives. Protect the innocent from the harm of others. In Jesus' name, Amen."... So be it, and so it is!.. 🙏 |

You are the salt of the world. We are the salt of the world. We live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....

Giving Unconditional Love: 
Love yourself unconditionally. 
Unconditional love starts at home, with oneself. ... 
Make the loving choice. ... 
Forgive those you love. ... 
Don't expect to shield someone you love from all discomfort and pain. ... 
Be the protector of love, shine light in the ones who’s needed 

So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin? 
You maybe see me outside, a few like you, can also see me within. 
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see, 
Who I AM is not what others think of me. 
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be, 
A dreamer that just wants to be free, 
A warrior of light for eternity.


🔴CNN LIVE 🔴 | ~ Venezuela's uprising: The US says what's happening in Venezeula isn't a coup. Here's why. ~ | ~ US national security advisor John Bolton has called for “change of the regime” in Caracas, and accused Cuba of controlling the current government of Venezuela, while backing an opposition politician’s attempt at armed coup (RT) ~ | Blogger: Our beloved CNN #cnnfakenews. A true patriot and savior.. Why are Trump and world leaders not stopping a REAL U.S. military coup in Venezuela going on right now???. Please explain... Why are there no daily & emergency meditation focus for Venezuela??... Oil and wealth from other commodities like gold and copper, and foreign aid, have also supported kleptocrats, technocracies and dictatorships who have often used their fortunes to retain power in other regions. Is Nicolás Maduro one of those or Juan Guaidó???. Who will suffer - THE PEOPLE, as always. New leader true to Washington DC Israel, banking regime who will regulate over vast amount of oil, gas, gold and other natural resources and leave the people with NOTHING. Same template, same gameplay, same corrupted world... When will it EVER end???... |


NY Times | ~ Where in the World Is Denmark’s $2 Billion? ~ | Blogger: [👠The Devil Wears Prada. Faking it - Scammers' Tricks To Steal Your Heart, Soul & Money🤑] .. {motto: steal from rich give to myself] ... Sanjay Shah and his wife, Usha who stole DKK 20 million, which can be traced back to the tax fund, which in total suffered a loss of DKK 12.6 billion, lives in a country, who protect rich nations, foreign nationalist and 'tortured and beheaded' men over WhatsApp messages sent as boy... MEET the couple, that was directly responsible to largest fraud scam in the history of Denmark... WELCOME to Paradise: expensive champagne. Off-road vehicle for kids. Private meeting with the music star Drake. A guard in uniform guarding the entrance to a residential street - know address in Dubai, world's largest artificial island, Palm Jumeirah. The villa, C2, is a so-called 'signature villa', one of the most expensive, about DKK 28 million. Owns 50 properties in London, Dubai, Hong Kong and Japan, a yacht to 8.5 million DKK, which he never use. Drives a Black Ford Shelby F150 Super Snake (All this is according to tabloid paper B.T. )... God Bless the Rich🙅‍♂️... |

Where in the World Is Denmark’s $2 Billion?

Operationdisclosure | ~ RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - "Declassification" ~ | Blogger: [👄RUMORS AND GOSSIP REPEATERS👂]

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - "Declassification" - April 30, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

The IG (Inspector General) report on Comey is expected to reveal incriminating information.

The IG report will be released within two weeks.

Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein (RR) has submitted his resignation just before the release of the IG report.

The declassification of FISA court abuse is expected to occur after the release of the IG report.

Meanwhile, the Earth Alliance is actively dismantling the Cabal's Central Banking system and the fiat debt-based financial system.

May is expected to be the month of massive changes.

Sources are remaining mostly silent about the RV at this time.


Exonews.org | ~ Mysterious UFO Lights Spotted in Beijing Sparks Controversy ~ |

  • On his website, ‘ET Data Base’, Scott Warning has shared an interesting video of mysterious lights hovering in the skies over Beijing, adding that such bright lights have also been spotted over other regions of China. (see 1:01 minute video below)
  • “The lights caught the attention of most of Beijing, but it was seen by people that were 100 km away! That means the UFOs went to many locations, not just over Beijing. The light is lumpy and contained. That means it’s not a spotlight from the ground,” Waring wrote on his website.

It’s been a quite long time that alien hunters from across the globe have been working hard to establish the truth that there are some sorts of small life-forms on other habitable planets around the cosmos. While earlier studies have sparked several debates over the existence of aliens, also called extraterrestrial lives, the latest findings by popular conspiracy theorist – Scott C Warning – is yet again raising ray of hopes among UFO scientists.

Taking to his website ET Data Base, Warning shared an interesting video showing some mysterious UFO lights hovering in the skies of Beijing and added that such bright lights are also spotted in other regions of China. The video, which makes the hashtag #aliens started to trend on social media, has gone viral on social networking sites.

“The lights caught the attention of most of Beijing, but it was seen by people that were 100 km away! That means the UFOs went to many locations, not just over Beijing. The light is lumpy and contained. That means it’s not a spotlight from the ground,” Waring wrote on his website while sharing the creepy UFO sightings.

1:01 minute video of strange blue lights over Beijing, China


Verdensalt | ~ Schumann Resonance Today ~ | Blogger: [〰️ The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like verdensalt!〰️] .. Last days with major white pikes, the variations continued today with oscillations between 50 and 70 Hz until 8 UTC when the amplitude increased again stabilizing at a constant 70 Hz for nearly 2 hours and counting... |

Space Observing System

verdensalt | ~ Still don't believe that weather modification / weather modding is possible? Take a look at US Patent - US 2003/0085296 A1: Hurricane and tornado control device ~ | Blogger: [🌀Hurricane Katrina Controlled Or Created By HAARP Technology, Audio Generators, Cloud Ionization, Electric Rainmaking, and Laser-guided Weather Modification🌩️] ... (ONE example out of hundreds is: ) - Hurricane Katrina was the costliest natural disaster in US history, costing over $108 billion dollars. Over 1800 people are reported to have died as a result of the Hurricane which swept the Gulf Coast from central Florida to Mexico. Coastal areas were severely hit and thousands of people had their homes destroyed. Up to 80% of city areas ended up being flooded., and many of the deaths were attributed to Levee and Floodwall failure. Up to 60,000 people were stranded in New Orleans, with the coastal guard rescuing up to 33,000... ⚠️ PS: In disguise of “shutting off” FM and building NEXT GEN of DAB or Digital Radio, Norway has the FIRST EISCAT-3D system (2017) ready (Norway is the location of EISCAT, the European VHF version of HAARP) and will consist of five phased-array antenna fields located in the northernmost areas of Finland, Norway and Sweden, each with around 10,000 crossed dipole antenna elements. One of these sites (the core site) will transmit radio waves at 233 MHz, and all five sites will have sensitive receivers to measure the returned radio signals.”. If you thought HAARP in Alaska was big, just wait until these EISCAT arrays are online. Furthermore, Norway is building FIVE DIFFERENT arrays , 10,000 dipole elements per array! Obviously this VHF European “HAARP” will be more like a rock band, than a single “HAARP” plucking its strings. Being able to cross waves to ""induce scalar energy"" at a distance is one of the obvious goals of this program. This array will be able to cover the entire VHF spectrum. This means everyone else currently using VHF (FM) would be getting interference from the Tromsø Norway and Finland locations of these antenna arrays.. PSS: Some say, China is building a look-alike model.. This is serious bad sh*t guys, sorry my french...😟|


Vida Loca | ~ Beluga whale with Russian harness raises alarm in Norway ~ | Blogger. [🐳Norwegian Fear Warmongering White Moby Dick Beluga Caviar & Russian Dr. Evil With Frickin Laser Beams Attached. Oh Wait, Mutated Sea Bass. Dr. Evil: "Riiiiight" 🤣] ... O-M-G! Unbelievable BS... "(The Reconnaissance and Interdiction Division​): The United Statres Navy's Marine Mammal Program began in 1960 with two goals. First, the Navy wanted to study the underwater sonar capabilities of dolphins and beluga whales to learn how to design more efficient methods of detecting objects underwater, and to improve the speed of their boats and submarines by researching how dolphins are able to swim so fast and dive so deep. In addition to this research component, the Navy also trained dolphins, beluga whales, sea lions and other marine mammals to perform various underwater tasks, including delivering equipment to divers underwater, locating and retrieving lost objects, guarding boats and submarines, and doing underwater surveillance using a camera held in their mouths. Dolphins were used for some of these tasks in the Vietnam War and in the Persian Gulf. The Marine Mammal Program was originally classified, and was at its peak during the Cold War. The Soviet Union's military was conducting similar research and training programs in the race to dominate the underwater front. At one point during the 1980's, the U.S. program had over 100 dolphins, as well as numerous sea lions and beluga whales, and an operating budget of $8 million dollars. By the 1990's, however, the Cold War was over, and the Navy's Marine Mammal project was downsized. In 1992, the program became declassified. Many of the dolphins were retired, and controversy arose over whether or not it would be feasible to return unnecessary dolphins to the wild"... |

Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | ~ Hvad er begrebet tid og hvorfor betyder det så meget for os i vores 3D Matrix af illusion? ~ |

Udgivet den 19. Juli 2014 af Verdensalt

Forord: For at forstå denne artikel, er det en god ide, at have sat sig ind og forstå hvad tredje og femte dimensioner er for noget og udvide horisonten til at dække universets guddommelige aspekt. Måske kan dette hjælpe dig - læs her

Sean Carroll, en fysiker ved "California Institute of Technology", tværfaglig konference om tidens natur - læs mere her

  1. Tid eksistere 
  2. Fortiden og fremtiden er lige så virkelige
  3. Alle oplever tid anderledes
  4. Du lever i fortiden
  5. Din hukommelse er ikke så god som du tror
  6. Bevidstheden afhænger af manipulering af tid.
  7. Forstyrrelse øges efterhånden som tiden går.
  8. Kompleksitet kommer og går
  9. Ældring kan vendes
  10. Én levetid er en milliard hjerteslag

The Team: Beyond Time, fra Peggy Black, July 16, 2014 - oversættelse:

Lad os bare tage begrebet tid. Tid, der eksisterer i vores trossystemer, tid, der er en del af denne tredje dimensionelle konstruktion, som ikke eksisterer eller manifestere i de andre dimensioner.

Der er en antaget og stærk overbevisning om tid og begrebet tid i vores dimension. Tid er et af de faste holdepunkter i denne dimension. Menneskeheden har optegnet tid igennem vores historie, tidligere begivenheder, ure og kalendere som en metodisk foranstaltning.

Kunne det være en antagelse, det du foretager dig omkring "tid" holder dig fastlåst i en begrænset virkelighed? Alle dine ord om tid - opretholder dig i et tankemønstre af restriktioner. 

Lad os give dig nogle eksempler, der er almindelige i vores virkelighed:

"Du siger, at der ikke er tid nok, tiden er kort, tiden er ved at løbe ud, tid bevæger sig for hurtigt, jager efter tiden, mister tid, ønsker mere tid, jeg ønsker tid ville haste afsted, tid bevæger sig så langsomt, og hvor forsvandt tiden
~ Disse er overbevisninger om tid.

Tid, ligesom alt andet, påvirker dine holdning, dine overbevisninger, dine udtalelser, dine ord, dine vibrationer. Tid er et af de stoffer af dit jordiske spil. Det er et slør; der holder dig i illusionen. Det er klogt at indse, at tiden er skabt kun for at tjene et bestemt aspekt af den fysiske virkelighed.


Læs videre for at forstå begrebet tid ....

Lad os give dig dette eksempel: Forestil dig en stor strømmende flod. Du er på en tømmerflåde der flyder med strømmen og floden er - tid. Du træder ind i troen på tid, og floden bevæger dig, eller du flytter med floden. Udvid din vision lidt, så du får øje på flodbredden, udvid igen til de skovklædte omgivelser, som floden flyder igennem, og endnu en gang udvid horisonten, for at se hele skoven, hvor floden flyder - Den strømmende flod er kun en lille del af hele skovens helhed...

Tid, er den strømmende flod af vibrationer, som virkelig er en meget lille del af hele universet. Det er kun en illusion af din jordbundet sind.  Budskabet er, hvis vi flytter vores overbevisninger om tid, opstår der pludseligt en hel anden frihed. Når du transformere dine overbevisninger om tid, afspejler det i din fysiske virkelighed og hinsides.

Gir dig den mulighed, at lege med tiden, strække tiden, forme det, se om du udvide tiden, trække dig ud af tiden, trække dig ind i tiden. Hvordan ville din dag eller dit liv være, hvis "tid" kun var ét rum, du gik ind i og kunne blive, eller bare passere igennem?

OOM2 | ~ IS “COBRA” NEW AGE FRAUDSTER & CON ARTIST CHANGING SIDES (??) ~ | Blogger: [🕊️Before you literally terminate verdensalt, pls don't shoot the messenger☮️] ... {separating chicks from their mother}... I (verdensalt) have ONE goal. Only 1. Pursuing THE Truth (destroying the Facade)... COBRA (codename for compression breakthrough) extends global (so does support groups)... I will NOT be the good/bad cop about this Cobra topic (right now). I will only say, i've been part of the Core group and knows (to some extent) what's going on (behind the scene) and it's not 'always' pleasant... It's grey area and the awakening process is harsh, and sometimes it's really impossible to decipher who's good or bad, when the Red Angel appear in front of your eyes or seeing the "real" Gangsta walking down the street, before you meet the person and feel their energy... There's a saying; "Sometimes you have to go through darkness to get to the light.". As i told you many times before i am truly sorry, but verdensalt 'cannot' always hold your hand around the campfire, singing Kumbaya and getting the joy joy joy down in your spiritual beating heart!!💞. Verdensalt do NOT promote ANY kind of dark magic on this blog or in my avatar life (on the contrary), but you should know, it exist! Yes on our beloved GAIA, a invisible 3-D Matrix-grid of illusion, surrounds us, and if nobody is talking about it, how can we penetrate or navigate through manipu- lations, deception and separation, in order, to find the TRUTH?... 'The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist'... Your mission John/Jane Doe, should you choose/decide to accept it, is "always" to use your own spiritual discernment and better judgement, but you cannot judge, dissect or being asperger naive trusting fool, until you become highly aware, awakened and enlightened being. Peeling the layers of the Onion of fears, get rid of the Guru syndrome and TRUST, you're infinite, divine and unconditional loving 'soul' copy of your higher self. It's about your "experience" in LIFE. Example: like buying a House -- 1️⃣ Drive by. First impressions shouldn't be underestimated, but don't fall for the sells pitch... 2️⃣ Always be prepared. Make a list of all the things that are important and trust your inner feeling, alarms and don't get carried away by others... 3️⃣ Take a friend with you or consult other friends... 4️⃣ Lastly and my own golden rule: follow the money. If you spent a million bucks on a crappy deal, do not engage... Matthew’s Message: "..The Illuminati, now commonly called the Deep State, are resisting accepting that their efforts to retain their influence in your world are utterly futile. And, without knowing that the light’s unparalleled power is exposing and banishing darkness, the peoples are responding to light’s high vibrations by insisting upon justness and equality. What you are seeing is a civilization bringing to an end its ages-long trauma so healing can come..."... |

By: Bradley Loves


Cobra is a New Age blogger and advocate of something called: THE EVENT – and has started posting some very strange things on his blog site recently located here:


One of the strangest “turns” that he has made in the recent past are his posts that are openly ADVOCATING FREEMASONRY!

Not only is he now posting the life histories of many Freemasons from the past, and listing their achievements…, he is also starting to list their peers and contemporaries – many of whom were FULL BLOWN MAGICIANS!

Just like many of the Globalists, COBRA is a huge advocate of the FEMININE ENERGY becoming anchored here on the Earth.

Now, I see nothing wrong with the Divine Feminine…, don’t get me wrong…, just as long as it is totally and completely BALANCED with the Divine Masculine!

There were some really horrible, horrible times in the past where men were treated incredibly badly by WOMEN who used to rule as MATRIARCHS over the entire Earth.

These women used Sorcery and Witchcraft to keep the men around them in line and submissive and subservient!

The “idea” that we “must” move backward in time to the days when everyone WORSHIPPED THE GODDESS ENERGY has the fingerprints of the Illuminati and the Globalists all over it!

This is the same crap that George Soros seems to be pushing with all of his countless NGO’s when they talk about TOXIC MASCULINITY – and the need to get rid of all OLD WHITE MEN.

If you don’t believe me.., just have a look at the recent Women’s Marches here in America!

These images are basically “women” who are demanding to be allowed to take over the WORLD, and to shift (those useless men) off to the sidelines where they belong!

For those of you who think that WOMEN IN POWER can’t be just as HORRIBLE, just as EVIL, and just as DISCRIMINATORY as men can be if “they” were suddenly running EVERYTHING…, then you are sadly deluding yourself!

Think NANCY PELOSI & DIANE FEINSTEIN – (and other criminals) who believe that lying to the American people every single day is a “good thing”!

Also, take a good look at what Angela Merkel has done to literally “destroy” the German society with her rampant immigration of Muslims that is in the MILLIONS – or what THERESA MAY has done to “screw” GREAT BRITAIN out of it’s legally voted for BREXIT!

These are “women” “IN POWER”.., and they are literally f*cking the commoners just as much – IF NOT MORE – than their male predecessors!

Here are some bits and pieces of COBRA’S latest post:

Startribune | ~ Snowden bombshell: aliens helped Hitler! ~ | .. Revealed documents providing incontrovertible proof that an alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda is driving US domestic and international policy, since at least 1945, some media reports said .. | Blogger: [🕴️I Know What You're Thinking: Tin Foil Hat with Verdensalt. Cuckoo-land-crazy🤪] ... (Snowden bombshell: aliens helped Hitler!) - Well, i don't know about that, but the fact is something weird and unexplainable phenomena is going on in Antarctica - the most remote, hostile and uninhabited continent in the world. And of course heavily protected, some claims, because of the link to Atlantis and ancient alien ruins, not to mention, the Hollow Earth & Secret Space Programs that has developed unimaginable advanced technologies, reverse engineered alien/extraterrestrial in 70 years. Did Hitler knew? I'm almost certain, that most notorious nazis who escaped to South America and later, North America, was part of Operation Paperclip - a secret program of the Joint Intellig- ence Objectives Agency largely carried out by Special Agents of Army CIC. I also believe in the Vril Society, Maria Orsitsch story... but as always, you be the judge... |

Sure. Right. Or, look at it this way: If you were part of the alien conspiracy, how would you discredit anyone who attempted to reveal your secret plans for humanity? Simple. Reveal the plans yourself, with a few details changed. That’s the only thing that explains this.

Former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden revealed documents providing incontrovertible proof that an alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda is driving US domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945, some media reports said. A stunning Federal Security Services (FSB) report on the nearly two million highly classified top-secret documents obtained from the United States Department of Defense (DOD) run National Security Agency-Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) by the American ex-patriot Edward Snowden states that this information is providing “incontrovertible proof” that an “alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda” is driving US domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945, Whatdoesitmean.com reported.

You’re wondering if these were the same aliens in charge of the Nazi weapons program; congrats. Same guys.
Of the many explosive revelations in this FSB report, the one most concerning to Russian authorities are the Snowden’s documents “confirming” that the “Tall Whites” are the same extraterrestrial alien race behind the stunning rise of Nazi Germany during the 1930’s.

Well, that explains David Bowie, but it doesn’t understand why the Nazis lost.

TV2 NEWS | ~ Bankmand advarede om hvidvask i Estland, men så blev han myrdet ~ | Blogger: [😱Read It and Weep. The better the angle, the better the story. Anti-Russian sentiment will never stop😿] ... {Danske Bank share falls to the bottom of C25}... A veeery interesting news article indeed... "JUST BEFORE, 'Too Big to Fail' Danish Danske Bank bought finnish Sampo Bank and other companies, and the BIGGEST money laundering in the history of Danske Rothschild Wall Street Bankster Danske Bank delight began, a Russian banker, the anti-corruption fighter Andrei Kozlov, traveled to Tallinn with a warning. That's according to a confidential telegram from US diplomats in Tallinn to the US State Department in Washington. Three months later, he was shot dead. Assassination plot acc. to this article, even Danske Banks, at that time, senior analyst, Lars Christensen, i 2006 amids to it. When the telegram reached Washington, Danske Bank had already completed the deal and bought Sampo Bank. The money laundering warnings were forgotten, and no one brought up, any more charges. During the visit to Tallinn, Andrei Kozlov, according to Eesti Ekspress, also brought charges against two other banks - one of which was Nordea Bank Oyj a.k.a. Nordea Bank... THE QUESTION is, will the TV 2 DANMARK A/S, which is owned by the Danish state and the public service, and all the other MSM media references in this article, angel the narrative to Putin and his friends 'killed' Andrei Kozlov??... The REAL question is of course were the 'General Executive Management' of Danske Bank & Nordea, fully aware what was going on, back in 2006 and forward, but had 'hidden' the facts to the public and governments ???... TV2: "In its report on the laundering case, the bank writes that shortly after the acquisition of Sampo Bank "it had a real opportunity to establish that the non-resident portfolio entailed suspicious activity" and that "Danske Bank received concrete information from the Russian central bank at group level" . - However, Danske Bank missed this first clear opportunity, it further states. This allowed the criminal activities to continue for 12 years, when suspicious cash flows for DKK 1500 billion flowed through Danske Bank"... |

Parkeringspladsen i Moskva, hvor Andrei Kozlov og hans chauffør blev skudt. Foto: Valery Melnikov / Scanpix Denmark

GlobalResearch | ~ Psychological Warfare and the “False Flag” Meme ~ | .. False flag operations and assassinations are a central component of the elaborate psychological warfare campaign waged on the American public to justify the so-called “global war on terrorism,” and the events of September 11, 2001 are this project’s cornerstone .. | Blogger: [🏴‍☠️“The War on Terror”: Even the mainstream media admits false flags are real😰] ... {False flag attacks, fear tactics, psy-ops or psychological warfare operations are the modern-day equivalents of mass black magic rituals and sacrificial rites - are used to strengthen those in power. Dark occultists carefully manipulate the masses so that they willingly participate in realizing the nefarious goals of the Cabal, but without knowing precisely the true meaning of what is happening} ... FF & TODAYS 2019 HEADLINES TO KEEP PEOPLE IN 'CONSTANT' NEGATIVE FEAR MODE, PSYOP TO IMPLEMENT GUN CONTROL, CONTROL OVER THE GLOBAL MEDIA NARRATIVE AND THE ABILITY TO INTIMIDATE OTHER COUNTRIES, GLOBAL AI SURVEILLANCE, LET GOVT LEAD AND DESTROY, TO EXPAND MIC (ONE WORLD ARMY), MILITARIZATION OF POLICE & TO START MUSLIM/CHRISTIAN WARFARE... -- "Group of ISIS recruiters BUSTED outside Moscow(RT)","Christchurch: NZ police arrest man over suspected explosive device (7news.com.au)","Isis leader Baghdadi appears in video for first time in five years (theguardian)","Terror attack plot thwarted in Los Angeles-area, US authorities say(standard.co.uk)","US embassy reports gunfire near Haiti mission (france24) ","Germany (and England) to train Saudi soldiers despite Riyadh’s years-long deadly war in Yemen (RT)","London nail bombings remembered 20 years on (BBC)" etc, etc. etc... |

By James F. Tracy
Global Research, May 01, 2014

Major US news outlets turn a blind eye to a wide array of evidence “that Western covert operators were behind” events such as “Bali, Madrid, London 7/7, mosque bombings in Iraq and elsewhere and, of course, 9/11. Because the mainstream media are integral to the Industrial Military Academic Intelligence Media complex,” journalist Barrie Zwicker observes, “the cold-blooded technicians of death face no journalistic scrutiny. Without moral, legal, technical or financial constraints, the black operators range freely, executing the orders of the global oligarchies.”[1]

An undeniable effect of the Boston Marathon bombing was that the term “false flag”—meaning a typically illegal act carried out by a government against itself that is often blamed on another entity to justify its own policies—became a recognizable expression among a broader swath of the American public. For example, web-based searches for the phrase spiked in the wake of the April 15 event after a correspondent for the alternative news site Infowars questioned Massachusetts Governor Duval Patrick on the suspicious circumstances surrounding the bombing.[2] Some news outlets predictably moved to condemn any cogitation along these lines as “conspiracy theorizing.”[3]

In the United States the citizenry is especially well-indoctrinated through an overwhelming dependence on such corporate media. Yet for the peoples of many countries “false flag” has become a commonplace term. This is particularly so in the Middle East, where journalists and the broader public routinely witness inexplicable terror attacks on civilian populations. Placed in a broader historical context there is a concurrent understanding of such tactics as emblematic of military and intelligence-related meddling from Western nations.

For example, in the early 2000s waves of car bombings throughout Iraq were rumored to have been carried out by British or US intelligence. “The word on the street in Baghdad is that the cessation of suicide car bombings is proof that the CIA was behind them,” independent journalist Dahr Jamail wrote in 2004. “Why? Because as one man states, ‘[CIA agents are] too busy fighting now, and the unrest they wanted to cause by the bombings is now upon them.’ True or not, it doesn’t bode well for the occupiers’ image in Iraq.”[4]

Along these lines, in September 2005 Iraqi police arrested two British soldiers disguised in conventional Iraqi jallabahs [loose cloaks] and Arab headscarves after the costumed pair reportedly drove a car equipped with explosives while opening fire on Iraqi police. British armed forces then used several tanks and helicopters to liberate the masquerading combatants from the police barracks where they were detained.[5]

Similar to NATO’s Operation Gladio, or the FBI’s more recent efforts at generating newsworthy terrorist incidents in the US,[6] such black operations designed to cultivate terrorism were in fact authorized by the United States in 2002 to further perpetuate its “war on terror.” At that time military officials established the “Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG).” P2OG’s overall strategy combined “CIA and military covert action, information warfare, intelligence and cover and deception” to execute terrorist acts on civilian populations in order to provoke and respond to such consequent indigenous terrorism.[7] In other words, this was an elaborate and deadly “make work” program by and for the military and intelligence communities.

With the above in mind, it is perhaps little wonder that “false flag” has become a standard term in the discourse of non-Western and especially Middle Eastern news outlets. Conversely, the expression is either absent from US-based news media, or carefully neutralized in editorial commentary and lighter entertainment or lifestyle-related coverage.

LexisNexis news searches for the dates April 15, 2004 to April 15, 2014 yields 1,012 newspaper items and more than 100 broadcast transcripts where “false flag” is used in the headline or text. An overwhelming majority of references appear in Pakistani and Iranian newspaper coverage and commentary, where the term is almost uniformly intended to denote instances of terrorist violence.

BBC Monitoring International Reports–52
Press TV (Iran)–51
Pakistan Observer–42
The Frontier Post (Pakistan)–28
The Nation (Thailand)–24
The Washington Post–20
Mail Online–19
The New York Times–18
McClatchey Tribune Syndicate–17
International New York Times–16
Mehr News Agency (Iran)–15
National Post (Canada)–15
The Washington Times–15
Daily News (Sri Lanka)–14
The Jerusalem Post–14
Daily Times (Pakistan)–13
Gold Coast Publications (Australia)–13
Sunday Times (Islamabad)–13
The Augusta Chronicle–12
FARS News Agency (Iran)–11
The Times (London)–10
The Guardian (London)–10

Apr 29, 2019

Gostica | ~ How The Mars-Neptune Square Will Affect Your Love Life And Relationships Until January 2020 (videos) ~ | .. Fear can be a motivator if we don’t let it stop us .. |

Mars in Gemini squares Pisces in Neptune started on April 27th, creating a stress point around how our fears can limit the life we choose to live, but only if we let it. But what will Mars square Neptune bring forward in our zodiac sign’s relationships? If we follow the stars and our love horoscope, things will become perfectly clear.

In astrology, a square is when two planets are within 90 degrees of one another and create a stressful or tense aspect. Often times, squares are seen as a negative transit because it can bring a lot to the surface; however, they really only bring up what is already within us and our lives.

While many of us balk at these more challenging days, we need them to help move us past what had previously held us back, or the stage of life we are in.

This transit doesn’t occur again until next January, so we know this will be setting the course for the next year, because even these smaller transits have big impact.

Fear is not necessarily a bad thing. It’s a normal reaction to trying something we’ve never done before. It happens when we step off the hamster wheel and do something different.


Benjamin Fulford Partial Report & Full Video | Apr 29, 2019 | ~ Attempts to start Muslim/Christian warfare backfire on Zionists ~ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Blogger: Excerpts from the Full Report:... The Asian secret society representative said that a limited war was going to take place soon in.... order to “unify the Korean Peninsula.”. This source also independently confirmed that North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un had brought a U.S. F-35 fighter with him as a gift when he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin last week. Russia responded by agreeing to support North Korea in its move to reunify the Peninsula, the source said. The WDS, for its part, said such a war would need to take place in tandem with a surrender ultimatum to Israel in order to ensure that the situation did not escalate unintentionally into a World War III. The Asian society source also noted that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his ruling party would be replaced with a coalition of opposition parties over the coming year or so, as the new Emperor took over. However, the WDS pointed out that the opposition, just like the ruling party, was full of low-IQ nepotistic hacks who would not be able to deal with Japan’s fundamental problems like a shrinking population and plunging living standards. The WDS said the Bank of Japan would have to be nationalized and its financial system would have to be reset; otherwise, special forces would step in and remove the entire corrupt Japanese body politic.. [LISTEN TO MORE]... |

Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.

 Attempts to start Muslim/Christian warfare backfire on Zionists

Blogger: A far-fetched story!?... Yes I agree... Verdensalt has been following Fulford’s repo- rts for some years, reading them should probably be done with a large grain of salt. There's NOTHING right or wrong in this storytelling, other than some entertainment, some are properly truth or false claims, hard to factcheck. As always, use your own spiritual discernment. BF seems to share information directly from alleged sources within the Pentagon, CIA, White Dragon Society, and so on. Often the data presented is contradictory on the surface, but underneath in the intelligence services apparatus or underworld, more likely. It would probably be more productive to consider his data as one possible perspective on what is happening on Earth at this time. Especially after Cobra and David Wilcock and others latest outbreak of mistrust in BF postings... With that said, the world is unbelievable corrupted and nasty, it's sometimes hard after a man swallowed The Red Pill.....

Published by Benjamin on April 29, 2019

The recent massacre of Sri Lankan Christians plus attacks on churches and mosques have turned into a fatal mistake for the Zionists, multiple sources confirm. In reaction, the U.S. Department of Defense is handling background checks to root out Israeli dual citizens, agents, assets, and sayanim (Hebrew for “helpers”), Pentagon sources say.

Arab and Iranian TV broadcasts throughout the Muslim world have quoted this writer and others as saying ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. “Almost all Arabs think ISIS is created by Israel and regional governments,” one prominent Arabian TV personality confirmed. This means that when “ISIS” claimed responsibility for various recent attacks, the satanic Israeli regime of Benjamin Netanyahu committed international suicide and lost all regional support, especially among Jews (as opposed to satanists pretending to be Jews).

Pentagon sources say “The Jew York Times” was forced to publish the following editorial cartoon:

“The NYT International Edition and German dachshund is another dog whistle to Europe, Asia, and the rest of the world after Sri Lanka that Zionism=terrorism,” the Pentagon sources explain. The sources added, “Trump is not so blind,” and “any Trump outrage is just kabuki theater, as the military intelligence community, patriots, and Europe post-Notre Dame have had it with Israel.”

“Anti-Zionism is now mainstream, as Ilhan Omar, the Democrats, and The New York Times normalize the conversation,” the sources say. As a part of the attack on Zionists, “the Department of Justice may prosecute Chicago Jewish billionaire and Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker for tax fraud,” the sources add.

Also, the Mueller Report is going to be followed with an anti-Zionist blitzkrieg, including the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report and FISA declassification,” the sources say. “Trump is apparently saving Israel for last,” they add.

Speaking of Israel, a U.S. military officer involved in negotiations over the Golan Heights says the Israeli army “is fed up with Bibi [Benjamin Netanyahu] and unable to hold Golan anyway.” The U.S. military is negotiating with the lawyer of the Arab League over the details of the return of the Golan to Syria, he says.

Israel, Zionism, central banking, and North Korea were also important topics of discussion between representatives of Asian secret societies and the White Dragon Society (WDS) that took place last week. The Asian secret society representative said that a limited war was going to take place soon in …

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Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | ~ Hvad er Global opvarming - ægte eller fabrikeret? (Klimaaktivisterens modefænomen "global opvarmning") ~ | Blogger: [🌡️Husk at Lytte til Dine Konservative Klimabørn og Mongoler fra Sverige som 'Skralder Bananen'🍌] ... Nu hvor vi har 'kisser' tilbage i sadlen, og opvarmer studiet med Greta Thunberg, en 16 år gammel klimaktivist med Asperger, der slikker skålen rent med non-klimavenligt foliebakke af leverpostej, fordi hun fik at vide, at kloden ellers ville stige med 2 grader. De har ikke nogle former for fremtidsvisioner, så- danne nogenlunde, siger Kirsten Birgit, der også tror på jorden går under, efter skolevalgets elever valgte de konservative med 13 procent... Hun kan se tenden- sen, ligesom SF's "Vikar fra Helvede," Karsten Hønge, er tilbage i Folketinget og kan spotte lobbyister på 4 kilometers afstand, så kan hun se en mongol på fem... Thule har desuden bedt Kim C. om at sælge sin restaurant A Porta, fordi hans medarbejdere, ingen overenskomst har og der er snarligt valg... |


Hvad er Global opvarming - ægte eller fabrikeret? (Klimaaktivisterens modefænomen "global opvarmning")

Ægte eller fabrikeret opspind?
Udgivet første gang den 30. Juni 2014 af Verdensalt 

Læs også: SCAM - Nyt studie viser, at ozonlaget er ved at heles, og ozonhullet over Antarktis skrumper.  

Update 20. Juni 2015: Havene omkring København kan stige 1,6 meter i dette århundrede. Global opvarmning betyder, at havene omkring os vil stige mere end forventet, viser beregninger fra Niels Bohr Instituttet - dr.dk

Global opvarmning er et udtryk, der bliver anvendt dagligt og i en masse forskellige sammenhænge. Men hvad betyder global opvarmning - Eller rettere global køling? Mange miljøforskere kan ikke helt finde ud hvad en præcist definition er. Dog er NASA og NOAA blevet fanget i at manipulere temperatur data og overvurderet omfanget af det 20. århundrede "global opvarmning" siden år 2000. Faktisk er det varmeste årti i USA - 1930'erne. UPS!

Personligt undre det mig ikke, som så mange andre, vi er under manipulation og vildledelse af vores verdens elite. Bedøm selv

Den generelle opfattelse af Global opvarmning;  

Kuldioxid og andet luftforurening indsamles i atmosfæren som en tykt tæppe, fanger solens varme og forårsager planeten til atvarme opKulfyrede kraftværker er den største amerikanske kilde på kuldioxid forurening - de producerer 2,5 milliarder tons om året. Bilerden næststørste kildeskaber næsten 1,5 milliarder tons CO2 årligt.

Forskere ved to af verdens førende klima-centre - NASA og NOAA - er blevet fanget i manipulere temperatur data og overvurderet omfanget af det 20. århundrede's "global opvarmning".

Beviset for deres lappeløsninger kan tydeligt ses på bloggen Real Sciencehvor Steven Goddard har udsendt en række grafer, der viser "klima-ændringer" før og efter justeringerne.

Når de rå data bliver anvendt viser de, ganske lidt, hvis nogen former overhoved for tegn på den globale opvarmning samt global afkøling. Men når data er blevet korrigeret - altså fremstillet ved computermodeller - er det 20. århundrede's "global opvarmning" pludselig meget mere dramatisk.

Dette er især mærkbar på de amerikanske temperatur optegnelser. Før 2000, blev det generelt accepteret - selv ved klima-aktivister som NASAs James Hansen - at det varmeste årti i USA var i 1930'erne.

Som James Hansen selv sagde i en rapport 1989;

David Icke | ~ The Climate Change Hoax: The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast ~ | ~ Ole Dammegård: Greta Thunberg – the Cabal’s puppet given mass exposure to sell their agenda (and she will have no idea) ~ |

(Folkets.dk) Desperat krav til formand: Lad Greta Thunberg komme på talerstolen

I Sverige ønsker flere at lade Greta Thunberg tale i det der svarer til vores Folketing, derovre hedder det så bare Rigsdagen.
Kravet om at lade Greta Thunberg tale er rettet mod Sveriges riksdags talman, altså formanden for deres Folketing, hvilket svarer til Formanden for Folketinget i Danmark.
Den svenske overskrift i Newsner lyder:
Kravet på talmannen: Gör ett undantag och låt Greta Thunberg prata i riksdagen
Det er Andreas Norlén som er Sveriges riksdags talman, ligesom det er Pia Kjærsgaard der er formand i Danmark.
Så situationen svarer til at spørge om en 16-årig klima-aktivist og skole-pjækker kunne få foretræde på landets fornemmeste talerstol. Hvad mon Pia ville sige til det?
I Sverige står Miljöpartiets gruppeledere bag det usædvanlige krav, som ville være et brud med alle traditioner i Riksdagen.
Partiet ved godt at der ville være tale om en undtagelse af de helt store. Ifølge Aftonbladet lyder det således i forespørgslen til Riksdagen formand om at give Greta Thunberg foretræde på talerstolen:”Vi är medvetna om att det är ovanligt att personer utanför riksdagens församling och regeringen talar inför hela riksdagen men ber ändå talmannen att göra ett undantag”.

Strange Sounds | ~ Intense and unexpected rain in the north of Chile has brought another “desierto florio,” or “desert flowering,” to parts of the Atacama, the driest place on Earth ~ | Blogger: Wauv... How breathtaking and beautiful that is... Fits perfectly with April full Moon 2019 and the 'Pink Moon' with rapid fire rainbow solar wave and major purge! Yeah!?... 🌈🌸💕💗🎆... |

(In the meantime, botanists are flocking to study what they can, and tourists are close behind, for beauty, and wonder)

Most of the time, the Atacama desert — the driest non-polar place on Earth, sandwiched between two mountain ranges in western Chile — is gritty, cracked, and red. The desert gets less than 1.5 centimeters of rain per year, the equivalent of six or so hours of drizzle. Sometimes it doesn’t get any at all. But this year… It’s different:

Flowering desert or desierto florido in Atacama desert. Picture via Twitter
Other years, though, are just a little bit damper. In those cases, the seeds sleeping just under the sand wake up, sending shoots to the surface. Those shoots grow leaves and buds. And then, when the time is right, the whole desert lets loose. This is one of those years.

Hoy en una hermosa imagen del Desierto Florido ,en Atacama, Chile. Una maravilla de la Naturaleza... Por esta belleza y mucho más cuidemos nuestro Planeta! 🌺@BoseOfficial

Intense and unexpected rain in the north of Chile has brought another “desierto florio,” or “desert flowering,” to parts of the Atacama.

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Invierno altiplánico provoca singular desierto florido en la Región de Arica y Parinacota . CONAF llama a visitantes a ser respetuosos, "no corte las flores y evite pisar el terreno florido". Los antecedentes en T13 https://bit.ly/2FMtCx6