Oct 7, 2016

Cancer Charities Are A Scam Run By One Family (Blogger: OMG! Spot-on! Been posted this stuff for years! I'm sorry to say this, many people get offended, similar could be directed to Denmark. "The Danish Cancer Society - Kræftens Bekæmpelse", "Save the Children - Red Barnet" and so many other independent organization fundraising by TV-shows and door-to-door money collectors etc. "The charities spent about 97% of donations they received either on private fundraisers or on themselves. Only 3%, she says, went to help actual cancer patients". )

Posted on October 7, 2016 by Soren Dreier
Author: Awareness Act

The Federal Trade Commission and many law enforcement partners for each of the 50 states have made statements saying that none of the money raised by charities has gone towards helping people with cancer. He says that all the money being made has solely benefited those who run the charities.

CNN attempted to speak with several of the charities and were unable to get a comment about this matter. CNN has reported:

The Cancer Fund of America is run by James Reynolds Sr. His son James Reynolds Jr. is the CEO of the Breast Cancer Society. Another charity, the Children’s Cancer Fund of America, is run by Rose Perkins, the ex-wife of the elder James Reynolds. He’s also the CEO of the fourth charity, Cancer Support Services.

The government says the charities claimed to provide direct support for cancer patients, breast cancer patients and children with cancer.

“These were lies,” the government’s complaint says.

Jessica Rich, chief of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection, says that in all, the charities spent about 97% of donations they received either on private fundraisers or on themselves. Only 3%, she says, went to help actual cancer patients.

According to the complaint, funds donated to help cancer patients instead went for personal use, in often lavish ways.

“Donated funds were used to pay for vehicles, personal consumer goods, college tuition, gym memberships, Jet Ski outings, dating website subscriptions, luxury cruises, and tickets to concerts and professional sporting events,” the complaint says.

“Most of what we are doing is bringing actions against fraud,” says Rich. “And this is as about as bad as it can get: taking money away from cancer victims.”

There was also what the FTC calls “rampant nepotism” at play in all of the charities. For instance, at the Breast Cancer Society, James Reynolds Jr. hired his wife, Kristina Hixson, to be his public relations manager. The complaint states that he also hired Hixson’s two sisters, her son by a previous marriage, her mother and her step-nephew. According to the complaint, Hixson’s mother had been a caterer. At the Breast Cancer Society, she was hired to write grant applications.

Moreover,on their tax returns, each charity claimed millions of dollars in donated goods shipped to overseas locations on behalf of cancer patients. The complaint says the charities never owned any of the goods in question and simply paid a fee to a private firm in South Carolina to ship the goods, called gifts-in-kind. CNN went to Guatemala in early 2014 to investigate anyone who may have received those gifts and could find no evidence that they even existed.

As a result of the complaint, two of the charities say they will close their doors. Both the Breast Cancer Society and the Children’s Cancer Fund of America are being dissolved, according to the complaint. James Reynolds Jr. faces a judgment of more than $60 million in fines and Rose Perkins, who runs the Children’s Cancer Fund of America, faces a judgment of around $30 million.

Under a proposed final order, the judgment against Reynolds Jr. will be suspended when he pays $75,000. The judgments against Children’s Cancer Fund of America will be partly met upon liquidation of its assets, and the judgment against Perkins will be suspended due to her inability to pay.

The FTC’s Jessica Rich, however, said there are few assets left. Government regulators will be lucky to recover $1 million, she told CNN.

BREAKING: PET lukker munden på sin tidligere chef - stopper bog (Blogger: Byret forbyder bog om tidligere PET-chef. PET har forlangt og fået et fogedforbud mod udgivelse af bogen 'Syv år for PET', skrevet af Politiken-journalisten Morten Skjoldager om tidligere PET-chef Jakob Scharf. Hverken forfatter eller forlag var underrettet. »Jeg er meget rystet over, at det her kan ske i en demokratisk stat«, siger Jakob Kvist, kreativ direktør i forlaget People's Press. Har den enøjede justitshævner og overvågningsminister Lord Sauron Pind haft en finger med i spillet? Han blander sig i alle andre anliggender, især de retslige instanser. Ligesom Anders Fogh's klassificeret Irak-notat godt gemt i Statsministeriets "særlige sikkerarkiv" såvel masser af andre sager som ikke må se dagens lys. Nu viser det sig også, at den såkaldte ministerbetjeningsregel i offentlighedsloven, har ført til væsentlige indskrænkninger i retten til aktindsigt, konkluderer Folketingets Ombudsmand i ny undersøgelse. For ikke at snakke om at vores efterretningstjeneste ikke vil løfte sløret for omfanget af deres beskyttelse af jøderne eller konkretisere, heller ikke PET og Tibet-sagen. Danmark's elitepolitikere er meget tæt på at efterligne de amerikanske efterhånden. ALT skal holdes hemmeligt. Venstre ved godt, hvis der er indrømmelser i disse tider, er de færdige i Politik...)

Politiken - 

Københavns Byret har nedlagt forbud mod bogen 'Syv år for PET', skrevet af Politiken-journalisten Morten Skjoldager.
»Jeg er meget rystet over, at det her kan ske i en demokratisk stat«, siger Jakob Kvist, kreativ direktør i forlaget People's Press, der udgiver 'Syv år for PET'.
Bogen skulle efter planen udkomme 17. oktober.

Morten Skjoldager har arbejdet med bogen om Jakob Scharfs periode som chef for Politiets i et år. Bogen er en blanding af interview med Scharf og en række andre kilder samt Morten Skjoldagers egne journalistiske beskrivelser af flere sager.



Source: Oneness For All

  • We know each other and I love you.
  • I am sorry it took so long for me to figure it out.
  • I want you to go into the processes that you know about that I don’t.
  • I want you to come together in a benevolence that would create health and a long lasting human being.
  • I want you to talk to me in whatever ways you can that I can that I can recognize.
  • I want to hold your hand and you hold mine for the rest of my life.
  • If there is any imbalance in my body, I would like it to go away in time with appropriate action.
  • I realize that I have habits that are killing me and I want them to change.
  • Dear cellular structure, I want my metabolism to echo my magnificence.
  • Help me to be the right size for the greatest health.
  • Change what is needed, pull on the akash if you need to be in remembrance of who I used to be.
  • Change my diet preferences where I need to.
  • Let the body crave what it needs and not what I want.
  • Bring it to a place of balance and I promise that I will talk to you every day because I love you.


KRYON--YouTube video "Cellular Communication"


Published on Nov 15, 2014
Kryon (Channeled by Lee Carroll) is a "Support" Entity,
Expresing positivity in a beautiful ways.
For more info visit:

Thanks to Galactic Heart

Indigenous Australians most ancient civilisation on Earth, DNA study confirms ("..Prof Eske Willerslev, an evolutionary geneticist who led the work at the University of Copenhagen, said: “This story has been missing for a long time in science. Now we know their relatives are the guys who were the first real human explorers. Our ancestors were sitting being kind of scared of the world while they set out on this exceptional journey across Asia and across the sea.” ..")

A new population analysis of Indigenous Australians and Papuans shows they can trace their origins back to the very first arrivals on the continent about 50,000 years ago. Photograph: Matt Turner/Getty Images

Clues left in genes of modern populations in Australian and Papua New Guinea enable scientists to trace remarkable journey made by first human explorers

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Claims that Indigenous Australians are the most ancient continuous civilisation on Earth have been backed by the first extensive study of their DNA, which dates their origins to more than 50,000 years ago.

Scientists were able to trace the remarkable journey made by intrepid ancient humans by sifting through clues left in the DNA of modern populations in Australia and Papua New Guinea. The analysis shows that their ancestors were probably the first humans to cross an ocean, and reveals evidence of prehistoric liaisons with an unknown hominin cousin.

Prof Eske Willerslev, an evolutionary geneticist who led the work at the University of Copenhagen, said: “This story has been missing for a long time in science. Now we know their relatives are the guys who were the first real human explorers. Our ancestors were sitting being kind of scared of the world while they set out on this exceptional journey across Asia and across the sea.”

The findings appear in one of four major human origins papers published in Nature this week, which together give an unprecedented insight into how humans first migrated out of the African continent, splintered into distinct populations and spread across the globe.

Willerslev’s findings, based on a new population analysis of 83 Indigenous Australians and 25 Papuans, shows that these groups can trace their origins back to the very first arrivals on the continent about 50,000 years ago and that they remained almost entirely isolated until around 4,000 years ago. “They are probably the oldest group in the world that you can link to one particular place,” said Willerslev.

En route to Australia, early humans would have encountered a motley assortment of other roving hominin species, including an unknown human relative who has now been shown to have contributed around 4% to the Indigenous Australian genome. Previously, scientists have discovered that prehistoric couplings have left all non-Africans today carrying 1-6% of Neanderthal DNA.

Willerslev said the latest findings added to the view that Neanderthals and other now extinct hominins, traditionally portrayed as low-browed prehistoric thugs, were “in reality not particularly different” from our own ancestors.

Adding to this picture, a second study found that the advent of modern human behaviours around 100,000 years ago, indicated by cave art and more sophisticated tools, does not appear to have been accompanied by any notable genetic mutations.

EPIC idiocy: NBC News journo says Obama can stop hurricanes (Also: Hurricane Matthew Update - Sinister Skull Seen on Radar Image & HAARP Status Correlation of Hurricane - Blogger: Always, use your own discernment...)


EPIC IDIOCY: NBC News journo Ron Allen announces that Obama's climate change deal will stop hurricanes forever... even the hurricanes on Saturn?
Mike Adams
According to leftist news journalists, hurricanes don't exist anywhere in the cosmos except on planet Earth because they are caused by burning fossil fuels.

Thus, they are totally baffled by the 1200 mile-wide hurricane on Saturn that NASA has been talking about... and all the other storms on Venus, Jupiter and everywhere else in the cosmos.

Check out the stunning idiocy of NBC News reporter Ron Allen, who is mystified by reality and thinks Obama can stop hurricanes.


Hurricane Matthew Update - Sinister Skull Seen on Radar Image & HAARP Status Correlation of Hurricane

News source: https://us.yahoo.com/news/human-skull-seen-eerie-satellite-211545485.html

Just in time for Halloween. A spooky satellite image of Hurricane Matthew resembled a human skull, which, naturally, sent the internet into a frenzy.

The infrared image (captured by NASA) was shared on Twitter by the Weather Channel's senior director of weather communications, Stu Ostro, as the devastating storm made landfall in Haiti Tuesday, October 4.

The post has since been retweeted more than 1,500 times, with many users freaking out over the devilish sight. "Good grief! Thats creepy!" one user wrote. Another added, "Looks like he was smiling for the photo shoot.. Creepy."

NASA Earth Science Office's Paul Meyer, an atmospheric scientist, told CNN that the sinister picture looks like a skull because of the way the colors have been tweaked to focus on the eye of the hurricane. The skull's teeth are cold convective clouds, he told the news outlet Wednesday, October 5.



HAARP Status Network Showing Hurricane Sandy Values For Southeast Coast with a rare WHITE VALUE … a value meaning it is higher than the highest value we have.

With NOAA forecasting a direct hit on Florida we are seeing something completely different.  A white value has been detected and reported along the Carolina coasts with South Carolina at the crosshairs.

Hurricane Matthew will make a strike on this if we are right.   Reports from Florida are indicating high values too .. .but nothing like South Carolina…

Be advised this will be updated in a day but this is the worst we have seen since Hurricane Sandy.


"The Cabal Took The Bait" - Julian Assange as the BAIT (Blogger: Always, use your own discernment...)

"The Cabal Took The Bait" - Guest Post by One Who Believes ~ Intel

Entry Submitted by One Who Believes at 12:31 PM EDT on October 6, 2016

The Cabal Took The Bait!

If you are wondering about the Julian Assange October Surprise Fail, Think Again! It now appears to have been a TRAP set for the Cabal and they took the bait!

Clearly the good guys are still rooting out the bad Cabal Actors, those who are trying to stop this event from taking place. They have just been revealed. This is a multi-faceted event that all played out perfectly as I see it. Let's look at all the moving parts to see that nothing went wrong for us after all.

The First Step To Protect The Internet

We will need to have uninterrupted Internet service for important upcoming information and announcements. For this reason, the Internet was transferred out of the hands of the U.S. into international control which I think made it safer from disruption. But there are still some weak points in the internet system. They needed to have a "Test" or should I say "TRAP" to find those who would still interrupt the service.

The TRAP was set with Julian Assange as the BAIT

Did you see how much notice was given about the "October Surprise" and that Julian Assange would be releasing damaging information on the Cabal? They made sure that everyone knew it was coming. Also did you notice that all this would happen just after the Internet was handed over to international control? Next, it was arranged that the announcement would happen early in the morning when most Americans would be sleeping. Finally the biggest clue of all, nothing was announced.

What Does This All Add Up To?

They scared the Cabal so badly, that they shut down internet service all over the U.S. at the time that the Julian Assange October Surprise announcement was going to be made. I am sure that most Americans had no idea that the internet went dead during that time because they were sleeping. They tricked the Cabal into revealing their hand, and making them do their dirty deeds of cutting off the internet. Now we know who they are and where they are.

This is a picture of all the places that the Internet "Just Happened" to go out at the same time the announcement was to be made. Coincidence? I Think NOT!