Feb 14, 2020

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [“A person should look for love within, not just outside. As long as you don’t find love within, you can’t find love out there, never, never.” — Baba Muktananda]... While we wait on the “Special forces group" from the Light Forces - The Benevolent Alliance... The RV Reboot, the New Quantum Financial System, N.E.S.A.R.A & G.E.S.A.R.A, the EVENT, Planet X (the King planet, which Is coming), Spiritual DNA Activation, Spiritual Paradigm Shift 💘 ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE 💖... "Lord, there are people in this world who have not yet experienced your incredible love. Some of these people seek to harm others because they are different, out of vanity or vainglory, greed as avarice or covetousness, and wrath as anger. I ask you kindly, that you focus your love on our enemies. Please show them what they are missing without you in their lives. Protect the innocent from the harm of others. In Jesus' name, (The Divine Source) Amen."... So be it, and so it is!.. 🙏 .. |

You are the salt of the world. We are the salt of the world. We live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....

Giving Unconditional Love: 
Love yourself unconditionally. 
Unconditional love starts at home, with oneself. ... 
Make the loving choice. ... 
Forgive those you love. ... 
Don't expect to shield someone you love from all discomfort and pain. ... 
Be the protector of love, shine light in the ones who’s needed 

So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin? 
You maybe see me outside, a few like you, can also see me within. 
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see, 
Who I AM is not what others think of me. 
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be, 
A dreamer that just wants to be free, 
A warrior of light for eternity.

Please Donate to support my blog.
If You Feel So Guided Or It Resonate With You. 
Much love & Light. 

😟 ~ (BREAKING BAD): According to DR-news this evening, the court and State of Denmark will send Misane to her death in South Africa (so she claims) 💔 ~ | Blogger: [🔴UPDATE 14/2-2020: She lost - even after a looot of pressure from the authorities of Latvia, a woman that escapes violence from her husband, who threatening her life by gunpoint in South Africa, was forced to kidnap her children to Denmark. She has been sitting and rotting in a danish isolation cell for 14 months straight with no contact to her children, will now be extradited to South Africa ASAP; - It will be my DEATH, according to Latvian national Kristine Misane🔴] ... {prayers go out for her and the children and somebody are able to help her, before she rots up in a South African prison🙏} ... Democracy and human rights for Denmark's ethnic minorities or unwanted foreigners, has never in danish history, been so bad, as it is now. Our politicians want changes, for the worse. Article 8 of the Human Rights Convention, which is intended to guarantee everyone the right to family and private life, as long as it does not conflict with the security of a nation. According to the Danish People's Party, and all parties in the danish parliament, the article is a direct obstacle to pursuing the desired policy in relation to deportation cases. For more than six decades, it has given citizens special rights and safeguarded against abuse, but the European Convention on Human Rights has ended as a definite barrier to Danish immigration law, and the time has now come to a fundamental settlement.... |

Source (baltic-course)

"It speaks for itself that South African correctional centres are overcrowded because of the country's high crime rate, resulting from poverty; unemployment; a lack of education; alcohol and drug abuse; immorality; a lack of respect for human dignity; and possibly multiple other factors."  ~ news24

🛐 ~ Har Scientology & Jehovas Vidner indført strengeste sharialovgivning med afstraffelse, udstødelse og udøver psykisk vold med en parallel domstol fra ældsterådet som ALDRIG må modsiges? Lyver den 40-årige vinduespudser fra Aalborg på Radio4? ~ | Blogger: [🧐Radio4 Morgen havde MANGE spørgsmål, men blev vist ikke meget klogere! Gjorde du?🙋] ... {Hvis du ikke har set filmen Worlds Apart fra 2008 eller "To verdener" skal du se den} ... Som ung, kom jeg på verdensalt sammen med en vild smuk pige fra Jehovas Vidner og vidste godt, det var et kort visit, sidenhen, skulle hun stemme dørklokker via lov fra Jehovas Vidner og forældre og da hun forsvandt sporløst, vidste jeg godt, festen, var slut. Hun havde advaret mig, blev introduceret til den lille reglhåndbog, hun sagde til mig, hun skulle "sow her wild oats", dvs. ja, hun skulle leve et vild sexliv, før hun sagde farvel og om jeg ville med ind? Jeg sagde pænt nej tak, selvom jeg var DYBT forelsket... Har også boet ganske tæt på et Menighedscenter i det nordsjællandske forjættede land... Min mor, har overladt døende troende Jehovas Vidner til det guddommelige, eftersom de ikke vil modtage blod, eller en blodtransfusion på skadestuen og sygehuset... Har haft en del samtaler med 2 medlemmer og Deres datter som er født ind i Scientology og de siger, at disse 2 trossamfund eller kults, med Jehovas Vidner og Scientology, har meget ens afstraffelsesmetoder og de har stort set mistet ALLE venner, efter de trådte ud, 35 år efter... [LÆS VIDERE]... |

... "Som ung musikant blev jeg af mor. spændt fast til et blankpoleret skolebord. jeg skrev min stil og regnede den ud. holdt altid min kæft og sagde ingen imod"...

... "Vær vågen og på vagt, for Jehova kommer snart".....

Jehovas Vidner er et trossamfund med omkring 7 millioner medlemmer verden over. I Danmark vurderes medlemstallet at være på omkring 14.500. Jehovas Vidner betegnes som en verdensomfattende religiøs bevægelse, grundlagt i 1881 i USA af Charles Taze Russell. Bevægelsen er stærkt missionerende og baserer sin lære på en fundamentalistisk bibellæsning, der fokuserer på dommedagsprofetier og Kristi herredømme på jorden. Jehovas Vidner mener at de principper og love Bibelen indeholder, kan hjælpe os til at træffe afgørelser der både glæder Gud og gavner os personligt. (Esajas 48:17, 18) Vi har ikke selv fundet på disse principper og love, men vi lever efter dem. Læg mærke til hvordan nogle af dem har at gøre med det at komme sammen med en...

Blogger: (fortsat) - Faktisk når jeg tænker over det, har snakket en del med min bygningssagkyndig over et par omgange, virkelig flink og rar mand, fra det øvre del af Jehovas Vidners hierarki i Danmark, hvor mænd hersker? Vi lyttede pænt til hinanden, men det, at være enten religiøs, troende eller spirituel åbensindet, kan være vidt forskellige ting, det med at være den moderne menneskes tro på det frie valg, evnen til at kontrollere kaos og den personlige lykke, handler ikke nødvendigvis om, at være tilknyttet til én bestemt Guru eller Gud eller Religion.

Det, at være spirituel er, at være åndfuld og tro på ens egen guddommelighed. Når vi taler om et spirituelt menneske, er det altså et menneske, der tror på noget åndeligt. Noget der ikke er materielt, fysisk og lader sig bevise rationelt. Det hører en anden verden til, hvor begæret er sat på stand-by og hvor man søger oplysning i videste forstand. Det handler om at føle sig fyldt ud indefra af mening, glæde og kærlighed og denne tilstand søges på mange måder i dag. Clairvoyance, læsning af tarotkort, healing, astrologi er blot nogle af metoderne til at søge sin åndfuldhed. Men vigtigst af alt er troen på, at noget større end én selv er til stede og altid er der til hjælp for én selv.... |

Blogger: Spørgsmål til professoren🧑‍🏫

🧰 ~ 💗 Dad of the year right here! 💕 ~ |

❌ ~ AWK NEWS 2.9.20: BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE! Now on OFFENSE! ⚖️ ~ | Blogger: And we know... |

😇 ~ 💗 Sadhguru speaks about Corona virus 💕 ~ | Blogger: [“When calamities come our way, there are many ways to handle it, let’s handle it gracefully.” - Sadhguru] ... |

Source (Joyful Life)

🦠 ~ Edge of Wonder: Coronavirus Outbreak: Why is China Scared of the Truth? [Part 1] ~ |

With all the craziness surrounding the #Coronavirus, we thought we’d shed some light on the subject and give you all the Edge of Wonder perspective. There is a lot of misinformation being spread along with many conspiracies so we dug through it all and will present what we found. However, the questions on everyone’s mind is how dangerous is this virus that was apparently started in #Wuhan and was this virus a natural #outbreak or something much darker? And if it is then what would be the purpose and why? We’ll also get into what the role the mainstream media has played in all this, and if and how they have any economic ties to the #Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in #China.

🙄 ~ Fake Greta strikes again: Bernie ‘agrees’ to rap collaboration with Eilish & West, but smells a rat over ‘KGB sleeper agent’ ~ | Blogger: [👉Bernie Grooming Youngsters? A new Woody Allen Girl Mind-Control Snatcher? Green-Greta, 'Sex Kitten', Ariana Grande & Michael Moore: Maybe We Owe It To Young People To Vote Bernie Sanders👈] ... |

FILE PHOTO. Bernie Sanders participates in the "Climate Forum 2020" in Washington. ©REUTERS
/ Sarah Silbiger; Greta Thunberg © REUTERS/TT News Agency/Pontus Lundahl

Source (RT.com)

Bernie Sanders would apparently wear a gold chain and rap in front of posh cars in order to battle climate change, an idea suggested by Russian pranksters. But being called a KGB sleeper agent proved to be too much.

The Democratic primary frontrunner seems to be the latest target of the comedy duo Vovan and Lexus, who have for years been playing pranks on the world’s leading politicians. Their latest hoax was to phone people while posing as Greta Thunberg, the teen climate activist, and her father. Representative Maxine Waters and actor Joaquin Phoenix were previously pranked by the fake Greta, and now it was apparently the social democrat’s turn.(READ MORE)


Trump DEFEATED in 2020 by #WuFlu Black Swan Event?

👑 ~ Going around the world - 400 million have seen snippets from danish Queen Margaret's ballet ~ | Blogger: [👸The Snow Queen (Snedronningen) "Anna was not a sister, not even a princess. Elsa got an army of snow monsters to kill all the good ones. Elsa was the EVIL "Snow Queen" - In the first version of "Frost", based on the "Snow Queen" in H. C. Andersen's adventure" ~ People.com♕] ... {Oh My God (Here I Go Again)}... Little did (SoTW) know, that the disney movie "Frozen", (a pro-LGBT agenda) started out with an evil female villain and an innocent female heroine and the ending involved a big epic battle, says a producer... And sorry guys, it's no coincidence that our motherly Queen, Margrethe II of Denmark, has been a key player, creatings of costumes and scenography in (Tivoli's) "innocent" ballet : "The Snow Queen"... "IF you felt that Disney's "Frozen" didn't have enough climate and toxic masculinity propaganda to feed your child, you LOVE its new sequel. The shiny new weapon in Disney's fully awakened culture war, Frozen 2, teaches your toddler to be a better MAN and encourage you to buy the electric car. Will it create a good cartoon? The action with Frozen 2 is purely a piece of climate change propaganda. The Telegraph expressed it best when they wrote that parents should prepare for catchy tunes and "be blamed for the destruction of the planet." The story is about how Queen Elsa and Princess Anna's ancestors were colonial monsters who did not care for the environment. Disney thinks this will appeal to all the little Greta Thunbergers running around" ~ (RT)... |

Source (B.T. )

Friendship and courage, love and innocence and a touch of devilishness ~ tivoli.dk

An adventurous ballet performance.

The Queen, Margrethe II of Denmark, Oh Land and top choreographer Yuri Possokhov interpret H.C. Andersen's classic adventure. Discover a poetic tale for the whole family with over 30 dancers, ballet children and live music in the Tivoli Concert Hall.

🤥 ~ (Endnu et SCAM? Benytter sig af berygtet revisor): Kriseramt firma stiger til 600 mio.: - Ser mærkeligt ud ~ | Blogger: [Graverjournalisterne på Ekstra Bladet har igen været på overarbejde. Tidligere nyhedschef på Radio24syv Kristoffer Eriksen, bliv nemlig chefredaktør for Ekstra Bladets gravergruppe] ... ACT.Global bruger Tonny Skov Pedersen, der har fået hele tre kendelser imod sig i Revisornævnet og er idømt bøder på henholdsvis 200.000 kr. i 2012, 10.000 kr. i 2015 og 60.000 kr. i 2017 for stribevis af fejl og brud på selskabsloven... |

Den tidligere landsholdsspiller i fodbold Henrik 'Store' Larsen er både ansat og investor i ACT.Global. Foto: Henning Hjorth

Kilde (E.B.dk)

Trods et underskud på 120 mio. kr. er værdien af ACT.Global eksploderet. Teknologiselskabet fra Kastrup er nu mere end 600 mio. kr. værd - med godkendelse fra berygtet revisor

🧨 ~ In Case You Didn't Catch The Important News You Can't Miss, Last Night~ |

🌌 ~ SPACE: Mysterious 'fast radio bursts' from deep space repeat themselves every 16 days ~ | Blogger: [📡Space: The Final Frontier. Where No Man Has Gone Before???🚨] ... Listen to the Buzzer to get a straight answer ... |

"A repeating Fast Radio Burst from a spiral galaxy" ~ video by JIVE and the EVN

Source (Space.com)

What's creating these unusual signals? And why does this one repeat itself?