Jan 14, 2021
🙏 ~ 💝 (Title: Recalibration of thoughts regarding the Future) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Kryon January 2021 - DONALD TRUMP WILL CHANGE THE WORLD🌟] ... Excerts: 📑"Humanity is new. The age of the Universe, THIS, Universe you are in, even your Galaxy, is ENORMOUS, compared to all the numbers you would consider as Appropiate for Life.. Billions of years, your Galaxy has been here! Many revolutions, maybe up to 16 and some of you, know what I mean, the Stars around the Center!.. There are civilizations millions of years old, the one that seeded you, OVER a million - and you just started - the new Kid on the Block, you might say."📑 ~ KRYON... PS:📑"For HU-manity to achieve Freedom, we must learn to break from the spellmakers (of Dark Magicians) that will install Fear, Helplessness & Global Authority. What that means is, turning to Spiritual Growth, Faith and Self-responsibility, not Victim Mentality, so that WE, Humans with Alien DNA upgrades, DIRECTLY, affect the World and Mother GAIA, rather than delegating our outcomes to others and then hoping they will save us."📑 ~ SoTW... |
🗣️🤘💢 ~ (Heads Up! Antifa/BLM/Police/DS FF ops Jan 6 & 16 2021) THE DEEP STATE'S INSURRECTION 'ACT' (Amazing Polly) ~ | Blogger: As always, AP, offers some intriguing insights with her usual creative investigative skills, curiosity and critical thinking. With lots of evidence to back it up! ... Heads-up for January 16th, 2021... Is the Horned, shirtless man at the Capitol demonstration, a crisis actor with Norwegian rock band tattoo, a DS assist, crazy Trump QAnon supporter or just a "guy"?... It’s a simple question. Was the storming of the Capitol a setup?... |
🌌🔭🌎 ~ (Space Force Involved in Worldwide Blackouts?) "It’s Happening! Robert David Steele on JFK Jr., Lin Wood on EBS and Twitterings" by Kat (DinarC) ~ | Blogger: Below is from Intel Dinar Chronicles... |
These amazing posts from Lin Wood just in, 1-12-21:
Last month, I believe in a Juan O’Savin blog, I postured that 5 plane crashes and two assassinations in the Kennedy family were proof to me of a purposeful cold-blooded plot on the part of the de*ep state to eliminate the Kennedy family.
The White Hats have had Looking Glass technology for however long, that enables them to look into Future Timelines. But the de*ep state also have Looking Glass and other technology much further advanced than we can even imagine that they have withheld from Humanity.
I have zero doubt that when the de*ep state looked into future Timelines where they were defeated, a Kennedy played a major part in their demise.
Whether or not they knew which Kennedy isn’t clear, since they set about destroying the possibility of ANY Kennedy defeating them.
I wrote my theory in a blog. The day after my blog was posted, Juan O'Savin Tweeted a Q post verifying my point, and then I Tweeted it all together.
🔌⏰⚔️ ~ (Cobh blackout. John Solomon & DC police) Homes In Cobh Without Power... (Simon Parkes) ~ | Blogger: WOW! Not only 'PurpleSkyz' from 'OOM2', 'FOX', from 'The Rumor Mills', YouTube channel panel and canadian woman running 'RemovingtheShackles', is also on board saying, Simon Parkes is a fraud!...hmmm... You be the judge as always... Use your own Spiritual Discernment, reading what comes out from Verdensalt.dk... I can ONLY be your tour guide, looking for truth, nothing else and nothing more... Like Cobra and the Resistance (organisation) who has been hunted down, like forever.. There must be a lot of people, afraid of what's coming next... |
Simon Parkes Official
"Cobh was the last port stop for the Titanic in 1912. This action is related to the US going back on the gold standard.
You know who died in 1912 right? All the bankers who were apposed to the setting up of the
Federal Reserve and coming off of the gold standard.
Local people often say of Cobh that it has bad energy." ~ SP
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🖆©️🧾 ~ Global Ophævelse af Signaturer (Anders Bak Acephali) ~ | Blogger: [👉Har også vedlagt 'Hvad er "Danmark"?' + 'Suverænitetserklæring for Nationen Danmark' nyeste video - produceret for Acephali TV af; Brainstorm Crossmedia og Avalon Films👈] ... Dette blogindlæg blev offentliggjort tilbage April 2020 og kan simpelthen ikke huske, om det var Connecting Consciousness Danmark eller Simon Parkes selv, via et hint og et nyhedsbrev, fik os på sporet af Anders Bak Acephali... Det er også ligemeget - her er en beskrivelse af, hvorledes du korrekt udfylder dokumentet: Global ophævelse af Signaturer - hvor 'KONTRAKTEN' sendes til - THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK - som er en koncern ejet af Nationalbanken... Jeg har ikke haft kendskab til denne form for ophævelse af signaturer, men nogle kender måske allerede til Pengeskabelsesbedraget (JFK21 - Jorden Frihed Kundskab) eller Danmarks Nationalbank er ikke en statslig virksomhed og "Kongehuset, styrer Den Danske Frimurerorden og frimurerne styrer alle ministerier og styrelser" ("" det sidste udsagn hentet fra Knud Jacobsen og partiet: Folkets Ret)... Som jeg ser det, så kan dette dokument evt. fritage dig for tvangsvaccination og mange andre ting... [LÆS VIDERE]... |
🏦PS: Vi er nu i 2021 og min egen bank, som jeg har arbejdet for i 20 år og været kunde hos, i over 30 år, har snydt mig under et hussalg og selvom jeg har ejendomsmægler og advokat på sagen, så kan det være, jeg er nødt til at kontakte den lokale Folkedomstolens notar, der måske friholder mig fra bankens uværdige underskrifter (signatur) - Se vidoen "Hvad betyder ordet Signatur?"...
💯HUSK; "VI MARGRETHE DEN ANDEN" (af Guds Nåde Danmarks Dronning, gør vitterligt) er en kode, - fup og svindel ifølge Anders Bak Acephali...
Kongeriget Danmark og Christiansborg Slot (Saxo kaldet 'Insula Maritima' øen i havet eller 'Den maritime ø'), som ligger på Slotsholmen i hjertet af kraftcenteret i København, har ingen JURIDISK "territorial jurisdiktion eller regeringsførelse" over landmassen eller luftrummet omkring Danmark, som de" lovligt "kan dømme og herske over. Slotsholmen var både kongelig bopæl og hjemsted for landets øverste administration siden år 1043..
- Dvs. Kongeriget Danmark, som er et "skib", har KUN jurisdiktion, 200 sømil fra Danmarks territorialfarvand (eller Christiansborg - Borgen).
- Sagt med andre ord, styres vi folket i Danmark af "fremmede pirater" og "babylonske banksters"...
(hentet fra flere vidoer fra Anders Bak)... ||
(Blogger) Kilder:
https://youtu.be/q8rbSYHHYXoSuverænitetserklæring for Nationen Danmark
Den er et resultat af et samarbejde på tværs af forskellige frihedsbevægelser i Nationen Danmark, for at sikre de menneskerettigheder, der blev fjernet da man i 1953 fjernede Grundloven og erstattede den med en privatretslige administrative LOV nr. 169 af 5. juni 1953.
👑⚓🔱~ (Masonic NWO 'Event Horizon 1999', (2001, 1933, 1929) For those who haven't watched this yet, it is very relevant now!! Watch it, you won't regret this gem of history (Qlobal-Change USA) ~ | Blogger: [👉Sergeant Robert Horton - War Castles Overview!👈] ... Do You REALLY want to understand "the whole shebang"???... This might be THE ONLY VIDEO you need to watch - to understand who is the REAL 'hidden hand' and POTUS / GAIA's enemy. Why Global Freedom, Guns and Human Rights, is taken away from us right now, and why THE GREAT RESET Banksters like WEF, Rothschilds and the 13 families' Agenda; COVID-19[84], Plan[Demic] DNA Vaccination Warfare, ID2020 Certification, 'Immunity passports', Event 201 (UN Agenda 21 - 2030) is here and now!... Whenever in doubt, like SoTW was yesterday... When you feel discouraged, it colors so much of your world – you easily find more discouraging signs that things won't work out. That is what i felt yesterday - that EVERYTHING is back to "normal" and no changes has been made in PUBLIC!... Well, Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes (and others) has talk about "The Boss" - POTUS has taken down or made a deal with The Queen of England - The Postmaster General of Great Britain, the Colonies & The 50 States of America (Owners of Empire: The Vatican, the Crown and the District)!... I think on SoTW, the only thing missing, is the King Christian X of Denmark in Masonic regalia - the current Danish monarch, HM Queen Margrethe II - Masonic Grand Lodge Master in Denmark - Danish Order of Freemasons (DDFO). The Grand Lodge of England, known as the Mother Lodge of the World, is the Masonic body that, therefore, "recognizes" other national Masonic Grand Lodges... 😳PS: I'm so embarrassed to say this - but SoTW have been working for the Wall Street Banksters for 20 plus years... Little did I know, I was to regret my decision for the rest of my life... [READ MORE]... |
I have mentioned this topic, sooooo many times on Verdensalt.dk, that DDFO are the REAL 'hidden hand' in Denmark, who controls the ministries and PM of our beloved country and why we are in DEBT to the masonic NWO banksystem, since Denmark went bankrupt in the year 1813, by the year 1814, Denmark, lost Norway to Sweden by the Treaty of Kiel. Denmark has forced to take huge loans from Nathan Rothschild...
FOR SOME, it's gonna be extremely difficult to cope with. I will publish a danish version and how you REJECT as "Victim of War" from The Kingdom of Denmark and Christiansborg Palace (Saxo called 'Insula Maritima' øen i havet or 'The Maritime Island')... |
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