May 20, 2019 | ~ Jyske Bank lod 116.525.134 kroner køre gennem konto for stråmandsfirma på tom grund ~ | (Eng) - According to Danish State Prosecutor for Serious Economic and International Crime, (Bagmandspolitiet), both Jyske Bank (DK) and Nordea Bandk (DK) have been abused by suspected VAT fraudsters by money laundering, large million amounts. "We are sorry that there are signs that this has happened," says Nordea today. "We have done what we should and we hope that this has contributed to SØIK having been able to raise the alarm and prepare a case," says Jyske Bank .. | Blogger: [💸Nååå, hvor cute!. Projekt Greed's kæledigger... Nååååårhhh.... Hvor er de SØDE🐹] ... Tilgiver Gud kun lige så meget, som vi tilgiver? HA! Jyske og Nordea uskyldige og lægger sig flat ned og hjælper SØIK, lige pludselig! Gu er de ej! Du må meget undskylde, men det her, er latterlig og spinner vildere og bredere, men Bankerne, er (stadig) for fede til at fejle... |
Den sag om Jyske Bank viser, at »at bankerne ikke er gode nok til deres hvidvaskbekæmpelse,« mener bankekspert og seniorrådgiver fra Aalborg Universitet Lars Krull. Olivia Loftlund |
Blogger: HVAD SKAL VI GØRE???...
- I fængsel med Borgen, tjente knap 50.000 kroner om dagen i 2017, nu med 20 mio. kr. for super godt udført arbejde i gyldent håndtryk, fra Danske Bank. Når han bliver smidt i brummen, så skabes det precedence for andre bankdirektører og ledende medarbejdere i Bankerne... Ellers ser vi det gentage sig igen, som med Birgitte Bonnesen fyret som Swedbank-direktør, fik 30 millioner og et skulderklap..
- Optrevl hvorfor Christian Clausen fik 140 mio. for at holde kaje og smuttede direkte over i verdens største kapitalforvalter, Blackrock som Formand, uafhængigt bestyrelsesmedlem og seniorrådgiver.
- Gennemse samtlige kontrakter og forbindelser på samtlige GEM's (General Executive Management) i Banker, pensionsselskaber, realkreditinstitutter o.s.v. o.s.v. til lyssky virksomhedsstrukturer og hemmelige bankaftaler, der har noget at gøre med Staten Danmark.
- Skil os af med Finanstilsynet som er så indspist, inkompetent og nederdrægtigt, at de anser som en del af korruption.
- For ikke at snakke om Finansministeriet, som er det mest magtfulde organ i embedsværket og foruden en medspiller, hvem der får ledende stillinger i det offentlige samt private af den mørke stats Elitenetværket.
- Og se for f*** at skille os af med søsterorganisationen, det britiske finanshus NM Rothschild, udvalgt til at rådgive staten om finansielle forhold.
- Til sidst, nullifying det u-folkeejet Nationalbankens råderum, for at spille på alle centralbankers heste og Wall Street imperiets mekka.
- PS: Med den rette strategi samt tid, engagement og en smule held kan du få en større aldersopsparing ud af at droppe pensionselskabet og i stedet selv investere i enkeltaktier, fast ejendom, forældrelejlighed, sommerhus, eller hacienda i Spanien...
Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | May 20, 2019 | ~ Battleships and war planes gather near Indonesia as U.S./China proxy war escalates ~ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis |
Who is this Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist, author of Canadian descent, who lives in Japan. He speaks 4 languages, including Japanese. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, The International Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun English Edition, and South China Morning Post, before his days at Forbes Magazine, where he was the Asian office manager from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports persecuted scandals in the Japanese government and business. After leaving Forbes, he wrote a number of Japanese books, some of which became best sellers, and began to publish on the internet. He surrendered to Japanese citizenship in 2007. He gained some popularity on the internet after he conducted an interview with David Rockefeller in November 2007.
Battleships and war planes gather near Indonesia as U.S./China proxy war escalates
Published by Benjamin on May 20, 2019
A full undeclared proxy war between China and the United States is now raging around the world and is only going to escalate. Tariffs and the U.S. blacklisting of telecom giant Huawei was just an opening salvo in a war that could turn hot, multiple sources agree. The Chinese have already told the Americans, “If you want to talk, the door is open; if you want to fight, we will fight to the end.”
The biggest battlefield in this war is about to be Southeast Asia, according to White Dragon Society (WDS) sources in the region. Chinese, American, and Australian warships as well as French fighter jets are now congregating around Indonesia in preparation for major battles when disputed presidential election results are announced on May 22nd, the sources say.
The incumbent President, Joko Widodo, is backed by China and is expected to win by 11%. He will face mass demonstrations by students and Muslim activists complaining about vote fraud and supporting his anti-Chinese opponent Prabowo Subianto.
Prabowo is married to the daughter of long-term dictator Suharto and was also head of the Indonesian special forces. Prabowo once warned Singapore founding father Lee Kuan Yew that “Chinese in Indonesia were at risk because in any trouble―riots―they would be hurt as a minority.”* Already one pro-Chinese general has died from an engineered “monkey pox” virus brought in from Singapore, Asian secret society sources say. The planned demonstrations “will be attacked with poison gas and bioweapons,” the sources say.
An engineered crash of the Indonesian rupiah and stock markets will further destabilize the Widodo regime, they say. CIA sources in Southeast Asia agree, and say it might be a good time to temporarily evacuate funds from Indonesia.
The troubles brewing in Indonesia will coincide with a major anti-Chinese push in Laos and Thailand, the WDS source says. The push in the region will also be against what are perceived to be “fraudulently elected Zionist lackeys,” according to CIA sources in the region.
It’s also a good guess that the “miracle” victory (defying exit polls) by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison in a general election over his more pro-Chinese opponent Bill Shorten was “engineered” as part of this general anti-Chinese offensive.
The Chinese, for their part, are not planning to respond with half-measures. Chinese military intelligence sources have previously told this writer that China has made contingency plans to occupy India, Korea, and Southeast Asia (minus Vietnam) within two months in the event of excess provocations by the Americans.
The airing of anti-American Korean war movies in China is a hint about what the Chinese plan. For sure, something big is about to happen on the Korean Peninsula, confirm North Korean and Asian secret society sources. A North Korean source who contacted this writer for the first time in many months says that North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un is …
(Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)
Verdensalt | - Energi For Sjælen | Blogger: [😇Kan varmt anbefales💜] ... "Mange mennesker går rundt og funderer over de store spørgsmål i tilværelsen: Hvem eller hvad er jeg? Er der et formål med livet? Hvad vil jeg med min tilværelse? Hvordan realiserer jeg mig selv? Hvorfor er verden så uretfærdig? Er der et liv efter døden, og hvor kommer jeg da hen? Formålet med denne hjemmeside er at give sådanne mennesker en håndsrækning. Nogle ting til eftertanke. Noget, man kan tage til sig eller kaste bort. Det er alt sammen i orden. Vi mennesker har en fri vilje og ret til at (s)tyre vort eget liv – så længe vi ikke træder andre over tæerne med vilje. Vi bør som selvstændige individer selv danne vore egne meninger på baggrund af egne erfaringer og egne valg." ... 🤜 (blogger) Stig Boye Petersen, sjæl og motivation mediator, kan man vel kalde ham - der er mere mellem himmel og jord (RIP 2004). Dansk blog handler om en form for sandhed om Kærlighed, Jesus, WingMakers, Nibiru, Rumfolk, Esoterisk Filosofi og så mange andre vigtige emner. Han havde oversat en del ting til dansk, hentede inspiration og var klarsynet på en letforståelig og spiseligt måde (også til børn og behagelig musik) ... PS: Det er en skam, at han er borte, mener, han var lige så vigtig og en moderne udgave af mejeristen, Martinus Thomsen. holder ham i live 🤛... |
Indehaverens profil:
Sagt med egne ord:
Indehaverens profil:
Borgerligt navn: Stig Boye Petersen
Sagt med egne ord:
- Mislykket krydsning mellem fransk mor og dansk far.
- Født 1931 i Algier. Deporteret til Danmark i foråret 1933.
- Tugtet i Fredericia katolske skole.
- Indoktrineret i mellemskolen og gymnasiet, hvorfra jeg blev smidt ud til realiteternes verden i 1950.
- Vegeterede som natportier, laborant på et Apotek, forsøgte at blive radiotelegrafist, men kunne ikke dytte hurtigt nok.
- 3 år i 3. feltartilleriregiment. 3 år som laborant på Studsgård Forsøgsstation.
- Tog lærereksamen på Haderslev Statsseminarium.
- Lærer i Lindknud indtil 1975. Holdt op på grund af migræne.
- Startede et offsettrykkeri, som jeg lukkede i år 2000 for at hengive mig til en pensionisttilværelse.
- Har i årenes løb foretaget dyberegående studier af alskens videnskaber samt filosofi.
- Oversætter fra primært engelsk og tysk. Redaktør af ”Krystallernes Venner” (gået ind), nu mangeårig redaktør af bladet UFO KONTAKT.
- Foredragsholder. Emner: Krystaller, UFOer, healing, filosofi.
- Skrevet et utal af artikler, humoristiske og filosofiske samt bogen ”Kontroversielle Tanker”.
- Hovedværk: Oversættelse af ”Kundskabens bog – Enochs Nøgler. Healer, sangskriver m.m.
- Valgsprog: Udret i dag, hvad du alligevel ikke orker i morgen.
FM144.blogspot | ~ 💗 BLUE FULL MOON UPDATE: TWINS, ARROWS AND SUPPLIES 💕 ~ | Blogger: Thanks to Teilen and again for bringing us so many intel full of light/love....💜 |
Many relationships between Starseeds don't work because since the Fall of Atlantis a huge energetic black magic apparatus is going against it. The Archons are attacking relationships by sending demons into the couples to trigger all sorts of quarrels.
It would be even worse if Twin Flames met. That's why no one's with their Twin Flame. To be honest, most Twin Flames are not even incarnated on Earth at the same time because it would be too dangerous (except in a few cases, where a Twin Flame has been in an avatar for a very short period of time or has given parts of itself into it).
Because of these attacks Soulmates usually live apart from each other too. However, the Light Forces have achieved tremendous victories in recent years. The Twin Flames are coming from the ships now and the first waves are just arriving via Walk-ins, as previously agreed with the Souls. This is not about hostile takeovers or occupations (as the Archons would do); it’s about a loving agreement between Souls, like people sharing a car together. One drives it a certain distance and duration, gets out, the other one gets in and drives on.
Of course, the newly arrived Walk-ins must first “acclimatize” to the surface of the Earth. Many important Twin Flames of the first wave are important Light Souls, Atlantis Souls, Goddesses, Star Souls … and they have to find their way around here first. So, a certain wave has already landed and more will follow in the coming months. It is of the utmost importance, that the Twin Flames became reunited again and recognize each other tenderly. It is also important, that they already feel their energy and presence on the surface, so their energy bodies can already begin to merge and ascend.
However, some Twin Flames will only recognize themselves in the course of a conversation, because memories will suddenly get triggered and unlocked … then the healing process can begin. Twins Flames are very intimate, calm, sober, very familiar … there will be no more games in relationships.
The Archons have created so-called Anti-Goddesses. So, for every Goddess incarnated on the planet, there exists an ethereal Anti-Goddess with the mission to attack the real Goddesses. These entities also steal soul parts from incarnated Goddesses and bury them in their dark realms (within actually existing energetic snake pits).
They are also old enemies of the Goddess Aphrodite, known from the Greek Mythology and actually existing on the energetic plains.
Verdensalt | ~ How To Keep Your Spiritual Stealth Missions Quiet ~ | Blogger: [🌱Just In Time Disclosure. Verdensalt Are Proud To Announce How You Access The THC in DENMARK💎] ... {👐The Tachyon Chamber is designed for human evolution only🌹] ... Strangely enough, Cobra has not put Denmark on the map at latest message by May 15, 2019, or anywhere else, so after a trial period of 1 year time, I have pushed and been allowed by the danish steering board, to reveal the location and how you access it. BY THE WAY, it's totally free to use, yes, only runned by donations (service by heart💓)... There's STILL things i'm not allow to talk about in details, because you know, that someone else is listening in. Sorry to be so cryptic about it... I can DISCLOSURE however, the planetary network of Tachyon Healing Chambers is being supervised by Cobra, locals to enforce it and supported by Pleiadians and other cosmic civilizations of Light. You can now schedule Tachyon healing sessions worldwide... Here's ONE version, how to explain THC, but it's a totally individual experience: A Tachyon Chamber is a portal that delivers tachyon energy to the human body. Using advanced, Pleiadian technology that configures sacred geometry, noble metals, and crystals embedded with “wormhole technology,” the Chamber attracts tachyon particles from beyond “near Earth orbit” and funnels them directly into the person occupying the Chamber. The effects of Tachyon Chamber sessions are permanent. Each session experience is very individual, from enhancement of their general energy field, increased feelings of well-being, greater emotional and mental clarity, and increasing ease with physical issues etc. etc. ... 'Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened'... With that i mean, if you're really, really serious and pushed by your guides, and would like to know about or wish to try a Tachyon healing chamber, there's ways to make an appointment, for locally interests and a wider, in depth information source is already given and provided in my own local language, just seek, and ye shall find... 🗒️ NOTE: MedBeds, Star Trek's replicators, time machines, quantum teleportation technologies and other high-tech space rocket systems (Quantum Vacuum & Zero Point Energy), laser satellites and Direct Energy Weapon (which have been traded with other extraterrestrial civilizations for 70 years, etc. etc.) has NOTHING to do with tachyon energy. The THC is a place of healing your body, not a cure, and anyone who are familiar with angelic healing or crystal healing and chakras, understand, what it's all about (very simplified version of understanding) ...🛎️ PS: Please be aware, other companies provide services to similar Tachyon healing products, which is not originated from Pleiadians starbrothers and starsisters (that's acc. to Cobra)... 👛DONATIONS: The Personal Home Tachyon Chamber is VERY expense, heating, prep etc. but we got an amazing (danish) sponsor, and team behind it to operate it, do it for FREE. Come and try it, it's really something else. You could contact verdensalt to get more info... WELCOME... 🙏 |
👉DENMARK: Hårlev, Køgevej 6, 4652 contact
Official danish (language in danish) welcome page:
Denne hjemmeside er under udarbejdelse (
Vi er en gruppe der er dedikeret til at udbrede kendskabet til tachyon energi og dens healende egenskaber, samt information om de omstændigheder der hæmmer den enkeltes mulighed for selvhelbredelse og selvbestemmelse.
Det er vores mål at tilvejebringe information om de kræfter der undertrykker, manipulerer og sygeliggøre os, så vi på den måde får skabt en højere fælles bevidsthed, der vil resulterer i en bedre livskvalitet med frihed og sundhed til alle.
Hvad er tachyon / tachyoner?
De er subatomiske partikler, som indeholder det fulde spektrum af åndeligt lys. De var de allerførste partikler, der blev skabt fra kilden, i begyndelsen af dette univers. Derfor er de en direkte forbindelse med kilden, og de overfører den sande oprindelige plan for skabelsen. Dette omfatter den oprindelige tegning af hver enkelt af os, fra vores sjæl (som er en del af Kilden).
Tachyoner eksisterer altid samtidigt på alle planer, fysiske, æteriske, astrale osv. Lys bærer information, sandhed, og når vi har de rigtige oplysninger, kan hele vores væsen, alle vores kroppe (fysiske, astrale osv.) tilpasses denne sandhed. Derfor kan tachyoner indlede helbredelse af en sygdom, fysisk, mentalt, følelsesmæssigt osv. Da Tachyoner bevæger sig hurtigere end lys, ser de ud til at formindske entropien af fysisk materie. På grund af dette kan det omdanne aldringsprocessen og styrke immunforsvaret.
Det er Kildens vilje at helbrede hele skabelsen, derfor er alt forpligtet til at blive genforbundet med Kilden og blive helbredt. Dette afhænger dog stadig af, at hver enkelt persons beslutninger om fri vilje er i overensstemmelse med kildens-oprindelige form på alle aspekter, dette er den vigtigste faktor, der bestemmer helbredelsens hastighed. Kilden har også udstedt dekret om, at det ikke længere er muligt at afbryde sin oprindelige plan for meget, i det omfang at være i mørke og onde, så alt ondt og mørke bliver nu gradvist fjernet og omdannet til Lys uanset den frie vilje hos dem, der er involveret i mørke aktiviteter.
Tachyoner har en ekstraordinær helbredende og harmoniserende effekt. De kan fuldstændig harmonisere alle energifelter, der er resultatet af tyngdekraft, elektromagnetisme og svag atomkraft. Dette afspejler praktisk talt på mange måder. Tachyon energi harmoniserer og opliver energimatrixen, som former alle ting og dermed også vores mentale, følelsesmæssige, æteriske og fysiske legemer. Alt dette har stor betydning for vores fysiske sundhed og trivsel. Da det harmonerer alle elektromagnetiske emissioner, er det også en fremragende beskyttelse mod alle former for elektroforurening.... (...)....
Tachyoner eksisterer altid samtidigt på alle planer, fysiske, æteriske, astrale osv. Lys bærer information, sandhed, og når vi har de rigtige oplysninger, kan hele vores væsen, alle vores kroppe (fysiske, astrale osv.) tilpasses denne sandhed. Derfor kan tachyoner indlede helbredelse af en sygdom, fysisk, mentalt, følelsesmæssigt osv. Da Tachyoner bevæger sig hurtigere end lys, ser de ud til at formindske entropien af fysisk materie. På grund af dette kan det omdanne aldringsprocessen og styrke immunforsvaret.
Det er Kildens vilje at helbrede hele skabelsen, derfor er alt forpligtet til at blive genforbundet med Kilden og blive helbredt. Dette afhænger dog stadig af, at hver enkelt persons beslutninger om fri vilje er i overensstemmelse med kildens-oprindelige form på alle aspekter, dette er den vigtigste faktor, der bestemmer helbredelsens hastighed. Kilden har også udstedt dekret om, at det ikke længere er muligt at afbryde sin oprindelige plan for meget, i det omfang at være i mørke og onde, så alt ondt og mørke bliver nu gradvist fjernet og omdannet til Lys uanset den frie vilje hos dem, der er involveret i mørke aktiviteter.
Tachyoner har en ekstraordinær helbredende og harmoniserende effekt. De kan fuldstændig harmonisere alle energifelter, der er resultatet af tyngdekraft, elektromagnetisme og svag atomkraft. Dette afspejler praktisk talt på mange måder. Tachyon energi harmoniserer og opliver energimatrixen, som former alle ting og dermed også vores mentale, følelsesmæssige, æteriske og fysiske legemer. Alt dette har stor betydning for vores fysiske sundhed og trivsel. Da det harmonerer alle elektromagnetiske emissioner, er det også en fremragende beskyttelse mod alle former for elektroforurening.... (...)....
PS: (blogger:)
Pleiadians and other cosmic civilizations of Light use tachyons as basic source of energy: as hyperdrive energy source for their spaceships by creating hyperspace wormholes, for healing, information transmission and for other purposes. Tachyon belt that represents the border between the entropic and syntropic universe is now surrounding our planet. High energy cosmic rays enter this Solar system from interstellar space and carry tachyons with them. Some of these tachyons reach the surface of our planet through a hyperdimensional wormhole that we have created with a quartz oscillator crystal aboard Genesis II spacecraft and these tachyons can be utilized in our Tachyon healing chamber that we have developed in cooperation with the Pleiadians. This special Tachyon chamber enables the arrival of tachyons from higher dimensions into physical matter.
Tachyons have an extraordinary healing and harmonizing effect. They can harmonize completely all energy fields that are result of gravity, electromagnetism and weak nuclear force. This reflects practically in multitude of ways. Tachyon energy harmonizes and enlivens the energy matrix which shapes all matter and thus also our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies. All this affects greatly our physical health and well-being. Since it harmonizes all electromagnetic emissions it is also an excellent protection against all forms of electrosmog. A healing session inside the Tachyon chamber takes 20 minutes and has irreversible positive effects on all aspects of our being.
Pleiadian Tachyon Healing Chamber is custom made according to your specifications and can be used as the most advanced healing technology for spas and healing centers. Price upon request. Flexible financing plan is available. Please allow 3 months for construction and delivery.
A planetary network of Tachyon Healing Chambers is being built. You can now schedule Tachyon healing sessions worldwide.
North America:
Waynesboro, Virginia, USA contact
Eagle Butte, South Dakota, USA contact
Scottsburg, Oregon, USA contact
Petaluma, California, USA contact
Los Angeles, California, USA contact
Sedona, Arizona, USA contact
Sechelt, British Columbia, Canada contact
Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada contact
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada contact
- There's a free forum you could join by asking the web admin
- Lots of information & if you also wish to place crystal & sacred stone in the ground (on dark places to evoke pure light), like cintamani stones (Tibetan Quartz (whitish crystal), morganite crystal (pinkish crystal), there's guidelines and map of cintamani grid in Denmark...
- Documents and link on the page, is important, because it only references to original Cobra sites
- We truly miss YOU to share some experiences and of course we're happy to receive donations... 💜
Tachyon Healing Chamber
(official cobra site & from link at the latest Situation Update)
Tachyons have an extraordinary healing and harmonizing effect. They can harmonize completely all energy fields that are result of gravity, electromagnetism and weak nuclear force. This reflects practically in multitude of ways. Tachyon energy harmonizes and enlivens the energy matrix which shapes all matter and thus also our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies. All this affects greatly our physical health and well-being. Since it harmonizes all electromagnetic emissions it is also an excellent protection against all forms of electrosmog. A healing session inside the Tachyon chamber takes 20 minutes and has irreversible positive effects on all aspects of our being.
Pleiadian Tachyon Healing Chamber is custom made according to your specifications and can be used as the most advanced healing technology for spas and healing centers. Price upon request. Flexible financing plan is available. Please allow 3 months for construction and delivery.
A planetary network of Tachyon Healing Chambers is being built. You can now schedule Tachyon healing sessions worldwide.
North America:
Waynesboro, Virginia, USA contact
Eagle Butte, South Dakota, USA contact
Scottsburg, Oregon, USA contact
Petaluma, California, USA contact
Los Angeles, California, USA contact
Sedona, Arizona, USA contact
Sechelt, British Columbia, Canada contact
Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada contact
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada contact
PFC | ~ WHISTLE BLOWN: The Source of The Opioid Epidemic In The USA ~ | Blogger: [⚕️The hospitals of New Hampshire are responsible for the sole called “opioid epidemic” ~ anonymous💊] ... DENMARK has more opioid-dependent than neighboring countries. Doctors may at times prescribe drugs too easily, or they are pressured by patients to prescribe drugs that are not necessary. Aggressive marketing lobbying pharmaceutical industry and government owned health authorities, are part of the explanation... |
By anonymous,
The hospitals of New Hampshire are responsible for the sole called “opioid epidemic”. They receive shipments of heroine and fentanyl from the military and selling it illegally to street dealers in order to fund secret underground projects such as the SSP(Secret Space Program) and ICC. The heroine and fentanyl come straight from China via boat to Alaskan U.S military bases. From there they are shipped across Canada to the north New Hampshire border.
Military personnel are allowed easily across the Canadian border and are not stopped or questioned from Canadian police because they are marked military vehicles. The Canadian/U.S border is not heavily watched or protected as well making the shipments smooth and easy. From there, they proceed to northern New Hampshire military bases such as the one in Littleton, NH. At the base, the drugs are loaded into inconspicuous trucks and then shipped to hospitals such as Dartmouth Hitchcock, Nashua, NH or Cottage Hospital in Woodsville, NH. These sleezeball hospitals are fronts for the illegal drugs trade and are filled with malpractice in order to get extra money from the government via unpaid, uncalled for, ridiculously unnecessary hospital bills.
They will intentionally make you sick to get all the money they can from you. Aside from that, they sell the drugs to dealers in order to get the drugs out on the street and into the arms of the sheep, revolutionaries that would present a problem to the deep states control. Since the state and local police are in on this scheme; the street dealer, after being sold the drugs, is carefully watched along with every deal they make. When the time is right, they are caught and snatched up by the police and sent to federal prison where they will live out the rest of their days, and where no one will listen to their story of how the government and hospitals played them like a god damn fiddle. | ~ Løkke: Vi skal have permanent grænsekontrol ~ | Blogger: [🛑The Schengen Borders Code Illegal Permanent (Mexico Barrier) at Denmark and Germany Borders🚫] ... In the name of (Fake) Terrorism, Migration Pressures (created by war nations western Cabal) & cross-border crime (MS13 & Crisis Actors) says our beloved PM, Lars Løkke Rasmussen... PS: For many months, Inger Støjberg is the Danish Minister for Immigration, Integration and Housing, has in SECRET, been working on changing central rules in European cooperation (more like bending)... |
RT | ~ Europe is love, Europe is life: EU Commission takes heat for ‘Orwellian’ tweet ahead of elections ~ | Blogger: WHAT did Matthew Ward say about EU, The Cabal! and False Flags?... |
Excerpts: from Matthew’s Message, May 15, 2019:
There is evidence that the fire at Notre Dame in Paris was started by arsonists, but most likely the “official” cause will be faulty wiring or simply “unknown.” The cathedral was set ablaze by the Illuminati as unmistakable warnings to French President Macron and Pope Francis.
The message to Macron, one of the Illuminati’s primary puppets in governments, is to crack down on the Yellow Vest movement and not even think about letting France leave the EU, which was established and is controlled by the Illuminati.
The message to Pope Francis: Do not reveal anything about the Vatican’s financial dealings and massive monetary wealth—the Illuminati use some of that to further their aims—and cease efforts to end satanic rituals. As the international headquarters of Satanism, the Vatican is the choice location for human sacrifices, which produce the lowest of vibrations and enable the Illuminati’s very existence. To them, destruction to the cathedral is symbolic of Satan’s power to destroy God.
The tumultuousness in the energy field of potential around Robert Mueller’s report and the most involved principals can be likened to the continual popping of fireworks that produce only noise and smoke. Because there is no clarity in this matter in the energy field, we don’t know if the report will lead to impeachment proceedings or if evidence referred to various legal systems will lead to prosecution of any individuals.
Julian Assange is one of the souls who volunteered to leave their homelands and experience whatever harshness would befall them for being truth-tellers, or “whistleblowers.” Once incarnated on Earth, all of that was lost to his conscious awareness, just as it is with all other souls in a third density world that is rife with human frailties. When the opportunity arose whereby Assange could make available to the public information that the US government did not want disclosed, he was fulfilling his soul-level commitment by following inner urgings to act upon the opportunity. We honor him and all other souls who fulfill their mission to make truths known to Earth’s peoples...(...)...
READ MORE>>🇪🇺 is peace— European Commission 🇪🇺 (@EU_Commission) May 18, 2019
🇪🇺 is freedom
🇪🇺 is solidarity
🇪🇺 is diversity
🇪🇺 is human rights
🇪🇺 is opportunities
🇪🇺 is Erasmus
🇪🇺 is research
🇪🇺 is protection
🇪🇺 is equality
🇪🇺 is the future.
Vote. #ThisTimeImVoting
The JB Bardot Archives | ~ The Internet Browser NSA Doesn’t Want You To Use ~ |
Written by Daniel Jennings
There’s a free method of searching the Internet that’s so anonymous and secure the National Security Agency wants to destroy it. It’s called TOR or the Onion Router, and documents obtained by The Guardian indicate that both theNSA and its British partner GCHQ have been unable to crack TOR.
An NSA analyst described TOR as the “king of high-secure, low latency internet anonymity.”
So what is TOR and how can you use it? Basically, TOR is a network that bounces your searches and communications all over the Internet via several different computers making them hard to track. You access TOR using a special browser or an app.
The NSA has had such a hard time trying to crack TOR that it actually created a top secret presentation called TOR Stinks.TOR Stinks was among the documents leaked by Edward Snowden to the Guardian. Its author wrote: “We will never be able to de-anonymyze all TOR users all the time.” That means the NSA will never be able to identify all TOR users.
The most interesting thing about TOR is that it was developed by the US government, specifically the State Department and the Defense Department. The idea was to create a secret and secure means of communication for spies and dissidents.
TOR works by creating an encrypted packet of Internet traffic that is bounced through a number of nodes or servers. TOR users use a special Firefox web browser that sends all of the traffic through the TOR network. This is hard to track because it isn’t moving through normal channels.
A TOR user in Nebraska might have her Internet traffic routed through a node in Manitoba and another Node in Great Britain which would confuse a person trying to locate her. It isn’t perfect but it’s a pretty good way of covering your tracks online.
A good way to think of TOR is as another secret Internet inside the Internet. It’s currently used by spies, dissidents, journalists and special operations soldiers such as those in Delta Force. These are called Darknets and they’re often used by criminals as well as the government.
The NSA has made a number of efforts to crack TOR. It’s tried to insert malicious code into TOR’s browser bundle. The NSA had been using a hole in Firefox to infiltrate TOR but that’s recently been plugged.
So what is TOR and how can you use it? Basically, TOR is a network that bounces your searches and communications all over the Internet via several different computers making them hard to track. You access TOR using a special browser or an app.
The NSA has had such a hard time trying to crack TOR that it actually created a top secret presentation called TOR Stinks.TOR Stinks was among the documents leaked by Edward Snowden to the Guardian. Its author wrote: “We will never be able to de-anonymyze all TOR users all the time.” That means the NSA will never be able to identify all TOR users.
How TOR works
The most interesting thing about TOR is that it was developed by the US government, specifically the State Department and the Defense Department. The idea was to create a secret and secure means of communication for spies and dissidents.
TOR works by creating an encrypted packet of Internet traffic that is bounced through a number of nodes or servers. TOR users use a special Firefox web browser that sends all of the traffic through the TOR network. This is hard to track because it isn’t moving through normal channels.
A TOR user in Nebraska might have her Internet traffic routed through a node in Manitoba and another Node in Great Britain which would confuse a person trying to locate her. It isn’t perfect but it’s a pretty good way of covering your tracks online.
A good way to think of TOR is as another secret Internet inside the Internet. It’s currently used by spies, dissidents, journalists and special operations soldiers such as those in Delta Force. These are called Darknets and they’re often used by criminals as well as the government.
The NSA has made a number of efforts to crack TOR. It’s tried to insert malicious code into TOR’s browser bundle. The NSA had been using a hole in Firefox to infiltrate TOR but that’s recently been plugged.
How to use TOR
NN | ~ 💥 Now that we know the FBI is corrupt and treasonous, it’s time to revisit the “official narrative” of 9/11 in search of the real truth 💥 ~ | Blogger: Oh man!... This is not explosion news, but look at the first video about 9/11 and Controlled Demolition, hosted at - MIND-BLOWING 🤯... Thanks to Mike Adams...🙏 |
(Natural News) Now that the American people are fully aware the FBI is a corrupt, treasonous criminal cabal, it’s important to revisit the events of 9/11:
- The FBI confiscated hundreds of security camera videos from the areas surrounding the Pentagon to hide the fact that the building was never struck by a commercial airliner (as was universally claimed by the fake news media). The videos have never been released to the public. The official story is a lie, just like the Russia collusion hoax. In truth, the Pentagon was struck by a cruise missile fired by a deep state-controlled rogue element of the U.S. military. It was a classic false flag attack.
- The 9/11 attacks were allowed to take place in order to push through the Patriot Actwhich allowed the intelligence community to spy on political opponents and American citizens. This power was used by the Obama administration to illegally surveil Trump campaign officials and family members. The illegal spying operation was called “Operation Hammer,” and according to The American Report:
The Hammer is the Stasi-like secret surveillance system created by CIA/NSA/FBI contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery for Obama’s intelligence chiefs, CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.
The Hammer, under the Obama administration, negated every American’s constitutional rights to privacy, turning the United States into a police state where the federal government was weaponized by the Obama administration against its political enemies.
TV2 FNYS NEWS | ~ Russisk trussel kan betyde jagerfly i Grønland, siger minister ~ | Blogger: [🛦F-16, F-35 Terma A/S. Northrop Grumman. Lockheed Martin. DTU Space. Krigsmageri. Krigsfortjeneste. Undgå oprydning og nedsmeltningen af isen fra hemmelige Camp Century og Project Iceworm og de efterladte 200.000 liter dieselolie samt forarmede uran eller DU. Udvidelse af Thule-basen, Uranudvinding og Lufthavnsprojekter. Gud bevare Danmark☢️] ... |
Forsvarsminister Claus Hjort Frederiksen (V) mener, der kan blive brug for jagerfly på Grønland Foto: Mads Claus Rasmussen / Scanpix Denmark |
Nuclear reactors at Camp Century in Greenland. Image: US Army/Wikimedia Commons -- link |
🔴 Nyhedsbrev fra | cand. jur. & markedsøkonom Lars Bjørknæs | ~ Mette Bock politianmeldt for brug af fupforening til at opnå sendetilladelse ~ | Blogger: HOLD DA K***! Andre sære ting som er sket... Politikere benytter sig af ufine marketing-tricks, som da Lars Løkke hev et uldent brev om tal fra 2005, op af lommen, eller misbruger sin søns svigerdatter, så folk får medlidenhed, at være i følelsernes vold/magt og svindle borgere.. Eller Mette F. gentager gammelt Løkke-citat, som han er blevet konfronteret med igen og igen...|
Igennem de seneste måneder har kulturminister Mette Bock
været bannerfører for en række krav til Radio 24syv, for at den offentligt
finansierede radiostation kan fortsætte med at sende. Eksempelvis at
størstedelen af udsendelserne har skullet produceres udenfor København, hvilket
i første omgang medførte, at Radio 24syvs ejere ikke ønskede at søge om en
forlængelse af sendetilladelsen.
Derfor skulle man måske også tro, at Mette Bock selv
ville gå forrest, når det har handlet om at have styr på ansøgningerne om
sendetilladelser. Men som det fremgår af dagens artikler på, har
det ifølge hendes kritikere langt fra været tilfældet.
Således blev hun blandt andet politianmeldt for
oprettelse af det, som blev omtalt som brugen af en fupforening, for at sikre
en sendetilladelse til en radiostation med udgangspunkt i det sydlige Jylland
Det er en historie, vi de kommende dage fortsætter
dækningen af på Det skyldes ikke kun den specielle
konstruktion, som blev anvendt i forbindelse med sikring af sendetilladelsen
til stationen Skala FM i Aabenraa- og Sønderborg-området.
Men også at en af Danmarks absolut største mediehuse har
gjort brug af den helt op til 2017 – og at den påfaldende forening har medført
milliontab for konkurrent på det syd- og sønderjyske radiomarked. | ~ Former TV producer Jay Weidner panics after exposing GAIA TV broadcasting hoaxed program content - attacks NewsEvolut- ion’s Patty Greer and Alfred Lambremont Webre’s exposé of DEW at UFO conferences 2016-18 ~ | Blogger: [👥Are Patty Greer and Alfred Lambremont Webre’s exposé of DEW at UFO conferences 2016-18 a Hoax❔] ... {I (verdensalt) have ONE goal. Only 1. Pursuing THE Truth (destroying the Facade)] ... ❓: Is verdensalt absolutely sure, Corey and David (Emery Smith, Divine Cosmos) are not scammers?... 🙋: I don't know that, Yes i have meet them in US, been following them for a looong time now, good hearted and wants to help, however been through many MKUltra Trauma from Childhood, some say?... ❓: Has COBRA (recently) been infiltrated & guru support groups helping to turn the organisation into a black magic cash-cow maschine? ... 🙋: Maybe? Who knows, i mean, something is wrong, i know that... ❓: Did verdensalt attend the 2018 UFO Congress were one of my americano compadres (Patrice) longtime friend, Craig R. Lang, died, along with 2 other attendees, at that particular congress... 🙋: YES, Craig Lang was a hypnotherapist and Minnesota State MUFON Director and felt ill, flu symptoms (like) and went into a phoenix hospital and never came out. Another guy, I did notice was sitting in the back of the room of the conference with a 'deadly cough' and thinking several times to approach him and offering him my 'colloidal silver'. And as i mentioned before, the energy was veeeeery strange in comparison to The Conscious Life Expo 2018. Almost, as we all were exposed to EMF attack or DEW's ... ❓: What happened on Awake & Aware conference/venue in London 2018? ... 🙋: verdensalt were on location, and Simon and Kerry was warned beforehand on psychic attacks or EMF weapons happened. Simon lost his voice, all attendee confirmed, that black helicopters patrolled the area and I (verdensalt) felt heart burn and had to turn to my angelic guides for help ... ❓: What happened before and after the secret private session with Ole Dammegård in May of 2019? ... 🙋: Verdensalt was heavily hit by DEW or something like Cabal / Archontic mind meltdown !? Symptoms of electronic harassment and radio frequency attack normally enters your unique body frequency and brain activity. Prior to the Ole D. event i didn't sleep for 2 days time, the morning i had to go, I've got a splitting headache and during night time, felt like a reptilian warning, something. I had to protect myself with reiki and angelic healing ... ❓: Have verdensalt lost friends, since i've started up my blog? ... 🙋: You bet your ass, I have.. I came from the danish subsidiary of Rothschild banking empire in 30 years as a IT specialist and people think, i'm absolut nuts, leaving the 3-D Matrix of illusion, to find another TRUTH, like Giuliani says; 'truth isn't truth'.. 😮One girlfriend even told me that i've had surrounded myself with bad disturbing things, but she refuse to look at her own false EGO-mindset and are able to cure everybody, but not herself. Sooo... i'm the bad guy, apparently, trying to expose the Cabal and follow the principle of Yin and Yang, that is, all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites. How can you even think about separating, avoiding or ignoring balance out the female-male, dark-light, false-truth, ego-humbleness, subconscious-consciousness, laity-spirituality, fear- curiosity, warmongering-co-operation, God/Source/Jesus vs. false religious systems? etc. etc. etc.... 👐You don't have to hold hands fearfully or dislike, disengage or refuse to look at the evidence presented to you.. Just be open minded and understand we are dealing with incredible powerful dark entities, who have manipulated Heaven and Earth for thousands of years, and not only that, the hundreds or even thousands of reincarnations we re-entered the evolutionary tree of life, in this Earthly Matrix as a rock or crystal, then a plant, next animal and then a humanoid and soon fast transmuted or transformed into next phase towards fully Ascension - embrace it... 😇The truth is out there, don't hate it or stay in the drama, just know, it's there for you're awakening process of experience, in order to evolve... 😵Truth only hurts in the start; rollercoaster emotions - angry, fearful, disappointed, confused, exhausted. Determine to understand. Fear holding You back? Break free from the chains of fear and begin to explore... 💤How can we awake, if we don't know we're sleeping or constantly being forced to stay in a fantasy dream world? Are we all like Dom Cobb, still in a dream at the end of Inception?... WHAT about you, YES YOU, stick your neck out of the bushes and STOP attacking us, who only want the TRUTH to come out... Like David Icke says: Follow you incredible powerful Heart (not your Head)...💜 |
Alfred Lambremont Webre on TV $1millon vendetta vs. Patty Greer & NewsEvolution
VANCOUVER, BC – Victoria Day Weekend 2019 – Former TV Producer Jay Weidner – on an alleged video repentance and apology tour for consciously and intentionally producing and approving for broadcast a series of TV programs containing materials that were reportedly self-admittedly hoaxed by TV contractees Corey Goode and David Wilcock – appears to be panicking after exposing such TV federal and state broadcast and subscription regulatory violations, and in a newly released Video Repentance #5 attacks NewsEvolution’s Patty Greer’s & Alfred Lambremont Webre exposé of Bioweapons & DEW deaths, injuries and UFO conferences 2016-18!
BREAKING NEWS‼ Former TV producer Jay Weidner panics after exposing GAIA TV broadcasting hoaxed program content, attacks NewsEvolution’s Patty Greer & Alfred Lambremont Webre’s exposé of documented deaths and injuries by Bioweapons & DEW at UFO conferences 2016-18!
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