Apr 15, 2019
Verdensalt | ~ 🌍 Hvem står bag verdensalt-bloggen 🌍~ | (In English:) - Who is behind Salt Of The World .. | Blogger: [🤖OUR 3D MATRIX IS A 100% DIGITAL REALITY AND IT HAS TO HAVE ELECTRICAL POWER TO KEEP THE ILLUSION GOING WITH LOWER NEGATIVE FREQUENCIES🔌] ... 👨🌾 Jeg er præcist samme alder som vores elskede Kronprins Frederik, Danmarks kommende konge, H.K.H. Født på Helligtrekongersdag. Betragter mig selv om en energi-coach, 2019 bliver startskuddet. Dog er jeg en pengeløs formueejer, ukendt "John Doe" og dagdrøm- mer. Scorede ikke højest inden for både intelligens og kreativitet i skoletiden, men er opvågnet og set et lysglimt, et 'glitch' i den eksisterende 3D Matrix af illusionen 👁️🗨️ ... Verdensalt, bliv til sammen med kendskabet til mejeristern, Martinus Thom- sen, og hans enorme univers... Senere blevet til meget, meget mere... Verden(salt): Adel, godsejere og herskab og kongerne... Under tyskernes besættelse af Dan- mark var der knaphed på 'alt'. Varerationeringen fortsatte efter krigen - den første vare, der blev givet fri, var SALT, og det skete i august 1945.. Går vi mange hund- rede år tilbage, hed det sig, at sidde til højbords, (sidde ved det fornemste bord) hos adelen eller Kongen, var det fornemmeste man kunne forestille sig. Jo tættere man sad på de fine herskabsfolk, kunne man nå SALTET og det var faktisk, en kæmpe mangelvarer og særdeles eftertragetet handelsvarer, ligesom Guld, er i vore dage ... DU, er verdens salt. VI, er verdens salt. Vi lever på Mother Gaia / Jord, men vores base af operationer bør også omfatte, kosmos. Universet ses som en velordnet helhed - en endeløs kosmos... 🔦 Verdensalt.dk er et åndehul, til den sulte sjæl, som ønsker, at udvikle sig og afradikalisere sin fastfortømret perfektionistiske Ego, som ellers ville NÆGTE, andet... Velkommen til - Namaste 🙏.. [LÆS VIDERE]... |
You are the salt of the world. We are the salt of the world. We live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....
Giving Unconditional Love:
Love yourself unconditionally.
Unconditional love starts at home, with oneself. ...
Unconditional love starts at home, with oneself. ...
Make the loving choice. ...
Forgive those you love. ...
Don't expect to shield someone you love from all discomfort and pain. ...
Be the protector of love, shine light in the ones who’s needed
So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin?
You maybe see me outside, a few like you, can also see me within.
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see,
Who I AM is not what others think of me.
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be,
A dreamer that just wants to be free,
A warrior of light for eternity.
Hvorfor kunne jeg engang slå Kronprinsen i Triathlon 🏃 fordi jeg er toksin-fri, afstresset og sund spiritual udenjordisk DNA-kodede avatar, som det aftraumatiserede menneske...
Min søster, crossfit-jernladyen, har kysset Kronprins-frøen, ved et stævne, noget som hun åbenbart, er stolt af og jeg selv, har en superdejlig familie, som jeg ikke kan leve foruden. Dog bliver det sværere og sværer for mig, at leve i Deres stress helvede, i et tredimensionelt MATRIX, der skal fødes via en konstant negativ spiral af lavere energi-frekvens og elektricitet ...
Tilbage i 1988 gav Whitney Houston koncert i Valby hallen, og der løb jeg ind i Kronprinsen, fik vist udvekslede et par ord med ham...
Tilbage i 1988 gav Whitney Houston koncert i Valby hallen, og der løb jeg ind i Kronprinsen, fik vist udvekslede et par ord med ham...
Min datter forlod sin far, for 7 år tilbage, min blogs daglige udsendelser, hjælper naturligvis ikke på, hun nogensinde, kommer tilbage, men min søster har tre børn, som acceptere og elsker, sin Onkel ..
Jeg selv, på verdensalt-kanalen, er ikke en farmer eller bonderøv, som jeg udgiver mig for, snarere en bytosse-konverteretet-til-hillbilly, som har taget flugten, ud-på-landet, for at undgå Smart-City-5G-helvedet, luftforureningen, Borgen og politikerene, og tilbage til stilheden og healende energi ved skov, vandet..
Læst eller gennemtrawlede over 100.000 artikler, set ligeså mange videoer, og lander snart på 14.000 blogindlæg... lærer nye ting hver dag om mig selv, og om omverden... det stopper ALDRIG...
Matthew’s Message | ~ Channeled information on reincarnation, karma, extra- terrestrials, spirituality & metaphysics from Matthew Ward through his mother Suzanne ~ | .. Evolution of Earth civilization; prison and judicial systems; diet; cellular structure; “etheric devices”; mind control; currency revaluation; Illuminati plan for Earth, actual future .. |
Kanaliseret af Suzy Ward
© 2019 www.matthewbooks
Blogger's note: It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen.
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have been asked if there is one particular aspect of life on Earth that lightworkers can focus on and speed the civilization’s evolution. For untold ages civilizations on the planet were devolving due to their inhumane treatment of each other and the animals. Therefore, that behavior’s opposite—love, kindness and respect for all life—must be the pathway to a civilization’s evolution.
And indeed it is, dear family. Light’s high vibrations that are opening minds and hearts are moving the society toward benevolence in all aspects of life there. It is true that progress is seriously lagging in some areas, and here a reader’s comment is pertinent: “I would like to know what souls at Matthew’s station say about our prison and judicial systems and how they are affecting planetary and personal ascension.”That imprisonment may be a karmic choice notwithstanding, one of your world’s great ills is its prisoner population.
We see what you do yourselves. In oppressive regimes, people deemed “political dissidents” are locked up with no legal recourse, deprived of basic necessities and often subjected to torture, and treatment of prisoners of war is much the same. People called “minorities” are given lengthy sentences for minor legal infractions and sent to prisons, often overcrowded, that provide little or no rehabilitation services; and some who are known to be innocent of the charges nevertheless are found guilty in flawed or corrupted judicial systems. If individuals who commit “white collar” crimes are convicted, these felons serve short periods in facilities that provide them with customary comforts and conveniences. Frequently persons who have mental health conditions are put in jails instead of medical centers where they can receive appropriate care.
As pervasive as that unjustness is, it has no effect on planetary ascension—Earth is steadily moving on course to her destination in fifth density.
Personal ascension differs profoundly. This is a matter of how closely one’s choices lifelong adhere to provisions of soul contracts, which are part of pre-birth agreements with all others who are sharing the lifetime. Putting every prisoner in the world into that context, the foremost consideration is: Is imprisonment part of an agreement?
© 2019 www.matthewbooks
Blogger's note: It's so exciting how Matthew's messages resonates with me and many others. Catch the moment of truth and level of explanation easing to expand our understanding in our low density or world of 3D matrix of illusion. Similar to our Galactic channeled Sheldan Nidle messages and deceased Montague Keen.
April 14, 2019
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have been asked if there is one particular aspect of life on Earth that lightworkers can focus on and speed the civilization’s evolution. For untold ages civilizations on the planet were devolving due to their inhumane treatment of each other and the animals. Therefore, that behavior’s opposite—love, kindness and respect for all life—must be the pathway to a civilization’s evolution.
And indeed it is, dear family. Light’s high vibrations that are opening minds and hearts are moving the society toward benevolence in all aspects of life there. It is true that progress is seriously lagging in some areas, and here a reader’s comment is pertinent: “I would like to know what souls at Matthew’s station say about our prison and judicial systems and how they are affecting planetary and personal ascension.”That imprisonment may be a karmic choice notwithstanding, one of your world’s great ills is its prisoner population.
We see what you do yourselves. In oppressive regimes, people deemed “political dissidents” are locked up with no legal recourse, deprived of basic necessities and often subjected to torture, and treatment of prisoners of war is much the same. People called “minorities” are given lengthy sentences for minor legal infractions and sent to prisons, often overcrowded, that provide little or no rehabilitation services; and some who are known to be innocent of the charges nevertheless are found guilty in flawed or corrupted judicial systems. If individuals who commit “white collar” crimes are convicted, these felons serve short periods in facilities that provide them with customary comforts and conveniences. Frequently persons who have mental health conditions are put in jails instead of medical centers where they can receive appropriate care.
As pervasive as that unjustness is, it has no effect on planetary ascension—Earth is steadily moving on course to her destination in fifth density.
Personal ascension differs profoundly. This is a matter of how closely one’s choices lifelong adhere to provisions of soul contracts, which are part of pre-birth agreements with all others who are sharing the lifetime. Putting every prisoner in the world into that context, the foremost consideration is: Is imprisonment part of an agreement?
Simon Parkes Official | ~ Sudan Calls For End To 'Deep State' ~ | .. In the country of Sudan many thousands of protesters have taken to the streets calling for an end of the 'Deep State' This is a term I never expected demonstrating citizens to call out for. I’m greatly encouraged! Now if only this would happen a little closer to home! ..
DR FNYS NEWS | ~ Guld i raslebøsserne: Kræftens Bekæmpelse indsamler 33 millioner kroner ~ | Blogger: [⚕️Trick-or-treating: 33 million kroner of GOLD & Krugerrand to The Medical Mafia with their trolls, The Danish Cancer Society's door-to-door fundraising campaigns collection boxes🥂] ... {Nu, hvor vi snakker Influenza, placeboeffekt eller livsstilssygdomme - det er næsten som at tage hverdags makeup på og af igen - måske finder du opskriften på hvordan du helbreder dig selv - udenom Sundhedsstyrelsens propaganda}... GRATIS KUR -- FRA SYG TIL TOTAL HELBREDELSE: ... ⇛ Postevand ⇛ NATRON (Bikarbonat) ⇛ Naturlige svovlkilde (MSM) ⇛ Kolloid Sølv ("sølvvand") ⇛ Øko ingefær og citron ⇛ Uraffineret koldpresset økologisk jomfru kokosolie ⇛ den 'korrekte' Vitaminpille med bl.a. antioxidanter (Omnimin Pure) ⇛ Boron/Borax (kemisk formel 'mest kendt som' - Na2B4O7 · 10H2O) og jeg kunne blive ved og ved .. og du skal ALDRIG indtage konventionel medicin igen.... |
DR: Guld i raslebøsserne: Kræftens Bekæmpelse indsamler 33 millioner kroner
💞 Efter laaaang sej argumentation og overbevisning tog min egen far endelig ansvar og handling, droppede det fup-kolesterolsænkende medicin, hjertepiller og alt andet crap han indtog💞.
Da jeg sagde til ham, med min holistiske tilgang og naturlæges indflydelse, at han lugtede meget slemt ud af munden fra metallisk gasart (lugt af rådne æg). Vi vidste, at det var binyrertræhed-svækkede binyrer og svækkelse af meridianbanerne og det var meget slemt. Sagde til min gamle far, enten dør du før tid, ellers gør du noget ved sagen. Han har det perfekt den dag i dag, uden konventionel medicin (bortset fra lidt traumatiske ting fra barndommen, som han stadig nægter at gøre noget ved)...
🌈 Mange danskere indtager æteriske olier samt homøopatiske medikamenter, hvorfor ikke gør det endnu mere simpelt. ☝️ Mange kender ikke til hvilken æteriske olier som er højfrekvente eller hvad PPM står for, eller toksikologiske grundprincipper og begreber!..
👉 Start med at benytte dig af (nogle) disse prisbillige, tilgængelige, simple husmandsråd og jeg garantere dig, en 90 % aflivning af uønskede parasitter, bakterier, vira og svamp (fra candidasvampen til kræft) i din krop.
💲💲💲 Jeg kunne tjene millioner af kroner, men på min blog, er de dyre råd - helt gratis!!!.💖
[PS: har masser af uddybende artikler om MSM, Boron, Kolloid Sølv osv. check søgemaskinen] ...
Du behøver ikke en Hotline, detaljeret forklaringer findes på min blog (vedlægger søgning) ... Som jeg altid plejer at sige; Detox dit hjerte .. Detox din hjerne .. Detox din krop .. Detox er ikke kun til udrensning - det er meget vigtigt her!! Det kan betragtes som en spirituel terapi-form - en daglig aflivning af parasitter, vira og svamp og et totalt stop for kræftens udbredelse...
[👨🔬Nikola Tesla — 'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.'👨🔬]..
Disse nævnte produkter holder dig ikke kun i live, men stabilisere / regenerere dine indre organer, opretholder strukturen i kroppens proteiner og dræber uønskede vira og bakterier. Første RÅD som også er det vigtigste - Drik rigelige mængder af vand, men KUN postevand fra din egen vandhane (rens evt. vandet med dine positive tanker - affirmations og bekræftelser der virker) .. Drop alt flaskevand, sodavand eller andet med brus (din lever kan kun flushe og rense med rent postevand), evt. supplere med vandfilter, ioniseringsapparater for slippe for forurenet fluorstoffer og mikroplastik, dog skal Kolloid Sølv nok klare skærene uden vandfilter.
Der er KUN en ting som kan holde dig tilbage, din 😱 FRYGT! 😱
Øverste myndighed inden for Fødevareindustrien, Sundhedsstyrelsen og det medicinsk-industrielle kompleks deler naturligvis ikke disse informationer (accepteres ikke indenfor lægevidenskabens klare lys). Vil du ikke hellere indtage et naturligt supplement, tilintetgøre de skadelige kemikalier i maden og hverdagsprodukter? Hvad med dine cancerceller? Det gælder også dine hudprodukter [du kan med lethed købe økologiske eller toksiske medikamentfrie hudprodukter direkte fra online-apotekerne i Grækenland]. Tænk på hvad f.eks. parabener, mikroplast, mineralolie, paraffin, propylen-glycerol, ftalater, kunstige enzymer osv. gør ved din krop og indre?
Der findes et hav af produkter derude, nogen skal man virkelig have viden om før man køber dem i Netto, Matas og Helsekostforretninger (kun 'rene' uraffinerede økologiske, er ønsket). Et lille udvalg som jeg nævner, er produkter, som allerede anerkendes som helbredende olier indenfor ayurvediske medicin eller blot har en høj frekvens eller er et naturligt næringsstof. Disse produkter er ud af mange, har langt flere helbredende egenskaber end jeg nævner her såsom: Lindre led- og muskelsmerter, allergi, angst, stress og korttidshukommelse, sårheling, genopbygning af ph værdien, hud-og hårplejende, antibakterielle, antimikrobielle, antifungale, antivirale, parasit- og kræft dræbende egenskaber..
Inden man går i gang, skal der læse på lektien. ⏹️ Eksempelvis MSM 'kan' påvirke ens krop forskelligt, i starten. Ligesom natron, har MSM en lille bismag. I pulverform (bedst), skal det opløses i vand eller kan tilsættes i ens kaffe, som min forældre gør. (Forskning og kliniske erfaringer tyder på, at MSM kan være et godt kosttilskud for et hav af ting - læs artikel).
👨⚕️ Ifølge min holistiske/naturlæge med 45 års erfaring, benyttes MSM til både elitesportsudøvere og husdyr som heste, hvis de ikke kan løbe mere... Det er blot et fragment af hvad MSM kan afhjælpe, fordi det er et naturligt næringsstof, et organisk svovlstof, der findes i den almindelige kost til mennesker og stort set alle andre pattedyr, men er fravalgt, taget 'ud' af vores fødevarer. Derimod uraffineret økologisk jomfru kokosolie, kolloid sølv (Ionosil), Tvekulsurt Natron(Matas-Natriumbicarbonat) og hvad man ellers benytter, kan tages 1-2 gange dagligt eller mere, i teske- eller pilleform uden at tænke sig om.
🤐🤐🤐 Husk ALLE disse produkter har INGEN bivirkninger, andet end du renser ud og helbreder. Jeg gentager, uanset bismag og din frygt, INGEN bivirkninger. Jeg har brugt mange, mange år på at undersøge dette (med hjælp) og bruger det dagligt, ergo, en forureningsgrad i kroppen på 0,5 point, 1-10 skala, normalt ligger mennesket på 5-7 point. Hvorfor bliver jeg aldrig syg? Derfor... 🙌🤳🙏 ... |
Gratis Detox-kur - Copyright Verdensalt by tim on Scribd
Forskellige søgninger på Verdensalt:
(Masser af artikler) -- http://www.verdensalt.dk/search?q=antimikrobielle
(Masser af artikler) -- http://www.verdensalt.dk/search?q=antimikrobielle
Søg selv og du vil finde....
ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel | ~ Allison Coe BBS As You Wish Talk Radio Saturday 4-13-19 8pm pst ~ |
James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience
Allison Coe. My name is Allison and I'm a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner living in Portland, OR, USA. I do hypnosis and dream interpretations. I set up this channel to share portions of my QHHT sessions that I deem beneficial to the public, and dreams that are sent to me from all over the world that I have interpreted. For more information on Quantum Healing Hypnosis please visit my website at www.soulfocus-hypnosis.com - I'd love to answer any of your questions.
Allison Coe. My name is Allison and I'm a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner living in Portland, OR, USA. I do hypnosis and dream interpretations. I set up this channel to share portions of my QHHT sessions that I deem beneficial to the public, and dreams that are sent to me from all over the world that I have interpreted. For more information on Quantum Healing Hypnosis please visit my website at www.soulfocus-hypnosis.com - I'd love to answer any of your questions.
The World News | ~ Krammeterapeuten Per Brændgaard hyrer stjerneadvokat ~ | Blogger: [👯🏿♀️The #MeToo shockwave: Offended Retrospectively - Feminism has become obsessed with the cult victimhood👯🏿♂️] ... (Shaming, bullying, sex offense - "See-Me-Egoism", harrassmentwillingness & harrassmentdictatorship) - How feminism, media troll womens & victims of anger toward the patriarchy & men in general, has taken over the society!? .. Denmark's' famous Hugging with mindfulness - PerBrændgaard.dk and a 9/11-truther, with his bestest buddy, beloved media darling, sexologist Joan Ørting, now regrets her defense of the rapist, she says (afraid that she will lose her business??)... Per Brændegaard was sentence of one year and two months imprisonment for rape of a 29-year-old woman... But, was he really framed and handcuffed with miscarriage of justice from secret 9/11 Cabal govt entities, #Metoo movement & eagerly pushed by medical mafia, Sundhedsstyrelsen (The Danish Health Authority), like with Martin Hejlesen (Human Self Development & Progress) was and so many, many other Holistic personalities, in Denmark? There WAS NO evidence in this case, rape - 'one person's word against another's'... 'After thorough self-examination, I must admit that I have underestimated the harrassmentwillingness of women in Denmark. I have underestimated women's ability to understand what I say and the ability of women to sense and communicate their desires and bound- aries, 'he writes and continues: "I'm shocked by what women can do to stand up and feel offended by me, as if it's a big scandal.". The founder of hug therapy is a graduate of MSc in Economics and Business Administration in human nutrition and formerly best known as an expert in healthy eating and lifestyle, believes that the MeToo debate has created a malignant feminism that now hits him. The 'MeToo debate and the malignant feminism (which is fortunately also a benign one) has gone so much to the point that women now apparently have the right to be "offended retrospectively", and that is always the man's fault. Women no longer have to say 'no' to the situation, it's enough if they feel offended after the act, even though they didn't say 'anything' in the situation, he says. "Or even if the man fully respected it, the woman after stopping the intimate gathering said stop." 'Just the fact that the man has taken the initiative for intimate gathering gives the woman the right to be offended and bring violent charges against the man subsequently. This means that men have no earthly chance to prevent these attacks from women the next day, says Per Brændgaard... (so the questions still remains, was he guilty or has the danish court system, approved new secret laws with Sweden, that recognising sex without consent as rape!?) .. |
Per Brændgaard er dømt for at have voldtaget en 29-årig kvinde. Foto: Søren Bidstrup |
LYRICS: 9/11
Remember that famous day
When Lucifer fell from heaven
When America started to sway
Traumatized from 9/11
Remember that newsful day
When the lies filled 7-Eleven
With the truth simply getting away
Journalies from 9/11
Stop being fooled
They are really so cruel
But what can we do?
Start the revolution you!
Remember two planes that day
Made a trio crash down from heaven
The physics were getting grey
The corruption on 911
Remember the terror that day
Starting wars 24/7
The guilty still getting away
The zionists did 9/11
Stop being fooled
They are really so cruel
But what can we do?
Start the revolution you!
Messages from Ann & the Angels | ~ 💕 Got Guidance? Yes! 💕 ~ | Channeling through Ann Albers | Newsletter - Excerpts only |
Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.
Message from the Angels
In every second of every day you are guided by the power that creates universes. With every breath you receive a unique impulse from the Source guiding you towards your hearts truest desires upon the most loving and joyful path.
In much the same way as the nervous system conveys messages from each every cell in the body to the brain and then carries back its instructions to every cell, there is a vibrational system of communication in the universe that guides each of you to a more loving and harmonious interaction with life.
Your energy field is your transmitter and your receiver. Your loving thoughts and desires are a strong beacon. Your fearful desires are a much weaker signal. Your anger is a loud signal that often pushes away the subject of your anger. Your kindness is a smooth and glorious ripple that moves in ever-expanding circles. Your joy bubbles through creation touching all willing to receive it. Your jealousy is an energy that pulls your field tightly around you blocking signals of creation.
verdensalt | ~ Have You Ever Had (Spiritual) Revenge Sex? ~ | Blogger: [👯My own experience and everything i learned from It💔] ... {In a world like this; you can either dare to be loving, or you can choose to be right} ... This is ofcourse a personal experience and has actually nothing to do with a sexual aspect but rather 'revenge is sweet' kinda thing... I dated a beautiful woman a few years back and she's really a astonishing woman in many ways, but also have a 'looot' of emotional baggage, that's she is still denying... I got a call from my higher self, that i would meet a woman in April with roots from another country and it actually happened (April Fools' Day)... If you understand the psychology of 'The Drama Triangle' (victim, rescuer, persecutor), I have always considered myself as the been a 'rescuer' and it had put me in some incredible painfull situations or experience, but also been a learning process to seek a better version myself, since i'm absolutely not perfect any way, shape, or form... Well, my ex-girlfriend came back in my life, and spent 3 days of catching up, since i also know her amazing indigo children, who apparently misses me, but mom, is blocking. Anyways, the third day, it all went to hell, so to speak... Suddenly i was possessed by dark entities parasites, my home was infiltrated with dark energy and not once in her life, has see looked at my blog, which was infiltrated with Archontic energy as well, but she can't heal her own life, but i'm the bad guy, but she came back to me, begging?? She has been fighting or suffering from back pain all her life, dependent as a foreigner in Denmark, on welfare from local authority (municipality) and now she seeks early retirement, so she can practice 'clairvoyance'???... All the sh** she said to me was okay, she can tell me anything it just reflect back on herself, then she used my own daughter and her own children as a scare tactic of wicked evil revenge, by using them and me as a bad example of a man that's messed up and i had said NOTHING, that could pi** her off and bring us in that situation... Soooo... It keep me thinking, because i'm sensitive as the next spiritual person on the bloc, and ofcourse, she was there to hurt me... It was ALL about revenge, because 2 years before, i'll shipwrecked her, because i couldn't stand her lack of self-respect, her big ego and denial... I do use archangel protections, loving intent, white sage and degree, declaration, positive confirmations, every single day and had just been tested if i'm influenced by any negative energy, and the answer is NO... Conclusions must be, not even higher advanced spiritual people with clairvoyant abilities, so they claim, are able to solve anything, if they are in denial how they kill their own Ego and obliterate of the Self and the Experience of Enlightenment... you be the judge... The rules of uncondit- ional love is people can do WHATEVER they do and we don't have to be constantly around them, but for every time we're around them, if we sense in balance, discord or pain, BLESS THEM... Send them unconditional love... 💕... |
verdensalt | ~ SivaSaktiKundalini Rising of Sexual Energy - Why Is it Consider 'only' a Celebration of the Feminine Aspect and Women? ~ | Blogger: [🧘‘Kundalini’ is a Sanskrit word and has been used for thousands of years to describe life force energy (or ‘prana’)🏩] ... Jim Carey reveals secrets of sexual Alchemy, Kundalini energy and what happens when we don’t “squander it”... (verdenalt) Some claims, when you have a VERY strong intention to 'focus' on awakening kundalini energy, it's only durable through the regular practice of Mantra, Tantra, Yantra, Yoga or Meditation e.g. Kundalini Yoga studios -- cost you thousands of dollars, 12 month Kundalini yoga intensive in a Ashram, India or during therapeutic workshops such as Mind to Body and Breathwork... Others having a kundalini rising from Ayahu- asca retreats, OR when you're good and ready to receive it... Me at verdensalt? I have been so incredibly lucky to meetup with ONE (5) amazing woman from The New Tantra (TNT) and tantric practice with a quick fix a single night. These women are also very gifted with danish alternative spiritual therapies, so i'm looking forward to that event, but do understand THIS: there's NO quick fix for awakening the core of your personal power. How can you awakening something you already possess? It's more about your INNER unresolved emotions cause blockages and a buildup of toxins in certain areas of our body and letting it go. The "unconscious cognition" -- acknowledge, release, deal with it, let go and remove from your computer brain x 1000 times (our journey is like peeling an onion - rising our frequency higher and higher)... ShaktiKundalini; which is not a LIFE FORCE that is 'dormant' and 'dangerous' - it just needs to be activated by feeling alive, awake, alert and exuberant... Several of my (woman) friends are screaming about how dangerous it is to 'force' something that's so vital part of Christ consciousness as of kundalini energy soul connection, warnings they all heard from youtubers and their own spiritual danish 'masters' after recent attending Clairvoyance & Mediumship etc. etc. Let me tell you a little secret... I'm not 'forcing' anything, i'm just 'starting' a journey; TOWARDS A kundalini awakening process, that is ready to activate and i'm NOT afraid, are YOU??... 💡I just love Matt Kahn and he says: "The old spiritual paradigm focuses on tearing things down, whereas the new spiritual paradigm invites a more miraculous depth of transformation by building yourself up. Whether the focus is on dissolving illusion, duality, the ego, or unconscious belief patterns, there is no way to tear anything down without ripping your innocence apart in the process. Instead of having anything to resolve, process, maintain, or remember, it is the activity of building yourself up that raises your vibration to bring your highest qualities to life."... 💡"Swan Teal: -- How to Awaken Your Kundalini begins with a basic understanding of what Kundalini is. Kundalini is often thought to be lying dormant within our being when it is actually in a state of stillness and often because we are resisting our own life force energy. Awakening your Kundalini begins with the realization that there may be nothing to awaken, just something that needs to be allowed instead of resisted."... |
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