Dec 13, 2016

Cosmic Vision News (※Weekly geo-political news, analysis "With news around, upon, within and beyond our planet, it is the first newscast making disclosure") Dec 9th, 2016 CET

Cosmic Vision News: CVN vært, Geoffrey West tilbyder nyheder, kommentarer og lejlighedsvis diskussion om de seneste begivenheder, der udspiller med hensyn til, hvad der formodentligt er den vigtigste begivenhed for at forbedre den menneskelige og planetariske tilstand: AFSLØRING. CVN fremmer og tilskynder til modig dialog på verdensplan, mens de forbereder alle til re-introduktion af vores galaktiske familier. CVN behandler også aktuelle begivenheder, der understøtter et skift til en fredelig planet. Geoffrey West er en del af det team som står bag:, kan lyttes til direkte/downloades eller via MP3, smides på en USB nøgle/iPhone og lyttes til på din vej. Husk tidsforskellen på udgivelsen. Direkte Link her (blogtalkradio)

About Geoffrey

A global citizen, born into Canadian and Irish heritage. Geoffrey has lived in Canada, Sweden and Costa Rica. He has a Bachelors degree in Radio and Television, and a Masters in Peace Education, from the UN-mandated University for Peace. His work experiences include the broadcasting, airline, and computer reservation systems industries. His travels include N. America, Europe, Scandinavia, as well as Russia, Egypt, Thailand and Australia. His passion has come from the challenges he has observed throughout the world, and also from his own personal experiences. He aspires to assist individuals in awakening to their connection to, and deeper energetic relationship with LIFE, and empower new choices of living based in honouring Self, others, our planet, and LIFE beyond Earth also.

His mission statement for this LIFE-path is as follows:

"To be, to the best of my ability in each moment, an example for all that will inspire them to remember their connection to, and energetic relation to the ONENESS of LIFE. To assist lovingly in empowering them to honour their own LIFE-path and serve LIFE with choices that honour Self, while also honouring others, our planet and also our galactic families in each moment of 'now', creating experiences of health, love, harmony and peace".

Cosmic Vision News - Show Summary:



The Lost City of Antarctica: Shock claims massive CIVILISATION exists beneath mile of ice (Blogger: From David Wilcock and Corey Goode latest post and their comments: ".. We were urged to get this article out, in the strongest possible terms, as fast as possible. Corey's article went up Sunday morning, December 11th, after we had worked on it all week as fast as we could. Almost immediately after posting, the planned intel roll-out we were warned about started to happen. It was an incredible "coincidence" that was obviously a very deliberate event.." )

ANTARCTICA is hiding a huge city underneath more than a mile of ice, according to incredible claims.

By Rachel O'Donoghue / Published 12th December 2016

The icy mass – measuring over 14 million km-squared – has long been a source of great mystery and was the last continent of the world to be discovered.

But its freezing temperatures and barren landscape have stopped people from ever attempting to colonise it, so has remained virtually untouched over the years.

However, this may not actually be the case.

ENDGAME II: The Antarctic Atlantis and Ancient ET Ruins

Flid, Fedt & Snyd.: Postfaktuel Jul: EU eksploderer i popularitet!(".. I samarbejde med den norske serie SKAM er det lykkedes EU at stige i popularitet. ’EU er blevet dritt cool,’ jubler en stolt Jean Claude-Juncker. Dette er 11. låge i Informations postfaktuelle julekalender.. ")

Hverken Jean Claude Juncker, Donald Tusk eller Martin Schulz kan skjule deres begejstring over den bølge af popularitet, som EU rider på for tiden.
Virginia Mayo
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Skam dubbet på dansk | DR3


Et mystisk objekt er skyllet på land i New Zealand og deler nu vandene (".. Er det et sømonster eller noget fra det ydre rum? Et ukendt objekt på en strand i New Zealand har sat gang i fantasien..")

Det var denne skabning, som Melissa Doubleday først troede var en hval. Foto: Melissa Doubleday

Hun troede først, at det var en hval, der var skyllet på land et par kilometer nede af kysten.

Det er endnu usikkert, præcis hvad det er for et objekt eller skabning, som Doubleday har set. Flere brugere på Facebook undrer sig også, mens andre kommer med mere eller mindre urealistisk bud.

»Et sømonsters dreadlocks,« skriver en bruger, mens en anden spørger, om det mon er en skabning fra det ydre rum.

Flere brugere peger dog på, at der kan være tale om drivtømmer med såkaldte langhalse på, der er et slags krebsedyr.

Melissa Doubleday skriver i en besked til Jyllands-Posten, at hun efter at have talt med et par stykker, også selv tror, at der er tale om langhalse på drivtømmer.

Efter at have været nede på stranden for at se til den igen, fortæller Melissa Doubleday, at alt på skabningen nu er dødt, og at det lugter virkelig grimt.

Flid, Fedt & Snyd. Ny ATP-boss forsvarer Nordeas schweiziske skattefinte (Berlingske: ".. Christian Hyldahl forsøgte i sin tid som chef for Nordea Markets at udnytte regler om dobbeltbeskatning til at få 270 mio. kr. retur fra den schweiziske stat. Den schweiziske højesteret mente dog, at der var tale om på forhånd aftalte handler, og tildelte Nordea et 3-2 nederlag i sagen. Christian Hyldahl står dog ved, at Nordea Markets' opførsel var fair... »Jeg bryder mig ikke om, at der bliver sået tvivl om min ordentlighed. Jeg synes, at det, vi har lavet på de her handler i Markets, har været fuldstændigt ordentligt og fornuftigt. Vi har ikke noget at skamme os over,« siger Christian Hyldahl til Børsen.. Den forklaring er en skatteekspert dog ikke helt enig i. »Det lyder lidt hult at sige, at man agerer midt på banen, og der ikke er nogen problemer, når man bliver underkendt af domstolene. Det hjælper ikke hårdnakket at sige, at man har ret, og alle andre er idioter, når retten siger det modsatte,« siger Torben Bagge, som er skatteadvokat og partner i TVC, til Børsen...")

Christian Hyldahl, ny topchedf i ATP Foto: - 13. December 2016  
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While Flint Drinks Poison, Nestlé Is Pumping 200 Gallons of Fresh Water out of Michigan Every Minute (Blogger: Back in 2015, Nestle payed only $524 to extract 27,000,000 gallons of California drinking Water, during the California drought.. One of the reasons i'm boycotting Nestlé and The Coca-Cola Company - Evil Empire.. ".. Children are being rushed to the hospital with irreversible brain damage. The federal government has declared a state of emergency, and dangerous water contamination is causing residents to go blind, develop skin lesions, and lose hair and even their memory -- just from bathing in their own homes. The entire community is living in fear -- all because Governor Rick Snyder wanted to save money, and switched the city's water supply from one of the largest and cleanest water supplies in the world to the highly corrosive Flint River.. ")

There’s a water crisis in Flint, Michigan.

Children are being rushed to the hospital with irreversible brain damage. The federal government has declared a state of emergency, and dangerous water contamination is causing residents to go blind, develop skin lesions, and lose hair and even their memory -- just from bathing in their own homes.

The entire community is living in fear -- all because Governor Rick Snyder wanted to save money, and switched the city's water supply from one of the largest and cleanest water supplies in the world to the highly corrosive Flint River.

Meanwhile, Michigan’s Governor has been cozying up with Nestlé, allowing it to pump 200 gallons of fresh water every minute out of the state’s reserves.
Nestlé is the largest owner of private water sources in Michigan -- water the people of Flint sorely need – and the water-guzzling corporation has deep ties to Governor Rick Snyder’s office. This is the same office that thought nothing off undermining the public system that was supposed to keep the people of Flint safe.

Deb Muchmore, the head spokesperson for Nestlé Michigan, is married to Governor Snyder’s chief of staff. As Michael Moore wrote recently, "The Muchmores have a personal interest in seeing to it that Nestlé grabs as much of Michigan's clean water as possible.”

Nestlé has been repeatedly sued over its aggressive acquisition of private water reserves and the alarming amounts of water it sucks out of Michigan’s ground. The multinational has been under fire in Michigan since 2003 when a judge ordered Nestlé to stop its operations due to ecological harm and a massive reduction in water levels from its operations. Even as recently as last year, Nestlé Waters CEO Tim Brown said that if he could bottle more of drought-stricken California’s water for profit, he would.

Allowing companies like Nestlé to do whatever they want comes hand in hand with undermining the public water system we rely on. Water problems across the state are due to corruption, self-interest, and putting the public’s interest last. And we’ve had enough.

We need to come together behind the people of Flint and say enough is enough.

Call on Governor Snyder to stop the privatization of Michigan's water supply.

Campaign created by SumOfUs member Matt Zandstra

Dr. Michael Salla Update: Partial Disclosure and Competing Secret Space Programs

Written by Dr Michael Salla on

A secret space program run by the U.S. Air Force with the support of the National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office, has concluded that Corey Goode’s testimony of multiple secret space programs with interstellar spacecraft using temporal drive technologies is not disinformation. This is among the most recent claims of Goode in a December 11 update about information he recently acquired as a result of his abduction and interrogation by what he describes as a Military Industrial Complex Secret Space Program (MIC-SSP) comprising the above U.S. military intelligence entities.

In a previous abduction incident in late September, Goode described a senior USAF officer in charge of his chemical interrogation who told Goode that they believed he was spreading disinformation from a rogue Special Access Program.

On October 26, Goode was abducted for a third time by this MIC-SSP, which he states is not advanced as the U.S. Navy’s “Solar Warden”, and other secret space programs he has previously described in interviews and reports.

He claims that the senior USAF officer in charge of the vehicle he was taken to, which he dubbed “Sigmund”, revealed that analysis of data from the two prior abductions has led to the conclusion that Goode is telling the truth after all.

Sigmund said that the tests first confirmed a key aspect of Goode’s testimony, which is that he has traveled to off planet locations:

The lab results once again confirmed that I had been in the approximate off-planet locations I had claimed. The MIC space program people do not have any intelligence suggesting I had ever actually visited these locations. I was never a part of their program.

This led to the Sigmund concluding that he was being deliberately misled by his superiors about the existence of more advanced programs to his own:

My tests proved, beyond any shadow of doubt, that there was much more to the secret space program than he knew.

As a high-ranking superior officer, this naturally came as quite a shock to him. He was led to believe that he had access to all relevant compartments of the UFO cover-up.

Goode describes how it is possible that a USAF space program would not be aware of other secret space programs, including the Navy’s Solar Warden, despite having craft capable of interplanetary travel in our solar system:

The MIC SSP has at least two large space stations in earth’s orbit as well as a number of manned satellites. They are roughly circular in shape and are large space stations with enough facilities for many people to work in various labs and so forth.

The above descriptions suggest something similar to a 1952 design by Dr. Werner Von Braun.

Goode continued to describe other technologies belonging to the MIC SSP:

Danskere køber sex-dukker i børnestørrelse på nettet. Danske mænd har købt børne-sexdukker, der leveres fra Kina fra størrelse 65 centimeter - altså under et år (Blogger: Pædofilidebatten kører igen på de høje nagler, som den har gjort det i en årrække, hvor jævnlige skandaler om sexmisbrug af børn, heraf mange i den katolske kirke – og et par stykker inden for britiske BBC – løbende har fanget offentlighedens opmærksomhed. Vi er måske træt at høre om de verdensomspændende sataniske ritualer & pædofilisager så som Hampstead, "Spirit Cooking", #Pizzagate, Pay to Play (som er ægte, tro mig), omfattende og grelle sager fra danske kommuner og Grønlands Hjemmestyre... Vi må ikke tillade os at neglicere problemet i de private hjem omkring børneporno, pædofilisager samt voksne misforstår børns seksualitet eller unormale seksuelle tendenser. For ikke at snakke om seksuelle overgreb på teenagere og kvinder i hverdagen. Vi har lige set den fængslet præst som er sigtet for i alt 11 forhold om seksuelle overgreb mod børn. Det er grelt nok at forældre forsøger at stoppe deres børn som udforsker hinandens kønsorganer i “doktorlege”, “far, mor og børn" og pædofilifrygt rammer mandlige pædagoger. Det er sandelig på tide at ændre vores 'eget' mindset og 'norm', selvom om vores mest psykopatiske magtelite, syntes det er en 'Kunst'... )

Af Lars Fogt - 13/12-16 07:43

Danske mænd har købt børne-sexdukker, der leveres fra Kina fra størrelse 65 centimeter - altså under et år. Børnepornoparagraffen 
Straffelovens paragraf 235 lyder: “Den, som udbreder pornografiske fotografier eller film, andre pornografiske visuelle gengivelser eller lignende af personer under 18 år, straffes med bøde eller fængsel indtil 2 år eller under særligt skærpende omstændigheder med fængsel indtil 6 år.”
Men en dukke er i sig selv ikke pornografi og selv om den ifølge den kinesiske producent sælges fra størrelse 65 centimeter, altså et år gammel. Modellen på 128 centimeter til 2.100 dollars er udstyret med “funktionsdygtig anus, vagina og mund.”
Toldere har flere gange konfiskeret børne-sexdukkerne, der er sendt til danskere, fortæller underdirektør i Skat, Preben Buchholtz.

- Vi er flere gange stødt på de dukker under toldbehandlingen. Det er dukker, som vi finder i det internationale postcenter, hvor de er på vej til kunder i Danmark. Det er pakker, der er sendt hertil fra lande uden for Europa. Hver gang vi mistænker, at noget er ulovligt, overdrager vi sagen til politiet. Vi er blevet opmærksomme på dette gennem vores internationale samarbejde, siger han.

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Planned Obsolescence: Why the Products You Buy are Designed to Break (Excerpt: ...".. people were encouraged to make more purchases, but it was found that this alone couldn’t make a significant difference. The “solution” given in the 1930s (the Depression era) was to make it legally mandatory for all industries to produce goods of lower lifespan, which was believed to help reduce unemployment and increase consumption… This brings us to the case of the Phoebus light bulb cartel, comprised of Osram, Philips, and General Electric and other major companies, which pioneered the strategy of planned obsolescence. In the 1930s, a single light bulb could last for up to 25,000 hours, but the cartel forced all companies involved to produce bulbs limited to a maximum life of 1,000 hours, in order to increase demand. In order to make sure that people make repeat purchases, most manufacturers today create products that have short life cycles. In other words, the products sold by most companies have been intentionally designed in such a way that they will break shortly after they’ve been purchased, so as to urge the general public to buy more of them in the future ..")

How many times have you bought an electronic device, only to find out that it has stopped functioning properly just a short time after your purchase? You spent so much money on it, and suddenly you’re sad to know that it’s not working well anymore. The result? Wasted expenses, labor, energy and finite resources, not to mention the toxic waste that ends up in landfills, poisoning the planet.

But why is that so? Why is it that most products’ lifespan is so short, considering the advanced modern technological means of production? The answer is planned obsolescence.

Planned Obsolescence and the Cycle of Perpetual Consumption

Our economic system is based on constant consumption — the more we buy, the more money moves into the economy, and hence the more the economy grows. If money stops moving, the economic system is bound to collapse, since people will not be paid or have money to pay for the products and services they need or want.

There are two main ways our society manages to keep people buying stuff:

Firstly, through advertising. We’re exposed to thousands of advertisements each and every day whose sole purpose is to convince us to keep on shopping under the promise that doing so will make our lives better. Through advertising, companies have managed to make us confuse our needs with our wants, thus making us desire to acquire things that we don’t truly need, so that we can fill in their pockets by emptying our own.

Secondly, through planned obsolescence, although this is not yet understood by many. If you didn’t know, planned obsolescence is a production technique that compels people to buy more and more stuff unnecessarily, by providing people with products of short lifespan. Instead of creating goods with the intention to last for as long as it is technically possible — considering that we are living in a finite planet with finite resources as well as the importance of saving material and human energy — companies, whose sole interest is to make sales, purposefully design products of low quality that will soon break, or become obsolete, in order to assure repeat purchases.

Planned Obsolescence and the Phoebus Light Bulb Cartel

Økologisk eksport stiger. Dansk øko-eksport sætter rekord for 10. gang (Biodynamisk: ".. Mon vi fortsætter en gammel tradition med at eksportere det bedste og så beholde resterne til hjemmeforbrug?.. ")

Økologisk eksport stiger

Mon vi fortsætter en gammel tradition med at eksportere det bedste og
så beholde resterne til hjemmeforbrug?

Nyt fra økologerne:

Dansk økologi bliver stadig mere eftertragtet i udlandet, viser netop offentliggjorte tal fra Danmarks Statistik.

Der blev i alt eksporteret danske øko-varer for 1.983 millioner kroner i 2015, hvilket er en stigning på 15 procent på et år. Dermed sætter den danske økologi-eksport rekord for tiende år i træk.

- Efterspørgslen på økologi stiger globalt. Det får flere og flere dagligvarekæder og grossister i udlandet til at vende blikket mod Danmark. Vi har mangeårige erfaringer med økologisk produktion, utroligt dygtige og innovative økologiske virksomheder og så er vi det land i verden, der har den højeste økologiandel i vores fødevaresalg.

Derfor hitter dansk økologi på vores nære eksportmarkeder som Tyskland og Sverige, men også i eksempelvis Kina og Dubai er øko-varer fra Danmark populære, siger Helene Birk, markedschef for eksportfremme i Økologisk Landsforening.


Med venlig hilsen
Lars Mikkelsen

Mød Biodynamisk forbrugersammenslutning på facebook og spred budskabet til dine venner under følgende link

Your World is Within (".. The conscious mind is an excellent perceiving attribute, a function that belongs to inner awareness but in this case is turned outward the world of events. Through the conscious mind the soul looks outward toward the world of events. Through the conscious mind the soul looks outward. Left alone, it perceives clearly. In certain terms, the ego is the eye through which the conscious mind perceives, or the focus through which it views physical reality. But the conscious mind automatically changes its focus throughout life. The ego, while appearing the same to itself, ever changes. It is only when the conscious mind becomes rigid in its direction, or allows the ego to take on some of its own functions, that difficulties arise. Then the ego allows the conscious mind to work in certain direction and blocks its awareness in others... ")

The living picture of the world grows within the mind. The world as it appears to us is like a 3D painting in which each person participates. Each color, each line that appears within it has first been painted within a mind, and only then does it materialize without.

In this case, however, the artists themselves are a portion of the painting and appear within it. There is no effect in the exterior world that doesn’t spring from an inner source. There is no motion that doesn’t occur within the mind. The great creativity of consciousness is our heritage. It doesn’t belong to mankind alone, however. Each living being possesses it and the living world consists of a spontaneous cooperation that exists between the smallest and the highest, the greatest and the lowly, between the atoms and the molecules and the conscious, reasoning mind.

All manner of insects, birds and animals cooperate in this venture, producing the natural environment. This is as normal and inevitable as the fact that our breath causes a mist to form on glass if we breathe on it. All consciousness creates the world, rising out of feeling-tone. It is a natural product of what our consciousness is. Feelings and emotions emerge into reality in certain specific ways. Thoughts appear, growing on the bed already laid. The seasons spring up, formed by ancient feeling-tones, having deep and abiding rhythms. They are the result, again, of innate creative aspects that are a portion of all life.

These ancient aspects lie, now, deeply buried in the psyches of all species, and from them the individual patterns, the specific blueprints for new differentiations, emerge.

The body of the earth can be said to have its own soul, or mind. Using this analogy the mountains and oceans, the valleys and rivers and all natural phenomena spring from the earth’s soul, as all events and all manufactured objects appear from the inner mind or soul of humanity.

The inner world of each man and woman is connected with the inner world of the earth. The spirit becomes flesh. Part of each individual’s soul, then, is intimately connected with what we call the world’s soul, or the soul of the earth.

The smallest blade of grass, or flower, is aware of this connection, and without reasoning comprehends its position, its uniqueness and its source of vitality. The atoms and molecules that compose all objects, whether it be the body of a person, a table, a stone or a dog, know the great passive thrust of creativity that lies beneath their own existence, and upon which their individual floats, distinct, clear and unassailable.
So does the human individual rise up in victorious distinctiveness from the ancient and yet ever-new fountains of its own soul. The self rises from unknowing into knowing, constantly surprising itself. As you read these sentences, for example, some your knowledge is conscious knowing and is instantly available. Some is unconscious, but even the unconscious knowledge is knowing in its own making.

David Wilcock Comments on Benjamin Fulford ~ ENDGAME II: The Antarctic Atlantis and Ancient ET Ruins -- December 13th 2016 CET (Blogger: Part II - sections one & sections two - Very long history lesson, but worth reading.. David:".. I would consider both of these to be must-see. They are bursting with images and information. This whole area of disclosure in Part II is something Ben doesn’t really get into, but it is highly relevant. The increase in noctilucent clouds over Antarctica is yet another one of the stories going on right now that I wish I could cover if I had more time... ")

Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-film CONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening.

By David Wilcock

David Wilcock Comments on Benjamin Fulford: Khazarian mafia still planning big false flag events but their defeat is certain  

Nice to hear some positive news.

In case you haven’t already seen it, I wrote what may well be the definitive Pizzagate expose’ in an article entitled ENDGAME: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal:

This was followed a few days later by ENDGAME II: The Antarctic Atlantis and Ancient ET Ruins:

I would consider both of these to be must-see. They are bursting with images and information. This whole area of disclosure in Part II is something Ben doesn’t really get into, but it is highly relevant.
The increase in noctilucent clouds over Antarctica is yet another one of the stories going on right now that I wish I could cover if I had more time.

I have been exposing interplanetary climate change for many years. The planets are all getting brighter, hotter and more magnetic.

The brightening of the clouds over Antarctica is a local way of seeing how the Earth as a whole is brightening in the same way as the other planets.

Now I need to catch my breath and dig in on the new book I have agreed to write, Awakening in the Dream, for an August 2017 release. Given the events coming in our future it was really important that I do this quickly.

David Wilcock

ENDGAME II: The Antarctic Atlantis and Ancient ET Ruins 

The Establishment is threatened like never before. Are they about to disclose advanced, hi-tech ruins under the ice in Antarctica, and a limited secret space program, to try to save the New World Order agenda?
This is some of the most surprising, fascinating and relevant inside intel we have ever posted. Multiple groups have urged us to get this out as fast as possible, and here we are.
The story is so incredible that you may need to just treat it like a sci-fi movie... but even if that's the only level you can accept it at, you should still find this to be a most fascinating read!
[UPDATED 12/12: Fixed animated GIF for "Sun Cruisers" and added new images of "The Banished." New Antarctica disclosure article linked at end!]

By Corey Goode and David Wilcock

The truth is exploding across the internet. Millions are learning for the first time that there really is a “negative elite” running the planet, engaging in child trafficking among other heinous crimes.
The Cabal’s brazen efforts to completely destroy this information are quite surprising to the millions who are only now discovering the scope of the problem.
Although this information is extremely disturbing, it is also true. The only way we can heal as a planet is to face it and deal with it, individually and collectively.