TV 2 NEWS - Overlæge Jesper Mehlsen: Der er ca. 20 gange flere bivirkningsramte af HPV-vaccinen end forudset-
ALSO READ: Danish State Serum Institute (SSI) Major Scandal: Five million Danish ID numbers sent to Chinese firm (Blogger: [SSI - the Danish equivalent of the CDC in the U.S."].[ CPR - the Danish equivalent of the Social Security number (SSN) in the U.S]. Did the powerful state owned and corrupted vaccinefactory just sold every single danish citizens ID's with health information to a Chinese company using DKPS recommended letter? It's like sending hot nude pics of Hillary through International USPS diplomatic shipment to Putin in Russia. Not long time ago, social security numbers was hacked and leaked including politicans. What is going on? Armed with an ordinary danish social security number, misuse is very, very easy: 1. Make purchases in a wide range stores online using invoice payments. 2. Apply for quick loans. 3. Create credible profiles and selling fictitious goods on various auction sites like eBay and QXL. 4. Buy mobile phones and set up telephone subscriptions. 5. Create credit and debit cards from banks or gas stations. 6. Order and pick up prescription drugs in other people's names. 7.Access to other people's sensitive documents (marriage contracts, wills, etc.). 8.See what people earn and how much they pay in taxes.. etc. etc.)
Læs også: Medie: Fødevarestyrelsen fjernede anbefalinger om MRSA - 15. September 2016 (Blogger: Jeg vil forsøge at koble, en korrupt og bevidst, centralstyret, totalitære pengemaskine og hierarkisk opbygget vaccinesystem, hvor SSI og Sundhedsstyrelsen sidder øverst og forgrener sig til samtlige led i den danske sundhedssektor. Sundhedsstyrelsen er den øverste sundhedsfaglige myndighed i Danmark. Listen er anelang - Sundhedsstyrelsen hersker over - Regioner, kommuner, videnscentre, patientforeninger, brugerorganisationer, embedslæger, apoteker, sygeplejersker, tandlæger, praktiserende læger, psykiatere, journalister, lobbyister, fødevarestyrelsen, kræftens bekæmpelse , Miljøstyrelsen, Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut og Dansk Dermatologisk Selskab, trygfonden, Dansk Skoleidræt og bånd til den amerikanske sundhedsstyrelse(CDC) og jeg kunne blive ved...)
This is a hair-raising interview that reveals the incredibly dark world of Big Pharma with Brandy Vaughn, the founder of the Council for Vaccine Safety. Vaughn is a former pharmaceutical sales representative for the major pharmaceutical conglomerate, Merck, which has a near-monopoly on the childhood vaccine schedule.
Due to her experience with Merck, she says she now doesn’t trust the pharmaceutical industry or the healthcare industry.
She became an anti-vaccine activist due to SB 277, the California State Law, which mandates that all children must take all “Federally-recommended” vaccines to enter public school. This law may portend similar laws being pushed through every other state in the country by the pharmaceutical industry, as there’s a longstanding pattern of California legislation getting passed in most or all of the other states.
Vaugh foresees 53 “recommended vaccines” on the CDC schedule for children six and under, which is more than any other developed country in the world.
Vaccines are not studied for toxicity and birth defects in humans for a reason. In lab studies with animals, vaccines cause birth defects. The US has the highest infant mortality rate in the developed world, while spending more on health care.