Sep 22, 2016

The Shocking Truth About Mandatory Vaccines (Council for Vaccine Safety founder, Brandy Vaughn also mentioning Danish study with Gardasil and HPV "...A realistic estimate is that one in 500 girls – or 1,000 of the 500,000 vaccinated experience serious side effects. Dr. Jesper Mehlsen helped to research the HPV vaccine and personally..."."There are about 20 times more side effects hit the HPV vaccine than expected..")

The Shocking Truth About Mandatory Vaccines

September 20, 2016

TV 2 NEWS - Overlæge Jesper Mehlsen: Der er ca. 20 gange flere bivirkningsramte af HPV-vaccinen end forudset-

ALSO READ: Danish State Serum Institute (SSI) Major Scandal: Five million Danish ID numbers sent to Chinese firm (Blogger: [SSI - the Danish equivalent of the CDC in the U.S."].[ CPR - the Danish equivalent of the Social Security number (SSN) in the U.S]. Did the powerful state owned and corrupted vaccinefactory just sold every single danish citizens ID's with health information to a Chinese company using DKPS recommended letter? It's like sending hot nude pics of Hillary through International USPS diplomatic shipment to Putin in Russia. Not long time ago, social security numbers was hacked and leaked including politicans. What is going on? Armed with an ordinary danish social security number, misuse is very, very easy: 1. Make purchases in a wide range stores online using invoice payments. 2. Apply for quick loans. 3. Create credible profiles and selling fictitious goods on various auction sites like eBay and QXL. 4. Buy mobile phones and set up telephone subscriptions. 5. Create credit and debit cards from banks or gas stations. 6. Order and pick up prescription drugs in other people's names. 7.Access to other people's sensitive documents (marriage contracts, wills, etc.). 8.See what people earn and how much they pay in taxes.. etc. etc.) 

Læs også: Medie: Fødevarestyrelsen fjernede anbefalinger om MRSA - 15. September 2016 (Blogger: Jeg vil forsøge at koble, en korrupt og bevidst, centralstyret, totalitære pengemaskine og hierarkisk opbygget vaccinesystem, hvor SSI og Sundhedsstyrelsen sidder øverst og forgrener sig til samtlige led i den danske sundhedssektor. Sundhedsstyrelsen er den øverste sundhedsfaglige myndighed i Danmark. Listen er anelang - Sundhedsstyrelsen hersker over - Regioner, kommuner, videnscentre, patientforeninger, brugerorganisationer, embedslæger, apoteker, sygeplejersker, tandlæger, praktiserende læger, psykiatere, journalister, lobbyister, fødevarestyrelsen, kræftens bekæmpelse , Miljøstyrelsen, Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut og Dansk Dermatologisk Selskab, trygfonden, Dansk Skoleidræt og bånd til den amerikanske sundhedsstyrelse(CDC) og jeg kunne blive ved...)  

This is a hair-raising interview that reveals the incredibly dark world of Big Pharma with Brandy Vaughn, the founder of the Council for Vaccine Safety. Vaughn is a former pharmaceutical sales representative for the major pharmaceutical conglomerate, Merck, which has a near-monopoly on the childhood vaccine schedule.

Due to her experience with Merck, she says she now doesn’t trust the pharmaceutical industry or the healthcare industry.

She became an anti-vaccine activist due to SB 277, the California State Law, which mandates that all children must take all “Federally-recommended” vaccines to enter public school. This law may portend similar laws being pushed through every other state in the country by the pharmaceutical industry, as there’s a longstanding pattern of California legislation getting passed in most or all of the other states.
Vaugh foresees 53 “recommended vaccines” on the CDC schedule for children six and under, which is more than any other developed country in the world.

Vaccines are not studied for toxicity and birth defects in humans for a reason. In lab studies with animals, vaccines cause birth defects. The US has the highest infant mortality rate in the developed world, while spending more on health care.

Man uses drones to expose one of America's "biggest secrets" - Factory Farming. Denmark spreading MRSA around the world - and the world does not care (4,8M Youtube Views - Think again, before you put pig on your plate!!. Most of the millions of pigs, Denmark exports each year, carries on the multi-resistant bacteria MRSA. This means that Danish agriculture have helped to spread the disease in other countries. But there is virtually no monitoring of how the pig-MRSA spreads - Bon Appétit -)

Update: BREAKING NEWS - Sept 22, 2016 - Denmark spreading MRSA around the world - and the world does not care - Denmark is Europe's largest exporter of live pigs - and thus 'logically' the largest exporter of MRSA, since many Danish pigs are infected with the antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Most of the millions of pigs, Denmark exports each year, carries on the multi-resistant bacteria MRSA. This means that Danish agriculture have helped to spread the disease in other countries. But there is virtually no monitoring of how the pig-MRSA spreads

Update: May 4, 2014 - Danish pigs spread hospital bacteria... Nine out of ten pigs in Danish slaughterhouses are infected with bacteria that cannot be knocked down with penicillin. Erik Larsen fights the bacteria by changing boots, washing his hands and using high-pressure flushing

UPDATE! -Apr 26, 2016 - 70 farmers will breed pig without antibiotics to the US market....

Blogger: WHEN it comes to pigs, Denmark reigns supreme. This little country of just 5.4m humans raises 39m of them a year, when you count the stillborn piglets, making it the world's biggest exporter of pork. But many pigs die in the Danish stables - actually die more than every fifth piglet and every fourth sow (25,000 destroyed pigs per day). This means that annually raised about 29 million pigs/out of a total of 140 million farm animals in Denmark. About 10 million of these pigs are sent live abroad, mainly to Germany and Poland.  While pigs mean profits for some, they cause headaches for others. For many, many years, the danish powerful farm lobby is under siege from an unusual coalition of environmentalists, animal-welfare people and the tourism industry....We also know that each Danish cow gets more in agricultural support per. day than many poor people have to live for. And now, we know also that Danish pig breeders obviously take pride in being animal abusers....

Did you know that:

  • Smell/fumes/toxic waste from pork slurry tanks, makes the surrounding neighbour houses unsellable, asthmatic symptoms among children, upper respiratory sumptions, affecting peoples blood pressure etc. 
  • HUGE amount genetically modified (GM) crops, including crops treated with glyphosate are served to cows and pigs in Denmark (above picture)
  • Farmers routine tail docking MUST be discontinued 
  • Baby pigs are taken from their mother into barren metal cells/pens and metal floor...
  • Most pigs have no permanent access to large amounts of rooting or access to nature throughout their cycle
  • Ear Infections, stress, puncture wounds, muscle degeneration, bids, ulcer, broken legs etc. are very common problems
  • HUGE consumption of antibiotics and other pharmaceutical products / growth promoters are used
  • Most of the pigs that die after birth, are probably exposed to significant suffering in the form of either pain, hunger, fear or stress lasting from a few minutes up to half a day..  
  • From January 1, 2012 EU-legislation outlaws fixation on gestating sows. This has raised the question whether or not a further Danish legislation should ban fixation of lactating sows. “Disastrous for Danish pig farmers” says Danish Agriculture and Food.
  • A ban on AGPs in Denmark has not had the intended benefit of reducing antibiotic resistance patterns in humans; it has had the unintended consequence of increasing animal suffering, pain and death.....
    Each year, the Danish government publishes a report on antibiotic use and resistance patterns, as illustrated in the chart above. Ultimately, comparison of resistance patterns from the Danish data in humans and animals provide no clear correlations. (Antibiotic Use in Denmark, 1990-2009)

    Phillip Schneider, Staff
    Waking Times

    Factory farming is quite possibly the most horrific and destructive practice we humans engage in today. It sacrifices billions of lives each year and serves to pollute, not protect, the environment of our planet. According to the animal rights group, Last Chance for Animals, “97% of the 10 billion animals tortured and killed each year are [factory] farm animals.” So why is it that when most people look at their plates they don’t see the real story behind what they’re eating?

    Pollution and Environmental Damage

    Let’s take a look at a video published by Factory Farm Drones about a man who infiltrated factory farm territory with a surveillance drone. In the video, you see a glimpse of how devastating factory farming can be on the environment as well as on neighboring communities who happen to be down-wind of one of these facilities.

    Alberto Rivera åbenbaringer om Jesuiterordenen og den virkelige historie er et Norsk online magasin skrevet af folket til folket. De offentliggøre oplysninger om nye paradigmer og rapportere om aktuelle emner fra nye vinkler, samt om emner som andre nævner. Desuden sætter aktuelle emner i et bredere perspektiv end normalt. Tidsskriftsartikler beskæftiger sig med tre væsentlige hovedemner: Bevidsthed, Kosmos, Samfund

    ******Following article is in Norwegian - use google translate on the top of my blog entry****

    I mange århundrer har negative krefter hersket og herjet på Jorden. Vatikanet-innsideren Alberto Rivera har avslørt at svært mye av denne verdens ondskap kan føres tilbake til Vatikanet og jesuitt-ordenen.

    Alberto Rivera (1935-1997) var jesuitt under ed, da han ble kjent med Vatikanets onde planer for verdens-dominans. Rivera vendte da den katolske kirken ryggen og valgte å bli fløyteblåser, noe som til slutt kostet ham livet.

    Nyhetsspeilet bringer her Alberto Riveras viktige vitnemål om den virkelige historien. Det viser seg at svært mange negative historiske hendelser har vært organisert i det skjulte av jesuitt-ordenen og pave-veldet i Vatikanet.

    Alberto Riveras beretning begynner her:

    «Da jeg var jesuitt under ed, ble vi fortalt sannheten om både nazismen og kommunismen. Og jeg fikk vite hvorfor millioner av forsvarsløse jøder ble drept. I tre år ble jeg undervist av en lynende intelligent tysk Jesuitt, Kardinal Augustine Bea, som gav oss topp hemmelig informasjon. Det var en oversikt over historiske begivenheter som aldri kommer til å bli skrevet i historiebøkene!

    Kardinal Augustine Bea var lederen for den Katolske institusjons økumeniske bevegelse, skriftefar for Pave Pius XII, samt jesuitt under høyeste ed og innsettelse…


    Protestantiske ledere

    De fleste av de store protestantiske ledere, så som Luther, Melancton, Wycliffe, Calvin, Wesley, Finney, Moody, Spurgeon m.fl. hevdet at den katolske institusjon er ”Mor til skjøgene og til stygghetene på jorden.” Åpenbaringen 17, beskriver ikke det gamle Babylon, men det Vatikanet vi har idag.

    De fleste av de store protestantiske ledere, så som Luther, Melancton, Wycliffe, Calvin, Wesley, Finney, Moody, Spurgeon m.fl. hevdet at den Katolske institusjon er ”Mor til skjøgene og til stygghetene på jorden.” Åpenbaringen 17, beskriver ikke det gamle Babylon, men det Vatikanet vi har idag…
    Læs videre:

    Mark Bajerski On Dealing With Fear, Pain, Loss, Remorse & Ultimately Remembering Who You Really Are (Blogger: Very, Very, Very uplifting interview. It is all about LOVE.."Richie Allan: Are we all wrong to say there's no stopping this NWO evil agenda and paradigm, we are lost anyways."."Mark Bajerski:"Your all absolutly 100 pct wrong...If we cannot see and feel what's going on at this moment in front of our eyes right now, that makes me feel really sad because you're intuitive energy obviously not working correctly and if anybody is out there are saying we are finished, then i'm teeling you, you haven't sat down and still your mind and listened to the truth...This place called 'earth' is going to be here a long time...We will conquer and we will prevail...We most understand one thing, there's a huge manipulation going on at this moment, and it's always been going on, and this is called darkness...It will always be there to show the common man who trully powerful you truly are as a soul..Only two choices exist, due to free will, you can either be on the energy of positivity or be on the energy of fear... ")

    Published on Sep 21, 2016

    “Globalist Are Paedophiles” Practices And Beliefs (Blogger: Denne artikel kan virke meget stødende på mange, men alle beviser er lagt på bordet, desværre omhandler den ikke Danmark, hvor der er lagt låg på... Hvis man vil ændre verden er man nødt til at se og forstå grusomherne først og så tager aktion på, hvordan vi skaber en bedre tilværelse for alle vores børn...)

    Forord: Blogger: Denne artikel kan virke meget stødende på mange, men alle beviser er lagt på bordet, desværre omhandler den ikke Danmark, hvor der er lagt låg på... Hvis man vil ændre verden er man nødt til, at se på grusomherne først og så tager aktion på, hvordan vi skaber en bedre tilværelse for alle vores børn...Hvis nu bare starter med at forholde os til de mange almindelige danskere som er anholdt i verdensomspændende pædofiliringe igennem tiden, fuldstændigt velbegavet mennesker, husk på, pædofile kan være både mænd og kvinder, men mænd er langt i overtal. - MERE END 120.000 BØRN mellem 0 og 8 år vokser i dag op i belastede familier hvor enten Far eller Mor eller begge to, har et misbrug som invaliderer børnenes opvækst, mens Socialstyrelsen/ tør ikke sætte tal på 'seksuelle overgreb' i Danmark - Regeringens Børneudvalg og Børnerådet satte i 1999 øget fokus på behovet for en forbedret indsats mod seksuelle overgreb på børn. Efter anno 2000, er statens institut for folkesundhed mht. litteraturstudierne, datakilder, undersøgelser og statistikker fuldstændigt gået helt i stå eller skjult for offentligheden... For slet ikke at snakke om de mange sager i kommunerne om overgreb eller om præster helt op til biskopper som er anklaget for seksuelt misbrug af mindreårrige børn fra frikirker, det Katolske samfund, der tilstadighed bliver holdt hemmeligt (2014 - den katolske kirke er stadig inficeret af op mod 8.000 pædofile præster, siger Pave Frans. Tidligere Pave Benedikt pludselige tilbagetræden i 2013 er spekuleret af mange for, at have stamme fra et grasserende børnemishandling). Tidligere messedreng står frem: Hillerød-præst lærte mig oralsex. Så kom Frikirke-præst fra Silkeborg-egnen og nu en 46-årig præst fra Kalundborg er blevet fængslet mistænkt for overgreb mod flere børn, hvor det allerede var indberettet til biskoppen i Roskilde, men gjorde intet ved sagen osv. osv. Så har vi den nu total neddyssede sag om den britiske pædofilring og politiske skandale, er kun toppen af isbjerget, hvis vi kigger på den anden side af Atlanten - i USA højborg - Washington samt Vatikanet og præsternes omgang af seksuelle overgreb med mindre børn og unge, snakker vi om organiseret kriminalitet, blandt magteliten. En elite-kult, der omfatter alle lige fra højstående politikere, militærofficere, politi og retsvæsen til at smugle narkotika og udføre okkulte ritualer. Noget, som den Internationale Common Law Domstol i Bruxelles undersøger beviser for voldtægt af børn, tortur, mord og kidnapning angiveligt udført af den globale elite medlemmer af niende Circle Satanic - Child Sacrifice Cult netværk, dog uden resultat vi hører om i medierne. Selv den britiske højesteretsdommer til dronningen, Lord Justice Fulford, forsøgte at sænke den seksuelle lavalder til fire. Absolut sygt og unormalt - FIRE ÅR...Husk nu på, man skal ikke tage fejl af en moders styrke, vores regering og magteliten FRYGTER mødre som har mistet sit barn i krig eller står magtesløse overfor sit eget barn af blod, som eks.vis. er blevet seksuelt misbrugt. De opgiver aldrig før sandheden kommer frem og retfærdigheden er sket fyldest..

    Edward Morgan posted: " One doesn’t need to be an investigative journalist or a serious researcher to realize that human traits like virtue, morality, dignity, integrity, righteousness, honor, or even just common human decency are hardly in abundance in today’s world. Becaus" 

    “Globalist Are Paedophiles” Practices And Beliefs by Edward Morgan 

    One doesn’t need to be an investigative journalist or a serious researcher to realize that human traits like virtue, morality, dignity, integrity, righteousness, honor, or even just common human decency are hardly in abundance in today’s world. Because I do a lot of writing about the New World Order and the global elite, it was suggested that I look into a possible connection between globalists and child sex rings, child pornography, or pedophilia.

    As a writer, I spend virtually all day reading and writing, so I come across a lot of subjects or issues that most people never see. With that said, the only “mainstream” report I can recall ever seeing on this subject related to Bill Clinton’s buddy, billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein. As part of a plea deal, Epstein spent 13 months in prison and home detention for solicitation and procurement of minors for prostitution.

    Allegedly, Epstein had a team of traffickers who procured girls as young as 12 to “service” his friends on “Orgy Island,” an estate on Epstein's 72-acre island, called Little St. James, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. “But for” a certain passenger on his private plane, the Jeffrey Epstein story probably would have never seen daylight. It was only because one of Epstein's friends and fellow sexual deviant, former President Bill Clinton, was being investigated by the political opposition that traced him to at least 26 trips aboard Epstein’s private jet, the ‘Lolita Express,’ that Epstein got so much attention. Fox News reports that Clinton even even left behind his secret service agents on several occasions.

    Here’s my point: Upon as much investigation as I could stomach, and as the lengthy report below by Aaron Kesel illustrates very clearly, Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton seem to be more of the rule than the exception when it comes to the global elite with their sexual perversions and pedophilia. “Normal” people don’t even want to think about issues like this, but perhaps it’s time we start! The situation seems to be bordering on an epidemic!

    As you read the work below by Aaron Kesel, and you watch some of the videos provided, or you listen to some of the interviews, it doesn’t take long to realize that for the number of incidents to be happening to that many children, there must be thousands, if not maybe even MILLIONS of people who are "covering" for the globalists by either not doing their jobs, or who are turning a blind eye deliberately to enable the elite to use children as party favors. Pass this along in hopes it gets people's attention and a light starts being shined into some dark corners…

    By the way, since Bill Clinton’s name came up, it’s worth noting that after 40 years, earlier this week a Witness For Juanita Broaddrick Came Forward and Said it Was Undoubtedly Bill Clinton That Raped Juanita.

    Pedophile rings are enormous and pervasive among the world's elites

    For years it's been rumored that the globalist elite are involved in some pretty strange practices, from mock sacrificing a baby at Bohemian Grove to the testimony that a child was actually murdered in a Bohemian Grove ritual. The testimony and evidence in this article prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the allegations of Bohemian Grove are just the tip of the iceberg.

    Bohemian Grove

    Paul Bonacci once told investigators Gary Caradori, Ted L. Gunderson, and ex-Senator and attorney John Decamp that he was forced to murder a boy at the creepy California resort Bohemian Grove.

    Here's is Bonacci's testimony on Child Murder at Bohemian Grove:

    The former Los Angeles FBI Director Ted L. Gunderson expanded that accusation with the famous Macdonald Douglas Case. Helena Stoeckley testified in the case to all that goes on behind closed doors — including satanic robes, blood sacrifices, and more. The MacDonald Douglas Case documented evidence of an elite cult that included military, police, and justice system officials smuggling drugs and performing occult rituals. Stoeckley testified that Dr. MacDonald fought this gang and tried to stop the smuggling — and was subsequently framed for the murder of his wife and two daughters (5 years old and 2 years old). MacDonald was tried at a military tribunal and convicted. Helena Stoeckley testified that the murders were part of her initiation into The Process Church of The Final Judgment.

    In another case called "The Finders," Director Gunderson claimed CIA connected "elite" were kidnapping and drugging kids in an operation called Operation Brownstone.

    Pattern of Abuse Around the World

    ECETI News Sept. 2016

    ECETI News Sept. 2016

    Here we go again more false flags in a last ditch effort to maintain the corrupt status quo. The powers that were are imploding. The Boston bombing, a complete botched false flag now has part two. Sandy Hook was also a complete failure unless you are a neutered zombie robot consumer believing the lame stream press; which unfortunately is the case for a lot of people. There is a saying, “You get the government you deserve.” If you are going to behave like ignorant sheep you create job security for the tyrants. There is an oath within most military and government enforcement agencies to protect and serve the people. Most take an oath to protect the constitution as well against enemies foreign and domestic. We need to walk our talk when it comes to foreign countries as well. I was given a refrigerator magnet showing a GI kicking a door in saying lets talk about freedom. We cannot operate in foreign countries in complete contradiction to the ideals America was founded on. Not to mention honoring international law.

    The status quo has lost all sight of honor, integrity, the God given rights of all humanity succumbing to unbridled greed, power over others and in many cases genocide. We are talking about being governed by pathological liars, thieves, and murderers. We are talking about down right satanic, demonic and maniacal forces when you get down to the root of the matter. This is not conspiracy it is fact and the condition of humanity and the Earth bears testimony to this. With all the wars, man made diseases, tainted inoculations, cancerous chemicals in the food and water, extremely toxic chemtrails one has to ask how these inhumane things came to pass. Non humans do inhumane things.