Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er
grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han
siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt
er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler
af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.
Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer
The past month has seen the beginning of successes that are to lead to the new NESARA Republic and the disbursement of the large global prosperity.
We give thanks and blessings to Heaven for how well its grand plans are succeeding in altering this land for the Light. How momentous the coming months are to be!
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation
Symbol For The Sirian Star System |
Dratzo! The process to separate the illuminoids from the people continues to move forward. The new NESARA Republic is quickly surrounding all who somehow remained loyal to the USA, Inc. government. This is just the beginning of an operation that is to take down at last those who for so long illegally ruled America. In this new time, America is slated to take its place alongside those who so bravely fought to bring in this set of GESARA governments. We salute all those brave men and women who gladly sacrificed themselves to allow this new time to happen. The global RV is swiftly to become a worldwide reset of currency, and also the legal start of a new financial system. The final death of this arrogant cabal is indeed to be a Godsend for the people of this world. It is finally to permit all who were to be forerunners of a new prosperity to partake at last in this process. It is, moreover, allowing us at long last to petition the world's governments for a "declaration of understanding" about the nature of this glorious first contact mission. This global affirmation is only the first and most important part of our initial announcements.
We intend to show that the new spiritually-oriented governance has a powerful and heavenly-brought ally. It is our purpose to use our first broadcast to end all the propaganda that your movies and television programming have spread about us. We all need to make a fresh start and begin a general disclosure about who we truly are. We have drawn up a timetable for when ships are to make their initial landings around this globe. It is essential that you get to know us. More important is for the new governance to work as planned and to bring you the prosperity and freedom that you so rightly deserve. The mass landings are to take place once you have grown accustomed to being diligent about "watchdogging" them and are assured that all is in accordance with what we have told you. Once we feel that this new reality is working and beginning to achieve its first goals, we are going to do two things. First, we need a mass landing to introduce you to your mentors. Second, we intend to introduce our replicators to you. The way is then set for a swift path to full consciousness!