Jan 20, 2021

🤡⏰⚔️ ~ ('Letter For Biden') Someone Hit Go!: Latest from Simon Parkes (SoTW Jan 19-20 2021) ~ | Blogger: [🤜SoTW will provide raw blog posts material as they look, from the official SP URL, if his site, is banned, internet is cutted or something else, happens🤛]... Latest 20/01/2021 - 20:00 PM CET: 👉"Letter For Biden - Trump letter was left on the President's desk" ... 👉"So now we've seen the clown show - Now we just wait" ... 👉"US anti submarine aircraft active & Supreme Court Bomb Threat" ... Latest 19/01/2021 - 23:00 PM CET:👉"CIA Director Resigned" ... 👉"Vice President Pence is considering resigning today." ... 👉"First Evidence on twitter by Lin Wood and whistleblower Part 1 and Part 2 -- Chief Justice Roberts, must go - sold his children into elite globalist organisations - Jeffrey Epstein acted as middle man" ... 👉"A number of the President's Team posting on Telegram have had their accounts hacked" ...👉"Top Iran official taken out in explosion" ... 👉"Operation Mockingbird up and running" ... 👉"US cuts line to Chinese and Russian embassies in a number of cities" ... 👉"Twitter proof that Military task force takes up position just a few miles off the California coast" ... 👉"Ghislaine Maxwell District Court - January 19, 2021 10:00 AM - general public may join the teleconference." |

19/01/2021 - 20/01/2021

Looks like someone hit the GO button!


Letter For Biden...

I was sent this 5pm British time - And asked not to share for 1 hour.

This Trump letter was left on the President's desk for Biden.


Clown Show...

So now we've seen the clown show - Now we just wait...


US Anti Submarine Aircraft Active...

US anti submarine aircraft active - Watching for Ukraine or ex Russian sub activity near fleet.


〰️🏳️🙌 ~ (Massive Waves of Energy: We are getting a lot of help!) Latest News (James Gilliland ECETI Ranch) 💗 ~ | Blogger: Check out the short read from James and the short videocast from DAHBOO77 of a massive stream of incoming energy is hitting the Earth... PS: Sorry, it will not show up on Schumann Resonances chart SOS at Tomsk)... |


James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience 



We have spoken about our solar system moving into a highly energized area of space. We have also spoken about how the higher dimensional beings, saints, sages and masters use these events to further the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. We are in the apex of those times, the veils between worlds are becoming increasingly thinner and the effect of their consciousness and energy is being felt globally. They bring with them the consciousness of how spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations live. What many refer to as Universal Law. This law is woven into all sacred books and religions yet it has been muddied by kings and institutions which altered them to fit their needs. These kings and institutions separated themselves from the Omnipresent Creator residing within all Creation. They elevated themselves into chosen ones, go betweens the ones with the only true knowledge and connection. They perpetuated external Gods separate from man and nature. Limited versions of omnipresence. This was to control and dominate the people and for personal power and wealth. God forbid the people find out God resides within them and a go between is not necessary. Many masters from many cultures all agreed upon an Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient God. The path was to go within through prayer and meditation.

“Personal power comes from the realization that you are not a person. You have a body and a personality yet in truth you are a multidimensional beings existing in a vibrational continuum in more expanded states of awareness all the way back to source.”

💣💥🏚️ ~ (JUST IN) Explosion in Madrid. The shock has been felt throughout the city. Emergency services have arrived (Disclose TV) ~ |

👨‍💼🌱🌎 ~ (LIVE) President Trump Speaks at Sendoff Ceremony at Joint Base Andrews/Arrival in FL 1/20/21 (Right Side Broadcasting Network) ~ | Blogger: [👉"Goodbye and thank you - we will come back in some form." ~ Donald Trump👈] ... And people like, Simon Parkes, and the rest who "knows" or have inside sources, telling them stuff, are dead silence... Exciting times ahead... Expect the Unexpected... HAVE FAITH AND Stay STRONG... |

⚖️🖭⛓️ ~ (SCJ John Must be Removed!) JOHN ROBERTS, JEFF EPSTEIN AND THE PLOT TO MURDER SCOTUS JUSTICES (forbiddenknowledgetv) ~ | Blogger: RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK -- Claims of Ghislaine Maxwell's Epstein court hearing was interrupted after it was unlawfully live-streamed to thousands of followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory on YouTube (strange - since it was a public event - you could follow it on a teleconference call) ... PS: Full transcript and video of Lin Wood with whistleblower, below... |

At noon today, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is scheduled to swear-in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as President and Vice President of the United States, respectively.

This video gives us some background about Chief Justice Roberts. It was posted on Telegram yesterday morning by superlawyer, Lin Wood in 8 parts, which I strung back together again, uploaded and transcribed, below.

It’s an interview with a government whistleblower known as JohnHereToHelp (JHTH), in which he describes how Chief Justice Roberts adopted his children with the help of Jeffrey Epstein and then he proceeded to use his children to sexually entrap and blackmail powerful people.

He says, “Children are often used as a commodity, a way to buy yourself into certain inner circles. And these people are all wealthy, they’re all powerful and they won’t trust you unless you’re as compromised as they are.

👨‍💼🎆🎊 ~ (Den berettigede kamp mod den valgsvindel, der har sikret Demokraterne og Joe Biden sejren) Wake Up America (Weekendavisen) ~ | Blogger: [🤜"Parallelt. Det var nok ikke sande Trump-tilhængere, der brød ind i Kongressen. Og hvis det var, så døde de for kærligheden til deres land. Historien set fra den anden side." ~ Martin Krasnik🤛] ... Tak til min CEO-ven, som lige er kommet ud af Thailand's 14 dages bevogtet COVID isolationsfængsel og hader Trump, men kan godt se, der er noget ravruskende galt.. nååå... Måske er der stadig HÅB, for danskernes spirituelle opvågningsprocess?... |


Hvem havde egentlig interesse i, at debatten om valgsvindel pludselig blev overskygget af en lille flok idioter? Ikke Trump! Ikke de amerikanske patrioter!«

Klokken er lidt over tre om natten, og journalist Grant Stinchfield er i gang med at diskutere onsdagens begivenheder i Washington med et republikansk kongresmedlem. At slå over til Newsmax-værtens studie er som at bevæge sig over på en anden planet, den for tiden største i det univers, mange millioner republikanske vælgere befinder sig i.

Jeg har slået skærmen over fra CNN, hvor studieværterne taler om voldelige demonstranters kupforsøg i hovedstaden, og her hos Stinchfield er historien en helt, helt anden: Nogle få, meget få, fjolser brød ind i Kongressen og fjerner nu al opmærksomheden fra den berettigede kamp mod den valgsvindel, der har sikret Demokraterne og Joe Biden sejren. Derfor, siger politikeren, kan det ikke være Trump-tilhængere, der er brudt ind i Kongressen, men forklædte Antifa-aktivister, venstreorienterede anarkister, der har ønsket at stoppe debatten om sammensværgelsen mod Donald Trump.


🧘‍♂️ ~ 💗 (20-22th January Buddhic Column meditations) Buddhic Column meditation for the continental United States (WLMM) 💕 ~ | Blogger: Cobra and Resistance Movement, We Love Mass Mediations and Ground Crew Command Radio, are asking us to meditate for POTUS and America, right now... This is to prepare the grounds energetically and help the transition go smoothly of the situation in the US and its consequences for the whole globalist worldwide coup (which timeline is already thwarted but the globalist Cabal can and will still cause havoc)... |



According to Cobra, there will be an important timeline node from January 20th to 22nd that will to a significant degree influence the future course of events on the surface of this planet. During that time, it is very important to anchor as much Light as possible.

The Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the Buddhic Column meditation for the continental United States every 4 hours starting from January 20th at noon EST and ending at noon EST on January 22nd.

This equals to January 20th at 5 PM UTC for the first meditation, and the last one is on January 22nd at 5 PM UTC.

Here is the list of times for meditation in UTC and EST timezones [READ MORE] ... | 

🎖️🙏🐙 ~ (Total 100,000 Troops & Police Wartime Scenario DC) #L.U.C.K. Occupied DC, "Security Bubble", Farewell to Global Harms #WeAreFree ~ | Blogger: [👉"Prayers and Heart resonance is HUGE right now." ~ We Free TV👈] ... |

1/19: Today, POTUS gave his farewell speech while 60K NG troops occupy DC, 40K police officers, and thousands of live action military troops on hand...

💉🤰 ☠️ ~ (Both Men & Woman) Head of Pfizer Research: CV Vacc is Female Sterilization (PFC - Part of US Cobra support) ~ | Blogger: Same as the danish Doctor, Søren Ventegodt, has warned the public about... Søren Ventegodt is MD, EU-MSc (CAM) from Interuniversity College, Graz, Nordic School of Holistic Medicine, among many, many things... PS: The director of the Statens Serum Institut, Henrik Ullum, still believes EVERYONE is vaccinated with Pfizer or other vaccines, by the end of June of 2021... SoTW assume, everyone, is 5.806 million danes from Kingdom of Denmark - can you believe the nerve of that Boozy the Clown?... |


Not part of the original article but a comment….

After a little research it turns out that Syncytin-1 is also present in sperm, so it’s not only Women that will be steralised but Men as well. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261257414_Syncytin-1_and_its_receptor_is_present_in_human_gametes

From HealthandMoneyNews.com:

The vaccine contains a spike protein (see image) called syncytin-1, vital for the formation of human placenta in women. If the vaccine works so that we form an immune response AGAINST the spike protein, we are also training the female body to attack syncytin-1, which could lead to infertility in women of an unspecified duration.

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies and call for co-signing the petition


On December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and the lung specialist and former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed an application with the EMA, the European Medicine Agency responsible for EU-wide drug approval, for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, in particular the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42). [READ MORE] ... | 

👴🦠👵 ~ (Goddag mann, økseskaft!) Et politisk flertal på Christiansborg vil have undersøgt coronaindsatsen på landets plejehjem efter høje dødstal blandt beboere (Danske medier) ~ | Blogger: Noget jeg luftede overfor min egen mor med 45 års erfaring som tidligere leder, på Modtagelse / Skadestue på et Hospital... Hvad nu hvis, Mette's logik, lukker plejehjem, for ikke at det kommer frem, at de ikke døde "AF" Coronavirus, men grundet, massevaccinationerne som er fundet sted på samtlige plejehjem i Dannevang eller depression, grundet indespærring, uden menneskelig kontakt og omsorg???... Det er ikke utænkelig, men også rent brainstorming, for jeg ved det jo ikke... Vi ved dog, at regeringen holder tæt mht. selvmord i Danmark og andre dødsstatistikker, såsom influenzatilfælde, som er lig NUL, ZERO, for tiden - ingen menneskelig kontakt - ingen aktive bakterier... WHO anslår, at der hvert år dør op til 650.000 mennesker af luftvejssygdomme relateret til sæsoninfluenza - Danmark i 2018 var tallet på omkring 2,000 mennesker.. Men, nu snakker vi KUN om Corona-dødstilfælde og vi ved jo, at alle ældre på plejehjem dør, før eller siden, og er immunsvækkede m.m.... Det er ikke noget jeg siger, SSI, Videnskab.dk, Danmarks Statistik og Vibeke Manniche, som bla. er læge, Ph.d, konsulent & foredragsholder samt "Psykiatrifonden, er ude at fortælle, at coronakrisen har fået antallet af henvendelser til at stige med 30%. Folk er bange, stressede, ensomme og deprimerede. Ikke mindst den store andel af befolkningen, som bor alene. Der har nedlukningen gjort dem endnu mere ensomme og triste." (uddrag)... Tænk hvis (når) det kommer frem, at Mette og Co. har søsat den STØRSTE døds-depressions-bølge i landet, siden anden verdenskrig, eller pesten, for penge, magt og WEF/DK-aftalen, som gør os til kontrolleret mennesker, fuldendt cyborg, som er halvt menneske, halvt robot - den inkorporerede mikrochip?.. |



5️⃣💲📵 ~ (Vupti! Tog blot 7 timer) 5G-lynaktion i Sverige: Hi3G Access (Tre), Net4Mobility (Tele2 og Telenor), Telia Sverige og Teracom, lagde 1,7 mia. kr. i statskassen for at gøre 5G-mobilnet landsdækkende. Danmark afholder auktion til Marts 2021 (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Vi kan snakke op ad døre og ned ad stolper i et væk om 5G! Danmark og nordiske ministre, sammen med Lille-Lars Generalen fra Græsted, Det store lokum, Lilleholt, magtfulde teleindustri og WEF/DK-aftalen, lagde fundamentet til 5G-netværket, i 2018! Bolden er givet videre til Klima-Dankogeren, som gør intet, for at stoppe processen👈] ... Jeg arbejdede tidligere med en af ​​de STØRSTE Cisco-infrastrukturer i EU, med Firewalls, og alle slags netværksudstyr og telekommunikation, m.fl... Vi vidste godt dengang, at det var en dødsdom at vedligeholde bankens Reuter / Bloomberg / Cisco udstyr på taget hvor paraboler og 4G/LTE/4G+ antenner (nu 5G MIMO Internet antenner) befandt sig (stakkels TDC teknikere) ... Jeg vil våge den påstand, at 5G-teknologien, støbt og smedet sammen af DARPA og Militæret, er en af ​​de VÆRSTE teknologier, der er lavet i historien ... 5G-teknologier har jo allerede en række potentielle militære anvendelser, som f.eks. Active Denial System (ADS) som et ikke-dødeligt våben, direkte energi udviklet (directed-energy weapon DEW) af det amerikanske militær og alle radiofrekvenser kan bevæbnes, inklusive 3G, 4G (4G +, 4G ++) eller 5G... |

"DAGLIGT modtager mennesker NATURLIGE HARMONISKE ENERGIstråler, vibrationer og frekvenser fra atmosfæren, himmeriget, det ydre rum, universet. Men vi kan ikke håndtere, MENNESKESKABTE pulserende (elektriske) elektromagnetiske (radio)bølger som påvirker vores elektriske Aura, samt Hjerterytme og Hjernens ur, der styrer kroppen og nervesystemet med en KONSTANT bombaberende tænd/sluk funktion. Denne tænk/sluk, ville være det samme som at slukke for sin pacemaker og så tænde for den igen, 10.000 gange på 1 dag. Tallet 10.000 er bare et tænkt eksempel. 5G bliver millioner gange værre." ~ SoTW



🎖️🙏⭐ ~ (God is in Control! Trust the Military! Purge Siren! 'Football' is protected! ) Ready for China Joe inauguration dead-man-walking magic show? (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Militarism, Imperialism, Corporatism, Communism and Fascism: 'Creepy Uncle China Joe' Biden’s first actions as president will likely include “roughly a dozen” executive orders aimed at rolling back some of Trump’s policies and introduce Obama's and China rule👈] ...{TUCKER CARLSON: McConnell Blackmailing Trump To Prevent Assange Pardon - Breaking911} ... 💨Google EXTENDS Trump’s YouTube ban for at least another week as ‘Borat’ actor, Sacha Baron Cohen, urges PERMANENT bans to ‘stop HATE’...💨DuckDuckGo surpasses 100 million daily search queries for the first time. Meanwhile, Google has purged the #Parler website from its search index... 💨Twitter has locked out the account of the Right Side Broadcasting Network without any explanation, per the Telegram account of the TV network... 💨DC mayor calls to TERMINATE National Guardsmen with ‘conflicting views’ before inauguration, requests machine guns for security... 💨Fraud News Network CNN airs guide to DEPROGRAM MAGA SUPPORTERS as cult expert claims ENTIRE country needs post-Trump help... 💨Donald Trump Announces Pardons and Commutations for 143 People in Last Hours of Presidency - will they be part of a protected witness program?... ⭐⭐⭐ 'THE BEST IS YET TO COME' -TRUMP IN FAREWELL ADDRESS ⭐⭐⭐... |




1.19.21: The STAGE is SET! Open YOUR eyes! Trust in the President!


Lin Wood On The Phone 01\18\21
