Nov 22, 2017
Kristeligt Dagblad | 22. Nov 2017 | Opgøret med tavshedskultur og seksuelle krænkelser rejser sig hos vores naboer | .. Så mens metoo-kampagnen i Danmark måske har været langsommere i optrækket, buldrer den derudaf i tiltagende styrke hos de skandinaviske naboer.. I Sverige, hvor mange bryster sig af at leve i et af verdens mest ligestillede lande, har ansatte i sundhedssektoren og 4445 jurister underskrevet et opråb, og det har i den gradvundet genklang. Kronprinsesse Victoria har sågar bakket op, og i Dagens Nyheter kalder skribent Maria Schottenius bevægelsen det vigtigste, der er sket, siden kvinderne fik stemmeret. .. | Blogger: ".. Žižek: #MeToo kan blive et epokegørende skridt mod lighed ... hvis ikke vi snubler i offerrollen. Årtusinders indgroede måder at tænke og regulere forholdene mellem kønnene på bliver anfægtet og undergravet af #metoo... (..)..". Det er jeg bestemt ikke enig i... Det handler IKKE blot om kvindeundertrykkelse, tavshedskultur og seksuelle krænkelser (sexistisk kultur), hvor voksne heteroseksuelle mænd er nogle svin overfor kvinder eller mænd mishandler mænd (homo- hetero- og biseksualitet ) m.m... #MeToo er startskuddet for opvågningen af HELE den urgamle sexistiske undertrykkelse, som Panama Papers er for afsløringen af magtelitens skyggesider. Jeg snakker om den bundperverse pedofide verdensorden som det politiske establishment, underholdningsindustrien og underverdens magtcenter har etableret, som hersker og forgrener sig i alle samfundslag. Vi snakker om drab, satanisme, babyer, børn og unge mennesker. Men, Danmark vælger at overse den lille detajle, ikke sandt. Vi negligere det hele og kalder det feminismens onde stedmoder - det var kvinderne som startede det hele, siger den lille forsagte kulturelite og peger finger. Det er først NU, danskerne er vågnet op til "#SpiritCooking", "#PizzaGate" "#Pay-for-Play",#PedoGate - Hollywood's og Disney's pædofili-epidemi, sataniske ritualer og det der er ekstremt meget værre. Noget vi andre har snakket om i årevis, men ingen ønsker at lytte til. Det er for usmageligt, grusomt og konspiratorisk - vi vil hellere se den anden vej, vi kan bedre takle den bløde del af #MeToo-bevægelsen (det er ikke længere en kampagne). Noget der kan få mig op i det røde felt er de selvoptagede, arrogante Kongehus og de korrekte forfinede politikere. Har vi hørt fra Baby-Lars, vor alles elskede Statsminister, som har taget et kvantespring i æteren og cementeret en afstandtagen til sexisme og #MeToo?? Eller bare gjort det klokkeklart for alle, det ikke på nogen måde tillades i Folkestyret Dannevang? Nej vel. Nu er der en medarbejder i en chefstilling, som er blevet suspenderet efter anklager om sexchikane og seksuelle krænkelser i Dansk Journalistforbund.. Så har BT underlagt sig Kongehuset endnu engang ved at prostituere sig med et oldgammelt billede af prinsgemalen og hans sønner og Joachim, der afviser årelangt rygte om Henrik: 'Det er fake news' (Prins Joachim opdrager sine børn kærligt. Han slår dem ikke - og hans far slog aldrig ham). Rygter er der nok af, de cirkulere overtalt. Jeg hørte fra 20 år tilbage, via en god veninde der arbejdede på TV3 som var MEGET tæt på Kongehuset; om voldsepisoder, prinsgemalen, der var til små drengebørn og jeg vil slet ikke komme ind på Dronningen (Men det er kun rygter, vil jeg lige sige). Flyver vi højt nok op til skyerne hos den konstitueret magtpyramide hvor Kongehuset, det fine danske erhvervsimperiet, højtstående politiske familiedynastier svæver rundt, må vi ikke længe sige noget ondt. Her, blomstre perfektionismens blommetræer, Adam og Eva og paradisæblerne, de lyserøde skyer når helt op til det guddommelige og finkulturen, nikkedukkerne og de oppustede monarkijournalister, makker ret. Hvis vi anfægter troværdigheden og om Dannevang har brug for Kongehuset, anklages vi for at være fordømmende, illoyale, uden fædrelandskærlighed og borgerdyd. Det er ikke troværdigt, at pille ved glansbilledet omkring kongefamilien eller den øverste magtelite i Danmark. Men det gør man altså noget ved i Sverige og Norges land, noget vi dæleme burde tage ved lære af, i stedet for at spille det fisefornemme og overlegne herskerfolk, som underminere og benægtende, ALDRIG er galt afmarcheret. Vi er trods alt, verdens mindst korrupte land, med verdens lykkeligste befolkning.. Det er de andre voksnebørn som driller, vi danskere, har aldrig gjort noget forkert. Og så kan vi ikke tåle ""kritik"", bare spørg coaches og psykoterapeauter... |
TOTALECLIPSE -- YouTube Channel | Nov 22, 2017 | By Italian Andy Giardina | ~ CIA Admits Iran Coup, Globalists/ISIS Vanquished, US Forces Stay- Failed Arab Spring Timeline Ends ~ | Blogger: Very entertaining guy, don't be fooled, he's very connected to source and current Stat... |
My name is Andy Giardina, I hold 2 M.A. Degrees (Political Science and History) and am a published author/independent researcher who has worked for 2 decades in the non-profit, business, public and government sectors. I am also the ‘voice’ of the US metal band TOTAL ECLIPSE. Please SUBSCRIBE below and check out my links if you find this video informative. Thanks for watching and please HELP SAVE THE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA. Spread the link! God Bless you all and may you be victorious against the evil forces of deceit that are enslaving the human spirit. QUESTION AUTHORITY and KNOW YOUR ENEMY.
An in-depth look at the final fall of the Arab Spring Revolutions orchestrated by the Obama /Hillary/Soros/CIA/US Milt/Mossad Industrial Complex—with their roots in the Bush Sr Presidency and with the help of Saudi Arabia— and aimed at destabilizing the whole Middle East, the U.S., Europe and the rest of the world. While the Globalist Empire is collapsing on all sides through the various scandals that have rocked the Illuminati pyramid infrastructure, we’ll delve into the signs that indicate the approaching fall of the CIA/Milt Industrial Complex and their masters: From the Wikileaks revelations about DNC pedophile/child trafficking, corruption, and Russian Collusion with the Uranium One deal; the CIA/NSA Global Surveillance/AI Hacking program, the 17 non-existent Intelligence agencies that lied about having evidence of Russian Collusion with the Trump admin., the latest batch of JFK files which as had already been confirmed implicated the CIA in the JFK assassination plot, the Harvey Weinstein/Hollywood/Congress/Corporate/Sports world sex scandals, to the news of an air collision over the Rothschild Estate followed by reports of a U.S. Marine Expeditionary unit [2,200 Marines] sent to take over CIA HQ in Langley, Virginia, and many more, we attempt to tie the knots.
TV2 Lorry | 22. Nov 2017 | Halvvejs i optælling: Så mange har sat kryds ved ex-politiker | .. 31 af 50 valgsteder er nu optalt, og TV 2 Lorry har modtaget en status over de personlige stemmer. Her står det klart, at en hel del københavnere har sat deres kryds ved den tidligere Integrations- og Beskæftigelsesborgmester fra Radikale, Anna Mee Allerslev, der indtil videre har fået 591 personlige stemmer .. | Blogger: Hvorfor skal vi udråbe, helgener og skurke?! Det skal vi nok, fordi, ligesom fuglen Fønix der rejser sig fra asken igen og igen som sofavælger til aktøren og votere over hvem som skal bestemme over os, skal det ske ved en 'aktiv handling', ikke ved at væve frem og tilbage, så vi ender i følelsernes afgrund af ulidelighedens afmagt. I bund og grund handler det om vores følelser i forhold til de værdier, der definerer og styrer vores liv. Helt fundamentalt kan man tale om positive og negative følelser. Vi kunne kalde dem for glæde og smerte. Inden for økonomisk teori ville man kalde dette en “cost-benefit analyse”, hvor man minimerer omkostningerne og maksimerer goderne. Der er sandsynligt nogle, som bliver sure og gale på mig nu, og i naturens spirituelle verdensorden, skal man kunne distancere, være medmenneskelig og eftergivende, men borgere som gang på gang, stemmer på personligheder i politik, som slider på os andre, løber om hjørner med os, snyder og bedrager, burde vi alle sparke til vores indre bunny energizer i røven, for ikke igen, at falde til patten. Anna Mee er smuk, ja, hun er ung uskyldig kvinde, måske, men hun skal nok klare sig. Folk kommer altid tilbage til dansk politik, uanset om de har været oppe at slås til blods mod IS eller siddet i fængsel. De får en rigtigt god hyre og har extraordinære privilegier samt diplomatisk immunitet overfor dansk lovgivning. De bliver kun vragret af dig og mig og flertallsbølgen i folketingsgruppens magtcenter. Kære venner, de forandrer sig ikke. Mange politikere lever i en osteklokke, total afkoblet fra borgerne, siger én ting og gør noget andet. Det er spillets regler, dramaet for at overleve dette kunstige og vanvittige magtmatrix med raffinerede intrier og magtsyglighed. Enten er man selv en lystløgner og acceptere korruptionen eller også er man emotional afkoblet fra virkeligheden, eller også spiller man offerrollen (Kognitiv dissonans). Det gælder politikerne og de af os, som stemmer og gambler på visse politikers galopheste - for det er et casino spil... "Det er jo også så syndt for Frank Jensen og Anna Mee Allerslev, sikken en hetz de onde mennesker har forgjort sig mod de stakkels politikere. De er jo så veltalende, inspirerende og noble og gør alt for os borgere i København. Tænk hvor har de lidt, og slæbt for vi skal opretholde vores velfærd og levestandard, gi' dem for guds skyld en chance til. I burde skamme jer, Kirsten-Birgit og Søren Pind. Kan I så lukke ned" 😁...(undskyld for stavefejl, jeg er lige så ordblind som flagermus er nat-forvirret)... |
Anna Mee Allerslev ved det indkaldte pressemøde d. 25 oktober 2017, hvor hun meddeler, at hun trækker sig fra politik i København. Foto: Mads Joakim Rimer Rasmussen / Scanpix |
Variety | Nov 21, 2017 | John Lasseter Takes Leave of Absence From Disney/Pixar, Apologizes for Unwanted Hugs | Blogger: Let the cleansing begin!!! Many are aware or beginning to understand that the Disney Corporation's has been 100% exposed as a occult witchcraft satanic illuminati Inc., implanting subliminal sex messages in children's cartoons and sexist images (to say at least). Now, in Denmark, Producer and founder of Zentropa Peter Aalbæk withdraws from the company activities until a report on the working environment is completed (investigating several allegations of sexual harassment).. A sports doctor accused of molesting girls while working for USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University pleaded guilty Wednesday to multiple charges of sexual assault and will face at least 25 years in prison... |
John Lasseter, the head of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios and one of the most powerful figures in the entertainment industry, acknowledged Tuesday that he had crossed the line with employees. He is taking a six-month leave of absence.
Lasseter sent a memo to staff apologizing for making employees feel disrespected or uncomfortable, Variety has confirmed.
“That was never my intent,” he wrote. “Collectively, you mean the world to me, and I deeply apologize if I have let you down. I especially want to apologize to anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of an unwanted hug or any other gesture they felt crossed the line in any way, shape, or form.”
Lasseter is taking a leave as several prominent Hollywood figures are grappling with allegations of sexual harassment. His name has continued to be mentioned privately, with a number of former Pixar employees telling Variety that he has behaved inappropriately and describing a culture at the company as “toxic” and “sexist” for women. His leave was first reported by the Hollywood Reporter....[READ MORE]
BREAKING | RT - Russia Today | Nov 22, 2017 | LIVE BROADCASTING: Ex-Bosnian Serb commander Mladic ‘significantly contributed’ to genocide in Srebrenica - UN tribunal | .. The International Criminal Court (ICC) says Ratko Mladic "significantly contributed" to genocide during the Balkans War, during his time as chief of staff of the Bosnian Serb army from 1992 to 1996 .. | Blogger: 💥The Chamber sentences #Mladic to a life sentence of imprisonment #ICTY💥 (It's about damn time)... | | Nov 21, 2017 | Earthquake WARNING: US struck by 134 tremors in ONE WEEK on most DANGEROUS fault | .. THE MOST dangerous fault line in California has been shaken by a staggering 134 earthquakes in just one week, according to the US Geological Survey .. |
Last week a series of 10 mini-earthquakes struck Monterey County in the US state, raising fears a monster tremor could devastate the region.
A powerful, 4.6 magnitude quake 13 miles northeast of Gonzales, along the San Andreas Fault, was the largest to strike the region.
The San Andreas Fault – a 750-mile fissure that runs the length of California – is thought to be long overdue a “Big One” earthquake measuring magnitude 7 or greater.
Since last week, a whopping 134 earthquakes within three miles of that 4.6 tremor were recorded, USGS said....[READ MORE]
ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel | As You Wish Talk Radio | Nov 21, 2017 | With James Gilliland & ECETI Ranch (11 18 2017) | Blogger: TRUMP, MSM, SEXUAL ABUSE, PEDOPHILIA, CURRENT EVENTS & CORRUPTION BEING EXPOSED... |
James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, and Contact Has Begun, He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.
FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church's Radio Show | Nov 20, 2017 | Ep. 758 | w/ David Wilcock Special Event : LIVE | Blogger: David Wilcock begins at 40 min. marker... |
David Wilcock On Fade To Black
November 20th 2017
The Alliance vs. The Cabal
David Wilcock is the author of the bestselling books, “The Source Field Investigations” and “The Synchronicity Key”.
David is a renowned filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of matter and energy. As a professional lecturer, his foundation lies in scientific and spiritual information about soul growth, Ascension and the evolution of consciousness.
He is the host of Cosmic Disclosure for Gaia, is featured on History’s Ancient Aliens, Coast to Coast AM and of course, Fade to Black…
Tonight we are going to get all of the updates from around the world… it’s the Alliance vs. The Cabal.
Ascensionwithearth | Nov 21, 2017 | Assets of Congress Frozen - Pentagon Confirms Marines VS CIA - Robert David Steele Discusses Sealed Indictments |
Illegal assets of Congressmen frozen, threatened with retro-active audits, story says Pentagon confirms Marines at Langley over the weekend. Article: ASSETS OF KEY CONGRESSMEN FROZEN, PENTAGON CONFIRMS MARINES AT LANGLEY: Article by Benjamin Fulford: New Q Threads: Able Danger Broadcast: Visit my website at JOIN ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Watch for new podcasts every week!
Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert David Steele
Published on Nov 21, 2017
Robert David Steele rejoins the program to discuss the sealed indictments that are mounting. We also discuss the deep state's attempts to remain in power and how Trump can defeat them and the Zionist Info war and agenda. He describes the Zionist agenda to start WW3 and the need to refocus our countries efforts on the needs of the nation. You can learn more about Robert David Steele at or at Please consider supporting the program at
OOM2 \\ AwakeAndAware | Nov 20, 2017 | Occult Vril Society Secret Alien Communication & Advanced Knowledge |
Maria Orsic was a medium and the leader of a Nazi secret society, known as the Vril, that existed in the WWII era. The Vril Society was established after Orsic received communication from extraterrestrials who had once lived in what is now Sumeria. These beings eventually departed Earth for the Aldebaran solar system. The Vril named themselves after the ancient Sumerian word “Vri-ll,” meaning “God-like.”
“Vri-ll,” meaning “God-like.” The Vrill members were attractive young women who grew their hair all the way down past their hips, which was uncharacteristic of the times. The logic for growing their hair to such an extravagant length centered around their belief that human hair acts as an antenna to make contact with extraterrestrials. They believed that they could use their telepathic abilities to communicate with these otherworldly beings and give the Nazis some sort of advantage over their opponents.
After making contact with the extraterrestrials, Orsic transcribed the information in two different
scripts. | 22. Nov 2017 | Ulrik Wilbek er blevet borgmester: - Jeg har ikke sovet meget | Blogger: Så skal Anja være viceborgmester? Så vil der være to ben at gnave på. Manden er en hystade uden borgmesterstang. At tænke sig, at sportsmænd også har evnerne i Politik - måske for lidt rampelys, hvem ved. Men når sportsmanden og aktionhelten, Østrigeren Arnold Schwarzenegger kan, som guvernør i Californien indtil 2011, så er håbet lysegrønt. Joachim B. Olsen har også gjort det godt, måske lidt rabiat og Fætter Højben arrogant til mig. Det lykkes dog ikke Amin Jensen for Nationalpartiet, at komme indenfor. Er en mand med mange talenter og en alsidig foredragsholder. Noget, som de fleste måske ikke ved, er dog, at Ulrik Wilbek er en stor ølentusiast og ølkender... |
TV2 NYS | Nov 21, 2017 | Frank Jensen afviser Pinds Anna Mee-beskyldning: - Fuld af usandheder | .. Kære Frank Jensen! Hvordan synes du egentlig det går i København? Siden Ritt Bjerregaard – der kom til udefra uden erfaring fra københavnsk politik – var der, og du, derefter, uden erfaring fra københavnsk politik.. Sagen, som fik Anna Mee Allerslev til at trække sig, var igangsat år tilbage af overborgmester Frank Jensen, hævder Søren Pind. Frank Jensen afviser .. |
@sorenpind Med dit infantile og perfide indlæg bør du ikke være værdig til den agtelse, ministerembeddet fordrer! Føj, hvor er det lavt! @FrankJensenKBH slår dig med flere banelængder i ordentlighed! #dkpol
Jeg er især vild med følgende: “Der er fyldt med usandheder, og jeg vil ikke gennemgå hans beskyldninger I DAG (!)” …
Jeg er især vild med følgende: “Der er fyldt med usandheder, og jeg vil ikke gennemgå hans beskyldninger I DAG (!)” …
WE HAVE A VISITOR... Are the Annunaki Returning? | Nov 21, 2017 | WE HAVE A VISITOR... Are the Annunaki Returning? | Blogger: Cigar-shaped asteroid is first interstellar visitor to our solar system.. It's been confirmed by all MSM media (if you trust them) .. Pan-STARRS1 telescope in Hawaii, the rock has been dubbed ‘Oumuamua’ by the International Astronomical Union. The name means “a messenger from afar arriving first” in the language of the Central Pacific island.. (NASA Confirms Alien Invasion? Project Blue Beam?)... |
Oh it's on now... I HAD to do this quick video because it feels like there is more to this story then they are letting on... Let me know what you think, and please please do share this around... and Check out my video on Thanksgiving from earlier if you haven't already. PLEASE help me by subscribing, sharing, liking, commenting, and please Check The Bell to be notified for every video I share here freely. If you would like to support this channel please do visit - and subscribe to my free resource as well. If you love to read, check out my award winning novel The Calling - - please allow up to 10 days shipping and NO INTERNATIONAL shipping (e-books are available)
PFC \\ Collective-Evolution | Nov 21, 2017 | RESEARCHERS SHOW WHERE THE ALUMINUM TRAVELS TO IN THE BODY & STAYS AFTER VACCINATION | .. "Der findes beviser for, at aluminiumbelagte partikler (cellebevægelse og phagocytose) i den injicerede muskel og lymfeknuder (dræneringsretningen) kan sprede sig inden for fagocytterne (hvide blodlegemer) i hele kroppen og langsomt ophobes i hjernen. Det foreslås yderligere, at aluminiumsikkerheden bør evaluates på lang sigt." .. | Blogger: Med andre ord: Blod-hjerne-barrieren er hjernens effektive forsvarsmur, værn mod giftstoffer. Verdens føderale sundhedsorganisationer bliver i et væk ved med at påstår, at aluminium, som er bestanddel i vacciner, er det samme som i vores omgivende miljø, det passer ikke!!!. Vacciners stærke aluminiumsalt som adjuvans og andre former for aluminium der tilsættes vacciner, er struktureres på en sådanne måde, det passere gennem hjernen. Aluminium binder virus og bakterier og andre lægemidler/kemiske stoffer som den farmaceutisk industri fremstiller, til at passere gennem hjernen sammen med Polysorbate-80 (Monsanto) som emulgatorer der få fedtstof og vand til at hænge. Dermed kan industrien fremstille nano-vaccine teknologier som går direkte i hjernen uden om Blod-hjerne-barrieren. Forsøg at forestille dig modbydelige og uhyggelige konsekvenser, industrien skaber ved at åbne en motorvej ind i hjernen for at bringe kemiske medikamenter af toksiner, kunstige fremstillet nano-robotter og sygdomme, efter behag. Ved godt det lyder galimatias, og en sandhed med modifikationer. Hvorfor tror du der i årtier har været "nyere kroniske" symptomer som træthed, svimmelhed, diffuse og fysisk ubegrundede smerter, udslæt, depressioner, migræne, susende for ørerne, problemer med halsen, rygproblemer, mave m.m. Diagnoserne er blevet til f.eks. fibromyalgi, kronisk træthedssyndrom, virus på balancenerven, forskellige gigtformer, allergiformer, mavesår, stress og depression m.m. I medierne hører vi, at antallet af mennesker med disse symptomer og diagnoser stiger med stor hast uden oplagt forklaring... |
When it comes to the most widely used adjuvant ingredient found within vaccines, aluminum, many questions have yet to be answered, particularly when it comes to where the aluminum goes after injection, an issue known as biopersistence.
One reason this question arises is because a causative role has been established in what’s known as macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) lesion in patients who have myalgic encephalomyelitis, or brain inflammation. Myalgia, arthralgia, chronic fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, dysautonomia, and autoimmunity have been temporally linked to aluminium adjuvant-containing vaccine administration (Gherardi and Authier, 2003; Authier et al., 2003; Exley et al., 2009; Rosenblum et al., 2011; Santiago et al., 2014; Brinth et al., 2015; Palmieri et al., 2016).
“Evidence that aluminum-coated particles phagocytozed in the injected muscle and its draining lymph nodes can disseminate within phagocytes throughout the body and slowly accumulate in the brain further suggested that alum safety should be evaluated in the long term.” (source)
This study has prompted further research evaluating the potential hazards of injected aluminum, which begs the question, why hasn’t proper evidence and evaluation been published showing that it’s safe to inject aluminum into babies via several vaccines in a short period of time? Aluminum adjuvants may be effective for stimulating an immune response, but to simply presume there are no consequences for doing this, or to not emphasize or even state the adverse effects that have been discovered, is, I would argue, criminally negligent.
Such negligence is not uncommon when dealing with pharmaceutical companies, however. For example, a study published in the British Medical Journal and conducted by researchers at the Nordic Cochrane Center in Copenhagen showed that pharmaceutical companies were not disclosing all information regarding the results of their drug trials.
Even the FDA has been caught manipulating media and science press.....[READ MORE]
Activist Post | Nov 21, 2017 | Google’s Eric Schmidt Says Americans Too Dumb To Detect Fake News, Plans to “Derank” Russian News | Blogger: ""A true sunshine story - NOT"".. Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google's parent company Alphabet, arbiter of news, has long history with Obama & Clinton.. Next thing, Google is eyeing an expansion in Europe, buying land in Denmark where it plans to build a new data centre that could be used to expand the company’s cloud computing footprint, as well as meet new European Union standards related to data privacy, reports Enterprise Cloud News (Banking Technology’s sister publication). "BS" -- Been working in one of Denmark's and perhaps europe's most advanced banking datacenter, it's all about Google's intent to "bypass" or circumvent the laws of privacy, adding big data collecting and 'control' over so called "fake news" narrative or Anti-Russian sentiment, outside America, US population are 'too spiritual awaked'. Google is and will always be the mouthpiece or mindcontroller for NSA or TheDeepState. It's like inviting a State inside a State and the danish government bow to the Queen as it were their Demigod. Another reason is of course, finding tax haven. Like Facebook that also announces that the new data center location in Denmark, will be 100% powered by green energy - Danish wind turbines. In the Facebook case, the problem is in fact, that the approximately 1 billion kWh, as such, that's the yearly data center usage, thus, Facebook's payment of electricity is about 17 øre / kWh - or 170 million kroner (or much less), but the cost that wind turbine owners must gain to deliver the amount power, exceeds more than 370 million kroner. Apple, Facebook, Google, Amazon will NEVER enter a LEGO Putt Putt miniature State like Denmark, if not for offering shady deals or zero-rate deals, like there's no tomorrow. "you can take that to the bank!" ... |
By Derrick Broze
Eric Schmidt has made news with his latest announcement that Google is working on ways to “derank” Russian media in the search engine’s results.
At this weekend’s Halifax International Security Forum in Canada, Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google and current executive Chairman of Alphabet Inc., discussed Google’s efforts to deal with the apparent rise of fake news. Specifically, Schmidt was talking about how the search engine giant might limit the spread of “Russian Propaganda.” Mr. Schmidt said Google might “derank” fake news stories, going as far as mentioning Russian news stations Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik.
“We are working on detecting and deranking those kinds of sites – it’s basically RT and Sputnik,” Schmidt said. “We are well of aware of it, and we are trying to engineer the systems to prevent that [the content being delivered to wide audiences]. But we don’t want to ban the sites – that’s not how we operate.”
Waking Times | Nov 20, 2017 | NASA AGAIN ACCUSED OF COVERING UP UFO’S SEEN AT INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION | .. Is NASA doing this sort of thing on purpose to generate more clicks to their website and more publicity for themselves, or is there really something being hidden from the people of earth? If so, is it fair to gaslight the public, calling them conspiracy theorists anytime they see something that warrants further explanation? .. |
Something strange keeps happening at the upper reaches of Earth’s atmosphere. Aboard the International Space Station, NASA hosts a live-stream, purportedly showing a continuous feed of the earth juxtaposed against the void of space. The feed is watched by people around the world, and every once in a while something interesting happens: the footage will show a moving anomaly, an unidentified flying object (UFO), and the live feed will suddenly go offline.
This has been happening for years, causing speculation that NASA is covering up a litany of evidence demonstrating the existence of UFO’s and supporting the notion that we are not alone in this universe, and not alone even on this planet.
The most recent incident involves the sighting of a glowing object moving toward the earth’s atmosphere, which is interrupted by a break in the live feed.
“Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli shot the clip, which shows a fiery ball of light racing towards the Earth’s atmosphere.
The ISS crew member believes that the object could be space debris, but both the space agency and alien enthusiasts have rejected this explanation.” [Source]
The video can be seen here:
The GoldFish Report No. 157 | Nov 21, 2017 | POTUS Report - w/ Jim Fetzer: Deep State Kicked in the Caballs! | .. Jim and Louisa review and analyze the the latest swamp developments including the reports of military strikes on CIA drug labs in Afghanistan, the reported raid on the Langeley, VA CIA headquarters by apx 2200 U.S. Marines, Q on 4Chan and what the Real Alice In Wonderland is, the new Google Gestapo and the enemy agents controlling social media, operation mockingbird and the connection with the recent raids, the MSM narratives that divert attention away from deep state operations aka false flags, Biggest Sting in History with sealed indictments growing daily at over 2,000 now, and much more on this developing storm .. |
Intellihub | Nov 21, 2017 | Why did so many of the Las Vegas Massacre survivors mention seeing helicopters during the shooting? | Blogger: N o b o d y is talking about biggest and worst mass shooting in American history anymore. Why did the mainstream media just tried to rush right past it like it never happened or at least didn't investigated this tragic event in 'real time'? No courageous undercover journalists dare to report or ask questions against the MSM media narrative. Why? Three reasons: No#1: 'Sensationalism is what sells' (‘Loch Ness monster captured!’ screamed the headline, with a photo showing a diver clutching the neck of something looking like a plesiosaur. This particular mass-circulation US tabloid often has similar ‘sensational’ reports which occasionally seem pro-creationist). No#2: Dr. Evil's company owners (iconic evil megacorporations) like CEO of MGM, Georg Soros and others, sold off most of MGM company shares (Over $300 million in MGM shares) in the weeks leading up to the Las Vegas shooting (Wall Street financial advisor Kip Herriage has discovered evidence of insider trading with key players directly involved in the Las Vegas attack). NO#3: CIA mockingbird (6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America) has since 1950s attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes... So, i still have lots of questions -- LET'S NOT FORGET- Vegas was a horribly botched "false flag" incident intended to disarm the American public and make body scanners as commonplace as doorways (David Wilcock) | Q: Why did Stephen Paddock wearing gloves to cover his tracks and then shoot himself? Q: Why did the eyewitness like "Jesus Campos" disappear and reappear? (like Jesus Christ) Q: Las Vegas coroner's office on lockdown -- but why? Q: Maintenance worker at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino claim he reported hearing gunfire within the hotel minutes before the massacre started, according to the Los Angeles Times. What's that about? Q: Las Vegas shooting: Woman told crowd 'you're all going to f***ing die' before attack started? Q: Did Trump & Saudi delegates had a secret meeting at MGM about the crackdown in Saudi Arabia before the shooting took lace, and if so, how did they escape the mercenaries (FF ops)? Q:Kymberley Suchomel, a survivor of the Las Vegas shooting who claimed there were multiple gunmen involved in the shooting, has been found dead, but nobody is investigating. Why? Q: WHO, if anyone, helped Paddock carry out his operation? WHAT was Paddock planning to do with a car full of bomb-making materials? Gunman Stephen Paddock had 19 guns inside his hotel room. How is this possible with hundreds of CCTV cameras and most advanced surveillance in the world i Vegas? Q: Cell phone charger that does not match any of the devices that belonged to the gunman? Q: Hotel record showing that one of Paddock’s key cards was used to access his room while his car was outside of the hotel’s parking garage? Q: Why didn't campus police and LVMPD intervene, we've talking about 15 minutes a least of nonstop shooting? Q: Why did Las Vegas SWAP units waiting it out before breaking into the room were paddock were shooting at 32nd floor ? Q: Hotel says 4 officers were on 32nd floor as Las Vegas shooter fired. Should they have acted? Q: Why are some eyewitnesses claiming that other shooter fired from other floors and other hotels? Q: FOX: Las Vegas shooting victims file more lawsuits, press for answers. Why don't we heard about this?.. Have so many other questions, so many why's of the presence of helicopters in the air during the Las Vegas shooting... |
An image taken by a wedding photographer, in 2010, shows the view from the Las Vegas shooter’s hotel window. But there’s only so much it lets us see. Photograph by Mike Lichtenwalner ( |
It seems as if the mainstream media has buried eyewitness reports regarding the presence of helicopters in the air during the Las Vegas shooting
LAS VEGAS (INTELLIHUB) — A number of eyewitnesses who survived the Oct. 1 Route 91 Harvest Music Festival massacre reported seeing ‘helicopters’ during the shooting but their reports were completely ignored by the mainstream media for no apparent reason and never got the attention they deserved.
Not to mention, Intellihub Editor-In-Chief Shepard Ambellas has conclusively proven that helicopters were airborne in the vicinity during the shooting in the Nov. 18 article titled “Fact: Helicopters were airborne behind the Mandalay Bay during the Las Vegas Shooting.”
The “John E Hoover” YouTube channel released a video Tuesday which better illustrates this fact.
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BREAKING | Evan at FFTF Newsletter | Nov 21, 2017 | The FCC just released its plan to kill net neutrality | Blogger: 👎 Federal regulators have unveiled a plan to overturn ‘net neutrality’ rules adopted by the Obama administration, giving Internet service provides broad powers to determine what websites and online services their customers can see and use 👎 Do you really think, that's not being inherited into EU and other country's' borders, you're sadly mistaken | Washington Post: FCC plan would give Internet providers power to choose the sites customers see and use | Politico: FCC plans total repeal of net neutrality rules | RT: How the FCC’s reversal of net neutrality may affect you |
FCC plans total repeal of net neutrality rules
Verizon-lawyer-turned-FCC-chairman Ajit Pai just released the final text of his plan to kill net neutrality, and it’s just as terrible as we thought it would be. [1]
Enough is enough. It’s time to protest and expose this corruption. Congress can still stop the FCC, but they’ll only act if there’s a massive public outcry right now.
Internet users are planning protests at Verizon stores across the country on December 7 to demand that Congress stop the FCC. Will you join us?
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Based on the latest reports, Ajit Pai isn’t even pretending to be working in the public interest.
The order he’s crafted (with plenty of help from Verizon’s lobbyists) takes a sledgehammer to our Internet freedom by ensuring that there is no agency with actual authority over ISPs to enforce net neutrality protections.
Then it finishes the job by striking down the three core rules of net neutrality and will explicitly allow Internet Service Providers like Verizon and AT&T to: [2]
Censor and block websites
Charge extra fees to access online content, apps, and services
Throttle and slow down your Internet connection
Here’s the good news: there are key lawmakers who are on the fence and considering whether to step in and force the FCC to slow down.
That’s why there are going to be nationwide protests at Verizon stores: to shine a light on the corruption and demand that lawmakers take action to stop it. We need you there. Click here to find a protest near you!
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