Jan 15, 2018

Netavisen Pio | 15. Jan 2018 | PIO: 10.000 flere fattige børn efter kontanthjælpsloft | Berlingske: Brev til demensramte Hell:»Du har pligt til at medvirke ved jobcentrets opfølgning for fortsat at kunne modtage sygedagpenge« | Avisen: Lokal 3F-formand er vred på Lolitta's vegne: Spist af med 8.682 i dagpenge før skat | Blogger: På vej mod et fattigt Underdanmark... |

10.000 flere fattige børn efter kontanthjælpsloft

Selvom kontanthjælpsloftet kun var trådt i kraft i en begrænset del af 2016, førte det til en stigning i børnefattigdommen på næsten 30 procent.

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Kommune trodsede læge og ville have demensramte Helle Johansen i job

Selv om hun havde en Alzheimers-diagnose, ville Høje-Taastrup Kommune have 60-årige Helle Johansen tilbage på arbejdsmarkedet. I halvandet år var familien Johansen kastebold i systemet.


Lolitta chokeret over besked: Spist af med 8.682 i dagpenge før skat

Arbejdsløse Lolitta Jensen fra Fjerritslev var overrasket over, hvor lidt hun stod til at få i dagpenge. Lokal 3F-formand er vred på hendes vegne.

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Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard | Jan 15, 2018 | ~ Tulsi Gabbard Interivew with ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos ~ | ~ Tulsi Gabbard Interview on CNN's State of the Union ~ | Blogger: Meet Tulsi Gabbard, Future President of the United States (I wish). Finally, someone has the guts to tell the truth - just loooove her! - I grew up with the Aloha Spirit,” says Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. “We try to treat everyone with respect. Like family.”... |

Tulsi Gabbard has served as the U.S. Representative for Hawaii's second congressional district since 2013. She was born in American Samoa but moved to Hawaii at age 2. At 21, Gabbard was the youngest state legislator ever elected in the history of Hawaii. Gabbard enlisted in the Hawaii Army National Guard in 2003, and in 2004 she was shipped out to Iraq with the 29th Support Battalion medical company. As a native Hawaiian and military veteran, the congresswoman’s voice holds a lot of weight in her home state.. Gabbard resigned as DNC vice-chair on February 28, 2016, in order to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination. She was the first female U.S. Representative to endorse Sanders. At the 2016 Democratic National Convention, Gabbard gave the nominating speech putting his name forward.

BREAKING NEWS | Jan 15, 2018 | Sources Reveal Imminent False-Flag Terror Attacks in China | (Benjamin Fulford Full Report Video) | .. This is an urgent news announcement by Newsbud, based on information received from carefully vetted sources both inside and outside the United States. Radical Cleric Gulen’s Network, CIA’s long-term proxy for Gladio B false flag terror operations, has issued an action order to its top operatives (aka senior lieutenants) in Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Latvia. These operatives are to act as agent provocateurs- to create violence and terror incidents to be blamed on Uyghurs, an ethnic minority in China’s Xinjiang region, and by doing so, incite the Chinese government to respond with force. As a leading independent media organization Newsbud is releasing and disseminating this urgent announcement now in an attempt to help prevent further terror incidents and carnage. Please do your share and help us disseminate this information .. | Blogger: PS: As always, use your own spiritual discernment by reading from this blog or anything else you receive... |

Sources Reveal Imminent False-Flag Terror Attacks in China




Tensions rise between bloodlines & Illuminati as final showdown looms for US corporate government

TV2 NYS | 14. Jan 2018 | Norge har fået ny regering | Blogger: (de rige bliver rigere, de fattige ja, det er ikke noget ta-selv-bord mere) -- Undskyld mig, synes det er påfaldende, at 3 feministiske kæmpe matroner skal styre én af verdens rigeste lande, mere end Joakim von And har i sine pengetank, en lille slat over 6.000 milliarder norske kroner på kistebunden. Imponerende, i det ellers mandsdomineret vesteuropa. Samtidigt med, at Trump griber i egen barm og falder over Erna Solberg's, fordi han foretrækker indvandrere fra Norge, end noget andet land i verden. Og hvorfor mon? Fordi Norge er blevet et Utopia for det amerikanske militære-industrielle kompleks som har søgt tilflugt i Norges bjerge og oligarkerne grundet en Norsk oliefond, som er verdens rigeste. Det kan Danmark ikke prale af, men Lars Løkke pisker over til Estland, fordi USA har sagt go go go. Rusland er nemlig farlig. tsk-tsk. Gudfader bevares... Norge har en bugnende pengetank. Alligevel afkræves nordmændene dyre vejafgifter, uopnåelige madpriser og høj skat, og det vil være 'hul i hovedet', 'meningsløst' og 'fuldstændigt åndssvagt' at sænke benzinpriserne, lyder det fra de kapitalistiske økonomiprofessorer. Men, Erna Solberg er jo også ultrakonservativ, passer perfekt ind den strategi, som Dannevang, også lever højt på - Ikke give ved døren. Ja, ja Høyre er et konservativt parti, som i sin regeringsperiode har gennemført skattelettelser, blandt andet finansieret ved at trække historisk mange penge ud af Norges gigantiske oliefond. Lettelserne til befolkningen og erhvervslivet vil fortsætte de næste fire år med Erna Solberg i spidsen. I Danmark, mener man ikke, at 1.500 milliarder på de offentlige udgifter/indtægter er nok, og der skal spares og borgerne må ikke koste Staten noget som helst. Tænk, hvis urkommunismen, marxisme og anarkisme, og de politiske ideologier, kom op til overfladen og foreslog, at vi skulle dele alting, fordi man har så meget overflod af kapital og rigdom, at med Norge og Danmarks samlet indtægter, kunne man bringe fattigdom i hele den vide verden, tilbage til velstand... |

Her ses Erna Solberg, Siv Jensen og Trine Schei Grande. Foto: Åserud, Lise / Scanpix
LÆS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/udland/2018-01-14-norge-har-faet-ny-regering

METRO.co.uk | Jan 15, 2018 | Sanchi oil spill is worse than Exxon Valdez after tanker sinks off coast | .. An oil slick fire has burned out after an Iranian tanker sank in the East China Sea, although concerns remain about possible major pollution to the sea bed and surrounding waters, Chinese officials said .. | Blogger: Question remains if it was a deliberate attack to destabilize OPEC, cripple Iran's economy, steal from ISIS, a warning to China (US still the biggest military power), or something more sinister or simply an accident... |

The Panama-registered tanker Sanchi being doused after a collision with Hong Kong-registered freighter CF Crystal (Picture: EPA)

READ MOREhttp://metro.co.uk/2018/01/15/sanchi-oil-spill-worse-exxon-valdez-tanker-sinks-off-coast-7230827/

Tree Of The Golden Light Update | Jan 15, 2018 | ~ Wake up Call: St. Germain ~ | Blogger: (some really believe in this stuff) -- If you want to immese yourself in St.Germain's story, how the money from the World Trust will be distributed (after RV/GCR): The interest rate of 250 years has caused the support funds to grow explosively with a net worth of over one quattuordecillion dollars, or $ 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000... |

St. Germain, også kaldet “Greven”, er meget aktiv i forbindelse med jordens opstigning til 4. og 5. dimension. Hans største frihedsgave til menneskeheden er den rensende violette flamme. St. Germain har haft mange inkarnationer hurtigt efter hinanden. Af de mere kendte kan nævnes Josef, Marias mand, og han var Merlin, der rådgav og assisterede Kong Arthur ved Camelot. Han inkarnerede som Roger Bacon, en filosof, munk, alkymist og profet som satte stort præg på Englands videnskabelig lag. Senere i denne inkarnation blev han franciskanermunk og mange fler. Endelig inkarnerede han som Greven St. Germain, hvor han blev kendt som Europas “multikunstner”, manden der ved alt. Han kunne alle europæiske sprog, han var en af tidens bedste fægtemestre og var en blændende dygtig violinist og stor maler. Det er blot en forkortet udgave af St. Germain's mangfoldige livs-cyklus. World Trust (Støttefondene) er under formynderskab af Master St. Germain. Kun St. Germain kan aktiverer finansieringens-processen til RV/GCR med lederskab af Dragon Familien m.fl.


Wake up Call: St. Germain, January 15, 2018

Today I come to give this one a message to share with you all. I am here, St Germain, to tell you that the prosperity that you seek is already in your hands. You are in the throes of being able to receive it in a way that is appropriate and ready for action. The one thing that you see as missing is that you do not have it in your hands, or bank account. I tell you now that it is awaiting the clearance that is on the threshold, and as soon as that is in place completely, you will be able to recognize what it is to be able to see and use the funds that you have been awaiting for your lives and all of mankind around this world.

I am here this day to assist you to see what I mean as to the fact that it is already in your possession. Realize that in your possession means that you have a hold on it in an energy that is within you. As you continue to know that you have it, and do so in the peacefulness of knowing that it will come forward when it is in the freedom of you being able to use it in ways that not only serve you, but others as well, then you will be able to feel it, see it and distribute it in a way that is compliant with the way that you know will benefit all of you.

As I say this to you and feel the response that you have to what you are hearing within yourselves, I recognize that you understand what I am saying. I am reminding you that you know how many times the ease of the release of it to the people has been held back because of the ones who have tried to gain it all back in their hands for their use only. That is not going to happen, for you have expressed strongly enough that what they have been doing with the funds and all of the treasures on earth has come to and end. It is time for it all to come to the point where there is no injustice on the earth. It is in so many of your hearts that the suffering and hardship has overcome all of the pleasure on earth, and now it is flowing free toward all of your hands in the knowledge that you do have the power to receive it. It is a matter of all of you realizing that there have been so many ways in which the funds have been manipulated and cast over the walls of justice. So now it is time to bring it all back to the reality that means the freedom of Peace, Love and Joy is here with you all. You have the power from within to go forth and complete the heaven on earth that you have been awaiting.

Divine Frequency | Jan 15, 2018 | Hide Your Kids! Pizzagate in Target and Walmart? Pedogate DANGER Disclosure Podesta Trafficking | Blogger: 🍕🍕🍕oookay! yee-haw! One of my spiritual friends from the US asked me today, just before Theresa posted this video - soooo, what's my take on the whole Wal-mart deal!? First of all i've do not have first hand knowledge, since i don't live there!, but ... Let's get the obvious rumors and hearsays out of the way -- | 1. The closures were a form of “union-busting” activity intended to get rid workers who were publicly critical of WalMart’s labor practices | 2. The closures are linked to the back then, U.S. Army’s Jade Helm military exercise in 2015 | 3. The imposition of martial law, and the construction of so-called “FEMA Domes“ across Texas | 4. The affected stores received radioactive food shipments from the Fukushima region of Japan | 5. WalMart violated local and federal building codes in erecting their stores and needs a cover story to explain closures required to furtively remove dangerous construction materials such as asbestos | 6. WalMart closed the stores in order to avoid having to pay out damages for some (unspecified form of) lawsuits | 7. The closed WalMart stores are being converted into giant entrance facilities for a network of underground tunnels that the U.S. military will use to link “deep underground military bases” (DUMBS) and secretly transport troops across the U.S. | 8. The closed WalMart stores will be used as “food distribution centers” and housing for “invading troops from China, here to disarm Americans.” | 9. The most plausible theory from this bunch is that the closed WalMart stores all had really bad plumbing problems | 10. Proof that Walmart is participating in the logistics of human trafficking!! ... |

Sources: Main Stream Disinfo Campaign ATTEMPT to call out Pizzagate as a “debunked conspiracy theory” https://www.rollingstone.com/politics... https://www.billboard.com/articles/co... FBI Boy Love Symbols: https://wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedoph... Mark Passio Symbology Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1V98... Creepy Pizzagate Little Boy T-Shirts For Sale at Your Local TARGET https://www.target.com/p/boys-short-s... https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/... https://www.target.com/p/boys-pizza-g... Jonathan Carty- Truth Earth Investigative Journalist Piece on Pedophilia in AZ https://truthearth.org/2018/01/04/cre...
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Strange Sounds | Jan 14, 2018 | Spectacular storm engulfs Mar del Plata, Argentina | .. This is surreal. Look at these pictures of a furious storm engulfing the beach at Mar del Plata, Argentina on January 11, 2018. The impressive storm wall was captured by Nestor Osvaldo .. |

pectacular storm in Argentina. By Nestor Osvaldo
spectacular storm in Argentina. By Nestor Osvaldo

spectacular storm in Argentina. By Nestor Osvaldo
This storm front is terrifying!

NN | Jan 14, 2018 | American Psychiatric Association warns left-wing psychiatrists to stop “diagnosing” President Trump without a medical examination… a total violation of medical ethics | .. (Natural News) In the wake of the mainstream media’s glorious failure to conjure up enough fake news about President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia to get him impeached, the official narrative has now shifted to claiming that the billionaire businessman is mentally ill, and thus unfit for office. But the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has issued a formal notice warning that “armchair” psychiatrists who comment publicly about the president’s cognitive status without having conducted an official medical examination are in blatant violation of the medical ethics provisions that they pledged to uphold when first getting licensed .. |

READ MORE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-01-14-american-psychiatric-association-warns-left-wing-psychiatrists-to-stop-diagnosing-president-trump-without-a-medical-exam.html

RT - Russia Today | Jan, 15 2018 | 1,000 teens charged with child porn distribution via Facebook | .. More than 1,000 Danish young people have been charged with child pornography offences for sharing a sex video involving two 15 year olds on Facebook Messenger. The charges followed an extensive, co-ordinated police effort that dates back to March 2015, when the video was widely shared online and gained national attention as “one of the worst sexual violations recorded on camera in Denmark.” .. |

READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/news/415970-denmark-sex-video-facebook

A Message from my Higher Self | Jan 12, 2018 | Channelled through Mike Quinsey |

Kanaliseret af Mike Quinsey
© 2018 treeofthegoldenlight

I cannot emphasize sufficiently what a fantastic achievement it was of yours to pass the marker in 2012.

From here on you will begin to see the signs of positive change around you, and the quicker the vibrations increase, the quicker they will manifest. In general terms some of the most important changes that will affect everyone are with the general lifting up of the vibrations. The higher energy will transmute the lower energies so that negative actions will begin to lose their power, and the ultimate will be when only the higher vibrations can exist.

Then you shall have become physical Angels with full consciousness as predicted long, long ago. In the distant future you will eventually move into the Inner Earth and its Crystal Cities. These are events well into your future, but how wonderful and uplifting it must be to know that great changes await you. At the same time, all life-forms of the lower energy will have followed their own path in a different cycle, to continue evolving.

If the idea of living inside the Earth seems strange to you, bear in mind that it is a normal development of all advanced human type lifeforms. In fact it is much safer than living on the surface, and with advanced technologies a “new Earth” can be created that would appear little different to living on the surface. The immediate gain is that you control all aspects of your environment, so you are never at the mercy of the weather extremes that are sometimes experienced on the surface.

Also realize that when you are so advanced, you will create virtually all you need through your power of thought. Let it be understood that your path to Ascension is already laid out, and where you come in is the manner in which you reach Ascension as it is down to you, but reach it you will because it has already been decreed. With your feet back on the Earth the future described seems far away, yet in reality you are beginning to give thought energy to that creation and it is beginning to take shape, as the potential already exists.

Benjamin Fulford Partial Report | Jan 15, 2018 | ~ Tensions rise between bloodlines and Illuminati as final showdown looms for U.S. corporate government ~ | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.

Tensions rise between bloodlines and Illuminati as final showdown looms for U.S. corporate government

Udgivet af Benjamin den 15. Januar 2018   

The ongoing war over the control of the financial system, and thus control over the future of the planet, is reaching a dangerous crescendo,multiple sources agree. Most significantly, the U.S. military distracted world attention last week with a fake feud between U.S. President Donald Trump and his former consiglieri Steve Bannon while they used SpaceX to launch their secret Zuma satellite, Pentagon sources say.

Global tensions are rising visibly, as the petrodollar-funded U.S. corporate government faces a January 18th start of gold-backed yuan-denominated oil trading, even while its still-unfunded January 31st payment deadline looms.

One sign of this extreme tension came last week when “a missile from a cabal submarine was stopped from hitting Hawaii and the submarine was sunk,” Pentagon sources say. Media outlets around the world have reported that Hawaiian residents all received the following warning on their mobile phones:
but later this was reported to be a false alarm. It was not—it was an attempt by “the cabal” to blame the attack on North Korea and use it as a trigger for their long-desired World War III, CIA sources say.

The attack was followed by an increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity which “may be an attack on potential submarine bases in Chile, Peru, Papua, New Guinea, or underwater,” the Pentagon sources continue. U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency official Paul Laine has previously told this writer that numerous underwater bases exist. These bases now appear to be under systematic attack.

Meanwhile, as this report was being written, a person claiming to be “His Excellency His Royal Highness (H.E. HRH) Ernest Rauthschild, Royal Prime Minister of The United States of North America” contacted this writer to claim, “The Federal U.S./USA comes under the USNA.
” He went on to state that “the galactics” were now arriving to enforce his claim. 
He provided extensive documentation to back his claims, to which we have linked below without comment other than to note that the address provided is just a virtual office in Washington, DC.


In any case, “galactics” and “underwater bases” aside, there is plenty happening in the visible, here and now geopolitical sphere. Last week this was especially evident in the tension between the U.S. military government represented by Donald Trump and much of the rest of the world.

Pentagon sources say, “The war against cabal soldiers MS-13 [the Salvadoran gang] escalates as Trump arrested MS-13 leaders in the northeastern United States, ends temporary protective status for 200,000 Salvadorans, and may do the same for 60,000 Hondurans.”

In addition, “Trump seized all classified incriminating documents from the Obama Presidential Library to help the Department of Justice take down the entire Obama regime,” the sources continue.

“After the Saudi and U.S. purge, the EU purge begins with the death of globalist [Former EU Commissioner and Goldman Sachs Chairman] Peter Sutherland,” they continue.

The sources also say that “Trump is snubbing sh#thole London as he goes to Davos for a victory lap.”

However, it is clear that any “victory lap” would be highly premature. Both CIA sources in Asia as well as Rothschild family sources in the U.S. say that in March…

( Below this line, is paid members only - please respect the author)

Must-Listen | You Are Free TV | Jan 14, 2018 | 🔥💣#GREATAWAKENING: Q Intel Confirms Active Total Deep State Take Down #FLYEAGLEFLY💣🔥 | .. Q spills massive intel on the complete takedown of the Cabal happening NOW as #Fireworks is LIVE. Confirms Q posts and POTUS tweets are absolutely connected. The next two weeks will be YUGE! Look for massive fake news and false flags to combat take down. HI missile was live. WWIII narrative to be a big cover story. THEY TOLD US TO TRUST SESSIONS .. |

Verdensalt | Jan 15, 2018 | 💕 Greetings, Light Warriors, Light Workers, Awakening souls! 💕Important Channeling messages from our Divine Father, Mother, One. Benevolent Higher Dimensional Beings, Archangels and Angels, Ascended Masters of Light, Enlightened Beings Above and Below, Galactic Federation of Light, Wise Prophets and Indigo, Crystal And Rainbow Children... |

Spirit Week (frontpage) 

Lightwarriors, Fear Not What is Happening… Everything is Perfect!

At Openhand we’re truly blessed to connect with kindred spirits in the awakening movement around the world. Whilst we’re all on a unique path, so many of your stories bear the hallmarks of similarity: many of you are looking at the mess humanity has gotten itself into and wondering how we’re going to find passage to a new shore. To me, everything is going perfectly according to the divine unfolding. Yes there’s certainly more instability on the way, and the system is looking ever more crazy and outlandish by the minute. But things have to break down in order for the new to emerge…

The carrot and the stick:

I have to admit, sometimes I look at the enormity of the task we lightwarriors have taken on and it makes me balk a little, so I have to step back for a little breather. I look at the way our society is still rampantly destroying our natural environment, I notice the disharmony and discord between people, and I notice the apparent injustice of the rich getting materially richer whilst the poor get increasingly poorer (made even more extreme by the new political ‘leadership’ of late.)

Yet as I look deeper, I see the perfect conditions gathering. We know that society doesn’t really serve us don’t we? We know that the controlled, conditioned and compartmentalised lifestyles only dehumanise and strip people of their divine sensitivity. But still there’s the allurement, still there’s the apparent dependency — the carrot and the stick — which makes people keep plugging away, nose to the grindstone. So if the situation more strongly reveals its shadow side, to me that’s definitely a good thing....[READ MORE]

Latest messages - January 2018

- So much Light pouring in at once, and so much means for renewal, such as we haven't seen in millennia. Yet so many people in stages of crisis and struggle now—with health, money issues, depression, relationship crises, self-worth and life purpose.You read many years ago a declaration written by a wonderful Light Warrior known to you as Louise Hay, who stated, “The problem is never the problem,” and we could not agree more....
Your life upon the earth, whether it is only a few years or a hundred, is so very short in the span of eternity. It is a precious gift and an experience that each and every one of you desired before you were born. You wanted to shift your awareness from the world of spirit into the physical because you saw it as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to love, and to expand in your awareness of the love that lives within all things.There is and never has been anything small or insignificant about you
2018 is here and well established, and much needed change is happening planet-wide.  Love is penetrating the hearts of even the most fear riven because the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify as more and more of you set and hold the intent to be only loving all day and every day, whatever arises. That intent is Powerful! ....
Eliminate your connection to the “original sin”! Enter into silent meditation, invite the divine light to be present, and redeem your being from the blemish of the “original sin”. Beloved humans, start cutting all connections to the Old Testament, which was skillfully tied to the New Testament, today. The statements and messages of both books are at opposite ends, and it is high time to remove inner blockades that the Old Testament has caused in you and still does. The largest of all blockades, which keeps you from ever recognizing your divine being and creative spirit, is the “original sin”.THE “ORIGINAL SIN” IS …… a code that was implanted into human beings by the archons – with the goal to keep humanity from their divine nature and from the awareness of having one....
We of the Arcturian Group once again wish to send the blessing of a new and happy 2018 to all readers, a year that will usher in change on all levels of awareness. Personal as well as global change cannot help but manifest as the result of increasingly evolved states of consciousness--consciousness being the substance from which the outer scene is formed. The present has become rich with new information....

Little girl gives the motivational speech of a lifetime 

Blogger: Sooo adorable little girl with a strong message! Keeping that joyful spirit after the holidays can be a struggle for some people. Making matters worse are those hard-to-keep New Year's resolutions. This adorable 4-year-old girl will help turn that frown upside down!..  

Message to the World from Brave Mykayla 

Blogger: I just LOVE this adorable little girl, She's my hero!! ...5-year-old DEMANDS #TheresaMay does something about the "hundreds, millions" of homeless people on the street & is pretty adamant..This video has gone viral getting over 30k views on YouTube and more on Facebook...Broke lives in Coventry, England, and has been upset about homelessness for a long time.. She asked her mother who is "in charge" in the UK and decided to send her comments their way...According to her mom, Brooke is keen on talking to the PM about the environment and rubbish waste too...Booke's mom assured CNN the video was the young girl's idea...

Amazing baby! 4-year-old Bella from Moscow easily speaks 7 languages

Amazing baby! 4-year-old Bella from Moscow easily speaks Russian, English, German, Spanish, French, Chinese and Arabic!

Børsen | 15. Jan 2018 | Nordea brugte ulovlige metoder til at hapse pensionskunder | .. Nordea Liv & Pension har betalt de pensionsmæglere, som hjælper virksomheder med at vælge pensionsselskab, uden at slutkunderne har kunnet se aflønningen. Men i en præcisering af reglerne understregede Finanstilsynet i sidste uge, at det har været ulovligt siden 2011.. | Blogger: Der findes 3 STOR-banker i dag. Jyske, Nordea og Danske Bank. ALLE er vel mere eller mindre præget af Wall Street flinten, Rothschild-GoLDMaN SLaCKS imperialismen. Nordea er sidste år, blevet lynchet, på godt og ondt, Jyske og Danske Bank, er på en eller anden finurlig vis gået fri, selvom de driver bankvirksomhed, komplet ens og er underlagt Deutsche Bank priskurssætning, ECB regulativer, Basel III og IV-standarder, Verdensbanken, BIS osv.. Nordea bløder kunder i "skræmmende" omfang: 15.000 kunder har forladt banken og 372.000 overvejer at følge trop. ALLE danske banker lider og bliver tynget under samme tag, Nordea er bare blevet taget gang på gang, med fingrene nede i syltetøjskrukken og skal nu fyre 6.000 mand, som er en katastrofe i sig selv, selv for en STOR-bank - en KÆMPE stressfaktor for medarbejderne, mens ledelsen, får massive bonusser, for at få budgettet på plads... Cibor-snyd, hvidvask, skattely, panamapapers, bøder, ECB-krav, FCC, Audit, rigide processer og administrations-mareridt, nye likviditetskrav, finansiering af terrorisme, giftige realkredit- obligationer, fup med subprime realkreditlån, kreditkriser, imageproblemer og ikke mindste Direktionsskift er lig med organisationsrotationer (HELE tiden). Hvad bliver det næste???. Tag dog ikke fejl, Nordea og Danske Bank og resten af slænget nyder det søde liv i Danmark, hvor de er beskyttet af Staten og vil altid være, "too big to fail". Det går desværre, ALTID, ud over lønslaverne, ikke direktionen... |

I kampen om luraktive firmapensionskunder har Nordea brugt ulovlige metoder, skriver Jyllands-Posten.
LÆS VIDERE: http://borsen.dk/nyheder/virksomheder/artikel/1/356953/nordea_brugte_ulovlige_metoder_til_at_hapse_pensionskunder.html

Folkets Avis \\ Journalista.dk | 15. Jan 2018 | Direktør for kommunal lufthavn indgik store aftaler – med sine egne firmaer! | .. Groft misbrug af embede med personlig berigelse for øje fik ikke konsekvenser. En basal grundregel indenfor det offentlige er, at embedsmænd ikke må indgå aftaler, som de selv har interesser i. Men sådan ser de åbenbart ikke på det i Esbjerg Kommune, hvor chefen for den lokale kommunale lufthavn kunne fortsætte i sit job, selv om hun reelt havde indgået aftaler med sig selv .. |

LÆS VIDERE: https://www.folkets.dk/node/2494

Dave Hodges - The Common Sense Show | Jan 14, 2018 | Google, Amazon and DARPA Are Now Able to End All Free Will |

From deciphering your dreams, to reading your mind for “dangerous thoughts”, the future of mind readingn and ultimate control is here and you don’t have to be paranoid to believe in this phenomenon thanks to new and improved security systems being developed around the world to deal with terrorism that inadvertently ends up impinging on one’s privacy.

Deciphering Dreams, Developing Telekinesis and Other “Routine” Mental Tasks
How about searching the Internet with just your mind? Or can you imagine sketching a new blueprint design without lifting a pen? Your driving, but you have a need to text, that is OK, just use your mind to create and send the message.

A computer that can read mind would find many uses in daily life, not to mention for those paralyzed and with no other way to communicate. Scientists have created the first algorithm of its kind to interpret and reproduce images seen or imagined by another person. Cognitive researchers are one step closer to building systems that could help us project our inner mind’s eye outward.

Purdue computer science professor, Zhongming Liu, has helped to develop an algorithm that can reproduce what moviegoers see when they’re watching a film. For the past 7 years, researchers have recreated movie clips, photos, and even dream imagery by matching brain activity to activity recorded earlier when viewing images.

Technology is generally neutral, however, the problem for humanity is that it is organizations like Google and DARPA are the ones making most of the discoveries in these areas. This should very clear mark the evil intent behind these developments. This fact, alone, should frighten everyone and these previously mentined deveokpments are not the final frontier of this new mind control technology.....[READ MORE]

SITSSHOW \\ YouTube channel: Divine Frequency | Jan 14, 2018 | NEWS: US Pedogate Rings, CIA UFO Disclosure, Globalist Bitcoin Conspiracy | .. Teresa Yanaros discusses the top news articles from the last week, including the latest evidence of rampant pedophilia rings in US cities, CIA UFO disclosure, globalist bitcoin conspiracy, and sealed indictment rumors .. |

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Mette Kenfelt FB - Støt Læger uden Sponsor \\ naturli.dk | 15. Jan 2018 | ~ Er aluminium den store synder ved vaccineskader? ~ | .. Medicinalindustrien og sundhedsmyndigheder mener, at aluminium er en sikker ingrediens i vacciner, da det har været brugt i næsten 100 år. Men formen og mængderne af aluminium har ændret sig gennem tiden. Nu vil private have undersøgt stoffet til bunds, for mistanken om, at aluminium kan være skyld i vaccineskader, har vokset sig stor .. | Blogger: Ved godt, det jeg siger nu er fuldstændigt vanvittigt! (heldigvis er jeg ikke alene, får hjælp fra EMF forsker / forfatter Elana Freeland)... Brugen af ALUMINIUM er, laaangt laaangt mere omfattende end HPV-vacciner!!! Lad mig sige det på denne måde - Aluminiums rolle forandre humanbiologi så væsentligt, at man kan snakke om at vi er 'tvungen' til at acceptere den ioniserede atmosfære, vi lever i. Altså, Chemtrails, HAARP og Aluminium - er nøgleforbindelsen. Ergo, ikke alene injiceres vi os med vaccinationer med Aluminum, men vi indånder også samme toksiske kemikalier, hver dag!! Det spiller desværre en negativ og STOR central rolle på udviklingen af immun- forsvaret og disponeringen til kronisk inflammatorisk sygdom!! Det militære industrielle kompleks' anvendelse af aluminium og gennem det den militære efterretningstjeneste kontrolmetoder, såsom sprøjtning af chemtrails, fracking og konstant affyring af raketter, der, når de sendes op, forlader mellem 100 og 120 tons aluminium i den øvre atmosfære og lithium, der i sidste ende forurener den luft, vi skal bruge for at trække vejret. Formålet er tilsyneladende at skabe en lavt jordkredsløb (near-earth orbit), som har den samme kemiske og metalliske sammensætning, som kan kalibreres rundt om jorden. Dvs., 'de' der bestemmer, kan anvende den kemiske sammensætning af en samlet 'værktøjskasse' i atmosfæren, som samlet set vil fungere som - ét instrument til ""kontrol."". Trådløst signal og GPS forstærker, er bare nogle fra værktøjskassen. Regnvandsaluminium- belagte nanofibre er blevet fundet og identificeret med indgraverede markeringer set under avancerede mikroskoper. Endvidere indånder mennesker disse nanofibre i vores lunger, som fungerer som EMF "tags" (en elektromagnetisk øremærkning) i vores kroppe. Forskere finder disse nanofibre forbundet med ’morgellons kløe’. Som følge heraf trækker mennesker vejret via kemikalierne, som en slags kontrolmetoder og overvågningsenheder ned til selve DNA-niveauet. Det er en del af teknologierne til fuld spektrum dominans, som er en del af kunstig intelligens og IoT - Internet Of Things (ny bevægelse, hvor alle tænkelige enheder bliver koblet på internettet for at give bedre services), plus deres ultimative mål: TRANSHUMANISME. 5G er et væsen af meget forskellig sammensætning, som aktiverer alle de interne nanobot-sensorer, vi har indåndet, herunder nanopartikler, vi havde sprøjtet ind i os via vacciner, og som skaber et tredje streng DNA, som ingen i forskerindustrien rigtigt forstår sig på, eller hvis det virkelig er muligt. Hvis det er muligt, vil det blive en 'reset'-knap til Homo sapiens frembragt af teknologi?... Går vi skridtet videre, så er der stærke indikationer på Aluminium i mad, drikkevarer og kosmetik, som kan forårsage Alzheimer... |

Af: Malene Tonnung / Foto: Scanpix/Iris

Før HPV-vaccinen var der en generel forståelse for, at et fåtal mødte bivirkninger ved vacciner, mens flertallet kunne nyde godt af effekten. Enkelte pip omkring mængden af neurologiske diagnoser i stigning blev slået hen som spekulation – det havde i hvert fald ikke noget med vaccinerne at gøre!

Da verden så den første vaccine mod infektioner, der kan give kræft – HPV-vaccinen – ændrede dette billede sig. Flere oplevede så voldsomme og uforklarlige bivirkninger, at selv sundhedsmyndigheder måtte bremse op og overveje, om der kunne være en sammenhæng. Men hvorfor skulle der lige være et problem med denne vaccine i forhold til tidligere? Et spørgsmål, som mange steder er kommet vaccinen til gode, så den fortsat er et tilbud til de unge piger.

Men der kan vise sig at være en forklaring. En, som både forklarer vaccineskader fra andre former for vacciner, og en, som forklarer, hvorfor HPV-vaccinen har efterladt en helt ny patientgruppe i kølvandet. Nemlig hjælpestoffet aluminium.

Denne forklaring vil den nyoprettede organisation FactCare have undersøgt til bunds – og derfor samler de lige nu penge ind til uvildig forskning.....[LÆS VIDERE]

Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | 26. Maj 2017 - 15. Jan 2018 | ~~ 🚀 Flat Earth Theories: Opinion polling: 92 % reject the facts of Earth being FLAT 👨‍🚀 ~~ | BT: Oles liv ændrede sig for to år siden: Nu er han ikke i tvivl om, at jorden er flad. Ole Lochmann er medsstifter af Facebookgruppen 'Jorden er FLAD. Jorden er ikke en globe.' En hastigt voksende gruppe, som allerede tæller mere end 3.600 overvejende danske medlemmer. Her diskuterer medlemmerne beviser for, at Jorden er flad, samt andre konspirationsteorier også .. | Blogger: [UPDATE: 01/15/2018 -- Flat-Earther rocket launch gets new lift off date after US govt delay (VIDEO)] ... [UPDATE: 01/07/2018 -- I'll bet you that Flat-Earther ‘Mad’ Mike Hughes knows Rocket Madsen Space Lab (Raket-Madsen aka Rocket Madsen's biggest dream was to launch himself into orbit in a homemade rocket) - Peter Langkjær Madsen is a Danish engineer and entrepreneur. Still locked up in jail and accused of murdering journalist Kim Wall] ... 🌎🗺️🌐Respekt til Ole. Måske er jeg ikke alene i Danmark om at stille spørgsmål om hvad meningen er med vores liv? Menneskets eksistens, religion og universet men jeg må sige, at tro på jorden er flad.. hmm..🤔 NEJ! 🤔 De af os som er vågnet til op til dåd, vi cykler rundt i et enormt forvirrende univers af hvad vi har fået fortalt, skrevet og lært af vore autoriteter, muligvis er forkert. Kognitiv dissonans, Compartmentalization og CIA's PsyOp, tvinger os på den ene side, at følge strømmen, ellers bliver vi af-associeret fra vores sociale netværk, på den anden side, er vi nødt til at lytte, til vores højere selv. Vi er kommet til den konklusion, at inderst inde ved vi, det er nødvendigt, selv, at søge sandheden. Søge sandheden mod forstadier til selvudvikling, uanset hvilken sandhedsstadie du og jeg er på, skaber det ringe i vandet, så andre også begynder at stille kritiske spørgsmål om vores tredje-dimensionelle liv, her på jorden (vores 3D Matrix af illusion). Vi kommer desværre ikke udenom den esoteriske astrologi, åndsvidenskab og spirituelle halvpart vi deler med universet. Man kan ikke alene bygge viden op på 'konspirationer'. Vi er ikke alle styret af det egohumanistiske netværk. Vores eget ego og selvcensur som holder os nede og andres meningsdannelser, især verdens magtelite, som bestemmer, hvad vi må tænke, føle og hvordan vi skal leve, vores liv. Vi kunne jo med rette spørge ESA-astronauten Andreas Mogensen, som den første dansker i rummet. Er jorden flad Andreas? Desværre mener jeg selv, Andreas Mogensen er underlagt tavshedspligt og nogle af de strengeste klausuler fra ESA og NASA's programmer, så det hjælper os ikke. Som Ole også giver udtryk for, så lyver NASA, så vandet driver ned af væggene. Ja, NASA benytter sig af CGI-teknologi og alverdens manipulationer, det er sikkert og vist. Men det er jo blot en konspiration, ligesom månen er en drone, David Icke hævder månen er hul og er et rumskib, der blev forladt af udenjordiske væsener, bagsiden af månen er dækket med månebaser og Mars ligeså. De tre T'er: Telepati, Telekinese, Teleportation som også skulle være benyttet siden 70'erne, for ikke at snakke om Secret Space Programmet m.m.. Det forekommer dog meget svært at tro på jorden er flad.. Griner lidt indeni mig selv, ikke for at håne nogen, overhoved. Vi finder ikke ud af sandheden, før vores benevolent guider viser os vejen, the BIG EVENT som COBRA kalder det. Derfor kan vi jo godt lege med ideen.. At jorden er flad, er en velbygget CIA psykologisk operation (PSYOP). Man burde snarere spørge sig selv om, hvor vigtigt dette emne er i virkeligheden? Der findes så mange andre spørgsmål, som er fundamental vigtigere, at beskæftige sig med: Vi har stadigvæk pædofile som løber rundt på højeste niveau af regeringerne og magtstrukturen i verden, vi har stadigvæk avanceret black projects, korrupte finansielle systemer, ulighed, fattigdom og splittelse blandt mennesker, religioner der deler verdensdele, børn som tvinges til at indtage toksiner fra vaccinationer, mennesker som spiser GMO mad, så hvad betyder det, hvilken 'form' jorden har? Det findes en stor del af mennesker som er vågnet op, til overfladen, for at finde åndehuller. Se bare på det kaos og frustration som driver verden lige nu. Men bruger du din tid korrekt og undersøger du de ting som betyder noget for dig selv og menneskeheden? Hos CIA hedder det, 'divide and conquer algorithm'. Flere og flere trossystemer dukker op, så CIA skaber en masser historier, en af dem er, at jorden er flad, så fokus flytter sig væk fra det der er vigtigt (distraktion). 'Splittelse' sker, når Ole's søn og andre, tager afstand til ham og dermed har CIA erobret (conquer)? TheDeepState ønsker ikke, du og jeg vågner op. Det hele indebærer, at vi fokusere på det forkerte og forlænger opvågningsprocesen! Har du tænkt over det? Husk lige på en ting som mange glemmer, vores børn ved mere, end vi gør. Lyt til vores krystal- og indigobørn. De er her for at hjælpe os gamle, det er ikke os der skal tale og foreskrive overfor børnene. Hvis du stadig er i tvivl, check den 'ægte videnskab', ikke videnskab.dk som er købt og betalt af industrien: 1. Elektrisk dipolmoment (electric dipole field). Det kræver en rund sfære. 2. En torus som er en rumgeometrisk form, der ligner et bildæk eller en donut. Der skaber votex og energier i vores univers (Toroid Energy Flow - The Torus - Dynamic Flow Process). 3. Corioliseffekten fremkommer ved jordens rotation (The Coriolis effect) 4. Se filmen: THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? Vist og set af 27 mio. mennesker og du er ikke længere i tvivl .. |

Interview with Mad Mike Hughes' Flat Earth rocket team - Going Alone


Oles liv ændrede sig for to år siden: Nu er han ikke i tvivl om, at jorden er flad

Ole Lochmann er overbevist om, at Jorden er flad.

LÆS VIDERE: Oles liv ændrede sig for to år siden: Nu er han ikke i tvivl om, at jorden er flad

BT | 26. Maj 2017 | Flat Earth Theories | Oles liv ændrede sig for to år siden: Nu er han ikke i tvivl om, at jorden er flad | .. Ole Lochmann er medsstifter af Facebookgruppen 'Jorden er FLAD. Jorden er ikke en globe.' En hastigt voksende gruppe, som allerede tæller mere end 3.600 overvejende danske medlemmer. Her diskuterer medlemmerne beviser for, at Jorden er flad, samt andre konspirationsteorier også .. | http://www.verdensalt.dk/search?q=jorden+er+flad


Dansk tv-kendis er ikke i tvivl: Jorden er flad - og tyngdekraften er fake

Peter Madsen was a central figure in Copenhagen’s alternative art and music community. But then he was accused of murdering journalist Kim Wall. Richard Orange reports on the shock waves of the crime.......



One of the few video(s) which NASA has not censored or taken down by Youtube, yet!! Some rare photo I've come across, I think Alex Collier mentioned it, 'Violent Universe' by the BBC's Nigel Calder and when I saw a first edition from 1969 on sale, I snagged it here are the scans... On a side note -- 1957, SAS DC-7C flew from Copenhagen via Anchorage in Alaska to Tokyo, shortening the flying time between Scandinavia and Japan from 50 to 32 hours! In October, 1960, SAS introduced DC-8 jetliner flights directly over the North Pole to Japan, slashing East-West travel time from 27 to less than 16 hours. Suddenly, after 1961, SAS 'NEVER' went over the North Pole again, due to irregularities in flight instruments.. However, some say it was because of what they discovered, perhaps the entrance to Hollow Earth or NASA blacklisted the area......
SEARCH: http://www.verdensalt.dk/search?q=Hollow+Earth+

Udgivet første gang den 7. April 2016 af Verdensalt

Læs også: Hollow Earth - Secret Underground Bases"FOR ALIENS"

Læs også: Earth is really hollow? - Myths and Legends (Amazing NASA video from ISS space station March 2015 - Secret Underground Bases For Aliens?)

Did Adm. Richard E. Byrd find Tropic Climate, Mammoths, Flying Saucer, Coal, Oil, Uranium and minerals near Hollow Earth and even entered a new world inside earth core?


(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?