Jan 28, 2020

🔴 ~ Watch: ‘Greta Thunberg Incorporated: The Exposé’ – Hard-hitting documentary reveals behind the scenes of Greta — Watch as her security roughs up reporter ~ |

Thx to climatedepot.com 

Keean Bexte of Rebel News travels to Stockholm to investigate Greta Thunberg's origins and speak with Greta herself. http://www.GretaInc.com


👪 ~ 💗 Gigi Young: When Your Family Doesn't Understand You 💕 ~ |

Source (Gigi Young)

🧟 ~ People no longer believe working hard will lead to a better life, survey shows ~ | Blogger: Excerpts: "Most employees (83 percent) globally are worried about job loss due to automation, a looming recession, lack of training, cheaper foreign competition, immigration and the gig economy. We now observe an Alice in Wonderland moment of elite buoyancy and mass despair” ... |

Source (abc.net.au)
Thx to PFC

By James Purtuill,

A growing sense of inequality is undermining trust in both society’s institutions and capitalism, according to a long-running global survey.

The 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer – now in its 20th year – has found many people no longer believe working hard will give them a better life.

Despite strong economic performance, a majority of respondents in every developed market do not believe they will be better off in five years’ time.

This means that economic growth no longer appears to drive trust, at least in developed markets – upending the conventional wisdom.

“We are living in a trust paradox,” said Richard Edelman, CEO of Edelman.

“Since we began measuring trust 20 years ago, economic growth has fostered rising trust. This continues in Asia and the Middle East but not in developed markets, where national income inequality is now the more important factor.
Fears are stifling hope, and long-held assumptions about hard work leading to upward mobility are now invalid.
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Growing ‘trust chasm’ between elites and the public

🤡 ~ Lars Løkke fortryder: Sagde nej til rolle i 'Klovn the Final' ~ | Blogger: [🧨Kirsten Birgits Nytårstale 2019 kl. 18.15 : "Lars Løkke tager på foredragsturne igen" ~ Kisser🥳] ... Undskyld, jeg ved godt jeg er grusom ond nu, men det er lidt lattervækkende at vores eeelskede tidligere Statsminister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, ønsker at have en ledende rolle i Klovn, når han selv er én af Dem? Et stort svindel-nummer har præget denne mand gennem livet uden konsekvens og en dyb mangel på moral og etik, men sikkert også gjort gode gerninger, har bare svært ved at se dem i mængden af mødding. Selv min egen mor, der var leder i det offentlige sygehusvæsen ligeså længe som Hr. Rasmussen, har sagt til mig, at hun kan huske han snød og bedrog alt og alle, siden den skæbnesvanger koncert i Gribskovhallen i Græsted i 1982, hvor han svindlede sangerinden Hanne Boel for 30K, bespise partifæller fra hele landet på skatteydernes regning og brugte amtets kontokort på den nærliggende Græsted Kro og da han var amtsborgmester i Frederiksborg Amt i 1998-2001 og indtil dato... Er talkshow-værten og kendisjournalisten, Anders Lund Madsen, bedre? Nu hvor han er blevet ven med Lars Løkke og de skal tjene penge på ligegyldigheder? Er det med vilje, han ligner en hjemløs?; hans tøj er bevidst forvasket og hænger, med army cap på hoved og et stort ulækkert uhæmmet skæg og langt hår. Anders, har fået en del kritik for sine vanvittige dyre honorar som foredragsholder og konferencier, især på Naturmødet og Hjørring Kommunes miniudgave af Folkemødet... Nu hvor #PrivatLarsLøkkeSugarFondensPensions- OpsparingUdenRegnskabspligt, igen skal på svindel-turne, og hans nystiftet selskab (Sollar ApS) sammen med sin kone, der nu arrangerer rejser, hvor den tidligere statsminister indgår som en del af pakken🙈.. Måske skulle PrivatLars og hans kompagnon i LøkkeFonden, Anders hjemløs og Bubbers Badekar og Snurre Snups Søndagsklub, udskifte Deres manglende selvkærlighed- og mindreværds- komplekser (små mænd, store drømme) med mental sundhed og et isoleret og uindtageligt (panik-rum), så når de få lysten til utroskab og et stort svindel-nummer, kunne de lukke sig selv inde, indtil deres (påtaget) psykiske lidelser, går væk igen...bare en tanke... |

Kilde (realityportalen)


Her er Løkkes kaotiske privatøkonomi

Lars Løkke Rasmussen tynges af massive renteudgifter

🚭 ~ Why is POT "illegal" yet Patented as a Cure for All Cancer? US Patent 6630507 ~ |

Source (PodiatricRFA)


From "The Hemp Revolution" 

If you think that all the civilizations we know of were worshipping the sun, you are sadly mistaken. They are worshipping god, who was placed in the sun for making slaves out of human beings, and requiring she be worshipped. Primitive and ancient are two seperate categories. Rome was ancient, not primitive. Primitive people are people who believe a virgin can have a baby. There are a good many people who suffer from this delusion to this day. They are not ancient, they are mentally primitive. If you can think no better than to believe a virgin can have a baby, giving you a brain was a waste of resources. You will have to die, put your brain back in the ground, and your consciousness will be drawn inside the sun where the father of lies was put, god. http://www.scribd.com/doc/56942693/th...

🤖 ~ Scientists Create the FIRST Living Robot! ~ | Blogger: [🔬Nanosciences: A supercomputer (deep-green) created a tiny 'xenobots' assembled from frog cells (Xenopus laevis) promise advances from drug delivery to toxic waste clean-up🦠] ... Sounds amazing doesn't it? From DNA vaccines, remote-controlled Microrobots for Medical operations, hybrid-actuating macrophage-based Microrobots for active Cancer therapy to RFID chips via vaccine injections... Sounds yummy😋... It can do great stuff for humanity and cure a lot of illnesses, with costless, effective Biohybrid microrobots that are fully biodegradable. On the flip side of the coin, the same human scientists who are funded by the medical industry with help from AI who makes these living programmable organism could turn a normal human into a programmable, controlled TransHuman and do a lot of damage or just extend the illnesses and suffering for the benefit of the medical-industrial complex to keep them in the system, (forever)... Now, it has already taken humanity a thousands of 3-D Matrix reincarnations to realize, that Scalar Etheric/Archonic Implants, are embedded into every single human, and how to completely eliminate the influence of the parasitic construct (Cobra talk)🤔... |

Source (ColdFusion)

(uvm.edu) "Now a team of scientists has repurposed living cells—scraped from frog embryos—and assembled them into entirely new life-forms. These millimeter-wide "xenobots" can move toward a target, perhaps pick up a payload (like a medicine that needs to be carried to a specific place inside a patient)—and heal themselves after being cut."

🌺 ~ 💗 WHSS 2019: NewEarth Festival - Panel Discussion - Day 1 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉On the Panel from the left: Del Bigtree, Dr. Robert O. Young, Dr Nancy Ash, Sacha Stone, Chief Sylvestre Gnakale, Laura Uplinger, Thomas J Brown👈] ... |

Source (New Earth Project)