Feb 3, 2016

GAOG: ‘Where’s the $500 Million?’ American Red Cross Promises Houses for 130,000 Haitians, ‘Builds only 6’

February 3, 2016 by Steve Beckow

In reading this story, we might want to keep in mind Matthew Ward’s remark through his Mother Suzy Ward in 2011:

Suzy: “With so much money donated for the reconstruction of Haiti after the earthquake a year ago, why is that country still a disaster zone?”

Matthew: “Because those funds were stolen by the Illuminati after their technology caused the quake—that stealth is why former US presidents Clinton and Bush rushed to Haiti so quickly after the quake.” (1)

This news story appeared in 2015, many years later, after everyone has probably forgotten that the American Red Cross did not build the houses they promised for Haitians.

For this reason, it’s prudent to consider whom you donate your money to after the Reval.


Russia Today, June 4, 2015


An investigation has found that the American Red Cross wasted $500 million in its bid to help Haiti, underperformed in its programs, and then tried to cover it up. Despite the NGO’s celebrated success, insider accounts point to failures.

When a devastating earthquake struck the Western hemisphere’s poorest country in 2010, the American Red Cross was one of the organizations at the forefront of the humanitarian effort to rebuild it a year later, launching a multi-million-dollar effort.

The main program – LAMIKA (a Creole acronym for ‘A Better Life in My Neighborhood’) – was to build hundreds of permanent homes to house some 130,000 people living in abject poverty after the quake.

Now, in 2015, the Port-au-Prince neighborhood of Campeche is as dilapidated as ever, with hardly any new buildings, trash strewn around, animals walking the streets, and people enduring sub-standard conditions in self-made shacks.

“Many residents live in shacks made of rusty sheet metal, without access to drinkable water, electricity or basic sanitation. When it rains, their homes flood and residents bail out mud and water,” an introduction to a report says.

An investigation by NPR and ProPublica gained access to “confidential memos, emails from worried top officers, and accounts of a dozen frustrated and disappointed insiders” familiar with how the NGO broke its promises, misspent millions of dollars, and then issued self-congratulatory progress statements.

Vejen til fuld spirituel bevidsthed - guided tour - 3. Feb 2016

Udgivet første gang den 19. Januar 2015 af Verdensalt.dk

Vi er blevet præget i mange århundrede af forskellige religioner i alle afskygninger og fortolkninger. Mange udemokratiske folkeslag er top styret af enten medierne, præster, imamer, autoriteter, andres fordomme, indoktrineret tankemønstre, had og vrede fra krige og magthavernes indflydelse og masse andre ting. Andre befolkningsgrupper som har demokrati, står midt i vadehavet og fryger at blive skyllet væk af tidevandet, vi tør ikke stå udenfor det fine selskab, gøre os bemærket med andre holdninger eller spirituelle ideer som gør os anderledes - ihvertfald ikke officiel. Og hvem skal vi endeligt stole på, når nyhedsmedierne er hermetisk lukket ned om den virkelige sandhed, blotter os kun for nemhedens skyld, acceptere eksperter og andre meninger fordi vi forventer det er faktum.

På mange arbejdspladser kan arbejdsgivere ikke rumme folk med alt for mange radikale meninger eller værdier som ikke harmonere med Deres "Business Conduct Guidelines", offentlige ansatte har nærmest total mundkurv på, risikoen for at miste sit job er så stor idag hvis vi nu ytre os i det offentlige rum (frygt og utryghed spiller en rolle)

Hvordan kan vi være os selv og følge den personlige selvudviklingsvej som fulde spirituelle væsener? Groft sagt, det såkaldte "demokrati" vi i Danmark lever i nu, skaber ikke en symbiose med "oneness" og vores egen ønskemål, nærmere det totalitære 
demokrati. Vi er så sikre på, vores uforsket værdiersæt, holdninger og moderne kultur er vejen frem, uden at se tilbage, stoppe op og korrigere vores selvopfattelse. Det er faktisk ikke vores egen skyld, men vi kan i allerhøjeste grad gøre noget ved det selv.

Vi lever alle i uvidenhed, fordi vores historiske rødder er enten misforstået eller med vilje påført en etiket ”Above Top Secret – Executive Orders”. Dog hjælper "Solar Tsunami" lidt på vejen, vi er lidt bedre stillet nu end for f.eks. 10 år siden.

For at forstå konceptet fuld spiritual bevidsthed har jeg lavet et flowdiagram:

Kunsten er at finde sig selv i kaos. Være i balance og handle efter hvad hjertet- og mavefornemmelse og intuitionen fortæller os, og ikke altid lytte til vores reptil hjerne hele tiden (underbevidsthed)
 - men bruge vores hjerne som er simpel redskab for bevægelse og basale gøremål. Men vi skal ikke blot være tro mod os selv - een gang- heller ikke næste gang, men ALTID og DET ER RIGTIGT SVÆRT.

GAIA TV: Fuldmåne d 24 januar 2016 v. Vita Storborg (idealistisk måned - kampens måned - Der sker noget mest bag kulisserne, virkelig, virkelig positiv for verdens værdier og det åndelige. Hvordan kan vi slippe vores ego og tankemønstre. Hvad frygter vi, hvad skal vi overvinde, hvorfor har vi negative tanker hele tiden.Vi skal tænke over om vi vil ud med en revolution eller bare ytre os.)

Published on Jan 24, 2016

Fuldmåne astrologi d. 24. januar 2015 v. Vita Storborg - www.storborg.dk

WHO WOULD ACTUALLY BENEFIT FROM A CASHLESS SOCIETY? (Excerpt: The Cashless Society List - DENMARK – In the 1990s about 80% of Danish retail purchases were made with cash, but these days it’s more like 25%. But if the Danish government has its way, that number will be 0% by 2030. That’s the year the Danish government has set for the complete elimination of paper money in Denmark...)

There is now a growing body of evidence that the move towards a cashless society is still on track. In fact, with the ongoing fall of the Khazarian Empire, it might be its only option to remain in power in the West.
“Cash won’t be around in a decade, the chief executive of one of Europe’s biggest banks predicted on Wednesday.

““Cash I think in ten years time probably won’t (exist). There is no need for it, it is terribly inefficient and expensive,” John Cryan, chief executive of Deutsche Bank, said during a discussion on financial technology, known as “fintech”.”

From Corbett Report, here’s a list of countries that are already moving, or studying a departure, towards cashless transactions.

The War on Cash: A Country by Country Guide

by James Corbett, corbettreport.com
January 27, 2016

Continue Reading at .....http://geopolitics.co/2016/01/30/who-would-benefit-from-a-cashless-society/

Jason A: The Truth May Scare You: EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE THIS! (2016)

Published on Jan 31, 2016

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/End-Times-Wa...
THE SHOCKING TRUTH: A video everyone should see...new world order end times prophecy has begun something is going on warning 2016 this video will shock you strange sounds loud boom mystery strange events weather

In Latest Shock Video, Migrants Maul Elderly Germans In Munich Metro (Just another day in Angela Merkel's multicultural utopia.. could it be staged "crisis actors" like all the tensions rise in Sweden?)

Tyler Durden's picture

In Latest Shock Video, Migrants Maul Elderly Germans In Munich Metro

“Migrants gone wild” is the new video craze sweeping the internet as cell phone footage of refugee-related shenanigans has replaced clips of Russia vaporizing “the terrorists” on geopolitics junkies’ must watch lists.

Breaking News: Judge Anna von Reitz Now Working with the New Republic and General Dunsford

by Judge Anna Von Reitz

Anna Maria Riezinger, also known as Anna von Reitz because my actual name is German and a mile long. I am an American Common Law Superior Court Judge in Alaska where operation of the Seventh Amendment Courts started up again in conjunction with the Common Law Grand Juries more than a year ago and I also serve as a Federal Postal District Court Judge for the Western Region..... 

Operation Disclosure


Gen. Joseph F. Dunford, Jr.
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff



Judge Anna von Reitz

Gen. Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Thanks to: http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/

Sheldan Nidle opdatering for Galaktiske Føderation af lys og åndelige hierarki - 3. Februar 2016 CET

Hvem er Sheldan Nidle: Sheldan Nidle er grundlægger af Planetary Activation Organization, en UFO religion. Han siger at han er i stand til former for telepatiske kommunikation, samt er i kontakt med rumvæsener. Han er tit kanal for budskaber og formidler af Det Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys.
Hjælp til NESARA etc: - Finansielle akronymer

It is vital, my Blessed friends, that you maintain focus and remain able to broadcast your positive vision of this newly manifesting reality. We are also joining together to amplify this divine vision and to combine it with sacred decrees from Heaven.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation 
Symbol For The Sirian Star System

8 Etznab, 11 Yax, 12 Manik 

Dratzo! Everything continues to move forward. This very complex process is being carefully guided by a series of new security measures to ensure quality control. This has been added to by the irregularities of a number of banks and other such institutions that serve as the appointed monitors for the various ancient families and European royals that are part of this operation. We expect for this whole process of special wires and deliveries to take less than a month. We simply ask that you remain patient and ready to put your blessings in safe and secure bank accounts, which you have privately prepared for this process. The present governments are on their last legs and we expect to hear the required announcements shortly. This series of developments are to pave the way for our first public announcements concerning the mass landings. We first want to give you a general explanation of what we intend to do. Then we want to give you a basic understanding of our mentor program.