Feb 14, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 ('Endless Love" Happy Valentines Day) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Peaceful music, Relaxing music, Instrumental Musc "Endless Love" Happy Valentines Day ~ Tim Janis🌟] ... What Is Your Personal Frequency on the Scale of Consciousness? (understand LOVE - is not the highest - emotions in the Hawkins Scale)... Each of us has our own personal frequency which can easily be changed by what we choose in our day. Everything we think, feel and do has a vibration and a frequency. Positive thoughts, feelings and actions are lighter, more spacious and have a higher vibration and frequency. Negative thoughts, feelings and actions are heavier, denser and have a lower vibration and frequency... |

🙏 ~ 💝 (»Coronatristhed«) Dagens Spirituelle Motivationscitater eller Livets Sandheder (SoTW DK) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Glædelig Valentinsdag... Måske har du overskud til at forkæle og tildele din kærlighed og omsorgsbeskeder til veninde, kæreste, kone og mand. Men synes (også) vi skal bruge alle kræfter på at sende kærlige intentioner ud til universet og til alle dem, som ingen kærlighed har; er alene, enlige, ensomme, frustrerede, deprimerede, "coronasyge" samt afhængige af andres omsorg og medfølelse... I snart 1 år har vi alle levet under isolation, fremmedgørelse, ensomhed, arbejdsløshed, og skal ikke blot mistrives med lockdown, tests og vaccinationer, men for b-holdet, som nægter, ingen ferie til udlandet... I år og næste år, kommer der 100% til at være dødsfald af vaccinerne, selvmord og børn og unge, på antidepressiv medicin, og det kommer 100% ikke frem i medierne eller fra Staten... I april 2020 var 4.723 dødsfald, mens gennemsnittet for perioden 2015-2019 var 4.441 dødsfald. Altså næsten ingen forskel, selvom man kalder det "Højeste antal døde" i april siden 2003... Nej, Danmark har det laveste antal døde i seks år trods pandemi... Vi må bare ikke vide, hvad folk, døde af... |






👨‍💼🌴😜 ~ (Trust The 'Man'!?!) Let's have a bit of fun, shall we? There's no "Operation Dark Winter" in the 83F warm Florida Trump camp! (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜The GoldFish Report No. 662 - Week 110-B POTUS Report - will explain it all to you and you (and you)🤛] ... PS: “The White House is basically a ghost town,” he said. “On Pennsylvania Avenue which connects the White House to the capitol — all those buildings — the FBI, Department of Treasury, the Labor Department, all that — those buildings are basically abandon.” “It reminds me of the hospitals,” he explained. “All of D.C. is basically abandoned basically.” Richard has visited over 100 hospitals in the U.S. since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic capturing his visits on video. The citizen journalist has managed to document that patient volume in hospitals remains low (Richard Citizen Journalist (@DPotcner) January 26, 2021 & Shepard Ambellas, Intellihub) ... |

The GoldFish Report No. 662 - Week 110-B POTUS Report

👼 ~ 💓 ('Activities') A Message from my Higher Self (Tree Of The Golden Light) 💕 ~ | Blogger: [👉Excerpts: "What happens in the USA is the key to the future and major changes are imminent that will set the scene for a great leap forward. You will undoubtedly be very surprised but not when you understand the implications of what has happened and also see the potential for making that country great again. There is so much wrong with it at present and the changes have to start somewhere, and our hope is that it will be very soon. So all in all there is much to look forward to even if you are unaware of their nature. Know that there are greater powers than those on Earth who hold the key to your future; it is destined to be a Golden Time in your history."👈] ... |


Channeled by Mike Quinsey

Being given details of what is happening in the broader picture is largely for the need to keep certain activities as secret as possible to protect the Forces of Light. Much is happening that you are unaware of and protecting you from the activitiesof the dark Ones is a priority.

They may have been weakened by your activities to arrest many of them, but they still pose a threat as they have no regard for Universal Law and your lives. In this respect we protect you as far as possible and we are gradually depleting their forces. In the ultimate there will only be one winner as the Forces of Light will reign supreme.

For so long we have been waiting for an opportunity to openly meet you, but as you know for our safety and more so yours we need a situation where we can be confident that our plan will not endanger you. The dark Ones are by no means as powerful as they were largely due to our presence, but even a few can present a danger to great numbers of you. We take no risks and have the patience to wait for the right opportunity to overcome them, which is inevitable. It has taken a long time to get this far, and we have no intention of rushing matters when we are so near to a great victory.

You too are on the path to achieving a great success, even though you are presently in a confusing situation wondering if you will ever get back to something like “normal” – yet you will even though it is going to be much different to what you have been used to.

⏰☕😵 ~ (En gentagelse af »SHARIA-BRØLEREN«) Da du vågnede til morgen og fik krydderbollen galt i halsen og ikke troede på, det kunne blive værre (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [👉Mette Frederiksen efter »enorm svaghed«: Vi skal investere skattekroner i at producere »supervåbnet« ~ Berlingske👈] ... Og hvad er liiige »supervåbnet« Fru Frederiksen? Jo, ser du, det er »vaccineproduktion« som skal igen (igen) masseproduceres under Kongeriget Danmark... Foruden vi skal lyntestes, antigen-testes og PCR-testes, et par gange om ugen, så vores DNA-spyt kan sælges videre til en biobank og biosensorer / mikrobots som ligger på næsepodningens vatpinde kan bevæge sig sikkert, op i vores hjerner... Kan det blive mere latterligt og faretruende for menneskeheden?... HVEM trækker i hvems tråde om LØGNEN?... Departementschef Barbara Bertelsen og stabschef Martin Rossen og WEF/DK-aftalens kemi- medico og teknokratiet?... Lars Løkke og alle andre partier var med til at sælge vaccine-skidtet i 2016 og var FULD bevidste om, at Sheik Abdulaziz Hamad Aljomaih overtog en donation på 240 mio. kroner, fra Bill Gates fonden, da han købte statens vaccineproduktion for 15 mio. kroner... FOR AT OPSUMMERE; Året var 2016, da Staten solgte den danske vaccineproduktion, som hidtil lå under Statens Serum Institut, til privat regi. Det malaysiske selskab AJ Biologics har givet 15 millioner for at overtage vaccineprogrammet. AJ Biologics er ejet af et andet malaysisk selskab AJ Pharma Holding, som igen er ejet af det saudiarabiske konglomerat Aljomaih. Denne Sharia-sheik, har igen solgt det videre til en "ukendt" køber og tjent KASSEN fru Madsen... [LÆS VIDERE]... |



... FORUDEN "gaven" på 40 mio. kroner, et hemmeligt dokument afslører desuden, at Sharia-sheik fik 200 mio. kr. i huslejerabat m.m., har Statens forretning med saudisk sheik kostet skatteyderne mindst 1,3 milliarder... 

Skal jeg fortsætte?... HVORFOR FANDEN solgte man GULDÆGGET i det hele taget? 

HVIS du stadigvæk er i tvivl om "farligheden", og hvorvidt disse nye corona-vacciner "er" nogle højteknologiske windows-software-nano og genterapi biosensorer vacciner, eller helt uskadelige, så vedlægger jeg seneste video fra Ep. 34 Dr. Carrie Madej om, hvorfor vacciner er en trussel mod menneskeheden og forårsager infertilitet, qui bono... 

PS: AllesLandsModeren over alle, Mink-Mette-mus står i en unik situation, og derfor er det så supervigtigt, hun får tryllebundet A-L-L-E til at komme ned ad det her spor, aldrig set før i Danmarkshistorien. At, have overbevist og narret et helt Folkefærd til at tro på, en dødsensfarlig virus eksistere. Syntes selv det er imponerende... 

Vi elsker jer bare så meget mæætte… Du ser stjernegodt ud og viser dig som et menneske, undgår "onde" spørgsmål, en rigsret, har alle svar parat og har ingen kritiske journalister til stede... Vi glææder os til så meget fordi, I redder os!... #Folkesundhed #Albuehilsen, #Holdafstand #Spritaf #Vaskhænder #Samfundssind #Vielskerdig Mæææææætte🤗😃🙃... | 

🌬️🛸🤗 ~ (BREAKING SSP-USSF NEWS) Pentagon Admits It Has Ufo Debris, Releases Test Results (UFO Explorations) ~ | Blogger: [👉'Disappointingly, the reports do not include much of what was requested, such as a physical description and the composition of the material, the origin of the material, and the names of the involved scientists. That remains classified.'👈] ... Excerpts:📑 "Nitinol - a shape recovery alloy. Nitinol has similar properties to the "memory metal". metamaterial* - Can be used to "slow down light" and even "bring light to a complete standstill". May induce invisibility by manipulating refraction, reflectivity and increasing light absorption. Has the interesting ability to "compress electromagnetic energy"📑... TRUST me guys - they have it all... Add that to the 6,000 U.S. Patents of Suppressed Technologies and you can now change or transform the entire Planet Earth to a perfect UTOPIA. It's not only a atrophied collective imagination... Unfortunately, right now, our world leaders are looking for a centralization of power. One World Govt or One NWO... Every single day, a growing number of artists, truthseekers, lightworkers and alike, are abandoning truth-telling political art for a boldly utopian practice. Youtube, social media and MSM CIA Operation Mockingbird does not like the truth, and does not like anyone with a narrative different than their approved Deep State, globalist, pro-China, anti-America, anti-EU, anti-NASA messages... |


A stunning admission by the US government that it possesses UFO debris was recently made in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed over three years ago by this author. In a reply letter, the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has ended decades of speculation by verifying that UFO material has indeed been recovered. Now officially referred to as UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) rather than UFOs, some of this material was placed with a defense contractor for analysis and storage in "specialized facilities." Incredibly, part of the information released discusses material with shape recovery properties, much like the "memory metal" debris found fallen at the Roswell UFO crash in 1947.

And based on the documentation received, it appears that the retrieved debris exhibits other extraordinary capabilities. In addition to "remembering" their original form when bent or crushed, some of these futuristic materials have the potential to make things invisible, "compress" electromagnetic energy, and even slow down the speed of light. Although much of the reports' details are redacted, what can be gleaned is that these technologies represent a literal quantum leap beyond the properties of all existing material known to man.

Finally, the whereabouts of the UFO debris held by the contractor is unknown. Some months ago they laid off their employees and ceased operations. Former company officials, when reached, refuse comment.


🗣️🏳️🙌 ~ (The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth, So Help Me God) Not for the Critical Thinking, Research Impaired (James Gilliland ECETI Ranch) 💗 ~ | Blogger: [🤜“This is a cyber, economic and bio war against America carried out by hostile foreign governments using corrupt politicians to do their bidding “. This is not a war between democrats and republicans, it is a war against good and evil, it is a war against pedophiles, child traffickers, corrupt leadership in every institution. It is also a multidimensional war." ~ James🤛] ... |


James Gilliland is a minister, counselor, an internationally known lecturer, best selling author with the books, Reunion with Source, Becoming Gods, and The Ultimate Soul Journey. James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, BBC Danny Dyer Special, Paranormal State, ECETI Ranch a Documentary, and the new movie Thrive have all featured James and ECETI which he is the founder. He has appeared on Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, and to numerous other radio shows to mention also being the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, www.bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, www.worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience 


Alright folks here it is, this just may get us banned. We feel it would be remiss in ignoring what is obvious to some yet for those still in denial these are facts. According to the CDC the Corona virus was rarely the cause of death in most documented cases. Out of 220,000 deaths blamed on Corona virus, 87,000 people died of pneumonia, 17,000 died of chronic respiratory disease, 26,000 died of respiratory distress syndrome, 44,000 hypertensive diseases, Heart disease was also not figured in, 28,000 died from cardiac arrest. At least 131,000 plus died from other causes, preexisting diseases, some were terminally ill, others in hospice on their way out.

One of the reasons for these high numbers is Congress passed the Care Act where hospitals were given a 20% bonus for calling the cause of these deaths corona virus. A virus with a survival rate of 99.99%, elderly still around 99.98 -7%. Let that sink in. Most people have such mild symptoms they don’t even know they have it. Obviously, there is something else going on here.

According to Fauci during the Spanish flu most people died from bacterial pneumonia due to wearing masks not from the Spanish flu. Wait it gets even more ridiculous. On the box of the N-95 masks it says does not protect against Corona virus, does not matter if you wear ten of them. It’s like a chain link fence protecting you from a fart. The tests are over 80% false positive. According to the inventor of the tests no one should ever use those tests for determining whether one has the corona virus. He mysteriously died shortly after that statement. Ask yourself why a goat, pau pau fruit, and a can of coke tested positive. How accurate are these tests and what is showing up on those swabs? They are finding nano fibers and other things that should not be there on the test swabs delivered directly to the thinnest membrane to the brain.