Mel Gibson - YouTube Anne Heche: Dead or Alive? - YouTube |
Aug 16, 2022
🙏 ~ 💝 (Btw Gibson you are Great!!!) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [👉"I am a big movie buff. So, I make sure I watch two-three movies a week, not many because I don't want to get addicted." ~ Smriti Mandhana👈] ... I mean - what an insane world we live in!... MG has always been and still is, my hero on SoTW. So is Connie Nielsen and Viggo Mortensen. Was MG at one time enrolled and casted as freemasonic-prospector - I'm sure he was. You cannot get inside the satanic "system" as a superstar leading roles at the worldwide box office without smoking a crack pipe and trade in ones Soul for Silence, Obedience and "Happiness.". And like the comedian Jim Carrey, has one big idea, for restoring America’s ‘decency and HUmanity’... On the other hand, we have Tom Hanks aKa Tom Hanx, one of the worst-of-the-worst, but biggest names in Hollyweird, now a Greek citizen, but pedophilia has nothing to do with it, so they all claim (rumored dead in one of the guillotines of GITMO)... The most bizarre 2022 GQ cover was when Brad Pitt's was declared dead... We all know Tom Cruise, Will Smith etc. is no more, dead and gone and buried. 90% of the a-list actors has disappeared from the big screen... Btw, I do like tarot readings like "Laura's View and Tarot, Too" and "Tarot by Janine". After a review of some inconsistencies in the August 5 crash that injured Anne Heche she's still ALIVE and doing well. I repeat, she's NOT DEAD!... As always, use your own spiritual discernment... |
💸✋🏭 ~ ("Don't Pay") USA / EU's tørke og varmenedsmeltning samt kommende hård vinter. A.P. Møller-Mærsk og Ørsteds rekord milliardindtjening samt kritiserede ekstrem lave tonnageskatteordninger. Forbrugerne skal ikke regne med billigere el og gas fra Ørsted (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Energiselskabet SK Energi i Slagelse har opsagt kunders fastprisaftaler og Terndrup Vandværk, har forbudt sine forbrugere at vande haver🤛] ... Nu må Lysets vogtere, DeHvideHatte og udenomjordiske kræfter snart tager over, vi kan ikke holde til mere og Vi, Folket, skal snart, gå fra hus og hjem. Lige nu får vi mindre for lønkronerne og energi og fødevarerpriserne, stiger mere end lønnen... Godt jeg fik solgt mit hus i Gribskov med gammelt gasfyr og lejer mig ind, hos et varmeselskab og udlejer, som nægter, at sætte prisen op på varme og husleje.. Jeg ved ikke om du har hørt det, men, det første skib med korn fra Ukraine er forsvundet. Og vi ved nu, med garanti, at 'nogle' af skatteydernes surte tjente penge fra DK / EU / USA's $100 milliarder og militærstøtte, er dumpet ned i de forkerte hænder og aldrig nået til Ukraine, siger mange (opsnappet af CIA, warlords eller havnet på den sorte marked)... I-N-G-E-N tror på Gud og julemanden mere og måske skal vi være taknemmelige, for det. Naturligvis, er energikrisen allerede blevet døbt "2022 European drought". For som med alt andet, når det bliver en "agenda" og wikipedia går ind for "Kampen om den røde ko" og Klimaændringer i Europa, så ved vi, den er opdigtet til formålet med et bestemt mål, lidt, à la Grønne-Greta Thunberg-Thunderstorm (kriseskuespiller styret af Grønne-Monstre, forældre og Georg Soros)... Og hvem vinder HVER EVIG ENESTE GANG???... [LÆS VIDERE] ... |
Alle de megastore energiselskaber, som tjener Frimureriets doktriner, udnytter forbrugerne og jordens fossile brændstoffer - primært kul, olie og naturgas.
Rockefeller sidder på al "olien", siden 1860’erne. Fra John D. Rockefeller, til russiske oligarker, Saudiske prinser og oliebaroner.
Og alle regeringerne, især KlimaDan, som tilbeder "drømmen" om 70% reduktion af drivhusgasser i 2030, falske 2030 Klimaaftale om grøn strøm og varme 2022 og tjener, på afgifter og skatter.
Og hvis du stadigvæk tror på at elbiler er "grønnest" når de fyldes med 'sort' brændstoffer - så er du en idiot (undskylder - den kom forkert ud)
.Al klimakamp er Hoax... Det ved du godt ikke?
De har brugt Geoengineering eller klimaengineering i en menneskealder, det var allerede på tegnebrættet i 1800-tallet. Siden kom HAARP og alverdens anden teknologier for at ændre verdens klima.
Hvis vi kunne bryde troldedommen, og afklassificere de 6000 amerikanske patenterede hemmelige dokumenter. Her snakker jeg om FRI ENERGI. Eksempelvis findes det i form af Zero-Point Energi eller fri Plasmateknologi / Nanoteknologi.
Faktisk kan man selv lave en Magrav Plasmareaktor (Mehran Keshe ) af fri energi på hele 30 kW - lidt ligesom grundpillen i mange vindmøller er det muligt, at lave en strømstyrke ved hjælp af kobbertråd og magneter. En transformator / transformer / trafo er et arrangement af mindst 2 magnetisk tæt koblede spoler af kobber...
Kunne også være den gratis energienhed drevet af vand - opfundet af Petros Zografos. Som Niels Bohr Instituttet i København, ph.d. Jacob Trier Frederiksen, fusionsspecialist, NÆGTER at anerkende (natürlich som man siger i jydelandet)...
Japan har kunne lave "vandbiler" i 25-30 år. - Når, det tror du ikke på? Jamen, så slå du "Genepax" op og "Water cars". Har hørt om det i over 20 år.
Japan har kunne lave "vandbiler" i 25-30 år. - Når, det tror du ikke på? Jamen, så slå du "Genepax" op og "Water cars". Har hørt om det i over 20 år.
Stan Myer slog de ihjel da han blærede sig for meget med sin "vandbil" i 70'erne.
Der skal også være et positivt snit - Olieprisen lavere end før invasionen af Ukraine og benzin / dieselprisen falder... |
Der skal også være et positivt snit - Olieprisen lavere end før invasionen af Ukraine og benzin / dieselprisen falder... |
Roads flooded as heavy rain and thunderstorms continue | UK News | Sky News |
Maersk og konkurrenten Hapag-Lloyd når ned på skattesats under to procent ( Mærsk tjener rekordmange milliarder i andet kvartal ( |
Ørsted-chef advarer mod folkestemningen efter stigende el- og gaspriser | Penge | DR Ørsted forventer overskud på 20-22 milliarder kroner - |
🧪🦠💉🩹~ ('No govt or scientific lab on Earth has E-V-E-R isolated SARS COV 2"virus" that causes Covid 19.') THE SCAMDEMIC: COVID 19 - SARS COV2 THE VIRUS THAT NEVER EXISTED (Tremregi) ~ | Blogger: Like so many other countries, Denmark; SARS-CoV-2 has NOT been isolated... MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO SoTW have watch, for years... Just in: Financial Times says "Polio virus reappears in rich economies, exposing gaps in immunisation". And like Poornima Wagh, 2 PhDs in Virology and Immunology, 20 yr career as a Lab researcher and scientist, says 43 minute inside this video - POLIO VACCINE IS EQUAL TO DDT. WHO used to kill and control malaria-carrying mosquitoes with DDT. The Problem is that POLIO did not caused MASSDEAD. The Polio vaccines did because it became toxin and when govt became aware of of it they renamed it to Jonas salk serum (1914–1995). My Danish Holistic ND told me for yeeears, that apple farms using Diphenylamine is classified as toxic and also kills people... |
Poornima Wagh, 2 PhDs in Virology and Immunology, 20 yr career as a Lab researcher and scientist, destroys the Covid scam with proof in language even a layman like me can understand. Who benefits? Big Pharma and its owners (not shareholders), Gates, Fauci whom she calls criminals, using words like "fraudulent," "deliberate," "planned and premeditated."
🌠 ~ 💗 ('Pleiadians contacted key people in positive militaries in Russia, USA and China, and most not open to the liberation Plan.') Planetary Situation Update 💕 ~ | Blogger: We have just heard from Dr. Michael Salla, that has WARNED us all, that C.O.B.R.A. R.M. organization (+ The Pleiadians) 📑"planetary evacuation due to massive solar activity"📑 is not TRUE... 🤫COBRA's leader (secret name and location) in the below report dire WARNINGS about 📑"the dark forces are leading campaigns against the few true sources, with unsubstantiated rumors and false accusations. They are especially attacking true Goddess teachings and true intel about the liberation of the planet.. The Pleiadians are recently very frustrated with the Russian generals, not much cooperation is present, and communication has dropped almost to zero."📑 ... Megan Rose latest video; "Universal Law and Unseen Entities" - talk about 📑FEAR of being deceived of the "unseen negative entities"📑... Elena feels "threatened" over Ismael Perez after he said, 📑both Alex and Elena, has been compromised and Elena has been taken over by dark entity ENKI to infiltrate the 'positive disclosure process'📑... 💭Sooo who to trust?...🧑🏫I have been to COBRA SCHOOL and Goddess teachings and everything else. Besides my Danish REKI educations and 25 years knowledge from 2 highly-sought-after spiritual teachers and many more, my "esoterically deep core learning" from 2015-2018 in the top core group of Cobra was very extensive with meditations learnings, initializations, conferences, private sessions, secret missions and going around the world in his "name". But no more... 😩Some of the described reporting might be true, but I'm not a ultimate doomsday prepper... 🙏Just stay grounded, only take in that resonates with your higher self, respecting others spiritual beliefs and look at, and treat all, our beautiful people around us, with unconditional love... |
Who's Cobra: Founder of the blog; This blog is the official communicator of resistance from the Resistance.
Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
Planetary Situation Update
In the void created by almost no solid intel on the surface of the planet since the collapse of the alpha timeline in early 2018, disinformation abounds.
The dark forces are leading campaigns against the few true sources, with unsubstantiated rumors and false accusations. They are especially attacking true Goddess teachings and true intel about the liberation of the planet. Several quite known intel sources that were relatively reliable in the past were not able to hold the Light and have crossed over to become instruments of the dark side.
The surface Lightworker grid has almost collapsed, and the Light forces have activated an emergency backup Light grid for the surface of the planet, about which nothing can be said. Kerr metric spacetime distortion anomaly around the surface of the planet will reach its peak density in late August 2022, and after that time it will again become easier to hold the Light, and the Lightworker grid is expected to at least partially recover from the brutal attacks to which it was subjected in the last few months.
The Light forces have explained that the amount of anomaly and darkness on the surface of this planet is huge, and this is the main reason why the Light is not more efficient in assisting the surface population. They have also communicated that they are clearing the primary anomaly with great speed and will at some point be able to influence the surface of the planet directly as well. When asked why they have stated in the past that they will intervene when certain lines are crossed, they offered no response and remained silent.
🤔😶🌫️ ~ (No...That's not true...That's impossible!) Things That Make You Go Hmmmm… (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: [🤜From 9/11 to Covid: The BIGGEST False Flags In History?. 1000% true. ~ SoTW🤛] ... Except for Dr. Salla (Elena, Alex, Dani-cult) and his mysterious active "SSP military 'JP' source" "bashing" against C.O.B.R.A. R.M. (cult) - this is the lay of the land. Could U.S. (MI6, Mossad, CIA) have created Al Qaeda? - absolutely!... Human reproductive cloning - is that even possible - It sure is (technology from SSP programs) ... And as you know, Simon Parkes (cult) never published anything that has not been backed by at least 2 or multiple independent sources (so he claims)... My next blogpost on SoTW is even more 'impossible' and cannot be proven to be true or false, for that matter... |
BOOM..Trump lawyer implies Pelosi’s husband had a child in his vehicle the night he smashed his vehicle.The clue to the passenger is referencing Epstein Is & underage sex happening there.The lawyer uses the word “Concealed” to drop a clue of govt coverup
— MEL~MSN~TCRN🩸♥️💙💉💉💙♥️🩸💋👠👠💋😘 (@cleansniper45) August 14, 2022
— Michael Nester (@Michael24481767) August 15, 2022
Bombshell Evidence PROVES Justin Trudeau Is Fidel Castro’s Son via @realnewspunch
— tarot by janine (@MorigeauJanine) August 11, 2022
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