Nov 30, 2019

🙏 ~ 💓 Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (Verdensalt) 💕~ | Blogger: [🌎Time to be 'In Love' with Mother Earth & opening of the Spiritual Heart (Brain) 💜] ... A traditional wedding ceremony has old religion rituals and implications, and is a 3D concept, but it's still a loving intended process. On the other hand, spiritual marriage (or chaste marriage) comes from the original divine law that marriage should be the union between soulmates who are attracted to each other by divine magnetism and not (only) by the animal magnetism of sexual activity... 👸💍🤴💟... "Lord, there are people in this world who have not yet experienced your incredible love. Some of these people seek to harm others because they are different, out of vanity or vainglory, greed as avarice or covetousness, and wrath as anger. I ask you kindly, that you focus your love on our enemies. Please show them what they are missing without you in their lives. Protect the innocent from the harm of others. In Jesus' name (Source), Amen."... So be it, and so it is!... 💘 ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE 💖... |

You are the salt of the world. We are the salt of the world. We live on Mother Gaia/Earth, but our base of operations should also include, the Cosmos. The universe seen as a well-ordered whole - a endless cosmos... Eternal, infinite and living, a conscious cosmos....

Giving Unconditional Love: 
Love yourself unconditionally... 
Unconditional love starts at home, with oneself. ... 
Make the loving choice... 
Forgive those you love... 
Don't expect to shield someone you love from all discomfort and pain... 
Be the protector of love, shine light in the ones who’s needed... 

So, who AM I ? Where do I even begin? 
You maybe see me outside, a few like you, can also see me within. 
Who AM I? It’s not what others might see, 
Who I AM is not what others think of me. 
Who I AM is who I always was and who I will always be, 
A dreamer that just wants to be free, 
A warrior of light for eternity.

Please Donate to support my blog.
If You Feel So Guided Or It Resonate With You. 
Much love & Light. 

👯 ~ Beauty Queen: "The dresses were so short that you could look up our crotch" (DR) ~ | .. According to Cecilie Dissing, the dream of representing Denmark in a beauty pageant in Italy ended with pornographic dance, punching, pushing and shaming .. | Blogger: ["I felt threatened to be silent" ~ Cecilie Dissing] ... Hmmm .. We know for a fact, that #METOO movement has devolved into 'male bashing', but this might be very real, part of a sinister rich mens dominator wet dreams of youth (Ephebophilia)😟 ... |

"You felt so degraded and lousy because you couldn't control yourself. So not only did they make you feel like a piece of meat, then you were just as blamed for having menstruation and being a woman". ~ CECILIE DISSING

"Cecilie wrote, among other things, to Miss Denmark's Director, Lisa Lents, on text, that they did not get enough food that a girl fainted because of lack of nourishment, they are completely indifferent to us as long as our face is advertising them and they treat us like garbage." 


🧠 ~ Doctor Explains The Pineal Gland & Its Destruction By Toxic Chemicals (Video) - CE ~ | Blogger: “The pineal gland is the most sensitive part of our central nervous system and it is highly sensitive to 4 things: aluminum, glyphosate, fluoride and WiFi.” ~ Dr. Klinghardt... |


The Facts:
Dr. Klinghardt shares his concerns for the various environmental factors that are affecting our pineal glands directly..
Reflect On:
Are you living a healthy lifestyle? Are you health conscious? It's important to be concerned, but not afraid. There are things we can do to remain healthy in an environment that needs tremendous amounts of change


👥 ~ Benjamin Fulford Talks Gold, Silver, JFK and Financial Reset (Robert David Steele) ~ | Blogger: Really interesting... Steele : "Mr. Fulford. if you were trapped in a elevation with Mr. Trump, what would you say after 40 years of collective wisdom in Asia"? Fulford : "Make a deal with Asia, to create a future planning agency for the planet and make a multi-trillion dollar project - to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and expand the human race, into the universe... 🤗|

Benjamin Fulford Talks Gold, Silver, JFK and Financial Reset | Robert David Steele I, Robert David Steele, a former CIA spy, interviewed former Forbes journalist Benjamin Fulford and we discussed gold, silver, JFK, China, Russia and the coming financial system reset, among other topics.

🏩☹️ ~ Whistle-Blower: Middle School Curriculum Teaches 10-Year-Olds To Do Oral, Anal, Put Condoms on Dildos (PFC) ~ | Blogger: NOT only in America - Denmark has a similar (scandalous) case right now, at Lille Næstved School, Karrebæk department. During a collaborative exercise, a teacher filmed tongue kisses on her mobile phone, while other students were to kiss each other on the cheek, touch and hug other students, without their consent. At least that's how their children perceived the episode as what parents call irreparable, abusive and cross-border touches... |

Transgenderism is also being pushed on children, prompting unsuspecting kids to adopt a lifestyle that is known to result in a spike of suicide attempts, mental illness, and other harmful behaviors.

Child abuse is becoming mainstream due to the work of degenerate Democrats. By Shane Trejo, A whistle-blowing former public school teacher is sounding the alarm about new middle school sexual education standards in California that sexualize children and teach them dangerous sexual behaviors before the age of adolescence. “It’s shocking,” Rebecca Friedrichs, the founder of For Kids ... Read more Whistle-Blower: Middle School Curriculum Teaches 10-Year-Olds To Do Oral, Anal, Put Condoms on Dildos

Read more »

🕳️ ~ Massive black hole discovered in Milky Way (CBS This Morning) ~ | Blogger: [🏴Black Flags, Black Magic, Black Friday, Black Swans, Black Holes & (Nibiru) Black Planet X⚫] ... "In 2018 Scientists find: Certain Black Holes Erase Your Past, And Give You Infinite Number Of Possible Futures ~ ancient-code" ... "X FACTOR Mysterious Planet X may be black hole that’s ’10 times heavier than Earth but the size of a bowling ball’ on edge of our Solar System ~ The Sun"... |

 "Scientists find 'monster' black hole so big they didn't think it was possible. Before now, scientists did not think it was possible for a stellar black hole to have a mass larger than 20 times that of the sun, an approximation based on their under- standing of the way stars evolve and die in the Milky Way." ~ The Washington Post ...

📶 ~ Ramløse Skole: Bevis på hvem politikere beskytter (læs: tjener)! (SoTW Arkivskab) ~ | Blogger: [🔔Skjult/kamufleret mobilmast placeret MIDT inde i en skolebygning, hvor børnehavebørn mistrives🤯] ... Forskningsresultater viser, forøgede tilfælde af neurologiske symptomer (fx hovedpine, smerter og svimmelhed) eller kræft hos mennesker, der bor inden for en radius af 500 meter fra mobilmaster. Hormonforstyrrelser, Stress, Biologiske ubalancer osv.... Claus Lange fra Venstre ville fjerne masten, koste hvad det vil. Lars Løkke blev også råbt op i 2003, men begge politikere, lod som ingenting og beskyttede Mobilindustrien -Næsten 17 år efter står den der stadigvæk.. Check VIDEOEN fra og masser af links, dokumentation m.m... Beklager hvis det er lidt rodet blog post, men lyt til hvad, Morten Julius, fortæller os på denne video... |

1.279 - Ramløse Skole: Bevis på hvem politikere beskytter (læs: tjener)!

Ramløse Skole i Gribskov kommune: Bevis på hvem politikere beskytter... kamuflerede mobilmast placeret MIDT inde i en skolebygning, hvor børn, voksne bliver påvirket og syge, daværende borgmester Claus Lange fra Venstre ville fjerne masten, koste hvad det ville.  Lars Løkke blev også råbt op i 2003, men gjorde intet, 13 år efter står den der stadigvæk. (Se Video længere nede på siden)

Published on Jan 12, 2016
Se "En fælles FJENDE - kun ved at stå sammen kan den besejres! (nov. 2010):

Se "Sandhedens time" (2005) hvor Ramløse Skole indgår:
Lyt til fhv. lektor Sianette Kwee:

Se interview fra Familiekanalen fra november 2015:
Kort version (20. min.):


Blogger: Jeg er den lykkelige ejer af en EMF/EMS (elektromagnetisk strålings-aflæser) (Meter For Electromagnetic Radiation Detector) Billigste udgave, koster 100 kr. på nettet. (Lav frekvens: 50Hz-400 KHz, høj frekvens: 30 MHz-2000MHz)

En hurtig måling i mit hjem: 
  • Bærbar giver et udslag på 1030 Mhz (WiFi aktiveret i BIOS)
  • IPhone - ingen udslag - enten godt afskærmet eller elendig måler (Bluetooth, 4GMobildata, WiFi slået til)
  • Trådløs Headset - 850Mhz
  • WiFi Router - 1030Mhz
  • Varmeanlæggets styrebox - 250Khz
  • El styret røgalarm - 350Khz
  • Trådløs alarm - 850Mhz
  • Spillekonsol - 150-450Mhz
PS: Selvom min enhed ikke slå ud på min Iphone så har Mobiltelefoner ekstra høj EMF busts. Holder du en mobiltelefon til øret hele tiden, så kan du risikere at få cancer. Husk lige på, det er lav-frekvens "digitale pulserende signal", 10-250Hz, som trænger igennem vægge, lofter, gulve samt mennesker som er ekstremt farligt for os. For ikke at tale om "mikrobølgestråling" (Høj frekvens (HF) - 3MHz - 30MHz). 

Kan man gøre noget? Ja, slå strømmen fra hver evig eneste gang du ikke benytter din elektronik i dit hjem.Visse kombinationer med sten, kobber, krystaller, pulver kan aflede EMF/EMS. Eller hvis du var på Krop, Sind, Ånd messen 2016 så check

Læs mere her

📶 5️⃣ ~ 5G demo Copenhagen 24 Nov 2019 John Kitson (Mads Palsvig) ~ |

Bio: (taken from Projectcamelotportal)

”I got involved with 5G after the death of my mother from a brain tumor which I believe was caused by her wireless dect (landline) phone.
I returned to the UK in 2017 and in 2018 started holding events on 5G in the UK and speaking at those events in town halls throughout the UK.
I’ve connected and spoken with others involved in the stop 5G movement such as Mark Steele, Barrie Trower, Ian Crane and I’ve managed to get my council to agree to a moratorium on 5G. This is biggest step so far towards undermining 5G in the United Kingdom so far. I also raise awareness via my website which I have a news page, forum, downloads page (for templates) and events page. I’ll speak anywhere, even outside the UK if requested and I am a full time activist dedicating myself to this cause. I also have a youtube channel “5gawareness” where I share information with the public about how to take a stand against 5G. Although most of my videos have been on 5G. I made a one-off video called “The Truth About Extinction Rebellion” (a movement pushing for zero net co2 emissions connecting them with the 5G rollout which has grossed the highest views on my channel – 

👼 ~ 💗 A Message to Lightworkers 💕 (Caroline Oceana Ryan) ~ | .

A Message to Lightworkers - Nov29, 2019

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

As so many around the world have now entered a time of what can be Joyful celebration, we wish to encourage you to be particularly kind to yourself now, during what is often a busy and pressured time of year.

Many are feeling the pressure of gift-buying and card-sending now descending upon them, and feeling at times, as many empaths do year-round, that whatever they give, it will not be enough.

We would suggest that there is a form of giving that does not base itself on guesses regarding the other person’s requirements or expectations, and this is a far superior form of giving than what you have been taught.

The kind of giving we refer to has to do with getting quiet and tuning in to the other person’s energies (though not going fully into them), and asking their and your higher self what would be best for you to give to them this season, if anything.

We say “if anything,” because many gifts are a matter of social expectation, tradition, or habit, and carry no real meaning beyond someone fulfilling a particular social role in relation to a particular person or group.

Photo by Maureen Keefe

Certainly if you wish to give a gift to a coworker, employee, family member, or friend, you should feel free to do so.

Yet let it come from the heart, and not because “they’ll probably give me something, so I have to give them something . . . ”

💸 ~ Helle Thorning-Schmidt lod statskassen betale for at opløse firma (a4nu) ~ | Blogger: [🙎Det er så VANVITTIGT, hvad vores folkevalgte og centraladm., kan slippe afsted med. Det hele er blevet et STORT skuespil og kampen om sorgkapring😢] ... FØRHEN var det altid MÆND, som Lars Løkke og Co. som svindlede sig gennem et liv, nu har kvinderne, så sandelig overtaget... Endnu engang skal vi tilgive, være overbærende og troende (på), at en sindsændring, kan fører (os) tilbage til Gud... Dog er det stadigvæk skatteyderne, der kommer til, at betale millioner for oprydningen af kvindelige monsterlovovertrædere som Guzzi-Helle, Bettina Jensen (skandaleramt Rigspoliti og hendes veninder), Britta Nielsen (Kvinden fra Hvidovre svindlede styrelse for 111 mio. kr.), Birgitte Bonnesen (Topchef i den hvidvask-anklagede Swedbank), Ritt Bjerregaard (Paris suite Hotel Ritz til 57.000 kroner), Henriette Kjær (forbrugsminister, men kunne ikke betale sine egne regninger), og jeg kunne blive ved... |

Den tidligere statsminister lod staten betale for at rydde op efter fejlslået erhvervssatsning, viser aktindsigt.

.. Et dataudtræk, som TV2 har foretaget viser, at knap en fjerdedel af alle iværksætterselskaber, der er samme selskabstype som Helle Thornings Schmidts firma, er blevet tvangsopløst.

Og foreningen FSR - Danske Revisorer anslår, at de mange tvangsopløsninger har resulteret i en kæmperegning på op mod 100 mio. kr. til staten.. 


⛔ ~ Many People Are Now Celebrating “Buy Nothing Day” Instead Of “Black Friday” (Activist Post) ~ | Blogger: Powering the $1 trillion Black Friday shopping spree - not me on SoTW 🙅‍♂️... |

By John Vibes

Each year in the United States, millions of people participate in a mass ritual in consumerism that has come to be known as Black Friday. Less than 24 hours after people claim to contemplate on what they are thankful for, many of them engage in battle with their neighbors over discounted plastic or electronic goods. As the years go on, the scenes at Black Friday sales have become increasingly chaotic and violent, with deaths and injuries becoming commonplace.

Many people decide to stay home and shop online instead, while others have decided to boycott the sales altogether. The most popular Black Friday boycott is known as “Buy Nothing Day,” and it has been going strong for 24 years now. The boycott was initially organized by Vancouver-based artist Ted Dave, who wanted to promote a “day for society to examine the issue of over-consumption.”

The first official boycott kicked off on the same day as Black Friday in 1997, and has spread all over the world in the decades since.

The website of the UK chapter for Buy Nothing Day states that:
The rules are simple, for 24 hours you will detox from buying stuff – anyone can take part provided they spend a day without spending! Instead of shopping, people around the world will take part in a 24-hour moratorium on consuming, either as a personal experiment or public statement. The anarchy that ensues on Black Friday has now become an absurd dystopian phenomenon … Black Friday sucks the life out of small businesses, who cannot compete against this ruthless price cutting. If you really need to shop on Buy Nothing Day, ignore the big retailers … make commitment to support local independent shops and businesses.”
See: 177 Different Ways to Generate Extra Income

💢 ~ "Så er det sagt" : Gaardbo rasende - Det er en skandale! (B.T.) ~ | Blogger:[💡”Det offentlige ta' selv-bord” : Hvor der findes "fælles" penge, sjæler andre ~ SoTW💡] ... {HUSK nu remsen - Ministre forgår - embedsmænd består! HUSK også: Politiet sætter kun ind i prestigeprojekter. Politikere har parlamentarisk immunitet og Skat, ligesom DR licens, er noget vi gir, til hinanden ~ SoTW} ... HEAR, HEAR! Verdensalt kunne ikke have sagt det bedre, selv! Det, selvom det kommer fra hestens egen mund, fra en journalist, godt og grundigt støttet op og censureret af selv samme politisk korrekte offentlige mediestøttekroner, som han tordner imod. Godt gået, Hr. Gaardbo... Man kan vel fristes til at sige, at det (iboende) spirituelle personligheds-orienterede paradigme, er over os alle, og det er ikke længe før, ballonen revner og hovedpulsåren springer. Hvor meget kan vi som danskere sidde overhørigt, før vi tager os mod til, at rejse os fra ego-kammerets lænestol, som Fugl Fønix rejser sig fra asken igen og igen og vores indre (selvet) tavse monolog, jager os ud af komfortzonen? Problemet er vel, vi danskere, er et naivt, forkælet og godtroende folkefærd, fordi vi A-L-D-R-I-G har oplevet sult og hungersnød, krig død og ødelæggelse, fattigdom eller naturkatastrofer. Vi ved, at der er 750 milliarder kroner på plussiden i systemet, (og 750 mia. kr på minus siden) HVERT år, så derfor, skal vi ikke frygte og ønsker heller ikke, at give MER, af vores surt tjente penge, til et bedre samfund, eller af os selv, fordi, så bliver vi FØRST eksponeret og er en DIREKTE trussel mod "systemet", som holder os nede. I dag er vi blevet opmærksomme på, at vi fysisk er ved at dø af vores overflod af mad, brug og smid væk-kulturen samt mer', vil ha' mer'. Mon vi en dag opdager, at vi psykisk er ved at dø i jagten på økonomisk overflod?... |

Det kan godt være, at Britta Nielsen har gravet nogle af vores 117 mio. ned i den sydafrikanske bush.

"Man bliver helt svimmel, hvis man f.eks. søger på 'skandaler i det offentlige'

"Hvor er de rasende menneskemasser i gaderne?

"Svaret driver op som røg - ligesom pengene - og forsvinder i skyerne