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Apr 2, 2017
David Icke Blog | Apr 2, 2017 | By Andrew Cheetham | Microsoft AI-powered app lets farmers chat with their cows | Blogger: In other tech news: We learned last week, Nordea, as largest bank in the Nordic region, are hiring "virtual employees" - in practice robots - which has taken over parts of the administrative work at Nordea | We also understand, that Neuralink is a startup nanobiotechnology company founded by entrepreneur Elon Musk that aims to integrate the human brain with artificial intelligence. SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk is backing a brain-computer interface venture called Neuralink, according to The Wall Street Journal | COBRA in his last March interview (just posted that) said, that, no sought thing as clean marijuana. We will all be given marijuana medical-grade which has been tampered with, GM and nanotech(microchip devices), provided by FBI. Same goes for all junk foods and smokes etc. If that's true, no wonder why we're so obedient, addicted and loyal dogs, to our masters. We already know the use of nano or micro particulate in vaccines ( HPV vaccines, Gardasil® (Merck, USA) and Cervarix® (GlaxoSmithKline, UK) | Taser’s new AI-powered body cams can recognize everyone. Taser announced in feb 2017, that it was launching an AI division named Axon AI. Its aim is to help manage and improve its cloud storage site, which houses US law enforcement body cam footage, while also developing the Axon AI platform |
‘The free, AI-powered app which launched Wednesday will allow some of the world’s poorest farmers to “communicate” with their cattle using only a smartphone.
“It is the next step in technological evolution,” the application’s founder and creator, Eddie Rodríguez Von Der Becke, said, as cited by Cadena 3.
AI-powered bots assess the animals’ condition based on a number of inputs, and interact with farmers, reminding them about vaccination and feeding times, and gestation periods, in addition to providing additional tips and information to improve the overall health of the herd.’
Read more: Microsoft AI-powered app lets farmers chat with their cows | Mar 31, 2017 | The end of cash? Canadian retailers, consumers shifting to cards, apps | ... The Vancouver-based brand — founded in 2014 by family members of Lululemon Athletica founder Chip Wilson — is one of the most notable cases of retailers abandoning bills and coins, which some observers have heralded as “the beginning of the end” for cash transactions in Canadian society... |
The Vancouver-based brand — founded in 2014 by family members of Lululemon Athletica founder Chip Wilson — is one of the most notable cases of retailers abandoning bills and coins, which some observers have heralded as “the beginning of the end” for cash transactions in Canadian society.
In September, payment technology company Moneris said in a report that cash will make up only 10 per cent of the money spent in Canada by 2030, with credit or debit card payments and mobile solutions like Apple Pay making up the vast majority of day-to-day transactions.
Rob Cameron, chief product officer at Moneris, said the adoption of cashless payment is accelerating as technologies like contactless (or “tap”) transactions gain wider adoption among merchants. As of 2014, cash still made up 35 per cent of Canadian transactions, but Moneris’s survey showed younger shoppers increasingly moving to alternatives.
“I think if anything, the 10-per-cent projection is conservative,” Cameron said. “If cash gets small enough … more retailers may start turning it off. We are already seeing that; we’re seeing the airlines do that, we’re seeing parking do that, and we are seeing some quick-serve retailers starting to do it.”.... [READ MORE]
COBRA & Prepare For Change | Audio & Full Transcript Update | March 2017 Interview |
See also: 02-02-17 Cobra Interview 12-27-16 Cobra Interview 11-16-16 Cobra Interview
09-29-16 Cobra Interview
08-31-16 Cobra Interview
07-29-16 Cobra Interview
o6-20-16 Cobra Interview
05-26-16 Cobra Interview
05-03-16 Cobra Interview 3-2016 Cobra Interview
10-2015 Cobra Interview
8–2015 Cobra Interview
2–2015 Cobra Interview
Cobra is a Pleiadian
contactee and has been in contact
with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by
The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that
assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan
network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and
coming event horizon.
Our intention is to
dissipate fear, clear up any misunderstandings, and add insights into what is
really happening behind the daily headlines. For more background you are
invited to read his blog archive totaling 803 entries to this date.
To Listen via
MP3 format click below
Transcript of
the March 25th, 2017 interview posted on April 2nd, 2017
Reposting Rules: All Prepare for Change Cobra Interviews must
be reposted in their ENTIRETY with all the content included, unedited,
complete as they appear on the pages and in the audio files as well.
and Cobra Interview Transcript
032517 Malawi Update—Keyason
This month I would like to highlight someone very brave. He
began life with his mother dying when he was just a toddler. His father also
died when he was 12 years old. He became an orphan that was eventually taken in
at Maoni Orphanage. The now Bishop Morris Dimba was in charge.
While at Maoni Orphanage he was taught about the Bible and
Jesus. When he was in his late teens he began interning with the Christian
Ministers at Maoni Orphanage and he would go with them to teach in other
villages about the Bible and Jesus. He became a Christian Minister himself.
This was his profession in life; although his dream originally was to become a
pilot. Due to poverty that dream did not manifest.
I am speaking here about Keyason Manjolo. He has seen life from both sides: as an orphan himself and now as a married adult man with a big heart. He loves his people and wants very much to help the disadvantaged elderly, disabled and many orphans in his community. Some months ago, he chose to move to a new area in the Chikwawa District of Malawi, which is closer to the boarder of Mozambique. Keyason felt a connection to this area. He tells me that although isolated, this area has good farm land and friendly people. The people in this area see and appreciate the work Keyason is doing and are supportive of him bringing what meager supplies and help they can provide.
I am speaking here about Keyason Manjolo. He has seen life from both sides: as an orphan himself and now as a married adult man with a big heart. He loves his people and wants very much to help the disadvantaged elderly, disabled and many orphans in his community. Some months ago, he chose to move to a new area in the Chikwawa District of Malawi, which is closer to the boarder of Mozambique. Keyason felt a connection to this area. He tells me that although isolated, this area has good farm land and friendly people. The people in this area see and appreciate the work Keyason is doing and are supportive of him bringing what meager supplies and help they can provide.
After being an orphan himself he knows the thoughts that go
through an orphan’s mind: they feel inferior, unwanted and unloved. Keyason,
doesn’t want the name “orphanage” in the title of the new place he is creating.
The names he is contemplating calling this new home is: “A Place for Preparing
for Change” or “Home of Preparing for Change”.
There are many problems here, the personal stories of the
orphans that come to Keyason are heartbreaking but they can be alleviated with
our help. This area has no electricity, medical care or hospitals. Right now 2
of the orphans have Malaria. Another big problem is there is no clean drinking
water for the people as the water is salty, even though they are a land locked
country. This is also not beneficial for growing crops. Most Malawians are
farmers. Keyason has acquired a parcel of land from the village “headman” who
aligns himself with Keyason’s vision of a community center where the orphan
children can live and be educated and the disabled and elderly can be fed and
obtain needed care.
I asked Keyason in late January how many children he had under
his care at that time. He told me 70! This is a man new to the community and
that already has the title of the “one who helps the orphans”. I asked him the
same question this week. Keyason told me the number is now about 250.
Keyason’s family, starting with his wife Sarah, also has a heart for healing and helping the people and orphans. There are 3 children, two daughters: Mphatso 14 years old, Mary 11 years old and 1 son; Arthur 9 years old. All children are in school. School in Malawi is a privilege. Not all children go to school because education is a family expense. Those children without family are the “street kids” who have no home. There are no social programs in Malawi to take care of these children. Anything done for them comes from private donations and people that care.
Keyason’s family, starting with his wife Sarah, also has a heart for healing and helping the people and orphans. There are 3 children, two daughters: Mphatso 14 years old, Mary 11 years old and 1 son; Arthur 9 years old. All children are in school. School in Malawi is a privilege. Not all children go to school because education is a family expense. Those children without family are the “street kids” who have no home. There are no social programs in Malawi to take care of these children. Anything done for them comes from private donations and people that care.
MSN News | Jan 15, 2015 | by Lauren DeCuir from Parent Society | Finally! The FDA Admits That Nearly Over 70% of U.S. Chickens Contain Cancer-Causing Arsenic |
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The FDA has asked Pfizer to stop manufacturing the arsenic-containing drug, Roxarsone, that was found in the livers of nearly half of all chicken tested. According to the Wall Street Journal, “The agency said it recently conducted a study of 100 broiler chickens that detected inorganic arsenic at higher levels in the livers of chickens treated with 3-Nitro compared with untreated chickens … Pfizer said sale of 3-Nitro would be stopped by early July in order to allow animal producers to transition to other treatments.” This urgent request by the FDA is surprising in itself as the agency has always maintained that the arsenic in chickens is at such low levels that it is safe for consumption, when meanwhile it has been clinically proven to be extremely toxic to human health, causing an array of neurological defects in developing fetuses and young children…Looks like the FDA finally got the memo, and not a moment too soon!
Gode Penge | 2. April 2017 | Kom med på Gode Penges konference! |
Sæt kryds i kalenderen og glæd dig til Gode Penges konference den 6. maj!
Gode Penge gentager succesen fra 2015 og afholder i samarbejde med Copenhagen Business School, en konference, med et højaktuelt emne indenfor pengepolitik. Konferencens tema er ”Fremtidens penge”, og dagens formål er at komme nærmere, hvordan fremtidens penge kan og, ikke mindst, bør se ud. Dagen kommer især til at handle om digitale kontanter udstedt af centralbankerne.
Både Gode Penge, den norske centralbank, Finanstilsynet og en ekspert i blockchain kommer til at give deres bud på fremtidens penge.
Dagens talere er:
- Thorvald Grung Moe, seniorkonsulent i den norske centralbank, Norges Bank
- Tobias Thygesen, vicekontorchef for Kontor for Governance, Hvidvaskforebyggelse og Betalingstjenester, Finanstilsynet
- Simon Ousager, ekspert i Blockchain-teknologi og ejer af Paradigm Consult
- Ole Bjerg, lektor på CBS
- Rasmus Hougaard Nielsen, cand. polit og forskningsassistent på CBS
Temaet “Fremtidens penge”
Sidste år meldte den svenske centralbank ud, at de undersøger mulighederne for at udstede e-kroner. Sidenhen viste Danmarks Nationalbank (en smule tilbageholden) åbenhed overfor idéen. Debatten om elektroniske kontanter er en kæmpe nyhed i det pengepolitiske landskab og kan potentielt få stor betydning for vores økonomi.
Men hvad er mulighederne og farerne ved digitale kontanter? Hvad tænker centralbankerne? Hvad siger myndighederne, der kontrollerer de private og centralbankerne? Hvad betyder det set fra et blockchain-perspektiv? Og sidst, men ikke mindst, hvad er Gode Penges take på elektroniske kontanter? Alt det kommer vi rundt om på dagen.
WSO -- YouTube Channel | Apr 1, 2017 | I can Assure you this is NOT NORMAL- CERN? - SPECIAL REPORT |
Bully on the whole CERN thing! The forces involved in the events of March 13 and 14 are in a 80 day cycle - it is an outside influence.
WSO is Listener Supported:
Thanks to
Thanks to
Cosmic Vision News | Apr 2, 2017 | ※Weekly geo-political news, analysis "With news around, upon, within and beyond our planet, it is the first newscast making disclosure" | Headlines: | A Shifting Agenda: Amidst mixed messages, a change in us foreign policy in syria appears to be underway | Audit The FED: Third time may be the lucky charm to finally investigate secretive institution that is above the law | Declaring Obsolete: Russia and china have pieces in place to finally replace the current corrupt financial paradigm with a gold standard | Environmental Corruption: Evidence of cooperation with monsanto may reveal why epa was recently defunded |
Cosmic Vision News: CVN vært, Geoffrey West tilbyder nyheder, kommentarer og lejlighedsvis diskussion om de seneste begivenheder, der udspiller med hensyn til, hvad der formodentligt er den vigtigste begivenhed for at forbedre den menneskelige og planetariske tilstand: AFSLØRING. CVN fremmer og tilskynder til modig dialog på verdensplan, mens de forbereder alle til re-introduktion af vores galaktiske familier. CVN behandler også aktuelle begivenheder, der understøtter et skift til en fredelig planet. Geoffrey West er en del af det team som står bag:, kan lyttes til direkte/downloades eller via MP3, smides på en USB nøgle/iPhone og lyttes til på din vej. Husk tidsforskellen på udgivelsen. Direkte Link her (blogtalkradio)
About Geoffrey
A global citizen, born into Canadian and Irish heritage. Geoffrey has lived in Canada, Sweden and Costa Rica. He has a Bachelors degree in Radio and Television, and a Masters in Peace Education, from the UN-mandated University for Peace. His work experiences include the broadcasting, airline, and computer reservation systems industries. His travels include N. America, Europe, Scandinavia, as well as Russia, Egypt, Thailand and Australia. His passion has come from the challenges he has observed throughout the world, and also from his own personal experiences. He aspires to assist individuals in awakening to their connection to, and deeper energetic relationship with LIFE, and empower new choices of living based in honouring Self, others, our planet, and LIFE beyond Earth also.
His mission statement for this LIFE-path is as follows:
"To be, to the best of my ability in each moment, an example for all that will inspire them to remember their connection to, and energetic relation to the ONENESS of LIFE. To assist lovingly in empowering them to honour their own LIFE-path and serve LIFE with choices that honour Self, while also honouring others, our planet and also our galactic families in each moment of 'now', creating experiences of health, love, harmony and peace".
Cosmic Vision News - Show Summary:
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Explains Why "We Have To Stop Spending TRILLIONS On Regime Change Wars!"
Behind Tulsi Gabbard's 'Stop Arming Terrorists' bill
Why the war in Syria is coming to an endBehind Tulsi Gabbard's 'Stop Arming Terrorists' bill
Marine Le Pen will not put up with any nonsense from BBC reporter5. ( 22:23 ) QUICK HEADLINE TWO: FRENCH PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE VOWS TO DISMANTLE NEW WORLD ORDER.
11. ( 1:14:17 ) FINAL WORDS
TV2 News | 2. April 2017 | Mistede sin søn i skolemassakre – nu beskyldes han for løgn og trues på livet. Pårørende til Sandy Hook-massakren udsættes for chikane og trusler. Nu beder de præsidenten Donald Trump om hjælp | Blogger: Den danske presse vinder ikke cavlingpriser på copycat historien fra BBC om Sandy-Hook skolemassakren. TV2 viser med al tydelighed, en usandfærdig og sjusket fremstilling, eftersom de danske mind-kontrollerede journalister ikke kan sige sandheden og dermed præger danskernes bevidsthed, i en bestemt retning. De falske MSM medier, bruger samtlige virkemidler i skuffen for at bl.a. at få sympati og medlidenhed (Video, Obama i tårer over skudofre og billede af den seksårige Noah Pozner). Udvise omhu og samvittighedsfuldhed (pårørende udsættes for chikane og trusler. Beder præsidenten om hjælp). Latterliggøre de mistroiske konspirationsteoretikerne som ikke stoler på hvad MSM proklamere (Alex Jones og millioner af andre). Gentager samme historieskrivning gang på gang, uden at vige fra Deres virkelighedsbillede, så vi ikke stopper op og tøver, om falskheden (politisk korrekthed og sensationsjournalistisk).. Jeg forsøger ikke at neddrosle dramatikken, der kan have foregået drab.., frygten for terror, vold, massakre og chikane, er ægte. Siger bare, når jeg ikke forstår noget, så spiller jeg ikke offerrollen, postulere det ene og andet, skriver ukritisk, selvisk og uforvarende på de sociale medier eller på min blog, så tager jeg tyren ved hornene og rejser til USA, hvor såkaldte terrorbegivenheder sker og undersøger sagen og snakker med amerikanerne. Kender du til eller oplevet, hvordan en psykopat får skovlen under dig, så ved du også efterfølgende, hvordan du undgå dem fremover. Sådanne er det også med disse falske proklamationer, som sikkert og vist, konstant bombarder os fra TV, aviserne og internettet.. Sandy Hook er en total falsk flag begivenhed. Brugte de skuespillere til at iscenesætte en kontrolleret event? (crisis actors). Ja de gjorde. Findes der beviser? Sandy Hook er nok den mest omtalte og minutiøst undersøgt sag omkring skolemassakre i USA og ja der findes mange beviser på det er opstillet og politikerne vil gøre alt for det aldrig kommer frem i lyset. Som BBC/TV2 skriver det: ".. Flere af de pårørende i Newtown og lokale afdelinger af Det Demokratiske Parti forsøger alligevel nu, at få præsidenten til at gå ind i sagen og bruge sin indflydelse til at tage afstand fra konspirationsteoretikerne og hjælpe med at stoppe chikanen af familierne.." Hvad er så 'False Flag' Operation. Det er svært at beskrive med korte ord. Kan bedst beskrives således: False Flag operationer er altså operationer eller begivenheder, som bliver ført ud i livet af regeringer, virksomheder, sammenslutninger o.s.v. og som er designet til at se ud som om, at de bliver udført af andre personer eller organisationer. Formålet er at narre folk til at give deres støtte til en bestemt agenda... Der er ikke noget at sige til, mange bliver forvirret og desillusionerede, især den ældre generation, som stoler blindt på hvad autoriteter fortæller dem.. Den yngre generation bliver født ind til denne verden som krystalbørn og har medbragt en viden, der stiller spørgsmål, ved alting.. TV2: ".. Næsten hver fjerde dansker mister tillid til medierne. Undervisningsminister Mette Riisager (LA) mener, det er "meget", når en fjerdedel af de unge er blevet mere skeptiske over for medierne. Især de unge er blevet påvirket af diskussionen om falske nyheder, der har taget fart det seneste år. 24,3 procent af danskerne mener, at diskussionen om falske nyheder har påvirket deres tillid til medierne i en negativ retning. Det viser en ny meningsmåling foretaget af Wilke for Jyllands-Posten.. ". Kan du se trenden? Politikerne og MSM medierne fortæller os, det er falske nyheders skyld, de unge har mistet tilliden til medierne, men de falske MSM nyheder er korrekte?.. Det er på tide, vi vågner op gør os umage med at sætte os ind i psykopatens tankegang, for at forstå hvad illusion og virkelighed, er for en størrelse... |
Pårørende til Sandy Hook-massakren udsættes for chikane og trusler. Nu beder de præsidenten Donald Trump om hjælp.
Den 14. december 2012 fandt en af de værste skolemassakrer i USA’s historie sted, da 20 børn og seks voksne blev skudt og dræbt på Sandy Hook Elementary School i Newtown, Connecticut.
Gerningsmanden, 20-årige Adam Lanza, havde skudt sin egen mor, inden han kørte ud til skolen og i løbet af 11 minutter tog livet af de 26 personer, hvorefter han tog sit eget liv.
Men i USA er der mange, som nægter at tro, at massakren nogensinde fandt sted.
Rundt om på hjemmesider og i videoer på Youtube fremlægger konspirationsteoretikere det, som de selv mener, er beviser for, at det hele var en nøje planlagt forestilling, konstrueret af den daværende regering for at forsøge at samle opbakning til at stramme landets våbenlovgivning.
Nogle af de mest ekstreme er gennem flere år gået efter de pårørende til de dræbte børn og udsat dem for chikane og i enkelte tilfælde drabstrusler, skriver BBC.
SE OGSÅ - Guvernør efter skoletragedie: Ondskaben kom forbi
En af dem, der er blevet udsat for truslerne, er Lenny Pozner, der mistede sin seksårige søn Noah ved angrebet.
- Jeg satte ham af på skolen den morgen, og det havde været en dag som enhver anden. Men halvanden time senere så var det mit livs værste mareridt. Værre end noget mareridt, jeg kunne have forestillet mig, siger Lenny Pozner til BBC.
Deler billede af sønnens grav
Han har vist det britiske medie en række af de videoer, der er blevet lagt på Youtube.
En af dem viser optagelser af hans hjem og vejen, hvor han bor. Kameraet zoomer ind på hans terrasse, mens adressen bliver vist på skærmen. Der er ingen, der siger noget i videoen, men beskeden er tydelig: de ved, hvor han bor..... [LÆS VIDERE]
En af dem, der er blevet udsat for truslerne, er Lenny Pozner, der mistede sin seksårige søn Noah ved angrebet.
- Jeg satte ham af på skolen den morgen, og det havde været en dag som enhver anden. Men halvanden time senere så var det mit livs værste mareridt. Værre end noget mareridt, jeg kunne have forestillet mig, siger Lenny Pozner til BBC.
Deler billede af sønnens grav
Han har vist det britiske medie en række af de videoer, der er blevet lagt på Youtube.
En af dem viser optagelser af hans hjem og vejen, hvor han bor. Kameraet zoomer ind på hans terrasse, mens adressen bliver vist på skærmen. Der er ingen, der siger noget i videoen, men beskeden er tydelig: de ved, hvor han bor..... [LÆS VIDERE]
Ascensionwithearth | Apr 1, 2017 | Sphere Being Alliance YouTube Updates | VIDEO#1 -- Antarctic Ice Shelf Destabilized by Ancient Aliens City Excavation - Corey Goode & Dr. Salla | VIDEO#2 -- Secret Space Programs, Aliens, Inner Earth Civilizations & Atlantis - CLE 2017 Corey Goode |
Antarctic Ice Shelf Destabilized
As Race for Ancient Alien Artifacts & New Weapons Heats Up
Written by Corey Goode & Dr. Michael Salla
Return of the Guardians
BT | 2. April 2017 | Efter sex-anklager: 'Uskyldig' tv-stjerne betaler stort million-beløb til adskillige kvinder | ... De beskylder blandt andet O'Reilly for verbale overgreb, sjofle kommentarer, uønskede tilnærmelser og telefonopkald, hvor det angiveligt lyder som om, at han onanerer. Det skriver The New York Times... |
Bill O'Reilly har betalt fem kvinder i alt 13 millioner dollar i forlig om sexchikane. Han afviser anklagerne.
Fox News-værten Bill O'Reilly og hans arbejdsgiver har betalt omkring 13 millioner dollar - eller 90 millioner kroner - til fem kvinder, der har beskyldt den 67-årige tv-vært for sexchikane eller anden upassende opførsel.
Kvinderne har enten arbejdet for ham eller medvirket i hans show.
De beskylder blandt andet O'Reilly for verbale overgreb, sjofle kommentarer, uønskede tilnærmelser og telefonopkald, hvor det angiveligt lyder som om, at han onanerer.
Det skriver The New York Times.
Den politiske kommentator har ifølge avisen betalt kvinderne tilsammen 13 millioner dollar for deres tavshed, og for at de ikke bringer anklagerne for retten.
Beskyldningerne strækker sig 15 år tilbage i tiden, og de to seneste forlig blev indgået sidste år.
To af de fem forlig var offentligt kendte i forvejen..... [ LÆS VIDERE]
Apr 1, 2017 | ZeroHedge: Bill Maher: "Hillary, Stay In The Woods. You Had Your Shot. You F**ked It Up" | HumansAreFree: Researcher Finds Clear Clinton Connection To PizzaGate — But Let's Stop Calling It That |
Bill Maher, host of HBO's "Real Time," finally said something on his late night talk show that seems to make some level of sense. Just as Hillary has started to take a more active role in organizing the Donald Trump "Resistance" movement, a move that has sparked rumors of yet another presidential run in 2020, Maher took to the airwaves to implore Clinton to go back to the woods where she 'found' herself just a few weeks ago.
Watch this video first, and then let’s break a few things down that need to be said.
We have been covering this investigation since the beginning, and in no way feels that what has been uncovered, such as the excellent and open-minded work of Press For Truth, is in any way diminished by the propaganda campaign now surrounding the term “pizzagate.”
With all the attempts to distract and derail the true focal point of what has become known as pizzagate or pedogate, it is now imperative to make two very important distinctions.
Bottom line: The people deserve the truth, on all fronts, even on the subjects many find hard to discuss....... [READ MORE]
“Hillary, stay in the woods. Okay. You had your shot. You f*cked it up. You’re Bill Buckner. We had the World Series, and you let the grounder go through your legs. Let someone else have the chance."
"This to me — the fact that she’s come back, it just verifies every bad thing anyone’s ever thought about the Clintons, that it’s all about them. Let some of the other shorter trees get a little sunlight.”....[SOURCE]
While researching the pizzagate conspiracy, Dan Dicks of Press For Truth found some links between the Clinton campaign and the infamous food related code words for sex involving a former Clinton employee.
Watch this video first, and then let’s break a few things down that need to be said.
We have been covering this investigation since the beginning, and in no way feels that what has been uncovered, such as the excellent and open-minded work of Press For Truth, is in any way diminished by the propaganda campaign now surrounding the term “pizzagate.”
With all the attempts to distract and derail the true focal point of what has become known as pizzagate or pedogate, it is now imperative to make two very important distinctions.
Bottom line: The people deserve the truth, on all fronts, even on the subjects many find hard to discuss....... [READ MORE]
YouTube -- Jason A | Apr 1, 2017 | You Won't Believe What's Going On Now... | Blogger: I've been enjoying his channel, like so many others - it's a little bit end-of-time-pessimistic-religious in nature, but he is offering up some good and current footage from US news outlets and unexplained events... |
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