Jan 13, 2021

🙏 ~ 💝 (Much Love To You All) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: [🌟Worldwide Electromagnetic Energy January 12, 2021 ~ EARTHLY PATRIOT🌟] ... Always great stuff and mind thought transformational videos published by EP - a spiritual woman living in Arizona, USA... PS: I really miss Aluna Ash- 9D's energy updates (videos) - what happened to her? I know she post stuff from all her channels, all the time, but no videocast in 5 months... |

📰⏰⚔️ ~ (SP Blog - 1,003,629 views! BC - 565,000 and counting) 13TH JANUARY UPDATE CURRENT NEWS (Simon Parkes) ~ | Blogger: [👉SP is leaving YouTube and WhatsApp - SP's Bitchute channel is lacking in Denmark - really bad internet connection problem - be patient!👈] ... Do you know what is so saddening today? Watching some of the oldest informative 'spiritual' portals on the internet, like 'OOM2' and 'The Rumor Mill' trying to put Simon Parkes (and others) under the spotlight of being Scams, Cons and Frauds... And yes, yes Simon, SoTW wants action too, like any other (soldier) LightWarrior, as Simon talk about many feel in the collective... SoTW have felt this collective consciousness sadness and restlessness today. Perhaps I shouldn't spent time watching Trump impeachment House debates --- soooo depressing - after Pelosi says, Trump, 'is a clear and present danger to the nation we all love'... And of course avoid danish media and govt press meetings, closing Denmark down further, another 3 weeks... The Portuguese PM, is issuing a ‘Stay at Home’ and German, Netherlands to order new lockdowns, Germany 8 to 10 weeks and more EU countries will follow suit... I really feel the anger today, from others and self-conscious - enough is enough... We all want MAJOR change... NOW!... |

From SP's video below!



Simon Parkes Official 

🏴⏰⚔️ ~ (Special Ops - Where's Nancy? Where's Biden?- Hooyah!) Iranian Blackout...Idaho ISP Blocks Facebook & Twitter... (Simon Parkes + Navy Seal Michael K Jaco) ~ | Blogger: [🤜Shout-out to David Wilcock🤛] .. and so it begins (or have begun) a takedown of [DS] can not be stopped! (wishful thinking anyways)... So stay calm, yes, certainly, be the observer, but also stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay engaged! ~ SoTW... PS: Simon and Michael have no connections, as i'm informed - SoTW just wanna post intels that the power outages are not a fun activity - this is the real deal and not a drill!.. |

 Iranian Blackout...

"During my interview with Doug - He asked me if Iran was a target.

I said if they did not back down they would be faced with a situation they could not get back from.

As I finished the interview I was informed action was being undertaken against Iran" ~ SP



Idaho ISP Blocks Facebook & Twitter...



Everything will be revealed at the right time. Don't stress. Where's Nancy?

⏲️🌪️💫 ~ Hvad er begrebet tid og hvorfor betyder det så meget for os i vores 3D Matrix af illusion? (SoTW Arkivskabet) ~ |


Udgivet den 19. Juli 2014 af Verdensalt

Forord: For at forstå denne artikel, er det en god ide, at have sat sig ind og forstå hvad tredje og femte dimensioner er for noget og udvide horisonten til at dække universets guddommelige aspekt. Måske kan dette hjælpe dig - læs her

Sean Carroll, en fysiker ved "California Institute of Technology", tværfaglig konference om tidens natur - læs mere her

  1. Tid eksistere 
  2. Fortiden og fremtiden er lige så virkelige
  3. Alle oplever tid anderledes
  4. Du lever i fortiden
  5. Din hukommelse er ikke så god som du tror
  6. Bevidstheden afhænger af manipulering af tid.
  7. Forstyrrelse øges efterhånden som tiden går.
  8. Kompleksitet kommer og går
  9. Ældring kan vendes
  10. Én levetid er en milliard hjerteslag

The Team: Beyond Time, fra Peggy Black, July 16, 2014 - oversættelse:

Lad os bare tage begrebet tid. Tid, der eksisterer i vores trossystemer, tid, der er en del af denne tredje dimensionelle konstruktion, som ikke eksisterer eller manifestere i de andre dimensioner.

Der er en antaget og stærk overbevisning om tid og begrebet tid i vores dimension. Tid er et af de faste holdepunkter i denne dimension. Menneskeheden har optegnet tid igennem vores historie, tidligere begivenheder, ure og kalendere som en metodisk foranstaltning.

Kunne det være en antagelse, det du foretager dig omkring "tid" holder dig fastlåst i en begrænset virkelighed? Alle dine ord om tid - opretholder dig i et tankemønstre af restriktioner. 

Lad os give dig nogle eksempler, der er almindelige i vores virkelighed:

"Du siger, at der ikke er tid nok, tiden er kort, tiden er ved at løbe ud, tid bevæger sig for hurtigt, jager efter tiden, mister tid, ønsker mere tid, jeg ønsker tid ville haste afsted, tid bevæger sig så langsomt, og hvor forsvandt tiden".  ~ Disse er overbevisninger om tid.

Tid, ligesom alt andet, påvirker dine holdning, dine overbevisninger, dine udtalelser, dine ord, dine vibrationer. Tid er et af de stoffer af dit jordiske spil. Det er et slør; der holder dig i illusionen. Det er klogt at indse, at tiden er skabt kun for at tjene et bestemt aspekt af den fysiske virkelighed.


Læs videre for at forstå begrebet tid ....

⚠️🔐🏰 ~ (BREAKING) Danish govt with Mette Frederiksen in charge, is preparing to give a lockdown order of The Danish Parliament (the Folketing) until Feb 13, 2021 and postpone the processing of private resolution proposals, inquiries and consultations in the coming weeks. Only thing that will still be going on now, held via electronic services such as Teams, are all committee meetings and group meetings (SoTW Archive 12-1-2021) ~ | Blogger: Whaaat the heck?... Unconstitutional!?!... Are they breaking the laws, again?... Is something (secret) going on behind closed doors?... If this is the real deal, it properly gonna take effect before Jan 16, 2021, where a big demonstration in Copenhagen, will take place - FOR FREEDOM - perfectly timed... Never a dull moment in our 3-D matrix of simulation... Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush... |




😇 ~ 💕 (You Can Thrive in Your World) Your world or "the" World? (Messages from Ann & the Angels) 💕 ~ | Blogger: SoTW loooove Arizona and Sedona... "One" out of many, reasons I want to join Simon Parkes healing centers assisting saved children from DS underground facilities, perhaps, only wishful thinking and manifestation, at least that is that I truly wish for and has send out to the Universe. Of course, we need to wait to after January 20, 2021 who's president and then some, to find out when and how, people on Mother GAIA is allowed to travel again and especially inside USA, not to mention how to get a Green card etc. (perhaps i should find a american wife hmmm)... I used to travel to Phoenix and visited my friend Jay, and his lovely wife, Jeanene, friends and family... It did however broke my heart, when Jay died in 2006 after acute leukemia. He was my soul mate, no doubt about that. We have always talked about how much we (disliked) the Bush family and he actually died in Texas, the free state, but was mad like hell, because of George Prescott Bush was born in Houston, where he unfortunately died, in a Hospital... Been to Sedona, and many other places, several times meet a American Shaman, spiritual teachers and been on UFO tours etc... Last time in 2019 I meet a german guy, Dietrich, together with a american dude we picked up on the way on mountain bike route through the mountain belt, totally surprised how much they knew and understood, how corrupt the world is and needed to be changed, for the better... |

Sedona, Arizona Mountain Biking Trails - SoTW with Craft t-shirt


Photo of the Week -- by Ann Albers in Phoenix, AZ

(Ann Albers:) I started channeling weekly messages from the angels after 9/11/2001, in an attempt to reach as many people as possible with the angels' words of hope and inspiration. I didn't realize at the time that we would become an international community of lightworkers dedicated to expanding our capacity to receive and share God's love in the world.

Each week's newsletter contains an angel message, a message from me explaining how I put the angels' teachings to work in my life, and various other announcements about classes, events, and new products. I would love to help you experience the love, wisdom, and guidance that are available to us all.

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

As you move forward into your new year it would help to ask yourself the following question: "What world do I choose to live in?" While you all live upon your planet Earth, there are billions of worlds within this world, and each one of you – by your vibration – will choose the one in which you reside.

You need only to put a large group of people in a room and ask them what they think about "the world" and you'll get as many differing viewpoints as there are people. Each person would say they are telling you about "the world," when in reality they would be telling you about "their world." Consciously or not, they would be sharing their perspectives, beliefs, and opinions. Consciously or not, they would be citing the situations, issues, sources, and the evidence that they choose to focus upon, and the resulting situations that they have attracted into their lives.

Their viewpoints, no matter how convincing would not reflect the whole world, but rather a subset of reality that they have focused upon and attracted into their personal experience.

👼 ~ 💗 (Faith and Trust and staying in the Sacred Heart Space, is the answer here) The Great Shift and Awakening (EOL) 💕 ~ |

Source - Judith Kusel

Since 2008 when I literally left my old life behind, and thus was reborn into a totally new life and new beginnings, my higher guidance stressed, time and again, that drastic changes were coming, and that the Old Earth and all the Old systems would disintegrate as the New Earth was born.

This is truly now happening in expanded forms. In coming days, things will get very tumultuous, and indeed great upheavals will happen, and thus what was hidden, will come to the fore. It is inevitable, as the old structures and forms crumble and all which has been hidden will surface.

This is a time, when you need to understand that the highest path and the highest way to navigate through all of this, is WITHIN yourself, and thus not OUTSIDE of yourself. I have said this before and I am repeating this: The only way you will be able to not move into fear mode, and not be pulled into the quagmire, is to raise yourself up from deep within you, with the assistance of the Divine Source and all the cosmic help which is available in expanded and intensive form now.

👩‍⚕️ ~ 💗 (anti-vaxx only takes 4 minutes) You need to watch this (Jeremy Ramsey) 💕 ~ | Blogger: With 35K likes, 33K comments and 78K shares, it can't go wrong... Listen to this incredible courageous american doctor for 4 minutes and you will never be corona-vaccinated... Continue with Dr. Stephen Malthouse, speaking about "cases", face masks, social distancing & the CV19 vaccine... Thanks to ECETI for sharing is caring... |


🤑💸💸 ~ (Money, money, money. Must be funny) DRs generaldirektør scorer endnu en lønforhøjelse : Nærmer sig de 4 millioner i årsløn – Nyhedsbrev fra Journalista.dk ~ | Blogger: [👉De gode nyheder er, at hvis det stod til den danske befolkning blev Danmarks Radio en frivillig betalingskanal. Men politiske partier fra højre til venstre forsvarer statsmediet til sidste blodsdråbe! Socialakrobaterne, har stoppet besparelser på DDR! 82% genudsendelser, fake news og censur👈] ... Hvis du spørger mig på verdensalt.dk, er (DDR) Danmarks Radio, blevet en stat i staten. En lukket statsenhed, hvor lederne slipper afsted med dårlige beslutninger, vennetjenester, millionlønninger og "kreativt bogføring" og ulovligheder. Og lever som konger og baroner på folkets bekostning på Chateau Fontainebleau med Michael Christiansen og Torsten Jansen fra Lead Agency AS venner fra Lockheed Martin og Forsvarsindustrien... Og det kan godt være at Rigspolitiet ikke slipper for granskning og rolle i minkskandalen, men check hvem tidligere afdelingschef i Rigspolitiet Bettina Jensen, tredje øverste i politiledelsen over alle, som favoriserede venner og bekendte ved, at give dem konsulentopgaver for 43 millioner kroner. Den såkaldte 'spirituelle' politikvinde fik også givet den tidligere DDR-boss, Peter Andersen, en vennetjeneste... Et pilrådent system.. |

På Journalista.dk er vi tilbage efter juleferien, hvilket sker med fortællingen om en af de mest omdiskuterede lønninger indenfor det offentlige Danmark. Nemlig den aflønning, som skatteyderne pålægges at betale til DRs generaldirektør Maria Rørbye Rønn.Den historie kan du læse her

🏰🔁🏝️ ~ (White Castle vs. Swamp Creature) Situation Update, Jan. 12, 2021 – Sources FRACTURE on outcome: Is Trump winning at unconventional warfare? (NN) ~ | Blogger: Today, US House advances bill to urge vice president to invoke 25th Amendment despite Pence saying 'NO' and YouTube SUSPENDS Trump’s channel for ‘inciting violence,’ becoming 3rd major platform after Twitter & Facebook to do so (surprise, surprise!)... |

 Massive troop movements, Trump issues FEMA order, were Dems tricked?

Mike Adams

Massive troop movements are under way as 15,000 National Guard troops are converging on DC. But once Trump declares the Insurrection Act, all those troops are instantly federalized and placed under his command.

Trump has signed a FEMA order that describes a massive event about to take place that would harm the population at large. We believe the deep state is threatening Trump with dirty bombs and nukes to be set off in US cities.

See all the highlights and hear today's podcast here.

(Natural News) The CIA clowns who spread deliberate disinformation across the ‘net are doing an outstanding job of pushing noise and confusion. As a result, my sources are have now fractured into split realities, where in one reality Trump has given up and surrendered while in another reality Trump is about to achieve a decisive victory and astonish the world.

In today’s podcast, I discuss both arguments for what’s happening now, and I lay out details on how the US Secret Service tried to set up Alex Jones to be arrested on terrorism charges in D.C.

Most importantly, I discuss whether the troop expansion in DC is actually part of an unconventional warfare strategy being carried out by President Trump and Chris Miller, the Secretary of Defense. If Biden isn’t inaugurated on the 20th, the radical Left will stage an attempted color revolution siege of Washington D.C., but thanks to these maneuvers by Trump and Miller, there are 15,000 troops in place with the support of the Democrats and the media. Perhaps they are being played and don’t yet realize it.

Here are the two Whitehouse.gov documents mentioned in the podcast:[READ MORE]... |