Jul 8, 2021

💨🦆🤦‍♂️🤣 ~ (Waaaatch out! Mettes flying panties!) Palle fangede overraskende motiv med sit kamera: Hvad er det? (BT Videnskab) ~ | Blogger: Pas påååå - Ufoerne fra det ydre rum kommer eller er det støv på linsen? Er det en papirlaterne? En Gummiand? Randrups badebold? Henrik Voldborg's gakket julesweater? En vejballon med vinger? Maria Brus med tamponer? Lars Aslans hat? Thyra Franks BH? Nej, nej, nej... siger en vred, Toke Haunstrup, det er en klassik fejl og simpelthen en filmatisering af Mågerne Kaj og Bøje fra Scandlines på togt på Sønderborg Slot - i slow mo... Endnu mere latterlig er det, at en dansk sladderblad tabolidavis, har en Videnskabsafdeling... SoTW har fulgt SUFOI i mange år og HVER eneste gang, kan de forklare ALT, med simpel (UFO) logik (med al respekt)... Vi må sgu heller ikke noget mere... Sandheden er ... inde i Toke, cand.polyt., ph.d., ekspert i fotoanalyse, Ole og Lars, cand.scient. i zoologi... Vi skulle klage til Poul Thomsen, skulle vi... Det er utroligt, hvad vi skal høre fra såkaldte "eksperter" med fine titler, i disse dage.. Kommerciel censur, der har til formål at beskytte kommercielle interesser... PS: Hvem synes du trænger til et liiille... pusse-løjerlige ting er, at forsvarets afvisningsberedskabet sendte to 16-jagerfly op torsdag, hvilket forårsagede høje brag over dele af Sønderjylland, Øerne og Sjælland, skriver Forsvaret. Vaaar det 1: for at skræmme Russerne væk igen (igen) eller 2: var det vores lille søde UFO-birdy-nam-nam som overraskede Forsvaret? eller 3: var det en superhelt dansk pilot som lavede en 'Birdie'-Tom Cruise, en af de mest berømte luftmanøvrer i filmhistorien fra 'Top Gun'?... "Forsvaret vil ikke oplyse, hvorfor de to fly var på vingerne" - I don't freaking believe it!!!... "These questions — and many others — will be answered in the next episode of Soap."... |


🕛🤑😜 ~ (Only trust the mass media? Here you go! This is NOT a vaccine and will not help you!) 3,800 symptomatic Covid-19 cases among people that were fully vaccinated. Another 4,110 people also contracted the virus after full vaccination. 270 people had to be hospitalized with Covid-19 despite getting all the necessary vaccine doses (RT.com) ~ |



⛱️⚽🚴‍♂️ ~ (Vax-Tabuet: Sig mig hvem du omgås og jeg skal sige dig hvem du er!) 47 kvinder med uregelmæssig mens; vi har kun set toppen af isbjerget! 3,5M danskere har fået første stik! (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: 🤔SJOVT NOK, så snakker INGEN mere om, de ukendte risici for bivirkninger, dødsfald fra genterapi, blødninger, blodpropper, forværret hjertesvigt, hjernebetændelse efter brud på blod-hjerne-barrieren, gravides aborter og EU's VAERS data...🤔SJOVT NOK, så snakker INGEN mere om, "vax-shedding", levende nanoorme i mundbind, smitsomme kæmpestore fodboldmængder eller fakta om 5G og mobilstråling... 🤔SJOVT NOK, så snakker INGEN mere om, den omfattende censur, som er grufuld og et kæmpe anslag mod demokratiet... 🤔SJOVT NOK, så snakker INGEN mere om, Mink-Medico-Metto, der talte dødsangsten op, slagtede 17 million mink og et helt erhverv, betalt-til-at-tie... 🤔SJOVT NOK, så snakker INGEN mere om, de mange selvstændig erhvervsdrivendens problemer og nu står vi med de eksistentielle senfølger, for hvem, gider at snakke om "regningen" og dem, som skal betale for coronakrisen og mange coronadødsfald på plejehjemmene... 🥳Vi gider kun snakke om det, vi bliver glade i låget af; såsom, Kongehusets foldbold gestus til folket, hvor både Kong-Frede og alle-elsker-Mary's donationer, sponsor- og protektorater, promovere vaccinationer. Og ligegyldigt cykelløb, sommer, øl, fis og rockmusik samt argurketiden og glemslen... 😠Og ja, danskerne er sure over, vi tabte til England og vil gøre alt, for at ændre det, med alverdens beskyldninger, fra forfejlede straffespark, brug af laserlys og hvad ved jeg. Tag dig så sammen og vær en MAND/KVINDE - der er LANGT større problemer i DanAndedammen og A-hole Rend-mig-et-sted Thomsen's underliv. Både, Nasar-spadser og Baderingen, burde sættes bag lås og slå, for hvad de har gjort... |





😨😵‍💫 ~ (Vax Attack) They call us "hackable rats" - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer interviewing Whitney Webb (Alternative Media) ~ | Blogger: [👉Google Ventures, Welcome Trust, DARPA Military profits from vector vax Oxford / Astrazeneca. Glaxosmithkline, Gates, Silicon Valley, German Govt, UK, US, Deutsche Bank etc. all invested in mRNA Vaxx, Telemedicine & A.I. Transhumanism. J&J is connected to the military, CIA Ohio & Anthrax Attacks etc. etc.👈] ... MINDBLOWING HOW MANY ARE INVOLVED AND PROFITS!... Thanks to Anne, for sharing, is caring with SoTW... Are you aware of that at least, 55% of Danish news journalists employed by the state? Shocking, with approximately 1,700 journalist in one of the smallest countries in the world, Denmark, are not asking, if our Danish PM and Co. owns stocks in Pfizer or how much money they have pushed into this vaxx-vakko-weirdo Agenda etc... It only takes ONE SINGLE person like Whitney Webb - an awesome investigative journalist, to figure it out who's connected to who and why... There's so much vital information in this video... PS: Whitney in the 27 minute marker also mention (Dark Winter) Anthrax simulation in 2001, the same people who made this simulation (John Hopkins and co.) also briefed Dick Cheney last year, before the Coronavirus, she says... CONCLUSION: The Military is HEAVLY involved for the mRNA gene-therapy vaxx-push, AI-healthcare, is a way to "normalize" Silicon Valley based "precision medicine" aka "socialized medicine" aka Jeffrey Epstein funded "geneticist", George Church - the new Joe Biden DARPA healthcare, around the world - OMG - there's so much info... |


Rumble — Whitney Webb talking to lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, lawyer Viviane Fischer and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg about Jeffrey Epstein relationship to Bill Gates, shareholding governments in the vaccine business, transhumanism, the military engagement in the pandemic and much more.

🕵️‍♂️🦠❄️ ~ (Operation Dark Winter 2001 Johns Hopkins senior-level bio-terrorist smallpox attack simulation) Covid’s dark winter: How bio war-gaming robbed us of our liberty - Dark Winter – pandemiøvelsene som stjal våre rettigheter (Steigan.no) ~ | Blogger: This is a Neville Hodgkinson story, translated into Norwegian by Martin Langvad... PS: (SoTW) Prior to John Hopkins "Event 201", similar Center’s 3 previous exercises - Clade X, Dark Winter, and Atlantic Storm (and more) was all (preparations) for a REAL event!?! The Event 201 pandemic exercise, a (drill) that went LIVE, 6 weeks after, in Wuhan, China. And for people who don't know, "Event 201", was a pandemic exercise, conducted on October 18, 2019. A 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose these recommendations and W.H.O., were their pet-dog (executer). 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise, many others, including Magnus Heunicke (The Social Democratic Party) Minister for Health, was on live zoom call, as he has demonstrated on his twitter profile etc. etc... |

Illustrasjon til øvelse Dark Winter fra Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies


MANY have asked themselves how policies so ineffective and yet damaging to so many people’s lives and liberties could have been put in place so quickly, and seemingly almost on a global basis, in response to the Covid crisis.

Part of the answer has been provided by an investigation by German journalist and author Paul Schreyer. In an hour-long video, he tracks a series of pandemic simulation exercises conducted at the highest level over many years among the most influential industrial nations of the West.

Top officials were ‘primed’ to respond as they did, once the World Health Organisation declared the pandemic spread of a new coronavirus, SARS-COV-2, almost regardless of the nature of the virus or the degree of harm it was likely to cause.

This weakness can be seen as a huge obstacle to rational decision-making. It helps to explain how the views of thousands of doctors, scientists and others who have challenged the official, fear-based approach to the pandemic came to be ignored.


🕉️📰🔮 ~ (World affairs) QuickLines July 7 (by Soren Dreier) ~ | Blogger: Soren Dreier is a Danish philosophical researcher who authors and compiles the hugely popular 'sorendreier.com / zen-haven' website. Also well known for his extra-sensory abilities and has 30 years experience of readings, healing and spiritual guidance​. Soren has appeared in numerous radio and TV Shows (like Jeff Rense) and has traveled the world as a spiritual teacher on seminars and inspirational talks, stunning audiences with his on stage readings and spiritual insight. Soren has studied the mystical field in Greece and present, lives in Andalusia, Spain... |


17 Children Dead, More Than 2000 Suffering From Multi System Inflammatory Syndrome Due To COVID Vaccine

Caitlin Johnstone: The empire depends on psychological compartmentalization

The U.S. Military Is Testing a Pill That Could Delay Aging

Fox News host Tucker Carlson says NSA spies tried to paint him as ‘traitor’ for seeking interview with Putin

Trump Files Lawsuit Against Twitter, Facebook, Google and Their CEOs Zuckerberg, Pichai, Dorsey

Who’s in charge? Most Americans, including nearly a third of Democrats, don’t think Biden’s fulfilling duties of president

Boy Scouts Pay Out Nearly A Billion For 60,000 Sex Abuse Victims And Almost No Arrests Were Made

‘It’s confirmed, it’s true’: Fox News host Tucker Carlson says NSA leaked his emails to journalists

Was Donald Rumsfeld Guilty of ‘Dereliction of Duty’ as Pentagon Chief on 9/11?

Martial Law Declared in Haiti After President’s Assassination

It’s not just bad behavior – why social media design makes it hard to have constructive disagreements online

US government agencies are using facial recognition tech with almost no oversight

Grasshoppers invade western US in largest swarms in 35 years, plaguing farmers and ranchers

Hundreds of songbirds are dying from a mysterious illness

Thousands of Ancient Islamic Tombs Found Mysteriously Arranged in ‘Galactic’ Patterns

Eight Fun Facts About Black Widows

Australia mice plague: How farmers are fighting back

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Moronson’s Prison Island Australia Has No Heart No More


💣💥🔥 ~ (What the Heck Is Going On?) HAARP created Heat-waves. Fiery ship Explosion Dubai & Massive Explosion off Azerbaijan coast, both seen from Space. Canadian & California Wildfires. Massive explosions in China's northern city of Tianjin & Enormous Explosion Rocks Beirut clearing a Cabal DUMB. Florida DEW demolition condo collapse (SoTW) ~ | Blogger: Yes, some of my headlines are speculations and rumors from different sources - but I don't believe in coincidences - do you?... Minutes after "Ever Given" 18,000 container-ship leaves Suez Canal 106 days after getting stuck, a large (Initial reports claim the vessel is an Iranian) ship has exploded while docked in the Jebel Ali port in Dubai. According to HAL Turner Radioshow, there's NO word yet on what may have caused the explosion as much of the port is ablaze at this hour 4:12 PM eastern US time. Word from his sources, a former colleagues of his, in the Intel community: "This is NOT an accident.".. SoTW have asked my Danish shipping CEO-friend in Thailand about the explosion, perhaps, he has some ideas, but I doubt it; - the (staged) "upcoming food & product shortages" is soon, a reality, many people are speculating... Stay tuned... |

