Dec 3, 2023

🙏 ~ 💝 (JEWS Everywhere!) Today's Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos ~ Dec 3, 2023 ~ |

Wait for it!....


Editor's Note: Jews (Ashkenazi Zionists - Jewish Kabbalahwho's also happened to be running the world. How George Soros funds anti-semitism. Rothschild created Israel. CIA and Mossad controls Hamas by the Zionist formula: Grooming the leadership... |

👁️⃤𓂀🎄😛🤦‍♂️ (Det Danmark du burde genkende. Endnu en "Panicdemic" på vej?) Her, hvor depression, død, mobberi og sladder kan ødelægge menneskers liv, bliver det genfødt, hos massemedier og tabloidpressen. Som igen, tjener penge ind til deres sponsorer, som kan være alt fra staten til den medicinske mafia, styret af frimureriet a.k.a. Kabbalah-Ashkenaziske jøder (zionister). ’Diamantfamiliens’ daling, Elvira Pitzner, varetægtsfængslet for utroskab? Og clickbait hungrende iøjnefaldende titler og sensationelle overskrifter i massemedierne, tjener millioner af bling-bling FIAT petrodollars. ~ 3. December 2023 ~ |

Elvira Pitzner anholdt og afhørt i Dubai
Medie: Elvira Pitzner løsladt i Dubai

Editor's Note: KillSh0ts (eller Placebo) fra HPV-vax og Corona-vax skader er et tabu og det må aldrig komme frem... SoTW er en researcher og noget at det jeg sagde i 2018 var, at HPV-vaccinen, var en teknologisk overlegen på mange måder ligner COVID-19-vaccinerne og her sidder tidligere læge Stig Gerdes og siger det samme og jeg citerer; 📑"Jeg tror, det er selvfølgelig ikke noget jeg ved, at HPV-vaccinen er en forløber til COVID"📑... Ikke nok med, at børn og unge sniffer lightergas, ryger e-cigaretter, spiser snus, drikker sig i hegnet med alkohol, eller misbrug af opioider.... 
Først var det mystisk polio-lignende sygdom og senere, mystisk leverbetændelse. Så kom SARS-CoV-2-infektion hos børn. Derefter, blev man overraskende over høj dødelighed blandt unge type 1-diabetikere. Ind imellem kom RS-virusinfektion.... Lige nu råber verdens "bedste" sundheds- og altdominerende WHO den 22. november vagt i gevær med en officiel udmelding på det sociale medie X, hvor de bad Kina om at give detaljeret information om situationen. Som en steppebrand er "sygdommen" nået til Holland, Danmark og nu også, USA.... Giver det dig og mig en anledning til en ubehagelig deja-vu-følelse?... |

👬💫🙈 ("Both Xi and Biden were Doubles - Nibiru can no longer be denied") SKYFIRE PREDICTED [Bush administration warned Heads of State worldwide in 2003 that Nibiru had entered the inner Solar System]. SAN FRANCISCO SHOW [SF cleaned up several well-known homeless encampments ahead of China's Xi Jinping's visit]. PREPPING ADVICE [Unless one lives in a Third World country, living in a grass hut and herding goats and planting corn, there will be lifestyle changes after the crustal shift and Pole Shift caused by the passage of Nibiru] ~ Dec 3, 2023 ~ |


SkyFire Predicted

Heads of State and the wealthy elite had been braced for Nibiru visibility since 2003 when the Bush Administration informed them that Nibiru had arrived in the inner solar system. By tracking the trajectory of Nibiru, NASA estimated that it would be visible to those on Earth by early 2021. This increased visibility did indeed occur, and a Pole Shift ning blog was established to track this visibility. By September 2021 the Godfather of Nibiru photos, Alberto, provided an example.

ZetaTalk Prediction 9/20/2020: We have stated that the Bush administration warned Heads of State worldwide in 2003 that Nibiru had entered the inner Solar System, and subsequent updates to these Heads of State have pinpointed the date when Nibiru will be visible to the populace as around January, 2021. It is clear that the establishment is frozen in fear, else the public would have been informed by now. The public will eventually learn that Nibiru is real, present, and if history is any guide, will pass by the Earth with devastating consequences. How will the public react? The establishment would like the public to remain ignorant for as long as possible. This will be assisted by denying the existence of Nibiru, then denying that it is in the inner Solar System, then denying that a passage will result, and finally denying that a passage will cause any devastation to the Earth. This approach has already been in operation.

ZetaTalk Comment 9/30/2021: This dramatic photo capture by Alberto shows what the people of Earth will soon be seeing regularly. We have referred to Nibiru as the Nibiru Complex because it presents many parts, all of them visible in this photo shot. There is the corpus of Nibiru in the center, a distinct orb that casts a shadow on the shade side. Then there is the Double Helix of the dominant moons on either side, twisting in this photo into a dark swirl of Petrol. A long String of Pearls is on the outer side of this complex, enclosed in burning Petrol so it casts a light down on Nibiru. Nibiru can no longer be denied.

Also in 2021 Petrol displays increased, with some dramatic captures on film. Drifting and burning Petrol was soon categorized into large Petrol blobs and small, with some of this burning Petrol starting ground fires. Still, denial in the media endured.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 3/31/2021: As could be seen from the number of Petrol Bubbles descending through the atmosphere, while afire, it was inevitable that ground fires would be started by this route. Wildfires are nothing new, but with the increase and severity of drought this will be problematic in some locations. We have stated that the Pole Shift fires will burn all the forests, which will then regrow from seed. The Earth will become green again. But in the meantime, the firemen will be busy.

⏰🎈🔮 (Distraction Alert Scam? Hunter Biden Impeachment Probe = The Final Countdown? No Med-Bed in 2023 but Balloons) LIVE: Q CLOCK - LOOK TO THE SKY AGAIN... ~ Dec 3, 2023 ~ |